Speaking Trees
(The Lhoni Tribe) Synopsis: On the planet Ers, there exist elegant, tall, plantlike bipeds called the Lhoni. They ride on beasts of burden similar to horses but faster—creatures called Paka. The speaking trees are happy until a bellicose nation comes to usurp everything—The dreaded N'orhtzed. The group has been terrorizing planets and colonizing them too until the Lhoni stand up and take back what is rightfully theirs. Chapter 1—Alla the Eldress Ers is what you see before you. Behold all the greenery and water flowing freely. Our homes are crafted from natural resources and we live via photosynthesis. There are other living things amongst us, like our Paka, the animals we use to work. They are also loyal pets and highly intelligent. I am Alla. I suppose you could call me the High Elect of Ers, although I don't like the title much. I see everyone as equal. We all do our work and we all live fairly straight forward, simple lives...