Synopsis: A shy guy, Mike Mead, breaks his routine and begins vlogging his daily life with his family and younger brother, Carl. He gets diagnosed with testicular cancer but goes about healing in a nonconformist way. We see him fall for Cara Barillo, an Italian girl and the drama of that relationship. Will Mike's tale have a happy end ?
Mike Mead :
Carl Mead:
Maria Mead: (Mike/Carl's mom)
Adrian Mead: (Mike/Carl's dad)
Cara Barillo:
Dino Barillo: (Cara's dad)
Luca Barillo: (Cara's mom)
Samantha ‘Sam’ Mead: (Mike and Cara’s daughter)
Addy Maria Mead: (Mike and Carla’s second daughter, a twin)
Doctor Reginald Hu:
Nurse Stella Velvet:
Scene 1--Hitting The Small, Global Screen
Carl: (watching a hockey game with Mike) Oh come on. COME ON ! It’s the Red Wings. You’ve got this, Blue Shirts !
Mike: (cheering with him, narrating) That’s my younger brother Carl. I’m the eldest, cheering for our favorite hockey team, the New York Rangers. Now by the looks of it you might assume that I’m naturally outgoing and I enjoy talking to complete strangers. Nothing could be further from the truth. I had hit a slump in my life. My last girlfriend, Nora, had left me. We were, however, still on excellent speaking terms but it left me feeling hollow.
Carl: (high fives) Did you see that ! DID YOU SEE THAT ? That’s the first time I’ve seen them go into sudden death. Man, oh man, this is intense, Mike !
Mike: Been awhile since I’ve seen it cut down to the wire.
(The blue shirts are victorious and there is plenty of celebration but Mike is still feeling a little blue.)
Carl: Are you still mooning over Nora ? Dude, you gotta get over her.
Mike: So ? What if I can’t. You’ve never been in love.
Carl: The way you make it sound I can only pray I never am. It sounds positively dismal.
Buck up, bro. Why don’t you try something new ? Have you ever thought of Vlogging ?
Mike: (scoffs) Seriously ? No one’s going to want to watch a vlog on my pitiful existence.
Carl: You’ll never know until you try. Just give it a shot !
(scene shift)
Mike: (narrating) The first time I was on camera was due to a dare my brother gave me. I sang ‘When My Dreams Come True’, in falsetto, totally decked out in drag. It became an instant hit, so I continued and people’s comments continued to pour in. I began seeing children in cancer hospitals to bring them happiness and I even did music videos.
(We see him strutting his stuff and dancing to ‘Mama Found Me Wearing Drag’. His life seems tremendous.)
Mike: (narrating) Then everything changed.
(scene shift)
Scene 2--The Awful News
Mike: Why are you crying mom ? They found the testicular cancer early ! I can still beat it !
Maria: They gave us only one option. Chemo.
Adrian: Under no circumstances are we putting our beloved son under chemotherapy.
Mike: I’m with you, pop. (apprehensive laugh) We need to find another doctor who will work with us. It may cost us more in the long run, but it won’t lay me out like chemo will.
Carl: (trying not to get choked up) We’re going to get through this.
Mike: (narrating) We were determined to. It took weeks, but we finally found Doctor Hu. He was extremely amenable to working with my body’s natural defenses. It was in another state, but I documented everything, no matter how uncomfortable.
Scene 3--The Italian Heartthrob
Carl: How are you holding in there, bro ? I’ve got to hand it to you, everyone’s really showing their support for you.
Mike: I owe it to them. I earned a Play Button due to their viewership. I even met someone new. We started playing Splatoon, COD, WOW, Skyrim and Pokemon Moon together.
Carl: Who is this perfect being ?
Mike: (laughs) Her name is Cara Barillo.
Adrian: You mean fashionista Cara Barillo ? Hoo, hot diggity dog !
Maria: You didn’t tell us you were dating a celebrity !
Mike: I...erm...never thought of breaching the subject at the dinner table because you never asked.
(They laugh for a moment)
Mike: I don’t care if she’s famous or not, she’s a dreamboat. She’s got her own YT and everything, even holds down her own fashion line. Quite the entrepreneur and only in her early 30s.
Carl: (wriggles eyebrows) She got a sister ?
