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Synopsis: Aspiring martial artist Plum Lee makes her way to make it big in the action movie biz.

Plum Lee:
Marjorie Lee:
Tanner Lee:
Biggie: (her black cat)
Hwang Lee: (grandfather)
Bolton Dare: (stuntman, Plum's love interest)
Jason Yee: (director/producer)
Nora Yee: (his bewitching wife)
Caroline Yee: (their daughter/co producer)
Estelle Montelban: (Plum's bestie)
Major Cee: (Bolton's bestie)

Scene 1—Dynamite Comes in Small Packages

Jason: (announcing for next potential action star to audition) Next ! Plum Lee ! Alright, Plum, show me what you've got !

(She does a rather elaborate routine, complete with parcour to the 'Mortal Kombat' theme. Jason doesn't seem to be too impressed by it. He has seen many stars in his day. She has potential but she needs more refining.)

Jason: (loudly) Next.

Plum: But, you didn't let me perform the whole routine, sir.

Jason: (flippantly) I've seen everything, sugar. Now run along, back to whatever playground you walked off of.

Plum: (getting insensed) Excuse me ? Do youthink I'm some kind of child ? Sir, I am an adult. I have been training for years in many different martial artist shools all to lead me to this point. I want a role so bad in this film I can taste it. I know it will be the salty savor of sweat, tears, blood, and oh yes, dedication. Sir, I have the chops, I've got the moxy. I've got the drive. Just let me prove it to you.

Jason: Honey, do you realize who I am ? I'm a producer. Yeah, I used to be a bottom feeder, working for scale but I climbed my way up that corporate ladder and it wasn't always pretty. I have seen quite a few incredible performers in my day. You've got talent, but it needs to be refined. You still lack finesse and poise. Come back when you've honed your craft.

Plum: (clenches fists and rages inwardly) Mr. Yee, you're going to regret not chosing me.

Jason: No, Plum. This is tough love. I gotta lay it to you straight. I'm sorry. You're just not cut out for my cast.

Plum: (sighs, walks away, a bit deflated, head hung low. She accidentally walks into Bolton Dare)

Bolton: Hey, watch out ! You could've gotten hurt. (he helps her up) Are you ok ?

Plum: Everything's fine. Except my pride is bruised.

Bolton: (sweetly) Don't worry about it. Hey, you're that one Youtube chic with the crazy parcour videos ! Didn't you start out in China ?

Plum: Yes. How did you know that though ?

Bolton: (laugh) I'm one of your subscribers, believe it or not. I'm Bolton Dare.

Plum: (nearly fangirls) The Bolton Dare ?

Bolton: That would be me, doll.

Plum: I'm a huge fan ! (nearly bursts into uncontrolled titters, but manages to maintain a very even keel about herself) I'm Plum Lee.

Bolton: Ah, so that's your real name. I always liked your screen name though. So kick ass !
The Jade Dragon. It suits you.

Plum: (lightly floureses) Thank you. It wasn't enough to capture Jason's attention though. What I did wasn't good enough.

Bolton: He was being accurate then in his assessment. Don't be downhearted though. Jason can be a bit harsh with his criticism. He did so because he sees potential in you. I can help. That is, if you're willing to accept it.

Plum: Seriously ? The master, accepting a humble student such as myself ?

Bolton: Hai, Plum-chan. Shall we begin, grasshopper ?

('Kung Fu Fighting' from HNY plays in the background while Bolton trains his student. She starts off rather clumsily but after a while, she really starts to get the hang of it. This montage alludes to the fact that the two have been training for a year. Plum has fallen for Bolton but doesn't give off any signals that she shows even remote interest in her. Bolton is falling for her more and more but is afraid to lose her friendship if he begins dating her.)

Scene 2—Here We Go Again

Plum: (looks at her cat) Well, Biggie, I'm about to knock Jason Yee out of his seat. He's either going to give me the role of a lifetime or reject me flat out.

(Biggie rubs up against her, trilling and headbutting her)

Plum: Aww, sweet baby. You always know what to do to bolster my spirit.

Biggie: (Meows at her, wanting her to stay)

Plum: No, grandpa Hwang will take care of you while I'm gone, ok ?
(tries not to wake Hwang while she leaves)

(bicycling to the tune of 'Eye of the Tiger', Bolton follows her.)

Bolton: Good form, Plum ! Looking fine !

Plum: Thanks for the encouragement. You always know the right things to say at the exact right time. I just hope that Jason will like my repitore this time.

