Sub Santa
An original idea from TTR. Daniel Levi adores Christmas so much
that he becomes the Jewish Santa. Every year he delivers, especially
funny quips when kids catch him bringing in goodies. With his
brother Marion taken ill, however, he rushes to his side and the real
Santa takes an interest wondering what happened to people's belief of
why Santa isn't showing up around Hanukkah.
St. Nicholas:
Mrs. Claire Nicolas:
Buddy Nicholas:
Daniel Levi:
Naomi Levi:
Avi Levi:
Hadessa Levi: (Naomi's mom)
Marion Levi:
Janet Levi: (Marion's wife)
Brianna Levi: (their daughter)
Donna Estelle: (Dan's love
Tess Estelle: (Donna's mom)
Fred Estelle: (Donna's dad)
Jingle: (elf, male)
Jangle: (elf, male)
Frostbite: (elf, male)
Holly: (elf, female)
Snowflake: (elf, female)
Ivy: (elf, female)
Icicle: (elf, male)
Tinsel: (elf, female)
Scene 1—Sending Cheer to All
He Knows
Marion: Dan, why are you in
such a rush ?
Dan: I know, Marion, I KNOW !
I'm like this every year, remember ?
Marion: Sure, but I just don't
get it.
Naomi: You and everyone else
in this family, hon.
(They laugh)
Avi: You and your kafekta
holiday ! I mean, Christmas ! Why ?
Dan: We celebrate Hanukkah
too, but I have to do something for kids who are less fortunate. I
always felt bad for those sweeties who had nothing for Hanukkah.
Their parents couldn't afford it. So, here I am, Sub Santa.
Sub Santa ? You mean, after the first Santa who spread cheer
worldwide to everyone
during the holidays ? ALL Holidays. Not just Hanukkah, but
Christmas, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, Ramadan and Epiphany ?
Dan: The very same. Wouldn't
you know it, grandma, that Sub Santa was in fact, Moshe, grand pop
himself !
That's totally meshuggenah. There's no way. Santa is immortal,
and my Moshe's been gone for 7 years now.
Dan: True, yes. The first Sub
Santa, though, he was also a Moshe. He was a helper to the Big Man
himself. He always felt sad for kids during the Festival of Lights.
He wanted to make it memorable. So not only did he give them gifts
and lessons to become truly exceptional people, he gave them shtick
Hadessa: Yes, that definitely
sounds like many times great grandpa Moshe.
Naomi: How do you know so much
about my great grandfather ?
Dan: (wriggles eyebrows) I did
some research. Got myself on He lived to be a ripe
old age, 300 in fact.
Avi: (spits out coffee) Get
outta town with that ! Only people in the Biblical era...No...way...
Dan: Yes way, abba. You knew
he was from the Holy Land. He was, in fact, a rabbi.
Avi: I know on Earth
? No one lives that long these days.
Dan: Spice, exercise,
laughter, and the power of belief. That is why once I found his
journals years ago...
Naomi: To think I thought
those were lost !
Dan: No, just worn and
tattered but...(pats them off, coughs) still good. I have the
bloodline. I'm built for this. I can't stand around chattering
though. Children are counting on me this year.
Marion: Be careful, you big
Avi: Hag shemehak !
Dan: Hag shemehak !
(Dan goes out spreading
Hanukkah cheer to all people, not really caring of where they are
from, walk of life or even if they're actually devout. Hava Nagila
plays in the background and he makes it home to a hot dinner,
Naomi: We just got this warmed
Dan: Thank heaven. I'm
famished. (shivers)
Avi: Sit down, tell us what it
was like.
Marion: Does the suit give you
any abilities ?
Dan: I think it actually gives
me more adrenaline. Still I'm a man in a red Santa suit, and I don't
have the body or build for it, but no one seems to matter. I keep
the true spirit of the Holidays alive and well.
Bri: Ah, uncle Dan, that's so
sweet !
Janet: That's Dan in a
Dan: Speaking of which, Jan.
I got nuts...for everyone !
Avi: I thought that joke was
going to go south quickly.
Bri: Hey, you know Dan.
Dan: (gives each of the family
members a gift) Remember, we've got 7 more insane nights of this,
and I will deliver, guaranteed.
All (except Dan) We know !
We know !
('The Hanukkah Song' plays in
the background as Dan makes everyone's wishes come true.)