Mike: I thought you said you were better off alone.
Carl: (Desperately) I lied. So, tell me. (leans in) Does she or doesn’t she ?
Mike: (frankly) She doesn’t though, if you were inquisitive.
Carl: Rats. What a gyp. Figures, too.
Maria: When’s she going to visit ?
Mike: Sometime this weekend. You guys wouldn’t mind letting her stay would you ?
Adrian: (jokingly) We’ve done so with you only because of the expense but we know you’re going to take off some day.
Mike: (nonplussed) Gee, thanks for your support, guys. (pause) Don’t worry though. I’ve got enough for the house of my dreams. Being involved in sales has really boosted my appeal. It’s just that these treatments take a lot out of me. I have to build my strength back up.
Carl: That’s what I’m here for, to act as your personal trainer.
Mike: (endearingly) I couldn’t ask for a better coach. (narrating) It’s true, Carl and my parents made me better, but she gave me courage. I kept seeing myself hearing those words, ‘cancer free’ and living with more freedom than ever. Those days were coming but I lived for every single second just to see Cara smile and hear her lilting laughter…
(Scene shift)
Scene 4--A Couple’s Vlog
Cara: Is this alright ? Can the people see me ?
Mike: Yes, they see you tesora.
(They sing ‘Why Am I So Romantic ?’ together, dressed as opposite genders and he surprises her with a bouquet of roses.)
Cara: What is this ? When did you have time to buy me this gorgeous bouquet ?
Mike: It wouldn’t be Valentine’s Day without flowers and chocolates. (pulls out chocolates) Happy Valentine’s, darling.
Cara: (kissing him) Thank you. This is all I wanted and more. I think you spoil me too much though.
Mike: This is my girlfriend. (done in the pigeon voice from Storks) She does exist. Acknowledge her !
Cara: (chuckling) I came all the way from beautiful Roma. I would’ve brought mama and papa too, but they trust me to keep my inhibitions buttoned and they trust you to be a gentleman.
Mike: (Crosses heart) Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.
Cara: You’re too much, you know ?
Mike: How would you like a tour of the town ? Get the real American experience ?
Cara: Of course ! I want to learn everything about where you grew up, your state, and you guys.
(‘Believe Or Not I’m Walking On Air’ plays as the two have their tour, eat Chinese food together, feeding each other. Carl, looking on, is totally smitten but completely euphoric that his brother has found happiness.)
Cara: How did I know I wanted to be involved in fashion ? Well, I had seen my mother’s designs transform lives. She got to help people and gave impoverished people a career. She literally changed the community.
Mike: I’d love to meet her. What is it your dad does again ?
Cara: He works with Ferrari. It’s many an Italian’s dream job to work with an establishment like that. Awesome thing is he gets to test drive the cars and he even got a chance to own one. It’s merely for show. He takes a reliable Subaru to work. (she laughs) You know they are very aware of you and your improvement.
Mike: I’m well on my way to stardom. Stand up can be a cruel mistress but I do a lot of variety gigs and people love to hire me. Where I receive my most joy is volunteering at the local hospital. I get to wear superhero costumes for fun. They say I resemble Shazam or Green Lantern. I really like coming in as Deadpool because I always nail impersonating him. In a children’s hospital though, you have to censor yourself sometimes. I have no problem with that but sometimes my humor tends to be on the adult side.
Cara: The children really seem to like you.
Mike: They have it worse off than I do. I’m almost over my cancer. Some of them never recover from their diseases, but I have seen many who bravely fight and overcome them. A lot of them tell me I was their inspiration.
Cara: Wow ! How humbling ! (hugs and kisses him) It just gives me more reassurement that you’re going to be a stellar father.
Mike: (backs up a little, teasing her) Woah, woah, woah there little missy. We’ve been dating a while and you’re already thinking about kids ? That’s a bit sudden !
(They laugh heartily)
Cara: Someday we will though. (places her hand atop his, stroking it with her thumb and forefinger) I’ve got someone I want you to meet.
Mike: Ah ! Yes ! As promised right ?
Cara: Yes ! I thought this would be as good a place as any. Exceptional wi fi and a clear sunny day. No worries of being drowned out by passing congestion along the roads.
