In a future where almost everything is automatic, a terrorist hacks into
the grid forcing Pleiades shuttles to Kepler 7 to remain grounded as well as
NASA experiments above or on the ground below.
Dr. Takeshi Tanaka, his wife Ryoko, his daughter Akame and sons Kyoshiro
and Hoshi are all responsible for the Pleiades shuttles and Tanaka Aeronautics
Incorporated. Akame has a man chasing
her who happens to be the terrorist who hacked into the system and he agrees to
'enliven the grid' only if she gives him a chance for one date. Predictably, she says 'no'. With the help of her brothers, family and
their massive corporation, they find a way to neutralize the manic stalker
named Robert Chanticleer. Once he is put
away for good, he starts a new life and repents. Akame then gives him a chance to date her
once he is fully well.
Takeshi Tanaka: (Akame's dad)
Ryoko Tanaka: (Akame's mom)
Akame Rose Tanaka: (baby sister)
Kyoshiro Tanaka: (elder brother)
Hiroshi Tanaka: (middle brother)
Tiberius Chanticleer:
Chanticleer: (his mother)
'Turo' Vasquez: (one of Rob's many
friends from school)
DuLac: (Rob's friend)
'Tim' Eddington: (Rob's friend)
Burt Copernicus:
Copernicus: (his dad)
Copernicus: (his mom)
Greller: (Kirsten's dad)
Greller: (Kirsten's mom)
Kirsten Greller:
vast crew of operators:
#1 (Kyle):
Yvette Jansen:
DeGrasse Tyson:
Stephen Hawking:
Tea Sakura:
'I try never to understand, it's called keeping an open mind.'--The
12th Doctor, Doctor Who: The Magician's Apprentice
Scene 1--Conveniences
Akame: (narrating) We've come
so far in the future that nearly everything is automated. Certain things require a human touch, such as
operations in the hospital, delivering children and care of the sick and
dying. Not many are ill due to our
advancements, though. We have come to a
point now that we as Earthlings need to find another place to call our
home. Thanks to Hubble's discoveries in
our Universe, we found Kepler 7. From
the time I was an infant, my father, mother and brothers instituted Tanaka
Aeronautics Incorporated and the Pleiades shuttles. It was all due to my brothers'
experimentation that we developed warp capability. Hiroshi was the first to begin exploring
Kepler 7 in earnest and our finest astronauts began testing, sampling and
returning data. Others, such as Burt
Copernicus and Kirsten Greller have made countless travels, keeping us updated
on colonizing our new home. It will take
some time to truly understand this wild, wonderful, tropical world, but before
long, it will become our new home.
Field tests will be done here on Earth to compile all the data we need
for ourselves and future generations before the planet becomes extinct. With our resources dwindling as they are,
we have a few more thousand years, but at least we are prepared. With our shuttles and the discovery of a
never-ending crystal power source on Kepler 7, we are closer to discovering new
worlds to venture to and explore.
Indeed, it is an exciting and terrifying time to be alive and I can't
help but say I am proud that our family is the first to breech the containment
of our stratosphere and sojourn to other realms.
(Through all of this, we see a slideshow of everything we as humans
have achieved up into this point, being the year 2020, which is mentioned at
the start with a photograph of Earth as seen from outer space. The technology humanity has achieved is seen
in rapid succession, including AI doing many of the menial tasks that were once
relegated to the lower class and migrant workers. Flights of the Pleiades shuttles are shown
from Earth to Kepler 7. Kepler 7
resembles our planet with an eerie similarity, however, it is a very tropical
planet that exists in a balmy 75 degrees constantly. There are no winters, springs or falls here
and there are plenty of beachfronts.
Many animals exist here that don't on Earth and not much information
exists on them now. The duo of Burt and
Kirsten gather all the information they can on all existing matter; plant,
animal, mineral, etc. When the crystal
source of energy is discussed, we can view the two astronauts mining it without
need of their spacesuits and discovering it is infinite in power. They begin using it for all of their
technological devices, and it shows immense promise.)
