My Cute Roommates
Synopsis: Keziah Bae finds herself in an apartment while looking for money for a new house. She is a librarian. Her roomates are Devdas Rai, a smooth talking, singing and guitar playing Indian, Kyle Jones, a nerdy but charming accountant, John Erikson, a hunky wrestler who goes by the name 'Suplex', Nicolae Petrov, a rather non-vocal Russian who cooks gourmet food, Frank Davis, a comedian, and finally Matt Jensen, a man who is a naturopath.
Keziah Bae:
Opal Bae: (her mom)
Duri Bae: (her dad)
Bora Bae: (her grandmother)
Isuel: (her cat, currently in her parent's care)
Devdas 'Dev' Rai:
Aarav Rai: (his dad)
Jiya Rai: (his mom)
Mahika Rai: (his sister)
Chenille Powers: (Dev's main squeeze)
Kyle Jones:
Barbara Jones: (his mom)
Devon Jones: (his dad)
Jamal Jones: (his big bro)
Andre Jones: (his little bro)
Matt Jansen:
Inga Jansen: (his mom)
George Jansen: (his dad)
Nicolae Petrov:
Arcadi Petrov: (his dad)
Natasha Petrov: (his mom)
Eugenia Petrov: (his grandma)
Frank Davis:
Eli Davis: (his dad)
Ruth Davis: (his mom)
Delphina Davis: (his grandma)
John 'Suplex' Erikson:
Felix Erikson: (his dad)
Julia Erikson: (his mom)
Harold 'Harry' Erikson: (his grandpa)
Henrietta 'Hetty' Erikson: (his grandma)
Scene 1--Moving In
Keziah: (Gawking at the size of the building) Gee, whiz ! Everything's so much bigger here than it was back in Oregon. Looks comfortable and cozy enough. (sigh, looking through her phone at photos) Jeez, I'm gonna miss you guys, and you too, Iseul. At least you have mom, dad and grandma taking care of you. (inhales deep and long and exhales slowly and calmly. She approaches the building and her floor with a bounce in her step and great confidence, swinging her carry on with flair)
Dev: Hey ! You must be new. I'm Devdas, but everyone calls me Dev.
(offers his hand for Keziah to shake it)
Keziah: Pleased to meet you, Dev. I'm Keziah. Are you the only one living on this floor ?
Dev: (in a very easy-going way) No, there are 5 more of us ! Hey guys ! We've got a guest !
Kyle: Heya, I'm Kyle. This is Frank.
Frank: (gregariously and warmly) Sup !
Matt: I'm Matt. I'm the resident naturopath, that big behemoth is John.
John: I go by 'Suplex' when I'm in the ring. Don't worry. I don't fight unless provoked.
Keziah: (relieved) Good to know.
Matt: Our chef, Nicolae, he doesn't talk a lot, but he's actually really cool once you get to know him.
Kyle: Don't let the icy stares get to you, Nick actually means quite well.
Nicolae: (actually grins at her)
John: That's the first time I've seen him do that.
Frank: He only does that when he's entranced by something.
(They give Nick a knowing look then the same supersillious look to Keziah.)
Keziah: I'm at 10A, just around the corner. You know I'll be around.
Matt: We'll be sure to stop by.
Keziah: As my Jewish friends say...oy vey.
(She walks away with a nearly sapped expression and falls on her couch. She's soon awakened by a phone call.)
Opal: How's your apartment ?
Keziah: It's wonderful, mom, but it's complicated. All my roommates are interested in me.
Duri: Tell me more about these roommates. From your tone, I can tell they're of the male persuasion.
Keziah: (floored) I don't know how you do it, but its as if we have a live feed from our minds 24/7.
Duri: Bae intuition and psychic abilities. Never underestimate those, my dear.
Keziah: (light hearted chortle) (narrating) So I proceeded to give my folks the scoop of my new roommates.
Opal: So many choices.
Keziah: I know, but at least while I look for a home I can afford with my new, better paying job, maybe I can have a chance to get to know at least one of them better. Personally, the one that caught my eye the most was Matt.
Opal: (holds out hand) Pay up, Duri.
Duri: Aw, was hoping you'd go for the accountant.
Keziah: I knew you'd say that. Kyle's a sweet fellow, but I feel an attraction to Matt. I don't know why or what it is about him.
Duri: Well whomever you choose, we're rooting for you.
Keziah: (narrating) The only trouble now was getting each of these guys on a date in such a way that it wouldn't cause contention and jealousy. So far, there was no trouble in paradise. I wanted it to stay that way.
(Scene fade)
Scene 2--Singing, Dancing Date
Dev: (very confidently) I knew you'd warm up to me sooner or later. So, where is it we're going ?
