Black Girl Features
I realize while writing this blog it may not be considered 'PC'. What I am about to tell you is an account I had at my place of former employment. I will not be mentioning the name of the company, but I will say there were quite a few workers from Honduras, Nicaragua and Nigeria. Many of them, I'm sure, held green cards, but I'm guessing 3/4ths of them didn't. I don't want to get into a political debate because I like my friends and they know how I feel about illegal immigration. Thing is, for those who work hard, earn their citizenship and still have trouble with ICE, it makes me sick. For those who want to continue being leeches, unless you have family here that can help you straighten up and fly right, it's time for you to consider being a productive member of society. Forgive me, I had to get that off my chest. Anyways, it was the close of another mundane, boring, lackadaisical day when a black coworker came to me, admiring my body. I could tell by the way he was looking at me. He wasn't being creepy about it, he was complimentary and honestly, quite charming in his observation. He looked me over and smiled. "Do you know for a white girl, you've got black features ?", he questioned. Oh, if I had a dollar for every time someone said that to me. There are times I think that in a past life, I was black. According to my 23 and Me profile, I do have some Northern African in me (still white) but I'm thinking my family did immigrate from Africa at some point and time before we started becoming lighter and lighter in our skin color. This might seem a bit far fetched, but the small percentile of Northern African DNA suggests it strongly. I have Mediterranean roots (not surprising) as well as Nordic and Scandinavian. Mostly Germanic, but it all has a semblence of logic behind it. I'm mainly a European mutt. I do however, possess what is known as a 'ghetto booty'. My heinie is heartshaped, but round. It's not too round, not too plump, but, using my mom's words, 'The perfect size to pat'. (laughs) Dad was just as bad, 'You have a cute butt'. Yeah, I know, I know. Leave my butt out of this, please. It can't be helped. I was blessed with a mighty adorable backside that I keep in stride. I'm proud of my ghetto bootay :D
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