Guru Takes a Respite

Synopsis: Mentor/adviser to many people far and wide, Aisha Burrows decides to get away from it all. She unexpectedly falls for a monk on her travels and instantly feels remorse after they have consummated their love. However, the monk surprises her and tells her 'his pathway has expanded to include her in his journey'.

Aisha Burrows:
Seema Burows: (mom)
Gad Burrows: (dad)
Elijah Burrows: (grandpa)
Ophelia Fields: (Aisha's best friend)
Julian Ling: (love interest)
Mai Ling: (Julian's mom)
Wei Ling: (Julian's dad)
Linda Ling: (Julian's grandmother)

'You're reassuring , Yesung !'--Yesung's father
Your face is reassuring !'--another one of the convicts in cell 7, Miracle in Cell 7

Scene 1—Heading to Tibet

Ophelia: (coming in to visit Aisha, noticing how efficient her baggage is, even the elaborate arrangement for evening gowns in garment bags by themselves) Aisha, where are you heading ? Why all the suitcases ?

Aisha: (a bit chagrined) Ophelia, I'm really sorry. I should've told someone before I just packed my bags. My flight to Tibet's leaving in a few days. You'll take care of Rafi, right ?

Ophelia: That scroungy mutt ? Oh yeah, he loves me.

Seema: (overhearing) What's this I hear about my only daughter leaving to Tibet ?

Gad: (at last waking up) Why am I always the last to know these things ?

Seema: Gad, neither one of us knew. We're both recently informed. So, little missy. What's with this trip to Tibet all out of the blue, then ?

Aisha: Mom, papa, you know I love it here, I adore my job but I need to get away. Everyone's always asking for my advice and half of the time they realize the problem can be solved by themselves rather than any suggestion I have given them.

Gad: Why so far though ? You could've had a stay-cation.

Aisha: (arm around her dad, tousling his hair) My clients would've found me. That's why I am keeping this as hush hush as I possibly can. Not the best policy I realize. I'm being horridly selfish.

Ophelia: Maybe, but you need this break. You haven't been getting much sleep as of late.

Aisha: By the time I come back my little bungalow will be ready to purchase as well.

Seema: Oh, congrats ! (hugs her) Becoming more independent all the time. I just never thought it would happen so soon.

Aisha: I am 28 after all. It's time I started providing for myself.

Gad: You were never a burden to us though. We love your company.

Aisha: You can't hold on to your baby bird forever, dad.

Gad: (getting emotional) I know.

Aisha: (drying his eyes) Everything will be fine. Don't you worry about me. I'm going to be here a couple more days before my flight.

Ophelia: Wanna go to the plant farm ?

Aisha; You can read me like a book !

(They head to the greenhouse, buy their plants and then they start planting everything to Wo Ladhki Hai Lakan)

Seema: You really have an eye for flower arrangement. The colors simply pop !

Gad: Nothing is as beautiful as my own flowers. (gathers them all together for a group hug)

Seema: You smooth talking rogue !

Ophelia: (laughing) Thanks, 'dad'.

Gad: Think nothing of it, my dear.

Aisha: Is that curry I smell ? (inhales deeply) Oh, dear. Mercy me ! It is !

Seema: Thought we'd make you one of your favorite dishes before you left.

Aisha; You guys spoil me, you know.

Gad: It's easy to do when you don't ask for much and are filled to the brim with sweetness and such a golden, kind heart.

Ophelia: I can't wait to dig in !

(They have a huge going away party for Aisha, dancing to the main theme of Dil Chahta Hai.)

Aisha: (narrating) Give my family an excuse to celebrate and boy, they really do. We don't even drink, but we become intoxicated by the rhythm and let it guide us. It was the last dance I would be doing with my family for a while, which made me miss them all the more. I knew, however, that this respite was exactly what I was needing.

(Scene transition, Aisha on the plane, getting snacks and making friends easily, then relaxing to some traditional Indian chants. We quickly transition from her landing in Tibet, getting situated and sleeping for the evening. The next day, wide awake, she is ready for another adventure. She's met by her tour guide, who gives her the history of this sacred place. Along the way, she meets a very outgoing monk, who is incredibly enlightened and at peace.)

Scene 2—Breaking From the Pack

Julian: I see you're off on your own, away from the group.

Aisha: I wanted to see some more of the beauty of this place for myself.

Julian: Plenty of it to go around. I could give you a private tour, if you wished.

Aisha: That sounds a little perverted. (laughs) I'm Aisha Burrows. Namaste ! How about you ?

Julian: Namaste, likewise, sweet one. I'm Julian Ling. I'm a monk, as if you couldn't tell from the clothing.

Aisha: Are you...

Julian: Celibate ? Oh, currently yes, but thinking of changing that status...

(Aisha laughs and blushes, deeply.)

Aisha: I have to go back to the pack, as they say. I'd like to see you again though.

Julian: Likewise. You have a beautiful spirit I can't seem to break away from.
Aisha: Here, my card. I don't know why I brought these here. I'm supposed to be on vacation, duh.

Julian: (he laughs heartily) Still a businesswoman, even on vacation ! How opportunistic and pragmatic. I will gladly take that. Hey, I know this might sound corny but you have the most exotic eyes I have ever seen. I can't stop staring at them.

Aisha: (blushes again) Oh dear !

Julian; You don't need to be shy with me.

Aisha: I feel like I've known you forever. It's like you understand me.

Julian: (grinning in a dopey manner) Ditto. (takes her hand, very tenderly and brings it to his lips) To another meeting.

Aisha: Agreed. (flash scene to her on her laptop with Ophelia) That's how it went ! He's so romantic, charming and sweet.

