Conky's Newest Feat
Synopsis: Conky needs help in finding a job to support his new family. Herman remembers when he and the others made their first newspaper together; Conky wrote business news, so it is suggested that he get a job as a stock trader.
Chapter 1--The Moment Everything Changed
Like any proud and expectant father, Conky was nervously pacing, wringing his manacles and nearly hyperventilating.
‘Sugar gears, I’m gonna be ok.’, SICO reassured him in her southern drawl. That was until the contractions came and she wanted to rip his arm out and beat him with it for having impregnated her in the first place. The birthing of the children happened in such fast succession it was almost difficult to keep up. The first child to enter the world, looking much like SICO only smaller, was a girl. Her cry was feminine but soft.
‘Let’s name her Amica…’, Conky suggested. Right after her, Dextro came into the world, loud, wailing and needing extra cuddling and lullabies to sleep. Vic was the third child and finally came tiny Dot who barely even mewled until her back was patted, only to fall back to sleep once she was in her mom’s arms.
‘Oh me. Oh my. I’m going to need a job and fast. How are we going to take care of all these babies ?’, Conky asked. SICO’s face was much more relaxed. Before she had been in a murderous rage but she was exceedingly calm once the quadruplets had come into the world.
‘I know it’ll be rough with me on bedrest for a couple weeks but I’ll be working in a while. One of the older bots can be a fine babysitter for the quads.’, SICO said. She was noticeably more weak since delivery, but it was totally understandable. With bedrest, food and water, she’d be up and on her feet in no time. That is, if the babies didn’t keep them up almost every hour !
Chapter 2--A Somewhat Harried Dad
Conky was feeling a bit pressured. He had been saving up money from the vast fortune made filming Pee Wee’s Playhouse with his long-time friend, partner and paternal figure, Pee Wee, but it wouldn’t be enough to feed 4 mouths, let alone his and SICO’s. A bit panicked, he came to the Rangers. They all had their own opinions, but Billy’s by far was the most logical.
‘You’re a whiz with numbers. Ever thought of the stock trade ?’, he said.
‘I can definitely see Conky doing that !’, Magic Screen chimed in. She had been tickled shrimp ever since SICO announced she’d be the Auntie to the children. Miss Yvonne would be the godmother, obviously, and Pee Wee was a proud godfather. None of them could wait until the babies were old enough to walk, talk, run and become autonomous. Unlike human babies, this would take far less time to accomplish, since robots learn so quickly. So, like his children, Conky would have to integrate and acclimate at rapid speed to keep up. Taking his friend’s advice, Conky put his best ‘foot’ forward and rolled out of HQ, briefcase in hand. He was very familiar with finances since he had done them for years for Mr. Herman. Now all he had to do was convince a company to hire him, keep bills paid and keep the electricity running.
Chapter 3--Nabbing the Job
Most of the jobs Conky rolled in for he was overqualified for the position, but there was one, Stellarman Trading, that liked his futuristic look and Max Headroom speech.
‘You’re different. We like unique.’, Leo Stellerman said as soon as he confirmed that Conky had scored the best job in the planet. It would have benefits, 401 K, plenty of perks and employee of the month parking if he should ever sell more stocks than the other brokers on the floor. Knowing his accuracy for numbers, that part would be easy. If he was lucky, he’d make partner and second only to the CEO in no time.
Chapter 4--Growing So Fast
Yvonne was busying playing with the four robot kids.
"Coochie coochie coo !", she said, giggling. Amica responded in kind. Robot children got bored very easily so she had to invent new games for them to play almost constantly. She didn’t mind though, her mind was fertile and active, always on its toes to entertain the kiddos.
‘How are the quads ?’, Pee Wee asked, turning up for his shift to baby-sit.
‘So far, little angels, but we wary of Dextro. He’s precocious, even for his age.’, Yvonne warned. The quads looked different enough to be told apart but one could definitely tell whose parents they belonged to.
‘Seems like only yesterday they were gurgling and now they’re starting to babble. I think in no time, they’ll manage human speech.’, Pee Wee said. Just then, Magic Screen rolled in, reminding him what the quads’ schedule was.
‘Squeen ! Squeen !’, Vic squealed. Screen squealed with glee.
‘I’m Victor’s first word !’, Magic Screen stated, bouncing around, too elated to even think straight. She felt a little guilty to be experiencing this ‘first’ with Pee Wee and Yvonne but she recorded it so the parents could enjoy it. At least in the future, they would see their children grow, thrive and succeed in a sometimes cruel, dark world that was full of wonderful, incredible things.
Chapter 5--A Ranger’s Work is Never Done
Meanwhile on the Moon…
A dark, ominous energy began to swell, quaking, full of so much ire that it nearly melted the moon and split it in half. From the bowels of the moon, a crystal emerged. Curiously, Zedd and Rita approached it, intrigued by its darkness.
A dark, ominous energy began to swell, quaking, full of so much ire that it nearly melted the moon and split it in half. From the bowels of the moon, a crystal emerged. Curiously, Zedd and Rita approached it, intrigued by its darkness.
'The energy signature seems familiar.', Finster stated.
'Yes, I too vaguely remember the energy signature.', Zedd stated.
'Well, what are we waiting for ?!', Rita asked. 'Let's find out where the energy influx is coming from !'
They followed the dowsing rod Finster had to the crystal popped out only to see it cracking. Zyzzy emerged, rightly ticked off at Zordon for having him imprisoned in that crystal for years after Edenoi had been destroyed.
‘I’ll get my hands on that puny Zordon and I’ll show him a thing or three.’, Zyzzy vowed. Gazing down on the little mote of dust suspended on a sunbeam, his anger overheated to the point of broiling. His hatred seethed from every pore of his body.
‘I think we’re gonna get along juuuuust fine.’, Rita said, devilishly.
‘And to think we didn’t even have to make love to have a child !’, Zedd agreed. Rita stuck her tongue out momentarily hoping Zedd didn’t see it. Fortunately, he didn’t since he was so engaged and enthralled with the power that Zyzzy wielded.
Back on Earth, the Rangers, Conky, SICO, Herman, Magic Screen, Yvonne, Pepper, ASIMO, the other bots and the infants went about their lives without much change except for the infants becoming toddlers at a rapid rate. Before long they would be entering kindergarten and interacting with human children. They were eager to be mingling with humans their own age for once but they might have to be put in the gifted class thanks to their intellect.
‘So oblivious….So lost in their merry little world of tickling, cuddling, peek-a-boo and lullabies. Ugh. Disgusting. I’m glad I’m not a baby. Too many diapers. Too much stinkiness.’, Zyzzy lamented, sticking his tongue out in a juvenile way. He knew now what his next move was going to be. Like the element he was composed of, electricity, he would attack from within the HQ and turn it on its ear. The sooner Zordon was out of commission the better. He just had to sleep to bump himself up to full power once again. It had to be during a full moon, when his power was at its bismuth, but that would come in a few more nights…
To Be Continued…
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