Scene 2--Spectacular News from Kepler 7 and Home
(At Tanaka Aeronautics, also mentioned on screen)
Takeshi: (jovially) Good morning, everyone. I trust we all had a tremendous night of
Hoshi: (nodding) That we did, dad.
Kyoshiro: I bet you're just
pleased to be back on terra firma, Hoshi.
Hoshi: That I am, Kyo. I sort of miss it though. Burt and Kirsten have been studying Kepler 7
and from what I hear the photographs and data are returning to us in real
Akame: How long has it been
now ?
Kyoshiro: I think it has been
at least 5 years that the Ptolemy
rocket set off on its endeavor.
Akame: (wistfully) Seems like almost yesterday.
Ryoko: It's all so thrilling
! Don't you think ?
(They all nod)
Akame: I'm happy the ground
crew here keeps everything running smoothly.
Ryoko: (there's a notification
on screen) It's the Ptolemy crew. Bring it up,
bring it up !
(The operator gladly complies)
Kirsten: Greetings, Ryoko,
Takeshi, everyone !
(Everyone is elated to hear from their friends on Kepler 7. They all applaud, whistle, and cheer.)
Burt: (laughs) We weren't expecting such a warm
reception. Thanks, everyone.
Takeshi: How is Kepler 7
treating you ?
Burt: Much more hospitable
than planned. Animals here are much
larger, but oddly, tamer than the ones on Earth. Don't let their size fool you. We leave them alone though. We only eat some foul and fish as well as
Kirsten: The vegetation here
is incredibly succulent. Not only that
but the energy boost from it is simply amazing. We hope you get everything we've compiled so
Kyo: It's quite a bit of
data. It'll take us a while to sift
through all of it.
Kirsten: We know you're all
capable of putting together a manual.
We'll all need it one day when we make our mass exodus from home.
Akame: It'll be a bittersweet
day. A farewell and homecoming.
Hoshi: (light laugh) Ironic indeed.
Burt: We're thinking of coming
home for summer vacation though.
Takashi: You're more than
welcome. It's been a long time since
you've seen your original home. Take a
vacation, both of you. You've deserved
Kirsten: Takeshi, bless your
magnanimous soul.
Burt: We'll be coming home
soon. Kirsten and I have taken our new
rover, Astrid to execute analysis on
the soil, crystals, water and other indigenous species here. Before long, Astrid will help build compounds for habitation and we can begin
our emigration.
Ryoko: I have superb news
about all of this. The president wishes
to see you in Stockholm and award you the Nobel for all the research you have
done. We are to be part of the ceremony
as well.
Kirsten: What an honor !
Burt: An award and a
vacation. Things couldn't get any better. We will be departing tonight and we'll
finalize the date on when we will be flying to Sweden. Until we see you on the ground. Ciao !
Kirsten: Arrivaderchi ! Hasta la vista !
Astronauts: Ptolemy crew signing off.
(They all hug each other.)
Kyo: Dad, I think this calls
for a celebration.
Hoshi: Absolutely !
Takeshi: Couldn't agree
more. Everyone, sushi is on me tonight,
my place.
Ryoko: The servants are going
to be busy tonight, that's for certain.
Akame: (narrating) That night was full of revelry, unlike any I
had seen before. Usually after a large
celebration comes a time of great trial and tribulation. Little did I know what we were in for some
rough seas ahead.
Scene 3--All Systems Go ?
(The Ptolemy crew arrives
with much pomp and circumstance and media coverage. Everything is going splendidly until the
media coverage stops suddenly.)
Cameraman: What's going on
Yvette: I don't know,
Kyle. This has never happened
(With one active droid, our
villain makes his grand entrance.)
Robert: (in the comfort of his
home from his computer with a malicious, smug grin on his face) I'm so glad you're all so inquisitive. If you want to know what's happened, it's
all my doing. No thanks necessary.
Yvette: Who are you ?
