Bombay Baby
Synopsis: Abandoned as a neonate, Rohit is raised by
two magnanimous Americans and grows to have a song in his heart and a groove to
his step. Rohit’s mother, Amara, was
raped before she was to be married. Both
of her families reject her and she becomes untouchable. Ashamed and pregnant, she flees to America, leaves
Rohit to be cared for there, and returns to an ashram in India to become ‘no
one’. She never expects to see Rohit
again, or that she is worthy of romance.
Rohit quickly changes her mind. In the tradition of Marigold, The Guru, Bride
and Prejudice, The Namesake, Monsoon Wedding, Outsourced, My Faraway Bride,
Diwali Dulhania Le Jayenge and my very own American Indian comes an East meets
West fusion of tears, laughter, redemption, second chances, music, dancing and
of course, romance !
‘Will’ McKay:
‘Sunny’ Kunal:
‘Sweety’ Kunal:
Patel: (the rapist)
Kunal: (Amara’s intended)
Valdez: (salsa dance instructor)
Valdez: (his mom)
Student (Gina):
(fellow salsa student):
Scene 1—Unhappy
(eagerly) Amara, come to the family room.
Pretti: Yes, lovely daughter. We have a proposition to speak to you
Amara: (extremely excited, barely able to contain
her joy) Is this about my wedding to
Akashay ?
Pretti: (tries not to laugh) You always know what I’m plotting even when
papa and I do our best to keep it secret from you. (they hug her and kiss her, keeping her
Amara: You wouldn’t have been able to. We all know I’ve loved that man since we were
kids. We used to play together in
school. The way he’d look at me, so shy,
so coy, but with such tenderness. He
was always so gentle and giving in his compliments with me. I gushed forth every time he’d say
something. I couldn’t stop laughing ! I adore him. You’ve made me very happy.
Mohinder: It’s a match, then. Sunny and Sweetu are tickled too, knowing
they’ll have such a magnificent daughter-in-law. We’ll have the perfect family unit soon.
(Vash is
standing outside, seething in hatred.
This was going to be his shining
moment. He had loved Amara also as a
child. A flashback is shown of how he
watched Amara and Akashay as kids, innocently playing on the beach and making
sandcastles. He comes and demolishes it,
laughing tyrannically. He walks away,
seemingly proud of his ‘accomplishments.)
Akashay: Don’t worry, Amara. I’ll protect you from bullies like him. He won’t hurt you so long as I am around. You are my priceless treasure.
Amara: (looking downwardly, a bit
shy) You are worth more than anything,
Ash. That you would stand up for me
against Vash means everything. I can’t
really repay you, dear.
Young Akashay: You will, someday. We’ll be married and unbelievably happy. I look forward to that day with abandon
forward to Amara’s hopefulness coming to fruition, that is until the lights go
out and the family forgetting to lock the doors. He barges in but quietly, not making a
stir. Instantly, he pins Amara to the
Vash: It should be me marrying you, Amara. I should be the one to get your
affection. Ash is weak. He’s nothing.
I could take better care of you than he ever could. You are mine !
Amara: (Trying to yell, kick and scream but he hits
her, hard)
Vash: Try to cry out as much as you want sweet
little thing…
Amara: (all
for naught even though she’s really fighting back) No ! Stop ! Don’t !
Vash: (takes control and rapes her, rather
(The parents
come in, finding Amara completely besotted and almost unable to say
anything. Vash has finished the
Vash: She forced me, Mr. Singh. Your daughter took my virginity. When I said no, she lashed out ! I had to protect myself…
Amara: That’s not true ! He overpowered me ! I tried to fight back ! He raped me, daddy ! Mama, you have to believe me.
(They look at
each other)
Pretti: We have to take Vash at his word.
Amara: Mama, no.
Papa, don’t consent to what she’s said.
Vash: She’s nothing but trash. Whoring around like that.
Amara: How dare you call me a whore !
Vash: (backhands her again) Don’t you speak to your father that way. In fact, don’t speak at all.
(tearfully) Get out of my house.
Mohinder: No, Amara.
You get out.
Amara: Papa…
(becoming incensed) You are no longer
any daughter of mine. The wedding is
annulled. You won’t be a part of his
family, let alone ours.
Amara: But…
Pretti: (angered)
Do as your father says !
Amara: As you wish.