Keziah: Ever had Korean food ? I am making it myself. It's sort of a feast. I make enough to feed me for about 2 days or more. I eat very little.
Dev: Seeing that it would be made by such angelic, delicate hands, I would be a fool not to.
(After eating a delightful meal, which is compilments to no end, he sings 'Gerua' to her on her porch swing. Keziah feels her heart torn, remembering her initial reaction to Kyle when they first met.)
Dev: (holding her hand but noticing she pats his and then slips her hand out of his) Did I do something wrong ?
Keziah: No, you didn't. I just don't feel for you the same way you do for me. I am sorry.
Dev: (smiles gently) Don't be ! You're being honest. You're a great woman. I think the man who has won your heart is a true match for you. He's going to be so lucky. Only question now is, would you be willing to be my wingwoman ?
Keziah: (laughs) Quite the tall order there, Dev.
Dev: (nudges her playfully) Come on, you'd be perfect. And besides, as a woman yourself, you have crucial perspective that I don't have.
Keziah: (narrating) So, I did it. I became his wingwoman. And believe it or not, the cockamamie scheme to find the perfect lady for him. Her name was Chenille and she is a vision. The other guys are still interested in me though. I thought having another woman around the apartments would take some of the heat off yours truly. Not even close. The heat intensifies.
(Scene shift)
Scene 3--Culinary Art
Nicolae: (seeing Keziah coming home from work) Greetings, Keziah. Long day at work ?
Keziah: Yeah, and extremely productive. (pause, surprised) Wait, you rarely talk. I thought you were mute !
Nicolae: Those claims are highly exaggerated. Would you care to join me for dinner ?
Keziah: I wouldn't want to impose.
Nicolae: No, you'd be no imposition at all. I made stroganauf. Salad and fruit cocktail.
Keziah: I'll join you. I'm certain that's all too much for one person to eat.
Nicolae: I had a large family, so I'm used to feeding a big group of people. (escorts her in, helps her sit down, puts on some romantic Russian music in the background while humming)
Keziah: I've never seen you like this before.
Nicolae: Don't tell the others, but I'm a bit of a sentimental fool.
Keziah: Goodness me. I don't want to give you the wrong impression, but I don't want to hurt you.
Nicolae: Oh. (acts cool, calm and collected) That's totally fine. Having your friendship is more than enough.
Keziah: (narrating) Feeling bad about Nick, though, naturally, I did the same thing for him that I had done for Dev. To avoid further confusion among my handsome princes, I made my confession to Matt.
(They all congradulate him.)
Matt: (sings 'How Lucky Can One Guy Be' and an entire dancing number is centered on it with her and the guys acting as her chorale)
(Scene fade)
Scene 4--I'm Moving Out
Keziah: (narrating) It took about a month to set the wheels in motion to find a new house and Matt even assisted me. We looked together. I had never gone on a house hunting date before. It was utterly romantic, knowing someday the adorable quaint cottage in the woods would soon be ours. Suplex had already moved out, married to his sweetheart, Glenda. I had been invited to one of his exhibition matches. Guy wasn't half bad on the mat. Even got a photo to commemorate the occasion. All the guys had gone along with me. The appartment complex is being occupied with new tenants. I'm still in contact with all my old princely friends. We still hang out during game nights, eat pizza 'til we burst and belch our favorite team's victory song. It's quieter in the woods, though. I miss my parents. At least Iseul is with me, loveable furry brat that he is.
(Scene fade, scene shift)
Scene 5--A Home of Our Own
Opal: So nice of you to invite us to your new home, and right after such a splendid wedding. We got to meet all of your eccentric friends.
Keziah: All of them were vouching for me, but once I stated Matt and I were an item, they respectfully declined.
Duri: Whatever happened to Kyle, John and Frank ?
Matt: They all became successful, married with children. The apartment has new renters now.
Bora: Bet it's so strange to drive by it after all these years.
Keziah: It is, Granny, but I'm so glad Matt and I have a place of our own.
Matt: (pats Keziah's belly) And just in time for the Bae baby to come into the world.
Opal: Do either one of you know what it'll be ?
Keziah: No, we wanted it to be a surprise.
Matt: Just so long as it has 10 fingers and toes, hale and hearty, that's all that matters.
Duri: Well said, son-in-law. Well said !
Keziah: (narrating) I never would've thought that parenthood would've happened so quickly but after our honeymoon in Korea, it was inevitable. We were excited, like many parents are. Who knows what the future will bring for our little Bae ? It's a book that he'll be writing with every little step he takes !
('Unwritten' plays in the background as we see an upward POV of the Bae household and the parents laughing with their children. 'Teach Your Children Well' plays as we fade out of our character's existence. We see a shot into the future in the credits of everyone together with Baby Kei and him being fussed over by everyone. The entire cast is having the time of their life with Kei, even Iseul !)