Robert: Just your average
black hat. I prefer 'Robert' though,
Yvette. I've grown tired of this
civilization. I think we should all just
accept our fate and sink into the abyss of extinction. Entropy is coming. Let's embrace it with open arms.
Akame: (raised eyebrow) Robert as in Robert Chanticleer ? You and I were in high school together,
working as laboratory partners.
Kyo: (whispers to her) You know
this nutjob ?
Akame: Of course I do. Rob and I were friends.
Robert: (becoming slightly
maudlin) Yes, always friend zoned. I wanted more out of you.
Hoshi: (to Kyo) Oh, don't tell me...
Robert: I will maintain our
blackout. No one comes in, no one goes
out. You won't be able to conduct your
little research or trials.
(Mockingly) Boo hoo ! Poor NASA !
Poor Earth.
Akame: You have no regard for
Robert: We've become too dependent on technology ! I'm just freeing
us all from that burden. We can live
like we once did.
Yvette: This guy's a real
jewel. (to Kyle) Kyle, see if you can hail a frequency to
police radio. It should be
unaffected. We will find where this
fiend is and restore order.
Robert: (sarcastically) Oh, drat.
You foiled my plans. Ah,
well. I would return everything to its
former state if Akame would give me the honor of going out on a date with
Akame: I didn't back in high
school and I don't want to now ! You're mad !
Robert: Madly in love with
you, and never stopped.
Akame: (tsks) I don't care about that. I hope a little time alone in a jail cell
can make you stable. I don't know what
happened to you after all that time, but you aren't the sweet, gentle soul I
used to know in the laboratory.
Robert: People change,
Akame: Yes, and I believe
there is still good in you.
(Split screen and the police have been called to take Robert into
Jessica: What's happening
? Why are the police here ? Robert Tiberius, young man, if you've been
messing around with the power grid, so help me !
Robert: I did this for our
good mother. We can get back to square
one !
Police officer: Tell it to the
judge. You have the right to remain
silent. Anything you say or do will be
held against you in a court of law. You
have the right to an attorney. If you
cannot afford one, one will be assigned to you.
Akame: (narrating) It was then that it dawned on me that
insanity had clouded my friend's mind and dragged him down a dark
corridor. I was fearful that he'd never
return out of it, but I hoped against all hope that the good I knew dwelled
within him would emerge once more.
Scene 4--Restoration
(We see Robert's trial take place, and Jessica testifying as not
being aware that her son had any of these capabilities but she did know of his
'extracurricular activities' and proclivities toward rebellious outbursts. This never manifested until now when Robert
finally snapped due to desperation and fear of being lonely forever. He is pronounced guilty and taken to
jail. Operations of the Aeronautics
company are slowly brought back to order.)
Akame: (narrating) The trial went as anyone would have
predicted. Robert was found guilty of
shutting down the entire global grid.
His droid had been confiscated, studied and ultimately destroyed. The officials didn't want another maniac to
get their hands on technology like that ever again. The brightness in Rob's eyes had faded when
they were taking him to the jail and the restoration of Tanaka Aeronautics as
well as every other vital business had begun.
It took about 5-7 hours just to get everything up and running, but we
were able to go to Stockholm in record time and meet our astronaut’s families.
(At the Stockholm Banquet)
Kyo: I can't believe we're
going to be introduced by the one and only Neil DeGrasse Tyson ! I have so many questions to ask him.
Hoshi: I know what you mean,
bro. I can barely keep myself from
fanboying all over the place. I'm doing
my best to keep from hyperventilating.
(chuckles a bit anxiously)
Takeshi: Don't worry,
boys. We're all here together and we'll
conquer this as a family.
Ryoko: (comes up close to
kiss him) One of the many reasons I adore you, anatayo.
Takeshi: (pushes his glasses up
and lowers his gaze, due to blushing)
All children: (a bit
immaturely, jesting) Ooooo.
Takeshi: Stop that !
Ryoko: The gala is about to
start. Neil's coming on stage !
