From the planet Luminary, two Lumineers, Luxor and Clannad travel to Earth as
enlighteners, environmentalists and fellow discoverers and pioneers.
Tima: (Luxor’s mom)
(Luxor’s dad)
(Clannad’s mom)
Vas: (Clannad’s dad)
Ama: (their unborn daughter)
Rojal: (Their ‘ruler’)
Cullen: (dad)
‘Jessy’ Cullen: (mom)
Cullen: (son)
Cullen: (daughter)
‘Mary’ Cullen: (baby)
Waterson: (Tabby’s mom)
‘Tabby’ Waterson: (Max’s best friend)
‘Punchy’ Richards: (bully #1)
‘Beau the Foe’ Williams: (bully #2)
Mrs. Ernestina
Maddox: (Junior High Teacher)
Ophelia Baker: (Junior High Principal)
Ethan Stutz: (Elementary Teacher)
Scene 1—The Drive to Explore
Tima: Luxor, where are you
headed ?
Luxor: Mom, please, don’t
worry. You’ll start to go dim if you do
(She laughs)
Ginto: It’s so kind that you
and your lovely light, Clannad, look after all of us.
Clannad: Since we were destined to shine together, it felt only right to expand our families.
Clannad: Since we were destined to shine together, it felt only right to expand our families.
Vas: And pretty soon, we can
call ourselves grandparents. Ah, I can’t
Engra: Should you be traveling
in your condition though ?
(The duo chuckle)
Clannad: Mother, relax. We’ll be fine. Baby’s fine too. Guru Rohal gave us permissions to leave
Luminary to study, discover and enlighten Earth.
Luxor: We’ve always wanted to
go. It’s only been in holo-books that
we’ve been perusing that we know of their culture. Never once have we seen it in action.
Engra: (nodding) We know.
Rohal was correct in letting you two have a star cruiser to begin your
(They all surround them)
Tima: Love and light surround
you, light-bearers.
Ginto: Safe travels.
Vas: Be prosperous !
Engra: Good vibrations all
Luxor: Thank you,
everyone. (kissing them)
(The two walk out, saying their farewells to their family, hailing
their cruiser telepathically. Over the
comm, there is a hologram of their Guru.)
Rohal: Don’t forget to file
your reports as often as you can. I’m
eager to see and hear your findings, whatever they are.
Clannad: Of course,
Rohal. We’ll make the Lumineers proud
Rohal: (beams) You know you will. I couldn’t have chosen more capable
candidates. You are both experts in
your field. You know your topics. You have just never seen them up close and
Luxor: (bashfully) Rohal, you flatter us too much. We’re just learning. It wasn’t long ago we graduated from the
academy of sciences.
Rohal: With honors and
rightfully so. Go forth, Lumineers
! We believe in you. Shine on.
Clannad: (getting a tad
teary) We will. Clannad and Luxor out. (closes communication) That was awfully thoughtful of the Guru.
Luxor: Yes. I sense they are all with us though, in
spirit. (holds her hand, squeezes
it) We’re not far away from our destiny
now. Any moment, we’ll be entering the
stratosphere, and then the atmosphere.
Touching down shouldn’t be any challenge.
Clannad: Good thing we both
trained in sims before our mission.
Luxor: Indeed, Clannad, my
darling dawn.
(Scene shift to touching down on earth and them cloaking their
vessel. They skim through their
holobook on earth fashion and phase into new clothing seamlessly literally.)
Scene 2—Field Work
(Right off the bat the two look like tourists, taking photographs and
writing notes in their holo-journal.
There are a couple kids playing in the background. One of them throws a Frisbee a bit too
Max: Awww, nuts ! Mira, go get it !
Mira: I threw it too far,
Max. Wait a minute, those nice tourists
are bringing it back to us.
Luxor: Did you lose this ?
Mira: Thanks. We were having quite the game. Our little sister can’t play with us
yet. She hasn’t really learned to walk. She’s tuckered out though.
Clannad: She is absolutely
precious. You know what ? I’m going to be having a baby soon
Max: Really ? What are you going to name her ?
Luxor/Clannad: Ama after a long
lived grandmother.
Mira: Lovely name. (raised eyebrow) Do you know your skin glows ?
(They look a bit surprised)
Clannad: You can see us phosphoresce
Max: (nodding) Yes, clear as day. Look, if you’re not from Earth, we totally
understand. We know aliens are amongst
Mira: We won’t rat you out to
the government. Trust us.
Luxor: We were absolutely
certain our disguises would fool you.
(They go along, lugging their baby sister with them, who rides
piggyback on Max’s back, completely asleep.)
Max: Granted the disguises were
Mira: We noticed that you
shine just like glow sticks. Not to
mention you have glow-in-the dark hair.
It’s really cool !