Dan: (narrating) The
flickering light of the menorah's glow made me feel warm, toasty, and
loved. Just the whole act of sharing my good fortune was enough to
keep me warm until next Hanukkah came. I felt I had hit my stride,
even at the young age of 37. Then, the unexpected came.
(Scene shift)
Scene 2—It's Only Cancer, What's the Worst That Could Happen ?
Dan: (Whistling an upbeat
version of 'Up On the Housetop') It's that time of year again, angel
Donna: (hugs him, trying not
to cry)
Dan: Donna, what's wrong ?
It's not like you to be upset over the holidays. What's up ?
Donna: I got a call from your
parents. Marion has cancer and it doesn't look good.
Dan: (in denial, laughs
forcefully) Baloney. Marion is fit as a fiddle. Why am I the last
to know about this ?
Donna: You were so, pardon the
pun, wrapped up in being Sub Santa again that you failed to notice
Marion's state.
Dan: (trying not to get too
emotional) Do the doctors know anything ?
Donna: It's pancreatic. It
doesn't look promising, but they've got him on pain killers. At
least it won't be too agonizing.
Dan: (finally loses his cool)
Damn it. Damn it all to fucking hell ! (bangs on the wall) I
should've been more attentive... (starts crying uncontrollably)
Donna: None of us planned on
this happening. It just did. The least we can do is actually go
and see him.
Dan: That's why you're my gal.
You're the smartest person in the room !
(They head to the hospital, and
the whole family is there. Dan has a gift for him, it's a box of
chocolates, all caramels, his favorite.)
Marion: Thanks, bro. You remembered.
Dan: I would've been here
Marion: I would've understood
that. Being Sub Santa is important too. You've got so many people
counting on you.
Dan: Screw that. I have to
worry about your well being right now.
Marion: (lackadaisically) So it's cancer ! So what ! What's the worst that can happen ?
Avi: That's the spirit, son.
(He does his best to hold it together. It's a brave front, but they
all know Marion doesn't look so good and his prognosis is even
Dan: (narrating) In my
excitement for prepping for the holidays, I neglected my emails.
Marion, my only brother, only had days left before he died. He
waited until the holidays were through to leave us, but the blow left
us considerably hollow.
Scene 3—Time Heals All Wounds
Tess: I'm so pleased we could
be with you in your time of need. We wouldn't want it any other way,
but I wish the circumstances would've been better.
Dan: (weeping) Why did he have
to have that freaking recessive gene. Why ? God, why couldn't you
have taken me ! He had a full life ahead of him ?! He was my best
friend !
Frank: (holding him from the
side) I know, we miss him too. He would've wanted us to remember
him for his zaniness and spontaneity.
Hadessa: I made fudge in his
honor. It's got caramel on the inside. Even during the worst of
it, he was tough but incredibly sweet no matter what. He had that
durable Levi fighting spirit.
Avi: Darned right. We've
started a fund to help other pancreatic cancer patients to find a
cure. He might be the catalyst they need.
Naomi: So glad he decided to
give his organs to science. My brave little boy. (she gets a little
overklempt) I'm sorry.
Avi: Don't be, Naomi love.
Time will heal our wounds. For now though, we just need to mourn.
Donna: This is a lovely little
gathering. I'm certain Marion would've approved.
(The menorahs suddenly are
snuffed out)
Hadessa: Looks like he's still
here too. That little trickster. Good one, Mari.
(They laugh)
Dan: (narrating) Normal people
would've flipped the ever loving flub out and fled. We weren't that
type. We were already tetched in the head as it was. It was just
Marion telling us, 'Hey, dopes, I'm ok ! Don't mourn too long, I'm
having a freakin' party up here, woot woot ! What what !'.
Needless to say, it was the best and funniest Shiva I had ever sat.
However, after losing my brother, Sub Santa just stopped showing up
altogether. I just wasn't feelin' the holiday spirit. Who could
blame me ?
(Scene shift)
Scene 4—8 Christmases Later
Avi: (Noticing that Dan seems
to be avoiding the holiday deliberately) Hey, Dan. Aren't you going
to be spreading holiday cheer this year ?
Dan: Abba, I gave that up a
long time ago. It was getting all immersed in the holidays that
separated me from all of you. I'm a married man, pop. I've got a
baby on the way this January.
Naomi: Have you thought of a
name yet ?
Donna: We were thinking Rachel
after our favorite Torah heroine.
Hadessa: It's a perfect name
really. We can't wait to spoil the little cookie.
