Super Hero Coaltion: My Big Fat Superhero Wedding
Google Man and Wiki Girl are getting married ! It's a gargantuan
gala, black tie affair and many celebs will attend but not without a
little trouble from Crawford Hitch, a jaded super villain who's
ability is to illicit odium wherever he goes.
Man: (aka Lloyd Barger, leader of SHC)
Baby: (aka Frank Childs)
Law: (aka 'Melee May' Hershey)
Berry: (aka Saffron Dawn)
(aka Nate Short)
(aka Richard Kruller)
(aka Kendra Stout)
Man: (aka Hendricks 'Henry' Petrovich)
Girl: (Fiona James)
Pursuit: (Holland Oates)
One: (Mira Hinamatsu)
Macaroni: (aka Anthony Corleone)
(aka Herodias Goldblum)
(aka Charlie 'Chuck' Sand)
(aka Gorgophone Stamos)
Cocktail: (Eugene Malinokov)
Trick: (Laverna Oppenheimer)
Left Feet: (Daemon Zapatos)
Dot: (Myrtle Groll)
(and to be reformed, eventually)
Hitch (aka Odium)
Harfortshire 'Ford' Bates:
'Amy' Bates:
Bates: (daughter)
Marie Bates: (Daisy's sister)
Bates: (youngest sister)
Marissa Cho:
1—A Festive Occasion
Are you nervous, Hendricks ?
Nate, I'm petrified. Fiona is everything I have wanted and more.
I just can't help thinking that my old nemesis, Crawford Hitch is out
there, plotting, developing some half-assed cockamamie scheme to make
this special day an utter disaster.
Who's Crawford Hitch ?
(incredulously) Crawford Hitch ! Crawford Hitch ?! Well (pauses)
I'll tell you. (flashback) Before I became a member of this
illustrious institution, Hitch and I were best buds. We did
everything together. Man, we were practically bros,
dude. Then it went all terribly wrong. The girl he loved
fell in love with yours truly. Hey, what can I say ? Good taste.
Crawford already had the ability to turn people against each other.
It was innate within him. All he had to do was look at someone a
certain way or snap his fingers, and people would be strangling each
other. He just worked on humans destrada and inability to accept
anything other than the self and multiplied their self-preservation
to work for him. He
became Odium that day.
Frank: Odium ! Good gravy,
man ! He's one of the worst super villains known to human kind !
The guy is A-one assholery ! No offense. I know you guys were
once bros at one time.
Hendricks: That we were,
Frank. Jealousy does strange things to a man. Odium went his way,
and eventually he was caught by the authorities. John Law couldn't
hold him for long though. I just have a really terrible inkling that
he might've busted out of the joint.
Lloyd: You mean where we've
been stowing other high profile ne'er do wells ?
Hendricks: That's the joint,
Lloyd: Well, crisp my hide and
call me bacon. This can't be good.
Frank: No duh, Sherlock.
Richard: Let's not entertain
Henry's dark nightmare. It's a happy, jocular occasion. Let's
just sit back and enjoy the festivities. I myself wish I had sonic
hearing. I'd love to hear what our pretty little birds are chatting
(Fairly soon Mendelssohn's
Wedding March plays, followed by Murphy singing Ave Maria, which is
nothing but pure angelic beatific overtones sending the room into
happy tears and sighs of elation.)
Henry: (straightening bow tie)
This is it, fellows. Moment of truth. (inhales and exhales deeply)
(They follow him down the
aisle, and a string sextet heralds them in with Jesu, Joy of Man's
Desiring. Henry can't keep his eyes off his resplendent bride. In
the audience though, is Odium, brimming with dark hatred, resentment
and envy. The obscurity overcomes him.)
Clergyman: Do you Mr.
Petrovich, take Ms. James to be your lawfully wedded wife ?
Googleman: (flirtatiously) You
bet your sweet bippy I do.
(This elicits snickers from the
Clergyman: And do you, Ms.
James, take this man...
