
Synopsis:  The story of fraternal twins, Miracle and Shane who are found after a violent fundamental Islam raid and raised by different families.  Shane (aka Pickpocket) makes a living stealing.  Miracle becomes a missionary like her late mom and dad and encounters her brother one fateful day. 

Miracle Lionheart/Bates:
John Bates: (husband)
Archer Bates: (son) 
Pastor Frieda Lionheart:
Geoff Lionheart:    
Shane Malone:
Patricia Styles/Malone:
Edward Malone: (his dad)
Talia Malone:  (his mom)
Barbara Malone: (sister in waiting) 
Security Guard:
Police Officer:  

Chapter 1—Jolted into Life
(We see two missionaries running from a terrorist attack due to Al Qaeda and Dash, babies in tow.   They’re able to get the babies to safety, but the parents are blown to bits.) 
Miracle: (narrating)  The last thing I remember even at that innocent age was holding my brother’s hand.   We were separated so early in life.  I had no idea if I would ever see him again but I grew up being raised by Pastor Frieda and her husband Geoff.   I never knew anything about my true missionary parents, so I always accepted the fact that Frieda and Geoff were my flesh and blood.   When I was old enough, they told me about the attack on my village and asked me to reconsider my passion of evangelism.  
Geoff:  For all we know your brother could be dead.  That attack annihilated over 1,000 people and demolished countless homes and businesses. 
Miracle:  Dad, I know, but that is all the more reason I need to spread salt and light in this dark world.   Besides, I have a feeling my brother is still out there.  
Frieda:  You’re not going by a hunch are you, darling ?
Miracle: (hugging her mother)  Of course not.  This goes deeper than some mere hunch.   This is my instinct.  
Geoff:  It’s dangerous out there, Miracle.  
Miracle:  (getting hugged by both her parents)  I realize that, but how will I know if my brother is out there if I don’t go looking for him ? 
Frieda:  You do have a point there, darling.
Geoff:  (tears brimming in his eyes)  Just come back to us in one piece.  Promise ! 
Miracle:  (kissing them both and being kissed by them)  Mom, dad !  You know I will !   Abba’s got my back !  
Frieda/Geoff:  We know.  
Frieda:  Safe passage.
Geoff:  God bless.  
Miracle:  (gathering everything together for the journey, she sets off on her own, playing ‘Lift Me Up’ on her IPod, narrating)  When the attack by Dash happened, I was merely more than a toddler, as was my brother Shane.   My parents went in separate directions before I recall a blinding flash of light, but I will never forget my brother’s face.   My heart tells me he’s still out there…somewhere.  I just have to find him.  