:Inspiration for this script comes from watching Permanent Roomates and TBBT. To the subscribers that recommended me PR, thank you *so* much, I am savoring every moment so far !:
Keziah Bae:
Opal Bae: (her mom)
Duri Bae: (her dad)
Bora Bae: (her grandmother)
Isuel: (her cat, currently in her parent's care)
Devdas 'Dev' Rai:
Aarav Rai: (his dad)
Jiya Rai: (his mom)
Mahika Rai: (his sister)
Chenille Powers: (Dev's main squeeze)
Kyle Jones:
Barbara Jones: (his mom)
Devon Jones: (his dad)
Jamal Jones: (his big bro)
Andre Jones: (his little bro)
Matt Jansen:
Inga Jansen: (his mom)
George Jansen: (his dad)
Nicolae Petrov:
Arcadi Petrov: (his dad)
Natasha Petrov: (his mom)
Eugenia Petrov: (his grandma)
Frank Davis:
Eli Davis: (his dad)
Ruth Davis: (his mom)
Delphina Davis: (his grandma)
John 'Suplex' Erikson:
Felix Erikson: (his dad)
Julia Erikson: (his mom)
Harold 'Harry' Erikson: (his grandpa)
Henrietta 'Hetty' Erikson: (his grandma)
Scene 1--Moving In
Keziah: (Gawking at the size of the building) Gee, whiz ! Everything's so much bigger here than it was back in Oregon. Looks comfortable and cozy enough. (sigh, looking through her phone at photos) Jeez, I'm gonna miss you guys, and you too, Iseul. At least you have mom, dad and grandma taking care of you. (inhales deep and long and exhales slowly and calmly. She approaches the building and her floor with a bounce in her step and great confidence, swinging her carry on with flair)
Dev: Hey ! You must be new. I'm Devdas, but everyone calls me Dev.
(offers his hand for Keziah to shake it)
Keziah: Pleased to meet you, Dev. I'm Keziah. Are you the only one living on this floor ?
Dev: (in a very easy-going way) No, there are 5 more of us ! Hey guys ! We've got a guest !
Kyle: Heya, I'm Kyle. This is Frank.
Frank: (gregariously and warmly) Sup !
Matt: I'm Matt. I'm the resident naturopath, that big behemoth is John.
John: I go by 'Suplex' when I'm in the ring. Don't worry. I don't fight unless provoked.
Keziah: (relieved) Good to know.
Matt: Our chef, Nicolae, he doesn't talk a lot, but he's actually really cool once you get to know him.
Kyle: Don't let the icy stares get to you, Nick actually means quite well.
Nicolae: (actually grins at her)
John: That's the first time I've seen him do that.
Frank: He only does that when he's entranced by something.
(They give Nick a knowing look then the same supersillious look to Keziah.)
Keziah: I'm at 10A, just around the corner. You know I'll be around.
Matt: We'll be sure to stop by.
Keziah: As my Jewish friends say...oy vey.
(She walks away with a nearly sapped expression and falls on her couch. She's soon awakened by a phone call.)
Opal: How's your apartment ?
Keziah: It's wonderful, mom, but it's complicated. All my roommates are interested in me.
Duri: Tell me more about these roommates. From your tone, I can tell they're of the male persuasion.
Keziah: (floored) I don't know how you do it, but its as if we have a live feed from our minds 24/7.
Duri: Bae intuition and psychic abilities. Never underestimate those, my dear.
Keziah: (light hearted chortle) (narrating) So I proceeded to give my folks the scoop of my new roommates.
Opal: So many choices.
Keziah: I know, but at least while I look for a home I can afford with my new, better paying job, maybe I can have a chance to get to know at least one of them better. Personally, the one that caught my eye the most was Matt.
Opal: (holds out hand) Pay up, Duri.
Duri: Aw, was hoping you'd go for the accountant.
Keziah: I knew you'd say that. Kyle's a sweet fellow, but I feel an attraction to Matt. I don't know why or what it is about him.
Duri: Well whomever you choose, we're rooting for you.
Keziah: (narrating) The only trouble now was getting each of these guys on a date in such a way that it wouldn't cause contention and jealousy. So far, there was no trouble in paradise. I wanted it to stay that way.
(Scene fade)
Scene 2--Singing, Dancing Date
Dev: (very confidently) I knew you'd warm up to me sooner or later. So, where is it we're going ?
Keziah: Ever had Korean food ? I am making it myself. It's sort of a feast. I make enough to feed me for about 2 days or more. I eat very little.
Dev: Seeing that it would be made by such angelic, delicate hands, I would be a fool not to.
