After Living
Synopsis: A
collaboration between myself and TTR about what happens after one dies on this
earthly plane. A widower, who never
remarried dies at a ripe old age. His
family deems it unfair while the sun sees it for what it truly is, a
transition. He also receives a message
from his dad in unusual ways--and much like modern day psychics, finds his
world expanding exponentially. It also
leads him to a love he never expected.
‘Jem’ Briggs: (his wife, deceased for 9 years now)
Briggs: (their only son)
‘Jim’ Valencio: (Kevin’s best friend)
Valencio: (his wife, singer and tenor sax player)
Valencio: (their son, piano player)
‘Gill’ Styles: (drum player)
Wallis: (main singer of ‘Tranquility’)
Lions/Valencio: (Xander’s girlfriend from Australia)
Khan: (Jim’s producer/agent)
O’Malley: (his Uncle on his mom’s side)
O’Malley: (his wife)
O’Malley: (their son)
O’Malley: (their middle daughter)
Sable O’Malley:
(their youngest daughter)
Connery: (Kevin’s love interest)
Connery: (Bridgette’s mom)
‘Ken’ Connery: (Bridgette’s dad)
Cummings: (Brigitte’s best friend)
Scene 1—Becoming an Orphan
(narrating) Inasmuch as papa
prepared me for his passing, nothing could’ve prepared me for the changes that
surrounded me at the time of his death.
Arthur, my beloved dad, had been in a perfect frame of mind, settling
all accounts that he could before he breathed his last.
(We see happier times of Arthur and Kevin enjoying golf,
baseball games, football on TV and their bowling league, with Arthur easily
besting his son. Kevin rolls mostly gutter
balls, but now in the ‘Smoking Seven’ he is at the helm.)
(narrating) It was only a few
weeks that dad had been increasingly getting worse. He had been having conversations with my mom,
Jemma, who had been deceased for 9 years.
I didn’t think of this as unusual.
I had always known, being the spiritual man that I am that the
transition of death makes the veils between the natural and supernatural
thinner. Those involved in the process
see more than we can ever know or understand, unless we involve ourselves in different
pathways. Some of those routes can be
dark and occultist, and I choose rather to walk the pathway of light. Yet I know in the final hours of dad’s life,
mom was with him. I just don’t know how
to explain it except through the visions he shows me as I sleep and the signs
he continues to show me, even after this difficult time.
(We see Kevin getting the call that every person dreads
receiving and him reacting in a very surprised manner. He goes through the motions of saying his
farewells to his dad with his family by his side and attending his funeral and
burying him. After the initial funeral
is over and he returns to his schedule, he finds himself at home, breaking down
and punching the wall in rage.)
Kevin: He was all
I had left, Jim. Now I’ve got
Jim: (a bit irate)
Hey, you’ve got me, Kev. I stuck
with you through this whole thing. Your
family pulled through too. Not every
family is so close as yours. I have to
say, mine is, also. We’re both very
Kevin: And
Jim: Hey. I know what would cheer you up. How about tickets to Music Fest 2016 ?
Kevin: No way
! How did you even purchase those ?
They’re supposed to be nearly impossible to get !
Jim: (wriggles
eyebrows) Dude, I’m in a band. I’m not professional like the others who are going
to be at the event, but I highlight.
Bass players never really get the credit they deserve but my boss,
Viral, said he was knocked out by my chops and wanted to show me some love.
Kevin: Viral is
really a dope dude once you get to know him.
Jim: Yeah. Hey, you get some sleep. You really need it after all you’ve been
through this month.
Kevin: (sarcastic
chuckle) Shah, tell me about it,
Jim: We’ll be
surfing, too, so bring your gear, right ?
Kevin: Sure. I haven’t been surfin’ in years.
Jim: The waves
miss ya, bra. Catch up on those z’s
man. You’ve got a week of possibilities
waiting for ya !
(Scene shift)
Scene 2—Gearing up for Music Fest
Jim: (Noticing
that Kevin is packing up his favorite Trans-Am for the trip) Ooooh, classy. How long have you had this beaut here ?
Kevin: You mean
Layla ? Oh, she hardly ever gets
driven. It’s only when I want to show
off. I’m hoping she scores me some
points with the ladies. Am I right
Jim: Oh,
definitely. If I were a woman right now,
I’d find you irresistible. (tries to
kiss him)
Kevin: Ew,
gross. Dude, yuck ! You’re married to Marnie ! (cringing) No homo
(They josh around with each other for a while and speed
off in their car listening to Black Dog.
First thing Kevin wants to do is be one with the waves.)
Jim: What’s
possessed you ?
Kevin: I don’t
know. I felt a gentle wind and was
compelled to the ocean.
Jim: Are you
turning into a romantic at your age ?
Maybe. I felt something familiar
about it though. It sounded like dad’s
voice and felt like mom’s embrace. Am I
going mad ?