Scene 2—Troublemaker Pickpocket 
(‘Meanwhile’ appears on the screen. ‘Caravan’ by Loop Guru plays as the people are being shown around by the tour guide, snapping photos and enjoying themselves until…)
Tourist:   That little runt took my wallet !   Grab him !   Grab him before he gets away. 
(The security guard rolls her eyes.)
Guard:  It’s always the Malones.  Up to no good again.  
Police:  I already got the parents.  The boy, Pickpocket, he slipped through my grasp.  He’s a slippery eel, that one. 
Guard:  (tsks)  Parents taught that one real good.  
Ed:  You know we can hear ya, Shirley. 
Talia:  Yeah, it’s not like we’re deaf. 
Guard:  (glowers)  Not like I care, Ed.  For now you two are goin’ into custody for a while until we can figure out what to do with you two. 
Police:  We’ll deal with that boy of yours later.  
(A song by Messengers plays on Miracle’s IPod.  She spots a boy who has run away in an abandoned house.) 
Miracle:  (calling out)  Hello ?  Anyone here ?   I’m looking for a boy named Shane.  He’s my brother.  
Shane:  (coming out)  That’s my name, how did you know ?
Miracle:  (offers him her hand, which he tentatively accepts in order to get back up on his feet.  He dusts himself off, eyeing her cautiously)  It’s a long story, really.   My real parents were missionaries, but I consider my current parents still my kin, even if we’re not blood relatives.  
Shane:  I’m sorry they died so horrifically. 
Miracle:  It’s alright.  I know they’re watching over me.  My vocation isn’t exactly safe, you know.  Yours isn’t either !  I could help you with that.
Shane:  (scoffs, dubiously)  Doubtful.  My mom, dad and I have been living this way since we can remember.  It’s steal to live.  Live to eat.  You know the rest. 
Miracle:  (chuckles)  Yeah, I’ve seen Aladdin.  I mean, who hasn’t ?  It’s a classic.  
Shane:  I only had a chance to see it from afar.  I don’t venture into the city much, but I do tend to blend into crowds.  I’m quick on my feet so I can do a lot of easy lifting there.  No one ever knows.  I take small amounts from everyone’s pockets.   (sigh)  I know it’s wrong though.  My parents do too.   This doesn’t make us bad people does it ?
Miracle:  Stealing is wrong, yes.  You’re doing it out of basic needs.  The fact you acknowledge it as wrong means you are all good people at your core.   You all have a conscious.  I can help you find work. 
Shane:  (derisive laugh, smug look)  Sure you can.  The last person we heard that from vanished without a trace.  Turns out they were hustling us, trying to get us to steal for them.   Thing is in our work, it’s every thief for themselves.   You stick up for your own.  Anyone on the outside is on their own, punto.   End of statement. 
Miracle:  That’s really harsh.
Shane:  Welcome to the arid jungle, then, sweetheart. 
Miracle:  (boldly) Do you trust me ?
Shane:  (abashed, taken aback) No, not really. I just met you.  Sister or no, I don’t really know you from Adam.
Miracle:  I totally understand your cynicism and lack of trust.  But you can bank on me.   Believe it. 
Shane:  (a bit reluctantly at first)  Fine.  What do I have to lose ?  Besides, you can help my folks out of the pokey, too. 
Miracle:  (nodding)  Come to think of it, I think I can collaborate with my parents.  We may be able to manage something.  
(Scene shift, back to the bustling community where Miracle lives with the other evangelists. A symphonic version of ‘Might As Well Try’ plays in the background.) 
Scene 3—Lending a Helping Hand
Shane:  Good God, this place is swank.   I mean, I never thought evangelists lived well.  I thought you guys took a vow of poverty or something ! 
(He gapes at his surroundings, laughing at the sheer irony of it all.) 
Miracle:  It’s not like we’re living in mansions, Shane.  
(Geoff and Frieda run toward Miracle, hugging her expectantly.) 
Geoff:  You’re back.  We didn’t expect you so soon. 
Frieda:  This calls for a celebration.   Who’s your guest ? 
Shane:  (A bit bashfully at first but oddly very politely)  I’m Shane.  Apparently, Miracle’s my sister.  Who am I to doubt her ?
Frieda:  You do look like a Xerox copy of her.  
Geoff:  We can always do a DNA test to confirm.
Miracle:  Don’t need it.  I recall his face from infancy.  I can’t not remember, if that makes any sense. 
Frieda:  Double negative and all.  (Laughs) 
Miracle:  Ah, ha, ha.  How droll, mom.  Anyway, I am in need of your help. 
Geoff:  Anything, just ask. 
Miracle:  (nudges Shane)  Go on, don’t be shy.  They won’t bite.  In a way, they’re your extended family.
Shane:  (a little bashfully)  I come from a family of thieves.  It’s all we’ve ever known, and well, mom and dad got caught.  Again.   The only problem is the economy here is absolute crap.  
Geoff:  Actually, it isn’t.  The job market is starting to improve.  We can build on your skills as well of that as your parents.  Maybe we can do community service to reinstate them into society. 
Frieda:  That’s a brilliant idea, Geoff.  
Shane:  Do you think they’d actually stick to it ?   I want to be optimistic for them, but the pull of pickpocketing is so alluring.  I mean, it comes off as such an easy score.   I admit to this most of all.  I know it’s wrong.  I truly want to change.  Mom and dad, they do too.  It’s hard to break bad habits though.  
Geoff:  Being authentic is a first big step forward.   Listen, Frieda and I as well as your sister will do whatever it takes to get you all on your feet.  I think it would be better for you two to be together again. 
Miracle:  I still have you as my family, but it seems this family unit is about to expand.  
Scene 3—Working for a Better Life
(More upbeat ‘traveling’ music plays as Miracle gives a play-by-play commentary of the changes starting to take root in her brother’s life as well as that of his family.) 
Miracle:  (narrating)  After a lengthy chat with the police officer and authorities, I got the Malones out on good behavior and we started to look for work in earnest.   Shane had been correct about how cruddy the economy had been but it didn’t stop us from getting work for all three of them.   Shane works with the tour guides.  He knows the area well and has all the local folklore memorized.   I was impressed he knew some places the other guides never pointed out but were always areas of interest.  He liked to go off along beaten pathways where no other guides ever did.   As for his parents, his father sold handmade merchandise, like jewelry and artisan clay jars, bracelets, scarves and the like.   The man had a fine eye for beauty in everything.  Even in the mundane.   As for the wife, I could see that she was happy working with the community building houses.   I also noticed she was expecting and wondering how she could be so incredibly staunch to be constructing and carrying a baby at the same time !  
Shane:  This new job’s incredible.   I love it.  Not only that but I can get into reenactments for free thanks to my knowledge. 
Miracle:  See, what did I tell you ?   Know what’s even better ? 
Shane:  (inquisitively) No, what ?
Miracle:  We’re either going to have a little brother or sister.   It’s so exciting.   In a few more months we get to meet him or her. 
Shane:  We’ll both be big siblings.   
Miracle:  Thank heaven.   I think she’ll have nothing to worry about. 
Shane: Even though Dash is still out there ?
Miracle:   They always will be in different subsets and forms, much like a virus likes to change and hide in plain sight.   However, it shouldn’t be something that frightens us.   We’re safe here in the community. 
Shane:  Do you think we’ll ever see more than just the community ?  I’ve always wanted to go to America.   I hear mom and dad were originally from there.  
Miracle:  They were, according to the birth certificates after their deaths were confirmed.   I’m sorry neither one of us knew them.
Shane:  (soft smile)  Actually we do.  We have their traits, their personalities, their idiosyncrasies and sense of humor.   I think we both have their stick-to-itiveness.  
Miracle:  You know, you’re absolutely correct.   (narrating)  Come to think of it, Shane was right about a number of different things.   In the short time I had come to know him as my brother, he had grown considerably.   I saw something different in his eyes than the loss I had seen before.  He had hope, trust and purpose.  He even had conviction in whatever he did.  The officers couldn’t believe his transformation but I knew it was there the whole time.