(bawling her eyes out, and running out of the house to flee to
America. We see a quick transition of
her becoming pregnant and wrapping her baby up in swaddling clothes, leaving it
at a doorstep. While she weeps, she
sings to the child, hoping that the music she gives him helps him maintain his
true identity.)
Amara: I know this couple will care for you my
beautiful Rohit. (kisses him tenderly,
sniveling) I have to return, repent for
my sin. I pray you find me, but you may
never see me again. Whatever the fates
decide, it is in their capable hands.
(As she
returns by plane we see her transforming into a nun at the ashram, and she
begins to sing ‘Amara’s Song’, a real tearjerker. The main theme appears on the screen in
golden cursive font, a throwback to Dil to Pagal Hai, and another thumbprint of
how much I cherish Bolly films. It’s my
little kiss to those who know tremendous cinema.)
Scene 2—An
Unexpected Gift
(A little
hint of the theme to ‘Bombay Baby’ plays, which is my remix of Loop Guru’s
Single Orphan First Year Camel.)
(Amara has
already fled and a newborn Rohit wails and whimpers on the Singer’s doorstep
with a handwritten note.)
Kenneth: (rubbing his eyes clean of sleep from a good
night’s rest) What’s all the
ruckus…(looks down and sees the adorable baby, crying his eyes out) Oh my gosh !
I can’t believe it. Who would’ve
left such a perfect baby boy here ? I
wonder why they just abandoned him ?
Sam, come here ! You have to see
this !
Sam: (Slightly grouchy) It better be important with you waking me up
so early in the morning, Ken. (sees the
little one and immediately falls in love with him) Oh my God !
It’s a baby !
Ken: We’ve been praying so long for our own little
Sam: I almost gave up, after trying so hard to
conceive our own. I was certain it wasn’t
meant to be and you’d grow tired of me.
Ken: Never.
(holding her close) I don’t care
if it is either one of us who can’t conceive.
It doesn’t matter now. We have
this child…We have to take care of him.
Sam: He has a little note. It says his name is Rohit. It says the name means ‘The first rays of the
Ken: It suits
him immensely.
(Ken kisses
his wife’s forehead affectionately and holds her close. They sing ‘Blessed Baby Boy’ and raise him
with all the best intentions they can give him.
A flash forward is shown of Rohit growing to be robust, wise, well-liked
and sought out by others thanks to his perception of the natural world and the
supernatural world. While he makes his
way to work, he and an entourage around him.
He sings ‘Bombay Baby’ and stops to see a sign on a telephone
Rohit: (To
himself) Salsa lessons. No experience necessary. Hmm, sounds like a blast. Well, I do love to dance and I know Latin
music would suit me, especially these untamed hips. Destiny, I think you’ve got my number ! (eagerly goes home)
Ken: If it isn’t our sweet, charming, intellectual
young man !
Sam: (hugging
him, kissing him, pinching his cheeks)
You’ve grown up to be so incredibly debonair. I bet you can’t possibly keep the ladies
Rohit: That’s the thing, mom and dad. While the ladies seem to love me, none of
them share my passion for music, dance and the mysteries of the cosmos.
Ken: (sadly)
That’s just wrong on so many levels.
Sam; Maybe you’re just too profound for them.
Rohit: (dramatically) I’m so misunderstood. It could be that I’m so different from them
they’ll never really get me. You know
how my homeland calls to me. I know
mom’s out there.
Sam: It’s only natural to be drawn to your homeland. We don’t hold that against you.
Ken: (drawing him close for a hug)
Rohit: (Sings ‘Ganga Calls to Me’)
Ken: We’ll make it possible for you to go back to
India someday to find your mom.
Sam: Given she’s still out there, of course.
Rohit: My heart knows
she is, guys. You have to believe
me. I’ve had dreams of my mom, of the
Gangees, everything about India, my homeland.
I can picture it and I feel it in my blood.
Ken: Intentions are just seeds waiting to be
watered. All of this will be manifested
soon enough.
Rohit: You’re right, dad. Your wisdom far exceeds my own.
Sam: While we work on ways to you to achieve your
most ambitious dream, what about that salsa class ?
Rohit: (laughs)
Ha, I almost forgot about that.