(Meanwhile in Santa's workshop)
St. Nicolas: Tinsel, Jingle,
Jangle, Icicle, Ivy, Frostbite, Holly, Snowflake. Do any of you know
why Daniel Levi isn't passing out presents like he usually does ?
Sadly, I've lost track. I've been busier than ever this year.
Tinsel: The other elves and I
noticed that his brother died 8 years ago. He felt guilt about that
and has distanced himself from holidays altogether.
Claire: Anyone want milk and
cookies ? Thought we could all use a little respite.
Nicolas: Thank you, Claire.
Where's Buddy ?
Claire: Tying up final details
before your departure. It's not even Christmas, though.
Jingle: I think I know where
he's going, Claire.
Frostbite: If we know Nick,
and we do. He's going to make a special visit to Daniel.
Claire: I can see why, he's
such a good, pleasant young man.
Snowflake: Maybe he can
convince him to don the robe of Sub Santa again ?
Icicle: (points to the belief
meter) I certainly hope so. Nick's sleigh runs off belief and our
score is so dangerously low this year, I don't know if it can run on
preliminary power.
Jangle: I've gotten the sleigh
prepped enough, and it has more than plenty reserve fuel. He can
circle the globe 50 times if need be.
Ivy: Isn't that a bit extreme,
Jangle ?
Jangle: No. It's Christmas.
We elves do it right.
Other elves: Yeah ! Preach it
Jangle !
Nick: I'll be back. Christmas
is only a few days away. Don't worry about me, ok ?
Claire: If I didn't worry
about you it wouldn't make me a good wife and mother. (kisses his
cheek) Be careful, Nick.
Nick: (turns Claire around
and dips her into a passionate kiss) You know I will be, my
Christmas star. (he puts his finger aside his nose and disappears)
Claire: I still need to ask him
how on earth he does that !
Holly: Alright, cookie and
milk break is over. Let's whistle while we work !
(They whistle 'Jolly Old St.
Nicolas' as they fashion toys, clothes, video games and other
delights for children and adults alike this year.)
Scene 5—A Heartfelt Chat with
Jolly Ol' St. Nick
(Nick appears magically in
Dan's den. Dan hears someone and instinctively grabs his bat.)
Dan: I have a Louisville
slugger. I'm not afraid to use it. State your business or I start
Nick: (puts his finger aside
his nose and the lights turn on) There, that's better. Sorry for
the intrusion but I felt no better way to speak to you than this.
Dan: I'll forgive the unlawful
possible B&E because you are the Jolly Elf himself.
did you...When did you...
Nick: Now, now. So many
questions for ol' Santa to consider. Sit next to me, we'll chat.
Dan: (sitting next to him on
the couch) I'm sitting next to Father Christmas. This is AWESOME !
(drops bat next to him) Sorry for the bat, Santa.
Nick: Nick'll be fine. I
know all about you, Dan. I lost track of you some years ago after
Marion died though.
Dan: Wait, you know of us
too ?
Nick: I really do know about
the whole world. Sub Santa though, really helped the industry.
You kept the spirit of the season alive.
Dan: I'm sorry. After Marion
died, I felt a part of me also perished. It was wrong, selfish of
me even. I foolishly thought Christmas was stealing Marion from me.
It was my own fault.
Nick: (pats his shoulder)
No, it never was. You know, the original Moshe had an issue like
this as well. You Levi's are always so dedicated, loyal and
resilient. It's why you were chosen for the job. Joy becomes you
and it's contagious !
Dan: I ruined that. 8 years,
I've disappointed everyone. (heavy sigh, tries not to cry, but is
overcome) How am I going to make that up ? Christmas and Hanukkah
aren't that far away.
Nick: That's what I've come to
tell you. There's still time. (he gestures his head to indicate the
festive robe hanging on a hook, a bit musty and dusty looking)
Dan: It's seen better days.
I haven't had time to get it dry cleaned.
Nick: Oh, that's easy peasy,
hella breezy. (snaps finger)
(It transforms into something
spectacular, think Ghost of Christmas Present in A Christmas Carol)
Dan: This is
Nick: Will you reconsider ?
You, your grandfather, your many times great grandfather, all of
them. They were phenomenal. They really encapsulated what the
spirit of Christmas and the holidays are all about. It transcends
tradition or creed. You deserve the mantle more than any man I've
ever met.
Dan: (touched) That's lofty
praise, especially coming from the embodiment of Christmas itself.
Thank you. (stands up, boldly) Alright. I will become Sub Santa
again. Marion would've wanted it this way.