(The passage of time and people that Miracle and her family helps is shown over time, even Barbara coming into the mix and taking after big sis.   They even return to the States and help people where they really need it the most and then, finally return to the community where they were raised.  This is shown as a clip show to Pogo’s catchy and groovy tune Hoo Ba Ba Kanda.) 
Scene 4—Feeling Comfortable
Barbara:  Hey, I’m home ! 
Shane:  (hugging her whole-heartedly)  What’s up, sis ?  You’re in a grand mood ! 
Barbara:  Yeah, sure am !   I just passed with flying colors.  I’m finally going to be able to be a doctor.  
Miracle:  (surprised)  I could never do that.  You’re so much more fearless than I am. 
Barb:  (laughs)  You’re the one that inspired me.  Besides, nothing’s holding me back.  You’ve got John and Archer to worry about. 
Miracle:  That’s true, I do.   I hear that Shane may have a special someone he’s been eyeing.
Shane: (defiantly)  I have not.  I don’t care who you’ve heard that from.
Miracle:  A little birdy told me it was that cute British girl you met a couple years ago.  She took the Holy Land tour and you got bitten by the love bug.  
Barb:  (chuckles)  That is so adorable. 
Shane:  Shush !   So I have been dating her long-distance and we meet in intervals.  
Barb:  It’s more than that, it’s super serious.  
Miracle: As far as I am concerned, it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.  
(narrating)  My brother, did finally marry the love of his life, Patricia Styles.   Their love story was more complicated than mine.   John and I happened to work in the same place, but he makes far more money in archeology and anthropology than I ever did.   Being with him feels like a real-life episode of Dig, only better.   Sad to say the TV show never really did well, given the circumstances but real-life, honestly is much more satisfying.   As for Shane’s marriage to Patricia, the affair was one that we never forgot.   It was the first time I ever saw my brother in a suit.  To think this was the scrawny, mistrusting lad I had encountered so long ago confounded me.   I knew though that deep within him he had the capacity for great love.   Now his journey was beginning, and who was to know where it would take us next ?  Only time and God truly knew, but that’s what made it exciting. 
(They dance to ‘Faith’ as well as ‘Kyrie Eleyson’ and ‘Jesus is Just Alright’ amongst other faith/religion related songs.   We see the wedding taking place and Shane glowing as he dances and celebrates with his newlywed wife.   The rest of the family is rejoicing along with the rest of the family.  The last quote related before seeing bloopers in the film as well as behind the scenes is ‘The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.  Don’t be afraid, be bold, be spontaneous, go on an adventure !’   To everyone that believed in me, thank you from the matrix of my soul.  I owe you a depth of gratitude I can never fully express.  If I had the chance to hug you all in person, I will.  If not here, then on the other side, cheres !)  


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