(slaps his head gently, acting a little derpy and making them chortle at
his antics) Sometimes I can be so
absentminded ! Is it alright if I go
Sam: Don’t worry about it, we have plenty of money. We’re financially secure in everything at the
Ken: The only thing we have to worry about are
those danged college loans. Ugh, major
painage in the wallet.
Sam: I’m sure some prestigious University will
scramble just to get a hold of you and your erudite brain. (Kisses his forehead again)
Rohit: Mom…not in front of the entourage !
(Regardless the
vast dance troupe around him doesn’t seem deterred or phased. They just follow him wherever he goes, that
is until they get distracted by a very savory taco food truck.)
Rohit: Ah, so fickle. Who would’ve thought it would’ve been a food truck that you cheated on me with
? Ah, but of course. It only could last so long. I’m not mad, I’m not even depressed. I’m off to meet with destiny at salsa class
dancing to ‘Sax’ as sung by Fleur East.
Sharon is the only one in the room who has incredible moves and is
dancing with abandon to the beat, her heart set on fire by funk. She doesn’t care if everyone else is watching
her. She’s in love with the music. Completely stunned, Rohit sees her from a
distance and is smitten instantly, drawn by her spirit. She doesn’t notice him until the dance
instructor enters.)
Armando: (clapping)
Alright, alright. Everyone, find
a partner. (sets up boom box to play
‘Tu Me Conoces Bien’.)
Rohit: (a bit shyly at first) I couldn’t help noticing you didn’t have a
Sharon: I usually dance alone or with another lady in
the group.
Rohit: (smiles) Oh, I don’t hold that against you at all. Maybe you wouldn’t mind dancing with me
? (realizes he’s just been incredibly
untoward) How foolish of me. I haven’t
introduced myself. I’m Rohit
Singer. (reaches out his hand for her to
shake it, which she does, and she blushes, lowering her gaze ever so
slightly. The two of them can tell the
affection they have is mutual even at the first glance and touch they
Sharon: I’m Sharon McKay. I’ve never seen you here before. Is this your first salsa ?
Rohit: (grinning ear to ear) Technically yes, but doing it with you, it
feels like I’ve done it forever.
Sharon: (being spun around and spinning him around
effortlessly) Whee ! (laughing, and he can’t help laughing a bit
Armando: (applauding again) That’ll be plenty for now students. I’ll see you all tomorrow. As for me, I’ve got a date with my darling
mother. Adios, todos !
Rohit: (taking a huge chug of water, dabbing his
face off with a wet towel) Woo, that was
quite the rigorous workout.
Sharon: (catching her breath) Yeah, for sure. I’m glad I had a chance to dance with you,
Rohit. I hope I see you around more
Rohit: I am thinking that you will. Whenever you want to talk to me, feel free to
call. (writes down his phone number,
and sticks it ever so flirtatiously in her pocket, singing ‘Call Me’)
Sharon: Oh dear !
(chuckling) You are too
Rohit: Better than too little, am I right ? (winks, while walking away with a capricious wave)
See you, beautiful !
Sharon: (blushing again)
student: Get a room, Sharon, God !
Sharon: (lightly play-punches her friend, Gina) Don’t
let envy taint your heart, Gina. It’ll
happen soon enough for you. I mean, look
at Todd. Haven’t you seen the way he
can’t stop staring at you ? I’ve seen the way you and he dance
together. You’re unhindered flames on
the dance floor. No way that kind of
chemistry can be contained. Just…go for
it babe. You know I believe in you.
Gina: (smiles gently and sweetly) I never really thought of him that way. I just felt we had a good vibe going.
Sharon: Good vibe ?
(incredulous laugh) You two are
going to be off the Richter scale someday, know what I mean ?
Gina: Sharon, you are bad. But, you’re absolutely right. Hey, best of luck. Rohit seems to be a real gentleman. You don’t want to let him get away.
Sharon: (a
bit dubiously) Yes, of course not, but I
have to think about it. You and Todd,
you two are perfect together. I know, just like Pooja in Dil to Pahal Hai,
my Rahul will come. Maybe it would be
too good to be true if it were Rohit.
Gina: (squeezes her arm affectionately and
encouragingly) It’s not bad to be an
idealist, Sharon. I personally think
your dream is going to come true.
Sharon: (Sings ‘Fairy Tale of My Own’, and Rohit is
drawn back by her whistling, which he of course finishes, just exactly like Dil To Pagal Hai, and gives her another
Rohit: (gives her a cute, flirty ‘call me’ sign,
mouthing it too)
Sharon: I will, you adorable fool. I will.