Hoshi: (squeals as quietly as
he can)
Kyo: I know, right ? I can barely stand it ! Not only that but Dr. Hawking is here,
also. I've died and gone to quantum
physics heaven.
Stephen: Greetings ladies and
gentlemen. It is my absolute pleasure to
introduce the intrepid explorers and innovators that made our continuing
exposition and future colonization of Kepler 7 a reality. Firstly though, and this man needs no
introduction, our keynote speaker will be awarding our brave astronauts and
engineers. Neil, I turn the podium over
to you.
Neil: For many years we have
dreamed to set our sights beyond the stars outside our boundaries. It's thanks to the efforts of Dr. Tanaka and
his team that we have a home to call our own in a few more years. It is my honor to present Dr. Tanaka, his
wife, his children, Burt, Kirsten and the employees of Tanaka Aeronautics with
the Nobel Peace Prize. Your efforts
will go down in history for eons to come.
Our thanks and recognition pale in comparison to what awaits us
soon. Truly, the possibilities are
infinite, just as my contemporaries predicted.
May we never stop being intrepid explorers on the journey science leads
us on.
(The audience claps and the plaudits only become louder when Tanaka,
his family and friends receive the Nobel.
Afterward, Kyo and Hoshi are talking and laughing with Neil and Stephen,
having a blast. Akame talks to Kirsten
and Burt's parents.)
Bernard: It's surreal seeing
Burt receive such an auspicious, lofty trophy.
Victoria: We're so happy for
him ! (They all hug him)
Burt: Mom, dad...You're
embarrassing me.
Bernard: So ? We're proud
of you ! We always knew you were
something special.
Esteban: It must be so
unusual, Kepler 7. But to you, you talk
about it like it's nothing new.
Kirsten: Believe me father,
every time Burt and I set out on Kepler 7 every single day.
Clara: It's odd, really. Thinking that someday it'll be our home and saying goodbye to our old
Kirsten: We're never really
saying 'goodbye' to Earth. Our history,
science, technology, humanity, all of our attributes, good and bad, will be
recorded for posterity and will be coming with us.
Burt: That way we can learn
from our past and not make similar mistakes on our new earth.
Akame: It's all too
wonderful. A bit daunting, but marvelous. I'd love to be staying but our family has to
close the factory for the night and head to bed.
Kirsten: We'll be turning in,
Esteban: It was such a treat
meeting you in person.
Clara: We're such big fans
Victoria: Best of everything
in your future endeavors.
Akame: Thank you. I have to go fetch my brothers. If I don't I'll be stuck here until the wee
hours of the morning ! Not that I mind,
but we all need a good night's rest if we're going to get the Pleiades shuttles
up and running and do the necessary maintenance on the Ptolemy for the next launch.
(narrating) It had been a sublime
night and I had the chance of meeting my brothers' idols. We all took a photograph together, said our
farewells, turned the company off for the evening and went to bed. I didn't know what was going to happen but I
had a feeling eventually everything would turn out for the good.
Scene 5--A Second Chance
(A transition of sunrises and sunsets is seen and we see Robert going
through a program where he is helped to reform himself. He is encouraged to use his hacking
abilities to stop would-be criminals from stealing secrets and turning the
world we know it upside down.)
Robert: (sitting on one side
of the glass) Hi, mom. Good to see you again.
Jessica: I'm glad to know
you're turning your life around. It's
no good allowing any kind of demon to corrupt you.
Robert: That was in the
past. I've grown up, ma. I'm a better person.
Jessica: I can sense that
about you. You're different, like you have purpose.
Robert: I want to try
something again though.
Jessica: Robby, no. What if she's moved on ? It's been 10 years now. Dr. Akame Tanaka is probably married with her
own family.
Robert: That's not true,
mom. She and the crew at Tanaka
Aeronautics have been successful in colonizing Kepler 7. There have been experimental groups boarding
the Pleiades shuttles and traveling there to see if the conditions are indeed
hospitable. So far, nothing adverse has
happened. We've even got
agriculturists, architects, scientists, et al., making certain more of us can
make the transition there without incident.