(They look at each other and are astonished they didn’t take credence
of this earlier.)
Mira: We’re friends, like we
said. Tell us all about
Max: Whatever you say, we’ll
keep it mum from our folks. Secrets are
not getting through us !
Mira: That’s right.
Luxor: (narrating) So we told the Earthlings all about our world
and what we had learned. Earth was far
more complex than we had initially surmised.
(Segue into next scene, where Luxor and Clannad get to know the
family, but their kids keep Luxor’s and Clannad’s true identities secret.)
Scene 3—Family Dinner
Clannad: (narrating) We engaged
in a ritual known as ‘dinner’ or ‘supper’ depending on where you grew up in Earth. We weren’t horrified that some Earthlings
weren’t vegetarians, but these Earthlings, fortunately, were.
Jerome: I hope everything is to
your liking !
Jessie: We heard about your
plight and thought, why not ? We’ve
got room for 2 more in our guest room.
Jerome: (huge smile) We’ve been
meaning to have family spend the night sometime for our next family
Luxor: That’s quite generous of
Max: It’s a good Samaritan
thing we do.
Clannad: Very laudable !
Mira: Do you want to go with us
to our classes tomorrow ? Clannad can
go with me to elementary school and Luxor can go with Max to junior high.
Jessie: That’s a brilliant
idea, Mira.
Jerome: If you have any
questions, feel free to ask them. We’ll
field them all. (finishing his
dinner) What a meal ! I’m stuffed.
Luxor: (narrating) We soon
learned being ‘stuffed’ didn’t mean getting filled with cotton and used as a
comfort item during slumber. It took us
some time to get used to Terran expressions and colloquialisms but we became
acclimated instantly.
(Scene fade/shift.)
Scene 4—Standing up to a Bully
Clannad: (recording) These learning establishments are
extraordinary. Are they all the same
Mira: No, they’re unique. There are even AP classes in junior and high
schools. My brother happens to be in
them and I have a lot of extra curricular activities due to my terrific
Clannad: Yes, I can see
Mira: (acting a bit afraid all
of a sudden)
Clannad: What’s the matter
Mira: (shudders) Oh, it’s just Punchy Williams. Everyone’s terrified of him. He beats people up and takes their lunch money. He gives people swirlies in the bathroom. And worse…
Clannad: That’s horrible. Has anyone ever stood up to this bully ?
Mira: No ! (scoffs)
They don’t want to get a black eye.
Clannad: Let me talk to
Mira: Clannad, no. He’ll just beat you up !
Clannad: We’ll see about
that. (sits next to Williams)
Punchy: I haven’t seen you
around here before. What’s with the
weird get-up ? Did the 90’s puke you out
Clannad: (laugh) I prefer comfort over style. You’d be surprised how popular that trend is
with the hipper people amongst us.
Punchy: What are you tryin’ to
say, you dumbass ? I won’t let anyone
speak to me in such a manner. You
wouldn’t know fashion if it bit your clit !
Clannad: Such language coming
from a young mouth. Do you kiss your
mother with that mouth ?
Punchy: What if I do, you
filthy bitch ?
Clannad: You’re just acting the
way you do because you like the notoriety it gives you. You don’t really have any friends. They are afraid of you. Maybe if you were nicer you’d actually have
friends. Being kind isn’t a
Punchy: Shut up, just…shut up
! (starts crying, which the others
don’t see because their view is obscured at the moment)
Clannad: You do have a heart,
otherwise you wouldn’t be able to cry.
Your real name isn’t Punchy either, is it ?
Punchy: How would you know ? You’re not my ma, she’s DEAD !
Clannad: Oh…(puts her hand on
his shoulder, which he recoils from angrily) I’m sorry. I didn’t know.
Punchy: No one does. My dad, he’s sort of belligerent. I’d leave, but, I have nowhere else to
go. I want to get him help but…
Clannad: You’re afraid to ask
for it.
Punchy: Yes. Actually (ashamed) that’s true. I lash out because I’m so angry. I feel so out of control. All because I like the power pushing people
around gives me.
Clannad: You don’t have to do
that. I know people you can talk
to. Start with the guidance councelor.
Punchy: Mrs. Sanchez ? Oh, sure.
Everyone likes her, she’s super nice.
Clannad: There you are. Baby steps.
Punchy: What’s your name ?
Clannad: Clannad. I’m from out of town. I’m only here for a short while.
Punchy: I’m Rob. Wish you could stay longer, you’re
Clannad: (laughs) Glad you think so, Rob.
Mira: (watching Clannad walk back to her) How did you do that ?
Clannad: It begins with a
simple smile. That’s your ice
breaker. Listen to those who are
suffering. Sometimes all it takes is a
sounding board or listening ear to ease their pain.