4—Something Out of the Movies
Gladys: (grinning)
My, my, Sharon. You’ve got quite
the bounce in your step !
Willard: It’s unlike you to be this jovial, dear. What’s changed ?
Sharon: I met someone at salsa class today.
Gladys: Oh
Both: Really ?
Willard: (hugging Gladys from the side) God be praised
! See, I told you, Gladys ! Prayer really DOES work !
Sharon: (chuckling)
The power of intention coupled
with prayer works, pop.
Gladys: Ooooh, she’s got you there.
Sharon: Anyways, I want to call him, but I’m still a
little dubious.
Willard: Why ?
Because of all the numbskulls in the past that broke your heart ? Ah, honey, they weren’t worth your
Sharon: Pop, I know that.
Gladys: Do I hear something outside ?
Sharon: No…No way.
That can’t possibly be. I was
going to call him…
Rohit: (standing outside) I’m sorry, but I couldn’t stay away. I was debating to come to you, but Gina, she
told me where you lived after I asked her.
(winces a little) I know, I know,
creepy ! I should just walk away.
Sharon: No, no.
No, actually what you did was really thoughtful. I wanted to see you again too. I hope it’s not too late for you.
Rohit: No.
I’d stay up all night just for a chance to catch a glimpse of your
beautiful countenance again.
Gladys: I like this guy. He’s really a poet !
Willard: I think we should give them some
privacy. (they fade into the background
but watch avidly from a distance, like voyeurs but in a tasteful way)
Rohit: Come here.
I’ve got something to say to you.
Sharon: You do, do you now ? (She wriggles her eyebrows and heads
(He grasps
her by the hand and begins singing ‘My Heart Calls to You’)
Sharon: Isn’t this all a little sudden ?
Rohit: I can’t ignore my heart, Sharon. After all, that song you whistled, I knew it.
Sharon: Of course you do, it’s a part of your
Rohit: More than that. Here…(takes her hand, puts it on his heart,
and for a moment, she is reduced to a quivering schoolgirl again) Feel that ?
Sharon: (demure grin)
Rohit: That is what you do to me. My heart can’t help but dance.
Sharon: Oh, Rohit.
That’s beautiful.
Rohit: I can only speak the truth. I want to court you properly though, like a
gentleman. You deserve nothing less.
Sharon: (lowers her gaze for a moment) I’ve always wanted that.
Rohit: You will have it. I’m going to spoil you rotten. (he lifts up her gaze) You truly are gorgeous. (draws her close into his arms to hold her,
runs his fingers through her hair)
Sharon: Thank you for this.
Rohit: (takes her hand and kisses it) No, thank you. Actually, I was wondering if I could trouble
you for a date ?
Sharon: Yes !
Trouble me all you want ! (she
hugs him and he looks like he just melts in her embrace)
Rohit: How about tomorrow, 5:00 PM ? I want to take you to the garden. Do you like butterflies ?
Sharon: (nods)
I adore them.
Rohit: It’s official then. (brings her hand to his lips and kisses her
again) Sweet dreams, princess.
Sharon: Sweet dreams, my dashing prince. (sighs, nearly floats away)
Gladys: Seems you have yourself a true jewel
Sharon: (clutching her chest) Mom, you nearly gave me a heart-attack !
Willard: We can’t help it. I know eavesdropping and voyeurism is wrong.
Sharon: On so many levels. Est verboten ! (tsks)
Willard: She’s gone full on German on us.
Gladys: Oh yah, man the battle stations !
(They take
cover behind the couch for a second and come out, laughing hysterically)
Sharon: You
guys are crackpots, but hey, I’m just like ya.
So…even though you were snooping on me…
Both: (apologetically) Sorry, dearie.
Sharon: Do you like him ?
Willard: Like him ?
He’s perfect !
Gladys: He’s a rarity. Such poise, grace and etiquette !
Willard: A real class act.
Sharon: I’m so pleased. I just hope that his parents like me.
(pinches her cheek playfully) I don’t
see why they wouldn’t. You’re a steal,
Sharon: (chuckles)
Thanks for the vote of confidence, ma.
5—Exceptional News
Ken: Rohit, have we got grand news to share with
you !