Jessica: I don't want you
getting hurt. Akame seems like the type
who is a strong, independent woman.
She's content in being single.
Robert: Mom, I know you mean
well, but how will I know what will happen unless I try ?
Jessica: (sighs in
exasperation) Fine. It's your life. You're still my little boy. If this blows up, don't forget...
Together: I tried to warn
Rob: I know, I know ma. I love you.
In a few more days, I'll be out and about in the real world, back to the
job I knew and loved. I'm working for
the benefit of mankind this time though.
(Scene fade)
(At home, reading a book by Michio Kaku, a huge gleeful smile
encompasses her face.)
Akame: (blissfully) Doctor Kaku, so much of what you've said has
been fulfilled. I can't wait to see if
your other predictions come to pass.
(the phone rings, causing her to fumble her book and catch it in midair,
placing it back on an end table.)
Akame: Tanaka residence, Akame
Rob: Guess who ?
Akame: Robert ? Really ?
Are you out of jail ?
Rob: Yes, on good behavior and
working for the right people. I just
came home from work and decided to call you.
Coincidentally enough, your information was still on my cell ! Imagine that !
Akame: This is all such
excellent news. I am so happy for you,
Rob. Why did you think of calling me,
though ? I'm so busy I barely even have
time to sleep nowadays.
Rob: (laughing) Maybe I'm a bit loopy, but I thought I would
give it the old college try. Ok, here
it goes... I was wondering if you would be so kind to go out on a date with me
(winces, expecting the worst)
Akame: I have been giving it
quite a bit of thought, and to be honest, I want to give you another
Rob: You truly have a heart of
Akame: What better way to get
to know someone than to go on an excursion with them ? You are my friend, I know quite a bit about
you already. I'd love to know how you
have changed though. What do you
suggest ?
Rob: (chuckles) There's a Mongolian place I have been dying
to try but have been to chicken to ever enter.
Would you want to go there ?
Akame: Funny thing, I've been
the same way. I've got an opening this
weekend. Will you be free say about 5:00
pm ?
Rob: (looking up schedule on
his computer) Yes, sure looks it. I can't wait to actually see you again. It'll be like old times.
(scene fade)
Scene 6--The Last Meal on Earth
Akame: (narrating) In a way, it was sorrowful, since we would be
saying goodbye to conventional ways of eating.
More natural methods would be instituted, but personally I didn't think
it such a bad thing. Our earth had
become so depleted at this time that we were forced to make the sojourn to
Kepler 7. Colonies were already being
built; we learned using the infinite crystal energy there wasn't going to harm
the environment. Domesticated pets
still existed and adapted well to the climate of Kepler. The history we had made on Earth was still
very much a fabric of ourselves, but Rob and I knew we were making history
presently and that was the most exciting, prestigious moment for the both of
Rob: (reaching across the
table to take her hand in his) Do you
know how long I have wished to touch you ?
Akame: No. (blushing)
Rob: Since high school, and
now I have the delight and honor of doing so !
I know it's a bit soon and maybe a bit forward, but I do love you, Akame
Tanaka. That has never stopped. Strangely enough (laughs lightly) my love
for you was what kept me going and what caused me to ultimately transform
Akame: I'm flattered.
Rob: Don't be flattered, it's
I that am humbled just being in your presence.
Akame: (squeezes his
hand) Your new work really looks good on
you. You didn't have to wear a suit, you
know. It's casual dining.
Rob: I know, but I wanted to
make a good impression on you. (winks)
Akame: You have. So, you're doing work for the Fed now,
counter hacking.
Rob: Ironic. I know right ?
(They laugh)
Akame: You are such an
egghead, though. Glad you can do good
with your abilities, it truly suits you.
Rob: This is what heaven must
be like. Being so close to an angelic
Akame: (blushing again) Rob !
You're making me flush.
Rob: I enjoy it. Everything I say, though, is true. (looks at her watch) Oh, shoot !
It's so late. I'm so sorry I kept
you out until the wee hours.