Odium: (rising up, swirling
with malevolent energy) Not one more word ! Not one more step !
(passes gazes upon them and
Googleman falls prey to the malevolent stare)
Henry: The wedding's off. I
can't even look at you ! (he storms down the aisle) He looks at the
other members of the congregation and they are hypnotized into
fighting with each other, except Murphy and Saffron.)
Murphy: I suppose only the
wiles of a child are immune to hatred. Hopefully I'll see if I can
snap everyone out of their murderous rages. (Loudly) Hey ! HEY,
(Everyone stops short of
strangling each other to death)
Nate: (waking up) What just
happened ? Why am I trying to murder Hendricks ?
Henry: I don't know why but I
felt so much rage earlier. (irate) I should've barred the church
doors. Now Fiona's gone !
Kendra: Hey, it'll be ok.
We'll find her.
Frank: We can stop him !
Lloyd: After what he did to
us, Frank ? We'll kill each other !
Murphy: Maybe you can't but I
can !
Saffron: Come to think of it,
I wasn't effected by Odium's power either. I can go with you. That
way you don't have to fight alone, Murphy.
Henry: It'll be dangerous.
Saffron/Murphy: We know.
Saffron: We can handle it.
We're big girls.
Henry: Get my Fiona back for
Saffron/Murphy: (confidently, with resolve and bounce) We'll do our best.
(Meanwhile as our heroes try to
occupy themselves with board games and it helps somewhat, but Henry
is still a bundle and bungle of raw nerves.)
Scene 2—My Powers Are
Useless !
Odium: So now, you can come
and be with me, Fiona. We can go elope !
Wikigirl: You'd do that for
me, Crawford ? You're so thoughtful.
Odium: Well I've loved you
longer than Henry has. It's only right I should be the one who wins
your hand in holy matrimony, elopement or non.
Saffron: Not if we have
anything to say about it.
WikiGirl: (snapping out of her
trance) Yogi ! Murphy ! What...Where am I ? Who is this little
creep ?
Odium: (getting irate) Oh,
you're about to get beat down, ladies. I don't care if you ARE
women, I'm kicking both your butts !
Murphy: Seriously ? You're
dealing with Murphy's Law, bitch !
Saffron: Murphy ! Language !
Murphy: Sorry, I only use
salty grammar when I'm mad !
Odium: (he unleashes fury upon
them but loses, getting hit by all the catastrophe that misses
Murphy. Yogi just dazzles him with flexibility, and his mind
wanders, despite himself) Damn it ! Stop...Don't do that. Oh,
wow. You really are flexible. Hubba hubba.
Saffron: So not only a creep,
stalker and obsessed loony but also a pervert.
Odium: Fine. You won. Fair
and square. You can have your dumb family member back now.
Continue as promised. Let me die in obscurity.
Murphy: You are one morbid
fellow. Have you ever considered counseling ?
Odium: (sitting down and the
two ladies join him, sitting next to him) Not really. I've just
always been (balls up fists and exclaims in rage) so angry !
(The police soon come and take
Odium in for processing)
Saffron: I can help you overcome that anger. Here's my card. Give me a call when you're ready.
Odium: (a softness is seen in
his eyes, a genuine regret for what he's done) I think I will.
Thank you, both of you. And, Fiona. I'm sorry. I was wrong.
Fiona: At least you're man
enough to admit that. I forgive you.
Odium: (for the first time in
his life, tears roll down his cheeks)
(Scene shift)
Scene 3—Where Were We ?
Hendricks: (narrating) The
ladies had sustained no damage. Odium was processed in a court of
law for hostage taking. His ability, that darkness within him, I
and my team watched it as it began to melt away. Saffron began to
work with him and teach him meditation and how to manage anger in a
positive way. His ability to create hatred between others developed
into charisma, charm, love, motivation and hope. Strangely, the man
I always knew resurfaced. He became what he truly wanted to be; a
motivational speaker. As for me, I got to marry the woman of my
dreams. Never once have I looked back. Now we're in Maui, living
it up.