Rohit: What is it ?
Sam: We were able to pull our rainy day funds
together and get you geared up to go to India.
Rohit: No WAY !
Seriously ? That’s impossible
Ken: We have plenty of money, and quite a bit left
over. Since we weren’t really using the
left-over fund for anything we thought, ‘why not give it to Rohit ?’
Rohit: (nearly getting teary-eyed, and cries tears
of delight) I love you both so
much. I can’t believe this is happening
Sam: We’ve
already got your passport bought. Just
set the date and let us know when you want to go.
Rohit: First, I wanted to let you know about a new
development in my life. (can barely keep
himself still)
Ken: We already figured it out.
Rohit: Were you reading my personal diaries ?
Sam: (embarrassed)
We know…
Rohit: (not angered in the least) So, you know of Sharon, my girlfriend.
Ken: Yes !
Sam: She sounds like a treasure.
Rohit: (hand
over heart) Oh, she is mom. She is the most beautiful creature I have
ever seen. I love her to infinity to the
power of infinity.
Ken: Dang, that’s a lot.
Rohit: I’ve never loved anyone so deeply. She actually gets me, and not only that, she adores Bolly films ! My very own Bolly dork !
Sam: Awwww, that’s adorable !
Ken: So sweet. Sounds like you two were a match made in
Rohit: Yes, but it seems I’m going to have to leave
to India once I’ve just met her and honestly, I’m afraid someone else will
snatch her from me.
Ken: (takes him by the shoulders) If everything you say in your journals is
Sam: Once again, sorry for being nosy
Rohit: No offense taken.
Ken: (clears throat) Then we most assuredly approve !
Rohit: (bringing them both together in an incredible
embrace and kissing them non-stop)
Thank you ! I owe you both.
Sam: No, you gave us more than we can ever repay
you for.
Ken: We’re just paying it forward.
Rohit: You’ll both be rewarded. If not now, then beyond the veil. Thank you !
Scene 6—Hearts
a Flutter
(While Sharon
gets ready, she dances to ‘Bambalena’ as sung by Gipsy Kings and then meets
Rohit at the front door looking positively smashing. He has to pick his mouth off the floor but
hands her a bouquet of glorious red roses, a hint of Kal Ho Naa Ho.)
Rohit: I bought these for you. I see they match your dress. That color really suits you.
Sharon: (bashfully)
Thank you, they’re gorgeous.
(puts them in a vase)
Rohit: (offers her his arm to be held)
Sharon: How gallant !
Rohit: I have only just begun ! (he chortles heartily)
(He takes her
to the local butterfly garden and a butterfly lands on her heart. He sings ‘Prettiest Flower in the Garden’ to
her, and they have their first kiss behind a huge leaf belonging to a Bird of
Sharon: (squeezes his hand) I feel like I’m in a dream.
Rohit: I do as well.
I have some incredible news.
Sharon: (holding his hands tenderly) What is it ?
Rohit: Mom and dad were able to get me the funding
to return to India to find my birth mother !
Sharon: (hugging him close) That’s remarkable ! When are you taking your
trip ?
Rohit: Immediately.
I don’t have much time to waste.
(runs his fingers through her hair)
I am going to miss you immensely.
Sharon: I will too, darling. But you know I’ll never be far from you. Whenever you’re in your hotel room, just look
up in the sky. I’ll be looking at the
same stars.
Rohit: (draws her close for another tender hug) I know.
(sniffles lightly) I love you so
much, dear. You’re the best thing to
happen to me since I knew I could find mom again.
Sharon: I pray all goes well for you. You have my constant affection, positive
vibes and prayers.
Rohit: I know, love.
(after driving her home, he kisses her goodnight on the cheek and his
hand slips from her’s. It’s a rather
emotional moment and she holds back her tears.
There’s a scene shift where we see her saying goodbye at the tarmac and
heading back home, but she realizes this is something that is imperative for
him or he will not have any peace in his life.)
7—Finding Amara
(Rohit begins
his journey to locate his mother and it takes him a few weeks to finally find
the ashram where she is receiving therapy.
He can see that she has scars on her wrists from where she tried
committing suicide before.)
Rohit: I’m looking for Amara Sighn. Have you seen her ?
worker: Right this way. She has been waiting for you.