(laughs) No, not at all. I could smell Chantilly on many occasions when
I was having a particularly hard time. I
knew it was grandma Opal telling me I was only being tested and I would come
out ahead. 9 times out of 10, I did,
every single time !
Kevin: I have a
theory on that.
Jim: (raised
brow) Oh, you do, do you ? Tell me, oh wise one.
Kevin: Dad’s
death has given me time to be alone with my thoughts, though they be
rambling. I personally think that death
is not the end. When our souls make the
trip to the other side, they gain abilities back they lacked here on
earth. For instance, Opal was myopic,
presbyopic and astigmatic, right ?
Jim: (intrigued)
Go on.
Kevin: My thought
is when they ascend to the higher plane, they are perfect. Now Opal can see, and even has the ability to
see into the future.
Jim: That makes
an odd sort of sense.
Kevin: Maybe
there’s a reason why you feel an attraction to the ocean now.
Jim: Don’t
question it, then.
Kevin: (insistently) I know it’s my parents leading
me. I have to go.
Jim: I
understand. I have to get in touch with
the band. We need to practice before the
other groups arrive.
(Nodding) Have an extraordinary night. (sings)
Oh Jimmy boy, the waves the waves are calling !
(He heads out to the waves where he surfs. Familiar songs by The Pixies play and he
catches a glimpse of a surfer girl who takes his breath away.)
Bridgette: (wipes
out and the undertow nearly drowns her but Kevin drags her to shore. At first she isn’t breathing but he performs
CPR on her.)
Kevin: Come on,
Bridgette: (coughs up water) Lucky me, I got saved by a handsome man. It’s more than I ever dreamed.
Kevin: Is that
flattery or sarcasm ?
Bridgette: (laughs and coughs a little) I’m Bridgette. I’ve never seen you up here. You’re not from around these parts are you ?
Kevin: No. I hail from up north but the beach isn’t that
far of a drive.
Bridge/Kevin: Not for a water baby !
(They laugh)
Kevin: (seductively) Jinx. (smiles in a smitten way and helps her get
up) I’m Kevin by the way. Did the music
fest lure you here too ?
(lowers her gaze coyly) If I told
you the real reason for my coming here, you’d laugh and deem me completely
Kevin: No, go
ahead. I am enjoying your company ! (he can’t help but smile and be drawn ever
more by her charming, lovable nature.
She is light itself.)
Bridgette: I have
hit sort of a blockade in my creativity.
You see, I write for a living and I haven’t written anything of note for
years. My success is starting to
flounder. Whenever I come here, especially
out in nature, I find my muse.
Kevin: That’s so
Something tells me I won’t have any dry spells any longer though.
Kevin: That’s the
Bridgette: What
brings you to the festival ? (walking
closer to him, and he notices the thrill and pleasure it gives him and he can’t
help smile and sigh peacefully)
Kevin: New
experiences. I don’t wish to be a
downer but I’m an orphan now.
(pained expression) How
tragic. I am so sorry. Did you know it was going to happen or was it
a shock ?
Kevin: One can
never prepare you for the initial death of your closest family member, but I
was prepared. Dad knew he was getting
ready to take a final bow from the stage of life.
Bridgette: I’m
glad you’re here though. I’m certain
your parents would’ve wanted you to live life to the fullest.
Indeed. Hey, would you like to
watch the stars come out with me ?
Bridgette: Of
course I would.
(narrating) Little did I know
that what I had felt earlier was actually a prompting from my mom and dad from
paradise. I wouldn’t understand that
until I began dreaming that night.
Scene 3—Vision From Beyond
Arthur: Just like
old times, ey, Kev, my boy !
Kevin: (feeling the familiar clap of his dad’s hand on
his shoulder gives him euphoria) Dad
Jemma: Look how
much you’ve grown ! How handsome you
are !
Kevin: Mom ? (surprised)
How is it you look so young ?
Jem: Everyone
looks this way over here, hon. There’s
no pain, no sickness, no disease, and no tears.
Kevin: Why did
you bring me to the baseball diamond ?
Arthur: We wanted
to reunite at a familiar place.
Kevin: Makes
sense. I have a question though.
Jemma: Inquire !
Kevin: Was it you
and dad that sent me to the ocean earlier ?
Art: Bingo ! You are such an intuitive young man. You know it’s rare that you’re so sensitive
to that. So many people dismiss the
promptings of the spirit that they shut out any inklings that they have.
Jemma: We wanted
you to meet that young lady. What
happens is up to you now. I already
know how it’ll end, though. (wriggles
Kevin: (plugs
ears) No spoiler alerts, please ma !
Jem: Certainly
Art: Remember how
I had so much pain the last few days of my life ?
Kevin: Yes. (his dad pats him heartily on the back)
Art: Watch this,
son. Jem, toss me a bat my jewel.