Mira: You’re so wise in your
ways. You know, my brother has a bully
he’s dealing with too. Maybe your
husband is teaching him a better way to interact with others ?
Clannad: (placing her hands on her head and heart) Yes, in fact, he is at this very moment.
Mira: So cool. You have a deeper connection that a lot of
humans have.
Clannad: I’m sure you have it
with your family too, you just never noticed.
All humans do at some level or another.
They just need to learn how to reconnect on a heart level, like their
ancestors before them. Many people
today live too much inside their own minds.
The mind is a wonderous realm but it needs to be coupled with the heart
as well.
Mira: Maybe you and Luxor could
teach us what you mean later tonight ?
Clannad: We’d be pleased
to. It isn’t hard !
Mira: I’m open to learning new things.
Mira: I’m open to learning new things.
Clannad: (playfully) I know you are, I sensed it the moment I met your
incredible family.
(Scene fade)
Scene 5—The Way of the Lumineer
Max: (meeting Mira on the
bus) You’ll never guess what Luxor did
today. You know Beau the Foe ?
Mira: Yes, the whole school
knows him. Kids at Starfish Elementary
fear him too.
Max: Luxor just went up to him
and started a casual chat. Pretty soon, Beau seemed to be completely
different. It’s like a miracle.
Luxor: Killing them with
kindness. Agape is powerful.
Mira: That’s surreal.
Luxor: All of this has inspired
me to sing a song to commemorate the event.
Jerome: Is that something you
both do often ?
Jenny: (bouncing Mary up and
down) Did you hear that, Mary ? Our friends want to sing to us ! How delightful !
(Mary giggles and coos with delight)
Clannad: Yes, music is our
primary mode of expression.
(They sing ‘Shine Your Light’)
(Everyone applauds)
Jenny: That was lovely. Thank you.
Luxor: As usual, the dinner
you’ve given us was outstanding.
Clannad: Yes, I must write down
these recipies and take them back home with us to share. They’re unlike anything either of us have
ever had.
Jerome: That’s my sweetie, a
veritable magician in the kitchen.
Luxor: We’re going to teach you
how to have a deeper connection with one another.
(Jerome, Jenny and Max look at each other curiously, especially
Mira. They seem to know it was her
Jerome: Ok, how do we begin
Luxor: Follow us to the family
Jenny: (nodding) Now what ?
Clannad: Take a seat, lotus
position if you can.
(They agree)
Luxor: Close your eyes, focus
on your breathing. Try not to think so much of what’s happening outside
you. If you begin to see whirling
colors, it’s not abnormal. Just keep
Clannad: You can either use the
mantra ‘Hum Sa’ or ‘Om’ or ‘Om Rittum Nama’.
Max: (trying to be serious, he
laughs a bit) What do all those things
mean ?
Clannad: It means ‘I am
that’. Om is the one perfect sound in
the Universe, and the last is ‘I dance to the rhythm of the Cosmos.’
Jenny: That’s profound and
Luxor/Clannad: It is.
Clannad: (narrating over their
meditation session) Each and every day
before the contractions started, we taught our adoptive family how to be more
reflective and open to the energy that surrounds us all.
Luxor: (narrating) We also
helped those around us become more conscious of the environment and how we and
all things are all connected. Even in
the most minute way, we live a symbiotic relationship. Many that we encountered understood this
already, but our family, our Earthling friends, they had learned this the quickest
of all. Sadly, we had to depart from
our friends. We didn’t want our
farewell to be tearful but the tears came anyway. The Cullen family was the only one that saw
us leave and they kept our secret and still keep it to this day. We owe them a debt we can never possibly
repay, but for now, we exist, teaching Ama everything we have gleaned from our
experience and the importance of faith, hope and love. For those we have met, they have plenty of
all three and it sustains us as well as them.
Of course, they all have their ups and downs but so far they are
thriving. As for us, we thrive too,
basking in the fruits of our outreach.
If anything we’ve learned a smile and a gesture of kindness can extend
beyond anything known or unknown in this Universe. It is reciprocal and never ends. So no matter who you meet, give them a
smile, lend them a hug, show them a simple act of agape. You never know how it will repay you.
(As this is happening, we can see a sort of clip show of the family
replenishing itself on Luminary and Ama being fussed about as her parents play
with her and shower her in affection.
Back on earth, everyone begins to display random acts of kindness and
pays it forward spontaneously.
Lesson: Karma will pay you back, so
be careful of your words and deeds. My
thanks goes to all that made this possible including the Luminaries who
inspired me to write it much like Mooji and other Gurus here on Our
Planet. Your wisdom gives me courage,
strength, wisdom and openness. I ask
that I can be light to all whom I touch, knowing they touch me in so many
incredible ways. I am grateful, I owe
everyone immense thanks. Namaste
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