Rohit: (seeing Amara for the first time, he’s
overcome with joyous tears) Mom ?
Amara: Is that you, Rohit ? (rushes toward him to hug him tightly) My beautiful son ! How you’ve grown ! So handsome, just like I’d thought you’d
Rohit: (kisses his mom on the cheek) I knew I’d find
you. It took a while, but I was led
here, back to Bombay to finally find you.
Amara: I knew you’d come. Glad to see you are doing well.
Rohit: What happened to your wrists ?
Amara: (tries to cover them with her sleeves, but to
no avail) Never you mind that. You’re here now, that’s all that
Rohit: I wanted to tell you I’ve met a wonderful
woman. Her names Sharon.
Amara: If you feel so strongly about her, she must
be. I have to make my penance
though. I cannot leave the ashram.
Rohit: Why ?
Because of what happened to you so many years ago ?
Amara: Yes and my love is happily married to
another. I will never know joy again.
Rohit: (takes her hands) Yes, you will ! Just…trust me ! You have to let go of the past mother. It’s destroying you.
Amara: (tearfully)
It hurts so, though. I don’t know
if I want to open my heart again. Seeing
you here reminds me miracles still exist.
Rohit: See,
even you know that the Gods have our best interests at heart, even though it
may be challenging and tumultuous at times.
(sings ‘There’s Always a Reason’)
Amara: You’re right, my smart boy. I always knew you were a genius.
(laughing) I wouldn’t go that far, mom.
Amara: I only have a few more weeks left here for
treatment, then I am free to go.
Rohit: It’ll take time to clear your passport,
too. (eagerly) This is great ! I can’t believe how swimmingly everything’s
going !
Amara: Good fortune is in our favor.
Rohit: Indubitably !
8—Longing for Rohit
(Weeks Later
appears on the screen. Sharon can’t
sleep so she heads to the dance studio only to find Gina being proposed to in a unique and sensual way
by Todd.)
(Todd sings
‘You Are My Sky’)
Sharon: (to herself)
My, my, my. Rohit’s spiciness
must be contagious ! You go, Todd !
(Todd and
Gina hear her.)
(found out) Crap !
Gina: Come on out, Sharon.
Todd: Yeah, we know
it’s you. Snooping around, you sneaky
Patricia you.
Sharon: (feeling slightly ashamed) Sorry.
I couldn’t help it.
Gina: Have you heard from Rohit yet ?
Sharon: Just emails, but I feel his presence with me
constantly. See those stars and that
bright full moon ?
(They nod)
Sharon: Right now I can sense him looking at the same
stars that I am.
Todd: That’s beautiful.
Gina: You really are in love. Couldn’t happen to a nicer gal. (pats her shoulder) We’ll leave you to bask
in romance’s glow.
(They leave,
side by side, arm in arm. She sings ‘Moonlit Dance’, dancing a waltz with a
pretend Rohit, and Rohit in India across the pond, dances the very same waltz. Shades of Sawayira and Diwali Dulhania
Scene 9—Reunion
(Sharon seems
to be having a rough day until she receives a text from Rohit. She squeaks with unparalleled glee.)
comes to support her as she waits for Rohit to exit the plane. She rushes toward him, arms open wide and
picks him off the ground in a bear hug.
He laughs heartily.)
Rohit: Gee, I missed you too, my pretty rose.
Sharon: It’s been a few months now. While you were gone, Todd and Gina got
married. I was the maid of honor.
Rohit: I remember, you showed me pictures. You looked sexy in that bridesmaid
(lowers her head shyly)
Amara: And this is Sharon ? (looks her over) She truly is remarkable, as you said.
Sharon: Why, thank you. I’m truly honored. I can see where Rohit gets all his politeness
and beauty, too.
Rohit: After my long period of absence, I have one
thing to say.
(He sings
‘Identity’ while bringing her close to place a hand over her chest, she turns
around after the song is done to lay her head over his heart.)
Armando: So good to have you back, Rohit. We miss you at class. No one has fire in his heels nearly so much
as you, and with Sharon, you two are equally matched !
Amara: (a bit star struck) Is that your salsa teacher ?
Rohit: Yes, that’s Armando. I’ll sign you up for salsa lessons if you
want to get to know him better.
Amara: You are too good to me, my son.