Ophelia: Good looking, too I bet.

Aisha: Oh, heavens, yes. He is so handsome. His eyes are darker than onyx. I'm completely transfixed by them. That smile, ah, yes, I could bask in its warmth for days and claim its nourishment.

Ophelia: You've got it bad, girly girl. I'm so happy for you though. Sounds like you two are just right for each other. Couldn't have happened to a better person.

Aisha: I will be seeing him tomorrow night after the tour. He knows the perfect locale for a picnic too.

Ophelia: Sounds darling. I wish I could hug you right now. I'm so elated ! Good goin', chica !
Aisha: Thanks. See you tomorrow !

Ophelia: Wear something chic and casual. Don't wear that formal mermaid dress unless there is a good reason.

Aisha: Oh, believe me. I won't. See ya around !

(Scene fade as soon as Aisha closes her laptop and goes to sleep. A peaceful melody from Loop Guru plays in the background while she awakens and sees more of the splendid country and its landmarks. After the tour, Julian is waiting for her.)

Scene 3—The View is Surreal

Julian: Hey ! Good to see you again, draws her in for a hug and kisses her cheek softly)

Aisha: Better now, seeing you, too !

(They laugh)

Julian: I hope you're not afraid of heights.

Aisha: No, not at all. I find them thrilling.

Julian: (Sets up blanket and picnic basket, with a bit of wine) I got red wine. I wasn't certain if that was what you preferred. I made a guess.

Aisha: Uncanny ! You hit it right on the nose.

Julian: I guess I can read others better than I thought ! (he grins widely)

Aisha; This is extraordinary. You cook remarkably well.

Julian: Thank you. I aim to please. (feeds her) Say ahh !
Aisha: Ah ! (eats) Mmmm...amazing ! (he leans in closer)
(They kiss and the kissing gets a bit heated.)
Julian: Would it be wrong to make love in such a perilous place ?

Aisha: No...No, I want this too. (their silhouettes are shown making passionate love and an instrumental version of 'Sail Away' and fall asleep in each other's embrace. Suddenly, Aisha regrets what she's done and in a rush, leaves before Julian awakens, but he already knows she's gone.)

Julian: Aisha, you beautiful fool... (not too far from the hotel, he walks beside her)

Aisha: (a little teary eyed) I am so dumb ! I'm sorry, Jules. I got scared I suppose. I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

Julian: (holds her and kisses her) No need to regret anything that happened between us. I still love you. I want to follow your path, walk it with you. That is, if you'll have me.

Aisha: Is this a proposal ?
Julian: I suppose yes. (takes your hand) I don't know how my family will react to this though. This is the most irrational thing I have ever done.

Aisha: Does your family love you ?

Julian: Yes, of course they do. They were hoping I'd remain a monk for my entire life.

Aisha: Talk to them. If you feel stymied, I'll go with you.

Julian: You'd do that ?

Aisha: We're in this together now, aren't we ?

Julian: (nodding) Indeed we are, Aisha.

Aisha: (narrating) I was sideswiped by love, but I knew that somehow love would work in our favor...

(At the Ling house.)
Mai: No.

Wai: Absolutely not !

Julian: B-b-b-ut. Mom, dad...

Wai: But nothing, Julian.

Mai: How could you ? Why would you want to be anything else ?

Linda: Mai, let your son speak. Hear him out.

Julian: Thank you for having my back, grandma. I had been a monk for many years, never wanting for anything. Then (takes Aisha's hand gently) Aisha came into my life. She was the only thing I lacked. The thing I hadn't even been looking for.

Mai: But if you go with her, you'll never return here.

Julian: No. Of course I am going to return. This place first and foremost is my stomping ground. If I have children, they'll know you. I'll find a way to have you visit us too. Granted, it will be hard, but it will be worthwhile.

Aisha: (narrating) Jules wasn't kidding around. Apparently, he was psychic. I did things backward. I had unintentionally gotten pregnant when we consummated our love. We had both wanted to become parents and our child, Lily, became the planet we orbited daily. We had a small civil ceremony, but it was glorious and memorable. I returned to being the guru everyone loved and admired. Julian practiced classes teaching ancient healing methods but never charging for them. People gave him money anyway. Whatever we earned went to the well-being of the community, trips for the Lings to come and visit and for Lily's schooling later on in life. Lily was soon joined in the world by her boisterous brother, Elijah. Of course, my grandpa was over the moon when I had blessed him with his moniker.

Elijah: (setting his grandchildren on his knees) Do you want to know the story of Brave Arjun ?

Elijah: Yes, grandpop !

Lily: Ooo, my favorite one !

Julian: Grandpa, you spoil them.

Wai: No more than we do ! (they tickle their grandchildren from behind)

Elijah: No fair ! You surprised me !

Mai: That's what grandparents do !

Lily: No ! Stop that !

Aisha: (narrating) Funny how the Universe works in collaboration with your desires, and even beyond your wildest dreams. I've seen the world, even my native India and the temples of Japan. I've even been in sacred places that have no known markers of their magnetic pull. Sacredness is a mindset and anyone can find it. I think it is always around us whenever the one you love is near. Children only enhance it, and their innocence, creativity and unconditional love. Jules and I are students, ever learning in this mysterious world. Our children are our finest teachers as well. That's all I have to say for now. We're on another adventure to Mexico. The temples await ! Adios, amigos !

(We see Aisha is actually vlogging her new life and her latest venture into the sacred with her husband and her beloved children. Sacred flute plays in the background. We see them skydiving, parasailing, hot-air balloon riding, and even heading their own 'power tours' for her clients. To everyone who has been supporting me, thank you for being my friend during the hardest time of my life. You're very reassuring !)


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