Wall Breaker

Synopsis:  A sort of 'experimental film' based on the 4th wall concept but taking it one step further to actually breaking the 5th wall.   Such a thing has never been attempted in the realm of movies before, but I do believe there is an inquisitive part of us that wishes to see 'behind the curtain' so to speak.   

Doctor Dallas Fort Worth:
Jeffrey Joplin:
Alice Joplin:  
Donna Joplin:  
Buck Joplin:  
Sweetener #1:
Sweetener #2:  
Various Audience Members:
Steampunk Princess Tiffany:  
Steampunk Prince/Knight Simmons:
Yero the Alien:  
Bilp the Alien:
Fletcher the Archer:
Surfer Dude Chaz:
Surfer Girl Star:
Cowboy Roy:  
Cowgirl Frenchie:
Freckles the Clown:
Narrator (Sidney 'Sid” Mann):
Cecil the Producer:  
Rebecca Lovett:
'Script Writer':  

Scene 1—The Strange Feeling of Being Watched

Dallas:  Welcome everyone to another addition of Doctor Dallas Fort Worth.  I'm your host, Doctor D, as they call me.  

(Audience applauds and whistles, the sweeteners cheer loudly)  

Sweetner #2:  Doctor D !  Yeah, my boy !   

Dallas:  Settle down, settle down !   (laughs)  Plenty of me to go around.  
Today, our guests are the Joplin family.   

Jeffrey: (on the screen)  When I first met Alice the sparks were hypnotic and off the charts.  Now, it seems there is barely a fizzle.    Our children, Donna and Buck are constantly in trouble, defying authority.   I've done everything I can to be the dad they deserve but they continue to walk all over me.   

Dallas:   Jeffrey, that ends today.   

Audience member:  Do you ever get the strange feeling you're being watched ?  Like someone is directing your life ?   

Narrator:  The audience members realize that their lives are indeed part of an elaborate script.   What was it that Shakespeare once said ?   Ah, yes.   Life is but a stage and we are merely players in it.    These words, however, I know are not my own.   I could never be so verbose or articulate.   So, what the hell is going on ?   

Dallas:  That's exactly what I was going to ask, whoever you are, disembodied voice.   
I'm trying to conduct a show here.    

Narrator:   I personally thought I had everything under control.   It seems I don't.   Dallas, you and your company continue your work.  Proceed as planned.  

Dallas: (his guests are ultimately befuddled)  Ooo...kay....

Jeffrey:  Are you as confused as I am ?  

Dallas:   About as much as a coon hound with nasal blockage.   I'm more nervous than a cat in a room full o' rockin' chairs.   

Jeffrey:  That's nothing.   I'm more anxious than a mouse in a hall full o' traps  !  

Dallas:  Pretty on edge, then.   (Dallas places a hand on his shoulder)  Jeff, you and I, brother.  We're going to get through this.  

Narrator:  Not really knowing where I was going or what I was doing.  I exited the talk show, knowing there was a realm beyond the one I could see and understand.   I left Dallas's studio and was greeted by the most unusual cast of characters.  

(Scene shift)

Scene 2—Anything and Everything

Steampunk Princess:  I see you left your studio, Sir.  

Narrator:  Yes, but how did you know that ?

Steampunk Princess:  I, Simmons and Fletcher are going over (points) that way to the steampunk studio.  

Fletcher:  We have to make haste.  The director is very stringent when it comes to punctuality.  

Knight:  Tiffany and I would love to stay and chat, whoever you are, but we must go.  

Narrator:  (shocked and surprised)  None of this...I was prepared for none of this.   I don't control it...Such chaos.   (smiles)  I kind of like it, but it's also a little unnerving.  

Griffin:   Hello, Sir.   

Narrator:  Feel free to call me Sid.  Everyone else does.  

Unicorn:  Greetings Sid.  

Cerebus:   Where are you heading ?   

Narrator:  That's just it.  I don't have a clue, to be honest.   

Yero:  We're just helping out a mermaid in need.  

Mermaid:  In fact, Yero and Bilp's stop isn't far from my own.  We decided to work together.   

Yero/Bilp/Mermaid: (triple high five)  Teamwork !  

Narrator:  (holding his head) Oh jeez.  I'm so confused.   Was there a traffic wreck ?
Am I dead ?   

Cowboy Roy:  Seems to me you're having a lucid dream there, partner.   

Narrator:   If that's so, I want to wake up.    (tries waking himself up)  

Frenchie:  No dice.   Ooo, that's a tough call.  

Narrator:  What does that mean ?  Am I really...truly...  

Surfer guy:  No, dude.   As far as we know you're passed out, drunk in your bed.  

Surfer girl:  It's not like you to get drunk.   Life must've thrown you some curveballs, huh ?   

Narrator:   (sinks down to his knees)  I just want answers.    

