Notes From Beyond
Synopsis: Beloved maestro Alfred Schwartz, dies after having lived a fulfilling, lengthy existence. He always had a close bond with his son, Arthur, even though Arthur plays punk rock music to packed stadiums. He actually incorporates classical music in his performances. His mother, Nora, doesn’t understand, even though she loves him immensely. Alfred contacts his son from the other side through all sorts of instruments to let him know he is pleased with his lifestyle choice, his grandchildren and most importantly, his outspoken wife, Roxanne.
Alfred Schwartz:
Gertrude Schwartz:
Nora Schwartz:
Arthur ‘Punk’ Schwartz:
Roxanne Schwartz:
Topaz Schwartz:
Topaz Schwartz:
Jasper Schwartz:
Gemma Torrent: (Punk’s biggest ‘groupie’, they call themselves ‘Punkettes’)
Francie Trout: (another Punkette)
Stormy Vines: (another Punkette)
Wendy Woebegone: (another Punkette)
Lavender Fields: (another Punkette)
Scene 1--After the Funeral
Arthur: (holding both his mom’s hand as well as his wife’s) Mom, I am so sorry. He was so healthy, right up to the end.
Nora: It’s ok, Art. Papa lived a grand, long, and incredible life. (tries not to cry)
Roxy: Mom, don’t worry. We all miss him. I know he wouldn’t have wanted us to be sad, but it’s normal. (hugs her)
Nora: Roxy, you are a magnificent daughter-in-law. I don’t care what my side of the family thinks about you.
Roxy: They don’t like me because of the wild way I dress or because I tend to talk a bit too loudly. (whispers) Also, and this is just between us, but they’re kind of fuddy duddies.
Nora: (Laughing) No, it’s totally true !
Arthur: (narrating) The end of an era had finally come. I had never known how much my father, Albert Schwartz had influenced others and how many had been introduced to the realm of classical music. So many had only had exposure through classic cartoons but Al made classical music cool. A lot of his money went to us but whatever was left behind funded the local symphony, which really needed the boost to afford the instruments they desperately needed. Whatever donations the Schwartz fund allocated during the reception, it went to continue helping the arts and humanities flourish in our community. In honor of Al, there was a plaque placed in all the buildings where he had an impact.
Topaz: (bitterly weeping) I’m gonna miss grandpa.
Jasper: (hugging his younger sister close, drying her eyes) Aw, Topaz. It’ll be ok. I’m here. We have gramps’ symphony recordings on vinyl.
Topaz: Can I listen to them when we go home ?
Jasper: Sure can. Hey, would you like a cup of punch before we go ?
Topaz: Thanks, Jasper.
Jasper: No need. It’s hot, we’re both sweating bullets.
Nora: Incredible to see how Topaz and Jasper have grown.
Arthur: It’s the first time they have actually had someone close to them die.
Roxy: Losing their bunny, Hop-a-long was the hardest thing though. I know this hit them harder. We’ll all pull through, together. I know we will.
(They leave the funeral, starting to go through the journey of recovery. Art decides to get right back to recording his latest song. He finishes ‘Roxy’, which has been a favorite among his fans, especially his wife.)
Scene 2--Auditory Hallucinations ?
Roxy: Sounding phenomenal, love. (kisses his cheek) Topaz and Jasper are coming home soon, I thought we’d all go out for pizza. They’ve done really well in their studies and I wanted to celebrate.
Art: Is it a surprise ?
Roxy: Yeah, they have no idea. It’s been tough keeping it secret from them, especially Topaz.
Art: I’m going to be recording one more song for the latest album.
Roxy: I’m getting ready for tonight. It won’t be long for the kids to return.
Art: It’s a short song. It shouldn’t take long.
(Records ‘Post Modern Punk Surfer’. He thinks he hears a note being played on his dad’s harp.)
Art: Didja hear that ?
Roxy: I think you’re getting punked, Punk.
Art: No, no...listen.
(They hear it again)
Roxy: Are we both nuts ?
Art: Come on, let’s investigate !
Roxy: (a little frightened) I don’t think that’s such a great idea. Why do I suddenly feel like we’re on an episode of Ghost Adventures ?
Art: Come on, studette ! We gotta check this out !
(The harp is plucking some notes by itself. The room is colder than usual and it is making them get goosebumps.)
Al: Oh, good ! Maybe they can see me ! (starts dancing around but no effect) Hmmm…(plays the trumpet)
Art: Dad, I can hear you ! Keep going !
Roxy: This is too creepy…
Art: No, it’s not. He’s just saying he’s doing well.
Roxy: You can tell that in how he’s playing ?
Art: Certainly.
Al: (sigh) Unfortunately, that’s all the time I have allotted. I can only hold this state for so long. Alright, Gertrude ! I’m coming.
Gertrude: (smiling at a distance, beckoning him forward)
Roxy: Did you smell roses ? That was Gertie’s favorite scent.
Art: Grannie must’ve been calling pops back home. Aw, man, I wanted to ask him how she was doing.