Art: Tricky. (cocky laugh)
I’ll show you tricky.
Jem: (Throws a corkscrew which whizzes right past
Kevin’s head only inches from his temple)
Jem: WOAH ! Hot diggity dog ! Home run !
Kevin: (astonished, mouth agape) Impossible.
You did that back in semi-professionals. You would’ve been pro had you not torn your
rotator cuff during that accident.
Art: Nothing is
impossible here. Your mother, though she
was paralyzed, she can run faster than a cheetah here. We play, laugh, eat, drink, learn…
Jem: Make love in
the spirit.
Kevin: (raising eyebrow)
That sounds intriguing.
Jem: You rascal
! (she mock hits him on the
Kevin: (feigning
injury) Owwwww !
(They all laugh with gusto)
Art: We’re proud
of you. We can see your sports casting
business is going grandly.
(beams) I’m doing what I
love. Plus I get to watch games for free
! Even my friend, Jim, he says he’d kill
to be me.
Jem: You’re
fortunate to have this circle of friends around you. That circle will continue to expand in time,
Kevin: (can’t
help but chortle at his long-held fear)
I can’t understand why I had been so terrified of dying.
Art: So many are,
but we wanted this to be another gift to you.
Jem: You know you
can always access us through your subconscious.
Just relax and be loose and flexible.
Kevin: I have no
trouble there. I recently started taking
yoga classes and it’s really helping me align my spine (effervescently) and my
Excellent. You’re doing so
Jem: This is
goodbye, but you know how to reach us.
(They both hug him)
(Scene fade)
Scene 4—Listening to Tranquility Rehearse
Kevin: (waking
up, more eager and avid than ever, filled with energy, hears the familiar
strains of one of Tranquility’s songs) I
have to tell Jim about my dream. It was
lucid. I rarely have those !
(He rushes toward the outdoor stadium where the bands
will be playing)
Jim: (helping his
band set up) Sounding really choice
there on the ivories my boy.
Xander: (wryly
and comedically) That’s what she said
Jim: (rolls eyes and sighs) Since when did you become a lady-killer,
Xander ?
Xander: Oh, you
know, ever since I sat down at a piano, daddio.
The chicks, they just loooooove someone who can be sensitive about
feelings and junk. At least I’m sincere about it. I’m not afraid to emote.
Bruin: No, you
are the king of feelings. By the way,
how’s Ramona ?
Xander: She’s
actually heading here for summer vacation.
Can you believe that ? We’re
still going strong after all these years.
Gil: That’s
awesome, Xander. Man, for her to come
all that way from Australia, she must really love you.
Xander: (runs
fingers through his thick hair) I
know. Luckiest guy alive, am I right
Viral: How’s it
goin’ guys ? I bought everyone’s favorite
drinks. I also got extra, I wasn’t sure
what everyone liked.
Jim: You didn’t
have to do that.
Viral: I gotta
treat my prized stars like family.
Kindness boomerangs, remember?
(They laughs a bit)
Kevin: Did I
interrupt anything ?
Marnie: Not
really, no ! We’re just getting
Kevin: Do you
mind if I borrow Jim for a moment ?
Marnie: That
sounds (racy tone) kinky. (she laughs,
loudly) Just joking ! Sometimes I can’t
help myself. Open door, I walk through
Kevin: I see why
you fall in love with her every day, man.
What a knockout.
Jim: She’s in
earshot, man. Watch your mouth.
Kevin: (awkwardly)
Sorry, Marnie. You’re gorgeous
Jim: Kev, quit
! (looks at him) What, dude, what !
Kevin: I had the
most spectacular lucid dream.
(mesmerized) Really ? Tell me about it.
Kevin: I saw mom
and dad. They were in their thirties,
fit, healthy, jovial.
Jim: Unreal.
(lighthearted laugh) It hit me
all as unusual at first but then I realized that the subconscious is actually
more pliable and malleable. When we’re
awake, we’re not actually aware. The
subconscious is even more so !
Jim: Dude, I
think you just lost me.
Kevin: I lost myself in my train of thought, but just consider it. Our minds are so much more complex than we know. Mom and dad gave me the idea to head to the beach. That’s where I met Bridgette.
Kevin: I lost myself in my train of thought, but just consider it. Our minds are so much more complex than we know. Mom and dad gave me the idea to head to the beach. That’s where I met Bridgette.
Jim: That’s
wicked ! I’m so happy for you.
Kevin: And to
think I came to the Music Fest on a mere whim.
Jim: Sure. But you kept telling me, ‘everything happens
for a reason’. We don’t know why they
do, but I think we’ll know everything when we get to paradise.
Kevin: We have
accounts, but not our own. No one’s
ever been able to interview someone from the opposite side of the veil. I got my closest opportunity last night in my
Jim: That’s
Bridge: (huge,
gleaming grin on her face) Fancy meeting
you here. Ah, you know Tranquility ?