Freckles:  Keep walking, Sid.   You're well on your way.  

(Scene fade)

Scene 3—Meeting the Script Writer

Narrator:  (to himself)  I've seen aliens, a clown, surfers, Steampunk knights and princesses, an archer, an array of mystical creatures, and heaven only knows what those things are.   

(There are some undetermined beings that look like rainbow fuzzballs with one anntenae and one eye buzzing around him contentedly.)   

(A light comes out of nowhere.)  

Gabriel:  Are you seeking answers, Mr. Mann ?

Narrator:  (getting really concerned)  The others told me I had nothing to worry about, that this was just a lucid dream and I am just suffering from one too many tequilas.   Normally I don't get drunk, but they knew somehow that I had been having one hell of a week.   It's not easy living a writer's life.   

Metatron:   Just to reassure you, Sidney.  You are not dead.  What those other people and creations said was true.   Sorry you've been having a bad week.    You could've gotten alcohol posioning but the Script Writer spared you.   

Raphael:  She does have an awful lot of mercy and grace.   Pity how so many don't even believe she exists.  

Narrator:  Wait...'She' ?

Michael:   For lack of better terminology.   You humans divide according to gender.  Here, there is no such thing.  We're simply spirit.   We angels come directly from the Writer herself.   She goes by many names.   I like to call her the Author.   

Narrator:  Has a pleasant ring to it.  

Uriel:   Come this way, Sid.   I know the light may be overwhelming, but your eyes will adjust.  

Script Writer:   Salutations, Sid !   (giggles)  I've always wanted to say that.  

Sid:  Thank heaven I finally found you.   All those side trips were a little confusing.  

SW:  I know.   I never really meant for it to be that way.   You came to see me the non-conventional way.   

Sid:  I haven't done anything wrong, have I ?

SW:  No, but I realize you have questions.   What was with the beginning of that dream ?  

Sid:   That's what I want to know, honey.  

SW:  You had been watching a talk show before you went to sleep on that bender, love.  I'm not sure what lead you to drink all that tequila, but you did anyway.  

Sid:  It's not like I have anyone telling me what I shouldn't do, but I should've known my limits.    I was having a rough week of publishing.  No one would look at anything I had written.   I was starting to feel like I was washed up.  

SW:   You're empathetic, sensitive.   I made you that way.   It's nothing to castigate yourself over.   

Sid:   (nodding)  You're right.    I know now never to get drunk like that again.  

SW:  You're gonna be nursing a monster hangover when you wake up, but you won't forget anything that's come to pass.  

Sid:  Thank you.   (sits down)  May I ?

SW:  That's why I'm here.   Want anything ?   I can provide whatever you desire.

Sid:  A cup of Columbian coffee and a blueberry muffin would be terrific !   Oh, wait.  Add to that eggs, sunny side up, bacon, silver dollar pancakes and fried apples.

SW:  Suddenly I have become Cracker Barrel.  (She laughs heartily)  Oh, it's no trouble at all.   We don't really eat up here, but I heard your stomach grumbling.  (waves her hand)  Viola !

Sid:  Oh my Goodness.   

SW:  (tittering)  Why can't more humans be like you ?   (Sings 'Script Writer')  

Sid:   I have so many questions.    

SW:   As I said before, I'm not bound by space or time, so go ahead and ask away.  

Sid:   Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world ?

SW:  (reclines a bit) Philosophers have been asking that question since they understood those words and situations.    People make their own decisions.  Man is inherantly good, but man also has free will.    Man creates enough trouble all on his own.   

Sid:   Do you think we'll ever have peace ?  

SW:   Eventually, yes.    I've seen you grow from the  time of the beginning in Eden.  

Sid:   Is it true that Adam had 3 wives instead of the two that are mentioned in the Talmud and the Kaballah ?  

SW:  You must be quite the scholar !  Yes, in fact, there were.   The was one helpmete I created out of nothingness itself.   Adam was too frightened of her and her substance was unstable.   

Sid:   She didn't have a name, did she ?  

SW:  I thought of naming her Anemoi.   

Sid:   That name is gorgeous.   Pity she didn't live long.   

SW:  One would like to think creating something is simple.  In human matter it gets a bit more complicated.   It took me that one failed attempt to get it right.  I had to have the right materials, so, henceforth, that's where Adam's rib came into play.  

Sid:  I always wondered about that.    (curious)  I always wanted to know what my future is going to be.

SW:  Don't you worry about that.   It'll work itself out in all due time.   You should concern yourself more about your present.    Just leave everything to Moi.

Sid:   I've...never really done that before.   I was doing it all on my own.   Granted, I never stopped believing in you.  

SW:  It's human nature, Sid.   Don't feel guilty about that.   Doubt is part of your makeup.   No matter what you do, I'm always going to love you.   

Sid:   (trying not to get teary eyed)   Something must be in my eyes.   