Roxy: Maybe next time. (laughs a little) To think I was frightened at first. But incidentally, just between you and me, I always was a little dubious about the afterlife. Now I have no question of it. I’m not scared anymore.
Art: I’m so pleased ! (he hugs her, overflowing with joviality)
(The kids arrive.)
Roxy: Hey, guys ! How was school today ?
Topaz: Same old song and dance but we got to see some really incredible things in science class today.
Jasper: I got to mix some compounds in chemistry. I’m surprised they trust me with potentially volatile combinations. I’d rather use my knowledge for good.
Art: Speaking of ‘knowledge for good’, I heard you two are getting high marks in all your classes. Excellent work !
Jasper: Does this mean…
Together: Dave and Busters ?
Roxy: (snaps finger) Darn, and it was going to be a surprise !
(There’s a montage of the family having a blast to Janet Jackson’s ‘Holiday’, followed by Mariah Carey’s ‘Fantasy’)
Art: (narrating) It was pleasant to have a bit of a respite but I had to get right back to preparing for the tour. It was time for Punk to get back to what it did best, rocking out !
(Scene shift...Concert)
Scene 3--Roxy Tries Her Own Music
Roxy: I wanted to do something different. I know you wanted to sing a medley of your songs, including ‘Post Modern Punk Surfer’ but I wanted to sing my own.
Art: Go on then. You can be my first act.
(Roxy is anxious to play her own song but does so. The crowd loves it. Then Art takes over, singing ‘He Speaks To Me’ and ‘Wave of Inspiration’. The concert goes on and the crowd goes berserk. His biggest fans are up front, cheering the loudest, almost to the point where they have lost their voices.)
Gemma: Punk that was righteous ! Roxy, I loved your new song, it rocked !
Francie: Yeah, what was the inspiration ?
Roxy: Art’s usually the creative one. He and the band collaborate but I had never really sung on stage before. I had always been the one watching from the back. The whole idea came to me when we were on vacation last year. Remember Kissimmee Florida ? That beach was perfect.
Art: I can’t forget. That summer was ideal. Utopian beach, refreshing snow-cones, seafood fresh from the source. Ah, yeah. High times.
Stormy: Keep writing songs. I really liked your feminine touch.
Roxy: Thanks.
Wendy: Can we have your autograph ?
Roxy: Sure thing, Wendy. You and the other Punkettes come to all of our shows. We wouldn’t be doing our due diligence if we didn’t.
Lavender: You guys are kick ass !
Art: (narrating) Those girls call themselves the Punkettes. When Punk began, they were our first real fans, really digging our sound. They were with us through the highs and the lows. Now we’re actually in the Billboard Top 10. We may never get a ‘Top Number 1 Hit’, but knowing we have devotees like this makes our work worthwhile.
Stormy: When are you guys going to be playing during the Community Concert ?
Art: Aw MAN that is coming up isn’t it ? (feels completely incompetent that he spaced it)
Roxy: You forgot, didn’t you ? Not that I blame you. Our beloved papa died not too long ago. It’s been a whirlwind getting through everything but our creativity has been unparalleled.
Gemma: I can imagine he’s proud of you both, keeping music alive like you are. Don’t stop rockin’ !
(After the concert)
Topaz: (yawning) Good turnout ?
Art: You betcha. Pity you guys couldn’t see it.
Jasper: We’ll help load up the vans. We can see the roadies are already on the job.
Topaz: Where to next ?
Jasper: I can’t wait ! School on the road is WAY more exciting than being inside a classroom.
Topaz: (high fives him) I heard that !
Art: (narrating) Rosy as it seemed sometimes life on the road could be a little bumpy, pardon the pun. Like typical families we had our ins and outs, our ups and downs. We rarely fought but being so sleep deprived can make anyone cranky. I still get butterflies performing in front of people. It’s that initial rush of adrenaline. That drive, that force that wills you to make this concert that much better than your last. I’m doing this to keep music alive and to help everyone escape for a while. Music unites us, no matter our background. That’s why I love it and it keeps me alive.
(Scene shift to another concert before they arrive home. ‘Wave of Inspiration’ can be heard and everyone is back at home, relaxing peacefully on the couch together.)
Art: (narrating) Dad communicated to me more than just in instruments. I could feel him closer to me than ever. Mom now knew what he had been saying to us all along, ‘Honey, you may not support Art’s method of communicating his love of music but others are getting the message it’s the truest tie that binds us all as one big family unit’. Mom finally gets it now. She still doesn’t support my way of dressing or Roxy’s easily excitable, sometimes obnoxious manner. She’s just a punk like me, and punks tend to be a little boisterous at times.
(A very contemplative version of ‘Stand By Me’ and ‘You’ve Got a Friend’ play as the credits begin to roll. Even Albert is singing and Gertrude joins him. I’d like to thank my father for inspiring this tale. It wasn’t long ago that I heard a lone G being played on my keyboard. That was the inception of this tale. It’s reassuring to know that even long after someone is gone from the physical realm they are alive and well (probably more so) in the eternal one.)
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