Nick: Yes, he would have. I
knew Marion, too. Cheeky little guy, full of life, even until the
end. You Levis give me faith in humanity.
Dan: Appreciated. I'm sure
you have other work to accomplish. I don't want to keep you. Would
you like a latke though ?
Nick: Oh, heavens yes. Those
are so sinfully good. It's a pity you only have them during
(Dan serves Nick a latke with
some soft red wine.)
Nick: Oh that is tremendous.
Thank you for your hospitality.
Dan: Anytime, Nick. (still
fanboying about Santa) So cool !
Nick: Take care, Dan. Say
hi to the wife for me.
Dan: Sure will. (narrating) It was a flippin' Christmas miracle if I ever saw one. I had always believed in the Big Man himself but there he had been, snarfing down a latke and sipping a nip of wine. It was kick ass ! I couldn't dwell on the overwhelming joy I felt. Leaving my wife a note, I donned my newly refurbished robe and donned my wig, complete with payes. Off into the night I go once again !
(A new version of 'Here Comes
Santa Claus' palys while Dan makes everyone happy. He appears at a
young Jewish kid's home.)
Mavin: (raised eyebrow) Santa
? (takes off glasses) Am I seeing things ?
Dan: You most certainly
aren't. I brought you something.
Mavin: I didn't ask though.
'Sides I know that mom and dad are the ones that give me gifts every
Dan: You forgot about me
Mavin: (pulls beard, and it
doesn't come off)
Dan: Hey ! That stings.
Mavin: Good gravy, you are
Dan: Yeah, maybe you should
listen to what your parents say more often, too.
Mavin: (stutters) Sure !
(impressed) So, what did you get me ?
Dan: (hands her a big box) Go
ahead, open it.
Mavin: (rips it open) An Xbox
One ! You ROCK ! (hugs him) And all my favorite games. How did
you know ?
Dan: (touches the side of his
nose) Santa has his secrets.
Mavin: Where are you going ?
Dan: I've got other houses to
hit up.
Mavin: Have a cookie. Mom
made these especially.
Dan: Oh, sweeeeet ! They're
Stars of David, how clever. (bites into it) Oh, HEAVEN. This is
everything and more. Thank you, Mavin.
Mavin: Wait. (watching him
leave) How did you know my name ?
Dan: (Shrugging as he putters
away on a Vespa bedecked with LED Christmas lights and lit up Stars
of David, to himself) How did I know her name ? Years before
I never knew anyone's name...unless, Santa gave me the ability
to...NICE one, Nick !
(comes home after a long run,
Donna is waiting for him.)
Donna: There's the guy I fell
in love with ! (She rushes toward him and kisses him) Where have
you been ?
Dan: (kisses her back, just as
passionately) Seems I was in there all along. I just needed a
little reminder.
Donna: (stroking his hair as
soon as he takes off the hat, wig and beard) It's good to have you
back, Dan.
Dan: (narrating) Oh, yeah. I was back at full force. I could almost hear Marion bellowing, 'Where were you ?' from wherever he was in Heaven. I continued to spread cheer until the holidays had come to a close. It was hard work, but well worth the return for both parties involved. Even after the glow of the holidays, I had something even better to look forward to, and that was Rachel's birth. She was born completely healthy, 10 fingers and 10 toes, rosy cheeked, hale and hearty. She had quite the set of pipes on her. Something told me that she might be the first female Sub Santa. The Christmas spirit doesn't discriminate. It simply chooses the best vessel to represent it. She had that glow about her and a giggle that no one could deny. Even the grumpiest of souls, when they saw Rachel's round little face, couldn't help but chuckle. Indeed, the Levi spirit was strong within her, and she wouldn't be alone in the world for long. After about 9 more holidays, Marion was born, and the two became inseparable. My life was more complete than it had ever been. As the days became months, they only improved. I realized that the present, indeed, as cliched as it sounds, was the most precious gift anyone could ever desire. Sharing that, even its most simplistic form of kindness, was what brightened up every moment and was a gentle reminder that even after all the glitter is gone, the light of the holidays still live on in our hearts and actions.
(We hear a new remix of 'The
Cup Song' while we see Dan, Donna and their little children playing
many years from their entry into the world, savoring Chinese New Year
and enjoying the snow. Although it is cold outside, there is such an
impressive warmth of this family tableau. To TTR who inspired this
script, I owe it to you and your love. You've gotten me through the
hardest time of my life. God bless you and your incredible golden
heart. I love you.)
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