SW:  (chortles lightly)   Don't you just hate it when that happens ?  

Sid:   One more question before I go...

SW:  Fire away.   

Sid:  How is my screenplay going to do ?  

SW:   (taps her nose)  I'm not one to give away spoilers.   

Sid:  (slightly pouty)  Aw, come on !  Give me a hint.  

SW:  (nudging him playfully)  Didn't I tell you, I've got this.   Don't despair.   Chin up.  (picks his chin up and gives him a kiss)   Never give up.   Keep writing.  You don't know whose life you will transform along the way.   

Sid: (blushing darkly)  Thanks.   

SW:  Just remember, don't be afraid to talk to me from now on.  

Sid:   (drifting into a reverie within his own reverie)   You got it !   

(scene fade)    

Scene 4--Back to 'Reality'  

(The phone is ringing and he awakens with a bit of a start.)  

Sid:  (answering the phone)  Hello, Sid Mann speaking.   Who may I ask is calling ?

Cecil:   It's Cecil.   How is the script coming ?

Sid: (opens his laptop that was currently in sleep mode, it turns on and he sees he is not too much further from completion)   It's nearly done, Cecil.   (holds his throbbing head, winces but drinks some water and has an aspirin)

Cecil:  Sounds like you have one whopper of a headache.   

Sid:   Yeah.   That's the last time I go out on a bender.   

Cecil:   (chortles a bit)   We all have to learn sometime.   Hey, don't worry about it.   We all make mistakes.    

Sid:   Yeah.   I know.   

Cecil:   I've got some good news for you though.   Remember Rebecca Lovett ?

Sid:   My secretary ?   She'll be coming in later today to finish filing and collating my documents.   She's like a veritable dictionary, thesaurus and modern day Google.  

Cecil:   I wasn't supposed to tell you this, but we're pals, even though I am your boss.

Sid:  (laughs)  True.   Who else saves my ass with phenomenal bowling scores ?   

Cecil:   (gets tickled)   You're getting the hang of it.   Anyways, she has quite the fancy for you and she wanted to ask you on a date but never had the guts to do so.  

Sid:   That's mighty flattering of her.    I'd be willing to honor her request.   She seems like a real doll.  

Cecil:  She's a little shy, but I have a feeling you two are going to hit it off.   

Sid:   I appreciate it.  To think I almost dreaded getting out of bed this morning.   

Cecil:   See ?   Things aren't nearly so awful as you make them out to be.   Time to awaken that optimistic part of you.

Sid:  Indeed.   'Patronage' should be done by the end of the week.  Personally I feel it is one of my best.

Cecil:  Even more so than your Doctor Dallas Fort Worth saga ?    I can't wait to see how you end it !    I never suspected the husband to be having an affair behind the woman's back, or the son to be a cocaine addict !   The twists are just too unpredictable but scintellating.   

Sid:  Truth be told the DDFWS was taken from my friend's life and strange as it seems he got himself back on track, his marriage is better than ever, his son is 3 years sober and their daughters both have degrees from Harvard.   One's working in counselling and the other is a lawyer.    

Cecil:  Wonderful.   It's good to know that even in what seems to be a hopeless situation, there is hope to be found.   Look, I'd love to stay and chat but my wife is looking forward to me cooking my signature 'European Breakfast', and the kids just woke up.

Sid:  Better get crackin' then.  

Cecil:  Heh.  I see what you did there.   

Sid:  (narrating)  So I finished up Patronage.   It was a tale of my own life, one about my father and me.   Sure we hadn't had the best of relationships but during the end, he and I reconciled and let bygones be bygones.    Had it not been for him I never would've become a writer.   Funny how the Universe sews the tatters of our life together to create something lovely out of something that began as ugly.    As for Rebecca and me, well, we  
had our first date and it went extremely well.   She really began opening up to me and we found we had a lot of common ground.   I feel lighter than a feather around her.   I had nearly forgotten what love felt like but now that I have in my heart, I'm never going to lose it ever again.   We make each other ridiculously happy, and that's more than any man could ever ask for.    

(The words 'The End' are stitched into a perfect quilt pattern backed by a heart.   The camera pans up to heaven where the Script Writer overlooks her latest 'work'...)

SW:  Some of my finest writing yet !   

(The shot then pans away from our beloved Script Writer and we see the angels playing games with one another and others in heaven just having a blast doing what we do here on Earth only without any imparements or limits.   The last songs played are 'Without Love Where Would You Be Now', 'Carry On', 'Wayward Son' and 'Tongue-tied'. This script is actually dedicated to TTR who gave me the inspiration.   Had I not gotten the idea from you it never would've been fleshed out.    Thank you kindly.   To those who believed in me, you rock.   I owe you all my gratitude, love and thanks.    You are the best and I love you dearly !)  


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