Bolton: I've seen you grow, and you can do nothing but impress. Go get 'im, knock his ever-loving argyle socks off.

Plum: (adjusts hat) Oh, you know I will.

Bolton: (to himself) Why can I buoy her and not ask her out ! Come on, ask her before she pedals away, you FOOL ! (clears his throat) Hey, after the audition, would you like to go grab a bite with me ?

Plum: Sure ! I always savor your company.

Bolton: (nearly does a happy dance in his mind) Excellent because I wanted to talk to you about something.

Plum: You know I'm all ears. I'll be eager to hear what you've got to say. (pats him on the back)

Bolton: (hugs her) For luck, as if you need it ! (he watches from the side, cheering her on silently and she executes a flawless performance to 'Tribal Dance')

Jason: When can you start ? I begin filming 'Way of the Ancient Fist' tomorrow.

Plum: Immediately, Sir. I won't let you down. (shakes his hand with confidence and with gusto)

Jason: I know you won't ! I'll see you, 6:00 am, sharp !

Bolton: Man, I can't believe what I saw ! You were so fluid and seemless.

Plum: (pats him on the shoulder) Only because of your teaching. I've always been flexible, but timing is everything !

Bolton: Come on, follow me. I think we should celebrate.

Plum: I second that motion.

(He takes her to his favorite restaurant and treats her.)

Plum: (is already clued in to what's happening) I can't believe I've been so blind. All this time you just wanted to impress me and let me know you loved me.

Bolton: Ever since I met you. I just didn't know how to ask you out on a date.

Plum: (Laughs) I know everything was professional but to be honest I have always enjoyed your company. I would be wrong in not admitting I feel the same way. I know it's been a year between us, but I think I would be remiss if I didn't agree that our feelings are mutual.

Bolton: So does that mean we're going to be official now ?

Plum: Ancient alien theorists say 'yes'.

Bolton: (laughing) You are so weird ! (he leans over the table and kisses her, very sensually, she pulls him in. Some random person says 'Hey, get a room ! Jeez !' and it breaks up the mood very quickly) So, tomorrow's the big day for 'Fist of the Ancients'. Sure to be another blockbuster from Mr. Yee.

Plum: That it will be. Mom, dad and grandpa are really pulling for me too. It's taken a while but I'm finally there. I had to do odd jobs on the side just to pay my rent but it was worth it. That little stint I did modelling was interesting.

Bolton: Oh, I can definitely see you doing that. You are beautiful.

Plum: You're just saying that. What have you been doing, other than promotional videos and voice overs ?

Bolton: Product placement, singing covers of old timeless classics.

Plum: Oh, I didn't know you sang.

Bolton: Not many people do, just my folks. It was something I wanted to persue but my talents led me to Hollywood.

Plum: I'd love to hear you sing sometime. (gets a call from Estelle) Hey ! How are you, chica ? Long time, I know. Been busy. Guess what ! I got the gig ! Yeah, I know right ? I'll see you tomorrow. Te amo, muchachita, adios !

Bolton: Estelle ?

Plum: Yeah, she's my best friend. I met her when I came here. I didn't have a lot of time to hang out with her, but we go to the same salon.

Bolton: (teasing) Salon ? I didn't know you liked getting pampered !

Plum: Honey, please ! We all deserve a little TLC. Ah, shoot. (catches her breath) I have to go, Bolton. Tomorrow's a big day.

Bolton: I'd like to meet your friend.

Plum: She'll be here. I've only told her good things about you. Heh, she wishes you had a brother.

Bolton: No can do. Can't magically multiply myself, ya know ?

(They laugh, and leave the restaurant. 'Believe It or Not, I'm Walking on Air' plays as the two ride back to their trailers and the scene fades.)

Scene 3—That's a Wrap !

(Plum's first day of shooting ambles along sensationally. Everyone's having a lunch break. Estelle is there, and her parents showed up as well. Bolton has also appeared.)

Plum: Well, this is quite the gathering. I didn't expect all of you to be here.

Marjorie: I was curious about the movie.

Tanner: I wanted to see the set, and of course, Bolton.

Hwang; He's treating you nicely, I hope.

Plum: (chagrinned) Granddad ! Really !

Bolton: I'm being a perfect gentleman. We only just recently became official.

Marjorie: That's so sweet. (Stares him down) I'm watching you, boy. Keep that in mind. Like my daughter, I'm like a stick of dynamite. Small, powerful and a short fuse.

Bolton: (very cautiously) Duly noted.

Estelle: This movie is hard core.