Akame: Don't be. I've enjoyed all of this thoroughly. (patting his hand) I regret it has to be over so soon. Wish I could freeze time and make this
moment last forever.
Rob: You are truly
beautiful. You know that, right ?
Akame: (tittering) I have only heard my family tell me that, but
never heard it from you.
Rob: You'll be hearing it at
least 10 times or more a day. (they
Akame: (narrating) The reboot of our relationship had gotten off
to a good start and only continued from there.
Robert had become the man I always knew he was; compassionate,
intellectual, brave, full of integrity and optimism. From our friendship blossomed a life-long
romance that only rekindled with time and patient cultivation.
Scene 6--The First Keplerian Wedding
(2 years later appears on the screen as well as a subtitle, 'Kepler
Rob: (straightening his tie,
clearly a bundle of nerves) Arggh, this
dumb thing won't stay put. It's always
Richard: (adjusts his
tie) There, Rob. Now it looks picture perfect. Ever such the dapper gent, you are !
Rob: Thanks, Rich. Tim, Turo, I couldn't be gladder you're here
for me in my time of need.
Arturo: Last time we saw each
other was during our high school reunion and that was (dramatically) sooooo laaaaaame. This, though, is quite the shindig. I can't believe that we have celebrities
Rob: (hands over his
ears) Don't remind me. I wanted this to be a quiet, low-key
Rich: They're lesser knowns,
Rob: Not in the science
community. At least the paparazzi is
nowhere to be found. (wipes his palms
on his trousers) I'm sweating like a
horse !
Arturo: Here, have some
Rich: Breath with us.
(They all breathe together)
Arturo: You're marrying a
beautiful, intelligent, prestigious woman who is responsible for all of us
being here. It's the first wedding on
Kepler 7 !
Rich: You are both going to be
in the history books.
Rob: (almost petrified) Yea, us !
Woo-hoo. (takes a deep breath
and exhales) It is monumental when one
thinks of it, but all I care about is being united with the one woman who rocks
my world, whatever world that might be.
Tim: (a bit weepy) That was beautiful, Rob. You are a poet at heart.
Arturo: (looking outside at the congregation and being motioned to
the altar) It's time !
Rob: (inhales, exhales) One
small step for Robert Chanticleer, one giant leap into married life.
('Ave Maria' is sung by Akame's mother, brothers and fathers in
glorious four part, tight harmony.)
Akame: (narrating) I could still see the boy lingering in the
man, but welcomed it. Still having such
a sense of discovery at this age was encouraging. It was what lead us to this point and what
would lead us to whatever lay ahead.
Tea: (Calming the din of the
crowd) Dearly beloved, we are gathered
here to join in holy matrimony these two pioneers, Akame Rose Tanaka and Robert
Tiberius Chanticleer in holy matrimony.
If anyone is against this union speak now or forever hold thy
(pause) In that case, allow
these two to be joined together as Mr. and Mrs. Chanticleer.
(As the two kiss, the congregation applauds and cheers.
Akame: (narrating) It was quite the occasion in many ways and
one that Robert and I would remember for years to come. One day we would tell our children of it
once they were born as well as the home we had left behind. They would come to know other realms beyond
Kepler 7, but they would always be bound by the thread of love and promise that
ties everything in our galaxy together.
As Rob and I looked at the unique constellations yet to be named through
our scientists, astronomers and physicists we savored this heady responsibility
as well as our possibility of becoming parents on this welcoming but eclectic
new world. We were welcome to
participate in this journey together, whatever happened. Only presently, we savored every nanosecond
breathing in the same air, knowing that we were prepared as pioneers,
explorers, sojourners in every way for all the bends in the cosmic road we
(As we see the two curl up together as man and wife, a POV shot can
be seen from their moon roof. The
constellations they were speaking of are shown as a panorama of Kepler 7 is
seen. 'The End, but rather a Beginning'
appears itself to be written in the stars and 'Renegades' by X Ambassadors
plays. Roll credits.)
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