Ken: How was
your trip, you big lug ! (noogying
Rohit: Papa, quit it ! You’re embarrassing me. (chagrinned)
Sam: (joins in)
Come ‘ere, you !
Rohit: Ma, really !
Stop !
(They all
Amara: Seems you have been well taken care of here in America by these upstanding people.
Amara: Seems you have been well taken care of here in America by these upstanding people.
Rohit: (nodding)
Yes, Sam and Ken have taken extraordinary care of me. Now I have an extended family. I hope you don’t mind Amara living with us
until she gets on her feet.
Sam: Oh, she wouldn’t be imposing.
Ken: We’ve got a big honkin’ guest room, plenty of
space to spare !
Sam: Mi casa es su casa !
Amara: (tearfully, hugging them) Thank you. You won’t be disappointed.
Ken: We know we won’t.
(They pat her
on the back.)
Sam: Looks like we’re all one big-ger happy family now.
Sam: Looks like we’re all one big-ger happy family now.
Will: The more the merrier, I always say.
Scene 9—Leading to a Storybook Ending
Scene 9—Leading to a Storybook Ending
Sharon: (writing in her diary) It’s been almost a year now and Amara has
been dancing with Armando. Rohit says
he wants to take me back to the place where we had our first date so long
ago. I’m intrigued. Wonder what ace he has up his sleeve now
(Scene shift
to the butterfly gardens and Rohit clears his throat.)
Rohit: It’s been a year now and I was wondering if
you would consider…(sings ‘Marry Me’ as Armando joins in as well.)
Amara: Does this mean a dual wedding ? How auspicious !
(They laugh
Lorenzo: I don’t see why not. Had it not been for Rohit none of this would
be possible. Dios, I love this man,
it’s like he’s a miracle worker ! Come
‘ere, you devilishly handsome dapper Dan !
(Bears him up
in an embrace)
Rohit; (pats him on the back) It’s settled then. We’ll all start planning.
Sharon: Is it acceptable to meld a bit of East and
the West, or would I be stepping on too many toes ?
Amara: (titters lightly, and places her hand on
Sharon’s shoulder) Sweetie, you
wouldn’t. It’s what I want, and I’m sure
Rohit doesn’t mind.
Rohit: Actually, I think it is magnificent, perfect,
marvelous in fact.
Sharon: Wonderful !
Armando: Let’s get to it then !
(Shift scene
of the planning stage and the final result of the big wedding, much like a
gala. Think of the many sumptuous
wedding scenes in a typical big, top grossing Bollywood movie. My favorite wedding scene is from Diwale,
Dil to Pagal Hai and Kal Ho Na Ho, amongst many others. There is much pomp and circumstance as well
as ritual. Sharon even participates in
henna, which is quite lovely and accentuates her features. She wears a bright green sari, which brings
out the color of her eyes. She doesn’t
see Rohit until the night of their big day and he is decked out in typical
Indian finery, looking more brilliant than a jewel.)
Will: I can’t believe that our little darling is
finally getting married.
Gladys: And to such a nice gentleman. Could we be any more fortunate ?
(They hug
each other close from the side, watching the ceremony. Rohit sings his vows to his beloved, ‘I’ll
Care For You’, which evokes many a tear from those who are in attendance. The priest begins the ceremony and the two
couples kiss, though the kiss is not seen, as is the case with your normal
Indian film.)
music and dancing and the two meeting nose to nose, frozen in an idyllic
Sharon: (narrating)
If you asked me if fairy tales are possible, I’d say unequivocally,
yes. As delirious as it might sound,
they can exist. If you have a dream, be
bold, firmly planted in faith. Chase
your dream, no matter how lofty or ambitious.
Sometimes, dreams, however, will come straightaway to you, but that is
rare. In my case, I was blessed and I continue
to be blessed. My mother-in-law is
outstanding. We’ve become quick friends,
almost like sisters. I’m learning so
much from her, and she has begun a new life with Armando. It’s a happy, sublime end for all, and
indeed, all is well in the end.
(Credits roll,
bloopers and behind the scenes action can be seen. Afareen from ‘Hundred Foot Journey’ plays as
well as ‘Chak Du Hey, Go For it India’.
Many thanks to all my friends who inspired me to become my best
version. To all my muses that made this
film possible, Shah Rukh Khan, Ashiwara Rai, Akashay Kumar and many
others. God bless you and keep you
! I love you all.)
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