Kevin: Yes, this
top notch gent here… (slaps his back heartily)
(bashfully) Aw, shucks.
Kevin: He’s the bassist of the band.
Bridge: I can dig
it. How long have you known each other
(They laugh in tandem)
Kevin: Since
grade school. We were inseparable.
Jim: Yep. I still consider Kev my brother even though
we’re not related by blood.
Kevin: Maybe in
another life.
Bridge: (takes
his hand) Hey, do you want to get a Frappuccino
with me ?
(blushing) You betcha ! I’d love to stick around, Jimmy boy, but
Bridge and I…
Jim: Say no
more. Enjoy that Frappuccino, you lucky
(narrating) From the moment I had
that Frappuccino with Bridgette, I knew my life was changed inevitably
forever. My dad hadn’t wanted me to be
alone and he put love in my life. At
first, yes, I have to admit, I was a little afraid, but I opened my heart to
the opportunity and I never once looked back.
Bridgette became my world and even though we were apart from each other
in our respective jobs, we found happiness in each other in the reuniting and
parting moments of each day. I knew
eventually, I’d marry her, knowing that we would surf the waves of life
(Scene fade, we see a montage of Kevin’s life up to the
point where he is attending Xander’s wedding.
He has been dating Bridgette successfully and feels it’s opportune to
ask Bridgette to marry him.)
Scene 5—Auspicious Occasion
(narrating) Seasons came and
went. Before I knew it I was attending
Xander’s wedding. I couldn’t believe he
had been planning to marry his faraway sweetheart after all these years. She had to pluck up roots and come to the
States, but her parents were very supportive.
They loved Xander and his attributes and knew that she would be in good
hands. There was only one stipulation,
however. Xander and Ramona had to come and visit during the
holidays, or they would come to the States to reunite. All in all, it was a very amiable
relationship. I myself had gotten to
know my darling’s family and I wanted to garner the courage to make a
move. Mom and dad had been supportive
and I think their answer in my dream last night was more than obvious. They showed me a rose, just waiting to
blossom. I knew that the love I had was
that very rose. I had to strike while
the iron was hot.
Bridgette: Isn’t
this fabulous ?
Kevin: I think
that you are even more fabulous ! You
just keep becoming more beautiful every time I see you.
(blushes darkly) You’re just
saying that because you’re biased.
Kevin: No. I mean
that from the bottom of my heart. (spins her into his arms, holding her from
behind and kisses her neck, whispers into her ear) I have an inquiry.
Bridge: What it
is ?
Kevin: (kneels) Bridgette Connelly. Before God, country and everyone, I declare
openly my heart belongs to you. Will you
cleave your heart to mine ?
Bridgette: Of
course, but we can’t steal Xander’s thunder.
(nudges him playfully as they dance to ‘I’ll Be the Greatest Love in
Your Life’ followed by ‘Ride the Pony, Monie, Monie’)
(narrating) Certainly didn’t want
to rob Xander and Mona of their big day.
We waited until a more opportune time, like at the Christmas party, and
then everyone and their brother knew.
Strangely enough though, it was as if Bridgette’s parents knew the whole
time. I swear, those fellows are
practically psychic. I could’ve never
guessed over the passage of time that this is what dad and mom had prepared me
for, even though I kept a handwritten journal of every dream I had, whether it
included them or was something rambling and random as most of them tended to
(narrating) Eventually, we did have
a little, intimate wedding of our own.
My family became Kevin’s and it began to expand exponentially. Soon, we were expecting our own little
bundle of joy, Shana. Shana is already
7, believe it or not ! Gee, whiz. How time really does fly. She can see Kevin’s
mom and dad as clear as day and has conversations with them. He and I both believe that her pure view of
everything gives her fewer limitations to converse with the realm of
spirit. We still continue our findings
daily. She actually told us that she
won’t be alone much longer and ‘grandpop’ told her so. Little imp !
I couldn’t be happier though. She’ll
be a big sister in no time, and baby will make four of us in this supernatural
and extraordinary world ! We help
others connect with their family members too, especially in dreams. Some can even have visions during their
waking hours, but this is rarer. Still,
reaching out to those who are longing for what will inevitably become theirs is
so rewarding. We remind them, life is
precious and meant to be lived with kindness, love, faith and appreciation. These small, simple truths lead to a life
full of memories, no regrets and enjoyment.
(A montage is shown, especially of Bridgette and Kevin
receiving their new son Gordon and adjusting to their new life with him. ‘Unwritten’ plays in the background, followed
by ‘I Did It All/I Lived’ and ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’. Bloopers are seen as well as some behind the
scenes actions. A quote follows, ‘Life
itself is too precious to be burdened by sorrows and cares. Live life, live it fully.’—Dhani.)
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