Plum: Tell me about it. I get center stage most of the time, but honestly, it's the other actors who deserve all the credit. Jason works us to the bone, but I know the end result is going to be fantastic.

Estelle: (gives her a bottle of water) Here, hon. You need to cool off. Ay, I think I might need one myself watching you do all those backflips and parcouring. (wipes brow) The burden of being an empath.

Bolton: (gets a bottle for Estelle and himself) What ? I was getting nervous. You didn't get any bruises, did you ?

Plum: Nah. I'm just sore.

Bolton: I'll massage all that soreness out, no worries.

Hwang: Massaging better be all your doing, young man.

Plum: Grandpa ! Seriously ! You're so nasty sometimes.

Hwang: I may be old, but I can smell hormones kilometers away.

Plum: Oh God...Grandpa...Come on.... (lowers head)

Marjorie: Dear ol' dad. You haven't changed a bit.

Hwang: And not missed one step !

Plum: (narrating) So it always went with the Lee family. 'Way of the Anciet Fist' was tough to film but we managed to prepare for opening night. Before the red carpet premier, Bolton actually proposed to me. We had been officially together for a year, but somehow, I knew we had been meant to be together. I had become his family. He had sadly lost his to a car accident years ago but never brought it up. I always thought maybe his mom and dad were looking down upon us and set us on the path to meet one another. Whether or not 'Way of the Ancient Fist' actually blew out box office records really didn't matter, Jason was truly elated with us all. I was surprised to see him become sentimental. I didn't think action/adventure film makers actually wept, but he proved me wrong.

(We see the whole cast and crew making their way to a packed movie theatre. The stars sit in the balcony and wait with baited breath, hoping the film is a hit just like Bolton predicted it would be. The audience goes absolutely bonkers. We see the news blowing up over the success of 'WOTAF', which boasts Jason's biggest sums in movie history yet. This montage leads to the ultimate blissful end and Jason getting all choked up at their reception. 'Oxygen' plays in the background, as well as 'For Always' and some Chinese pop love songs.)

Scene 4—The Life of a Film Star

Jason: I am so happy for you two ! It couldn't have happened to two nicer people !
(he hugs them)

Bolton: Are you sure you're the same bloke ? Where's Jason ! I demand you show him to us.

Jason: (choking) You know it's me. I get really overklempt at these sort of things. Reason I don't show it to many is because of my rep. Hence the aviators. No one can see my tears behind these beauts.

Plum: Oy, gevalt. (shakes her head left and right)

Estelle: Kickin' party, guapa. Lookin' muuuuy linda if I do so say myself.

Plum: Thank you. You're looking spicy yourself. I can't wait to go to Dubai. I hear lots of good things about it.

Estelle: You better bring me something back.

Plum: (hugging her) You know I will.

(A whirlwind of activity is shown between the twirl of the couple in America and in Dubai where they are dancing aboard a cruise ship to appropriately, enough, 'Beyond the Sea', and then 'Sway' as well as 'Girl from Impanema'.)

Bolton: (on the dock, stretching out after an invigorating dance) This is the life, ain't it. I can't wait to go to port. If it is as gorgeous as it has been just sailing the waters, I can't imagine what Dubai's like.

Plum: Neither one of us have ever been outside of the States. (holds his hand excitedly) I'm so pumped I might just burst. But for now...(leans over and kisses her husband) Mr. Dare.

Bolton: Mrs. Dare. I cherish how that sounds on my lips.

Plum: I relish the way it sounds rolling off them. (narrating) The sound of the wind and the waves carries me away, as well as the sweet, lulling tone of my husband's voice. The world was ours and our careers had just begun. It was only up to us to make our life epic each and every day, even in small, unexpected ways. It's not difficult, especially when one lives the life of an action star. Having someone by your side makes it even more fulfilling, more worthwhile, because you know, once the shoot is done, there's a glimmering, glistening smile, tender eyes, and a willing embrace always there to enfold you once the day is over. Honestly, there isn't anything better than that.

('Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing', 'Faith' and 'One Love, One Life' play as we see the couple's life begin to take shape once the cruise ship has sailed into the sunset. It ends like most westerns do, happily, and the heroes live blessed lives. Photos from the cruise and the fun our couple experiences are cascaded onto the screen, including them playing shuffleboard, limbo and trying new, exotic foods. Bloopers are also shown. A little blurb is shown, 'If you don't change anything, nothing will ever change.'--Charles Beatty. Also, 'If there were no changes, there would be no butterflies.'--Anonymous.


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