(After eating a delightful meal, which is compilments to no end, he sings 'Gerua' to her on her porch swing. Keziah feels her heart torn, remembering her initial reaction to Kyle when they first met.)
Dev: (holding her hand but noticing she pats his and then slips her hand out of his) Did I do something wrong ?
Keziah: No, you didn't. I just don't feel for you the same way you do for me. I am sorry.
Dev: (smiles gently) Don't be ! You're being honest. You're a great woman. I think the man who has won your heart is a true match for you. He's going to be so lucky. Only question now is, would you be willing to be my wingwoman ?
Keziah: (laughs) Quite the tall order there, Dev.
Dev: (nudges her playfully) Come on, you'd be perfect. And besides, as a woman yourself, you have crucial perspective that I don't have.
Keziah: (narrating) So, I did it. I became his wingwoman. And believe it or not, the cockamamie scheme to find the perfect lady for him. Her name was Chenille and she is a vision. The other guys are still interested in me though. I thought having another woman around the apartments would take some of the heat off yours truly. Not even close. The heat intensifies.
(Scene shift)
Scene 3--Culinary Art
Nicolae: (seeing Keziah coming home from work) Greetings, Keziah. Long day at work ?
Keziah: Yeah, and extremely productive. (pause, surprised) Wait, you rarely talk. I thought you were mute !
Nicolae: Those claims are highly exaggerated. Would you care to join me for dinner ?
Keziah: I wouldn't want to impose.
Nicolae: No, you'd be no imposition at all. I made stroganauf. Salad and fruit cocktail.
Keziah: I'll join you. I'm certain that's all too much for one person to eat.
Nicolae: I had a large family, so I'm used to feeding a big group of people. (escorts her in, helps her sit down, puts on some romantic Russian music in the background while humming)
Keziah: I've never seen you like this before.
Nicolae: Don't tell the others, but I'm a bit of a sentimental fool.
Keziah: Goodness me. I don't want to give you the wrong impression, but I don't want to hurt you.
Nicolae: Oh. (acts cool, calm and collected) That's totally fine. Having your friendship is more than enough.
Keziah: (narrating) Feeling bad about Nick, though, naturally, I did the same thing for him that I had done for Dev. To avoid further confusion among my handsome princes, I made my confession to Matt.
(They all congradulate him.)
Matt: (sings 'How Lucky Can One Guy Be' and an entire dancing number is centered on it with her and the guys acting as her chorale)
(Scene fade)
Scene 4--I'm Moving Out
Keziah: (narrating) It took about a month to set the wheels in motion to find a new house and Matt even assisted me. We looked together. I had never gone on a house hunting date before. It was utterly romantic, knowing someday the adorable quaint cottage in the woods would soon be ours. Suplex had already moved out, married to his sweetheart, Glenda. I had been invited to one of his exhibition matches. Guy wasn't half bad on the mat. Even got a photo to commemorate the occasion. All the guys had gone along with me. The appartment complex is being occupied with new tenants. I'm still in contact with all my old princely friends. We still hang out during game nights, eat pizza 'til we burst and belch our favorite team's victory song. It's quieter in the woods, though. I miss my parents. At least Iseul is with me, loveable furry brat that he is.
(Scene fade, scene shift)
Scene 5--A Home of Our Own
Opal: So nice of you to invite us to your new home, and right after such a splendid wedding. We got to meet all of your eccentric friends.
Keziah: All of them were vouching for me, but once I stated Matt and I were an item, they respectfully declined.
Duri: Whatever happened to Kyle, John and Frank ?
Matt: They all became successful, married with children. The apartment has new renters now.
Bora: Bet it's so strange to drive by it after all these years.
Keziah: It is, Granny, but I'm so glad Matt and I have a place of our own.
Matt: (pats Keziah's belly) And just in time for the Bae baby to come into the world.
Opal: Do either one of you know what it'll be ?
Keziah: No, we wanted it to be a surprise.
Matt: Just so long as it has 10 fingers and toes, hale and hearty, that's all that matters.
Duri: Well said, son-in-law. Well said !
Keziah: (narrating) I never would've thought that parenthood would've happened so quickly but after our honeymoon in Korea, it was inevitable. We were excited, like many parents are. Who knows what the future will bring for our little Bae ? It's a book that he'll be writing with every little step he takes !
('Unwritten' plays in the background as we see an upward POV of the Bae household and the parents laughing with their children. 'Teach Your Children Well' plays as we fade out of our character's existence. We see a shot into the future in the credits of everyone together with Baby Kei and him being fussed over by everyone. The entire cast is having the time of their life with Kei, even Iseul !)
:Inspiration for this script comes from watching Permanent Roomates and TBBT. To the subscribers that recommended me PR, thank you *so* much, I am savoring every moment so far !:
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