Fiona: Don't you think the
others would've enjoyed going with us ?
Hendricks: I hope you're being
facetious, Fiona. This is our honeymoon after all.
Fiona: (laughing heartily) Ah,
yes. You know me all too well. How are the others doing ? The
Coalition keeps growing, it seems. Who knows, Crawford might join
our ranks.
Hendricks: He always mentioned
he wanted to be a superhero like me. I personally think he has a
thing for Saffron.
Fiona: Saffron's gorgeous, why
wouldn't he ?
(They laugh)
Hendricks: Now where were we ?
(A remix of Sexual Healing
plays in the background as they go off to a private beach somewhere
to make love.)
(Meanwhile, Back At HQ appears
on screen)
Saffron: (surprised) Ah,
Crawford ! I didn't know you were coming today.
Crawford: I wanted to surprise
Saffron: I'm definitely
surprised. We had no session today, so what's the occasion ?
Crawford: I'm a legally free
man, working in my dream job and it is thanks to you and the Super
Hero Coalition.
Frank: (thumbs up) Just doin'
our job, there, buckaroo !
Murphy: It's part of our pay
grade. We can't be saving the day constantly, so counseling is one
of our side jobs.
Sad to say, Saffron is the only qualified psychiatrist in the room.
Sad to say, Saffron is the only qualified psychiatrist in the room.
Saffron: Guilty as charged.
(They're all watching, being a bit nosy, and maybe even a little rude !)
Saffron: Guys, a little
privacy !
Lloyd: (smirking) Heh, sorry
about that. We're just looking out for you, ya know.
Saffron: Don't be butt-inskis
Richard: With nothing else
going on, you two are our entertainment.
Saffron: I've got a bit of an
idea. All of you check the Vi-Scan and see if there are any
charitable events going on. I'm certain any one of those could use
a superhero as inspiration.
Nate: That's absolute genius,
(They all go into the opposite
room to the MTAC room and soon are heard speeding away in their
vehicles to help the indigent/less fortunate.)
Crawford: I'm a changed man !
(chortles in spite of himself) Total 180 degree turn !
Saffron: I've noticed. You were the one truly responsible though.
Crawford: But you gave
me the push I needed. (comes up to her and kisses her passionately)
Saffron: Oh, Crawford, I didn't know you cared.
Crawford: (sings I've Got You
Under My Skin and starts to dance with her) So, what say we blow
this lame pop stand and paint the town red ?
Saffron: I'd like that. The
team can handle a bit of charity work without yours truly, I believe.
Crawford: (in the style of
Curly) Cointenly ! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.
(She laughs, heartily)
Lloyd: (while he and his
friends are cheering up pediatric cancer patients) We all knew it to
be inevitable and within the realm of possibilities for Crawford to
actually have a human heart underneath all the prickly darkness he
harnessed like a cloak. He had transformed though. Funny to think
now, he asked me if I would induct him into our intrepid band.
Overlooking past grievances, I thought, 'Definitely. This is a hero
in the making'. So, we thought of a new name to suit his talent.
From then on, he was called Captain Charisma and he became our second
self-help guru. We were pleased with the addition. Saffron and
Henry were able to participate in the official ceremony. We're
still celebrating even after all that. The time will come for us to
face another villain, but for now, we're partying like it's 1999.
No regrets !
(They dance to September. The
credits roll to snapshots of the crew dancing around and passing
Crawford around the room with a gleeful look on his face. There's a
shot of the two of them making out in a corner, caught red handed.
Murphy is pointing an accusatory finger at Frank, who looks innocent.
Can't Stop the Feeling plays, followed by Party Rock and I've Got a
Feeling. Inspiration for this comes from my dream to marry my other
half, whom I know is coming into my life as I pen these words to
paper. I have set my course, my destiny is in my hands. Knowing
this, I sail on, seeing my pathway is crystal clear.)
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