
Synopsis: No one really knows where ideas come from. Our main character, Idea, acts as our guide to the surreal, unusual and downright strange world of thoughts and how they influence us.

Chapter 1—Welcome to Cogita

I am Idea, a Denizen. That's what all of our inhabitants are called. Every denizen of Cogita, a glorious patch of silver, gold, verdant foliage of all kinds and those yet not conceived are found here. We have houses made of earth, rock and gems. Some of us aren't that showy in our abodes and tend to use the clouds as our covers. However we decide to shelter ourselves, we remain in a state of stasis, wondering when we will be paired with a human host. Some of us remain with human hosts for a long time, while others of us return to Cogita to recharge. If a human being dies after being paired with us, we return here. We are always being returned, reborn, re imagined, evolving. It is a constant revival and anticipation of wondering who will be our cohort will be. We typically do the selection, but there are times we are called into being. Whatever the destiny is, we accept it with alacrity.

Cogita is vast. We live our lives much like you humans do, however, we are immortal. Some of us outlive our usefulness and are recycled into other thoughts or processes. It is never a painful process, only one that makes us something more beautiful. I have met many of my friends. Like you, we're all different in our personalities, attributes, hobbies, likes and dislikes and our wardrobe. You may be wondering why denizens would even need clothing since we are without gender or necessity to nourish ourselves. Our only real desire other than being recharged is to assist humans in meeting their greatest potential. Well, most of us have that intention in mind.

Chapter 2—Dark Denizens

There are the unfortunate few, who, contrary to their belief that denizens all serve a higher purpose in giving humans the best life possible, there are 'dark denizens' that lead humans to destroy themselves. Unfortunately, these poor souls often lead their human host to ultimate failure. If the human is smart enough to know this is no fault of their own, they overcome dark denizens. There are darks among us that are neutral like Indifference. When Indifference is paired with Apathy, Ignorance, Ennui and Confusion, the result can be catastrophic. Take in mind dark denizens can be extremely impulsive. When they choose their host, like myself, they look into the never ending crystalline pools of Mesmer. Mesmer has fountains and water flowing into streams that lead to the oceans on the other side of Cogita. I tend to spend my time there with Muse, Ambition, Aspiration, Daring, Meditation, and Gumption. Pension likes to come to the fountains quite a bit too. She doesn't talk much but she is a very inviting Denizen. I remember her when she was just a wisp, not even fully formed. In fact, that is how we all begin. I was there before the Denizens began and I feel I might be considered their 'mother'. I never really understood my power, but I don't wield it without a sense of responsibility. The Denizens come from my innate love, compassion and generosity. I only wish the best for human beings. I suppose there is light and dark incorporated in every living creation. I just don't understand dark denizens at times. I am friend to all beings who live in Cogita, but some things elude me. The darks can easily transfer into light, but light thoughts are often static. It's a strange, spooky concept that confounds me. Sometimes, I have to put aside my analytical mind and just let will or destiny take their courses.

Chapter 3—Outside Cogita

I venture out of Cogita every so often. Some of the other thoughts think I have no social or adventurous side, but they would be wrong. I have interacted with humans and find them paradoxical, fascinating and a bit of a dichotomy. After being with them for millennia, I still can't quite piece them together. Despite that, I find most of them enjoy my presence. I feel myself being pulled by a writer who needs me more than ever. For events like this one, I incorporate other thoughts, like my darling Muse. Sometimes, Gump comes along, Ambi, Aspi and Clarity. Daring will take the wheel if I deem it proper. Daring sometimes tends to be a little spontaneous in the hosts he will choose, but I love to see him take introverted, shy souls and turn them into the lions they never thought they were. I have often seen him working in battlefields, and honestly, I am glad I don't go unless I am necessary. I am not much for combat, gore or bloodshed. It's one element of mortal life I find disgusting and distasteful. I can't see why, despite their differences, that they can't be more neutral and forgiving like we are. Sure, we light and dark have our differences but we coexist in harmony in Cogita. I have tried to open their eyes on numerous occasions, but many human beings are simply stubborn, hard headed, arrogant, narcissistic and unwilling to accept help of any kind. Sadly, this is the existence of the close-minded. I don't fault them. I simply love them all unconditionally knowing that in the midst of them, there is that one rare individual who accepts me and my friends and will find a method to wield us in such a way that the world is changed. Many who have cause revolutions for betterment, and some are persecuted due to that. However, I have not lost my faith in the human race. Ideas like myself are meant to co-create and to co-author. It is the reason we were made. Harmony is achievable and I will not loosen my grip of my faith or my hope. These keep me going and striving in knowing the story isn't over, it's just beginning.

Chapter 4—Change of Times
One might wonder if Cogita has seasons as Earth does. Yes, in fact, we do. We have holidays to celebrate special, specific times of the year. Your Christmas is like ours but we have adapted all light hearted celebrations and traditions to suit our own festivities. We hang decorations and make our houses and flora glitter in the night sky. We light lanterns to inspire gazers down below and every so often, we ignite fireworks to ring in our 'New Year'. We have animals much like you do, but they don't require food. Just walking, love, playing and a place to sleep at night. They resemble your dogs' breeds, but we have some that don't even exist on Earth as of yet. These odd combinations are still in process on your planet. Same thing with your cats. As for cryptids and hybrids, you can blame us. We made those in fits of experimentation and let's face it, utter boredom.
Seasons come and go but the climate here is relatively amicable. Winter can be a little chilly at times but nothing we can't handle. We dress accordingly for the shift in the temperature. I am uncertain as to what my favorite time of the year is. I love all changes because I know it is a cycle, and everything comes back full circle.

Chapter 5—Dreams
It's a strange thing, the subconscious. We even have dreams ourselves, but they will focus around our host, his desires, his goals and ultimately resolutions. We become most active around your New Year's Day but there are many of us implimented to musicians, poets, dreamers, innovators and other brilliant minds. We come to the meek, the bold, the young and the old. I have had my own dreams, and I have lived a thousand lives through them. I always get another chance to envision a different version of myself through the dream of a host, and it is never the same. This is what I adore about my vocation. The others often chat to me of their experiences and become so animated I swear they become versions of their hosts for a moment.
After a long day, we head to our lodgings or our special cloud cusions and settle down for the night. The bioluminescent fireflickers keep our sky bright and sparkly at night. They dance to the music that many of us sing as we dream. The songs seem to have a common bond, that of unity, peace and understanding. I find it a comforting dream and one I know one of us will share with our hosts.


I could go on for eons about my escapades and luxurious friendships but I fear that would bore you. Just so you know, every thought, or Denizen that you thought, are thinking or will think comes directly from me and I am in endless supply. There is no lack in Cogita nor will there ever be. I don't wonder what will become of me when everything comes to a close. I do not believe in sudden endings. I believe in beginnings, renewals, refreshers of spirit. It is creation in and of itself, constantly being, in transition, transforming and trasporting us all.

Idea the Everliving, the Eternal, the Luminous


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