Mike: (composing himself) I’m a little anxious.
Cara: No need to be, Mike. Mom and dad already adore you. I just wanted to ask them a question and I hope you will approve.
Mike: (pats her hand) Anything so long as it’s reasonable !
Cara: (calling her parents, split screen, speaking in Italian to them) Mom, dad !
Dino: Cara !
Luca: How is America, sweetness ?
Cara: It’s beautiful, big, friendly, loud and busy. No nap time in the afternoon. Really weird, but I don’t mind it.
Dino: I see Mike’s there. Hi, Mike !
Mike: Hello, Mr. Barillo, Mrs. Barillo. So nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard numerous good things about you from Cara.
Luca: How marvelous !
Dino: We’re honored.
Cara: That’s the reason I called, mom and dad. I want to marry this man.
Mike: (narrating) At this point, I could understand quite a bit of Italian…
(Spits out honey lemon green tea in the opposite direction) Um...er….Woah, Nelly !
Luca: We knew it ! (she hugs Dino from the side) This is so exciting !
Mike: Hold on a moment ! Don’t I get a say in this ? (looks at Cara) It feels too soon. I mean, I know we’ve been together for a year but we’ve rarely had time to date in reality.
Cara: We can get to know each other, Mike. I know whom I want to spend the rest of my life with. Mom and dad understand it too.
Dino: Besides, we can’t wait to call you son-in-law !
Mike: (jaw nearly drops and looks at Cara, nearly in disbelief) You are right. It has been long enough and we’ll have the rest of our lives to spend learning about each other. I’ll marry you, Cara. It’ll be you and me against the world !
Luca: Sensational ! Congratulations to you both.
Cara: Once everything is planned, you will be able to make it to our big day.
Dino: You just made my day 1,000 times better, darling daughter. I’m lucky to have you in my life.
I’ll be seeing you both later, it seems !
Luca/Dino: Ciao !
Cara/Mike: Ciao !
Cara: (squeals happily and gets up, jumping up and down, kissing him non-stop)
Mike: (giggling) I’m glad you’re pleased dear, but it looks like we’ve got our work cut out for us.
(narrating) Believe me, it was much more complex getting everything set up, even though Cara wanted an intimate wedding and nothing showy or flashy. I still had one more appointment to attend and this time, I already envisioned hearing the news I had been hoping for.
(Scene shift)
Scene 5--Faery Tale Ending
Nurse Velvet: If it isn’t my favorite recovery patient !
Mike: Stella, you’re so saccharine you’re going to give me diabetes !
Stella: Hey, I can’t help it. I know we’re not supposed to prefer some patients over others, but I can’t help myself. (puts her finger to her nose) Just keep that mum between us, please.
Mike: You know I do. Medicine’s almost used up, isn’t it ?
STella: Certainly is. Doctor Wu will be in momentarily.
Carl: (Hums Doctor Who theme song)
Stella: Everyone’s a wise guy.
Mike: It’s hereditary.
Reginald: (coming in, a massive grin upon his face) It gives me great pleasure to announce you’re in remission, Michael !
Mike: (nearly jumps off the table to dance)
Cara: I knew it ! I’m so glad I was here to see this. Everything’s finally coming up roses for us.
Mike: That it is, my darling. That it is. (he kisses her)
(‘Yes It Is’ plays in the background as we see him transitioning to better days and a home of their own. Dino and Luca come to the wedding and they dance to a remix of ‘Monkey Doodle Doo’ as well as ‘The Curly Shuffle’. The wedding itself is a whirlwind of activity and we witness the happy couple back with mom and dad in Rome, seeing the sites and even getting a chance to meet Pope Francis in person. Mike gets it on camera and his community, the Dragites, go absolutely wild over it. Back at home, his family is waiting for him as well as a red play button.)
Carl: You’ll never believe what came in the mail ! (holds up red play button and then gives it to Mike, who gladly accepts it with a rakish, large, glistening grin on his face)
Mike: It was supposed to be delivered to my address.
Carl: They’re still getting used to the fact that you have your own place now.
Mike: Yeah, I know. (chuckle) They’ll get the hang of it.
Reginald: Not only that but I wanted to let you know something else.
(His nurse and he look at each other overflowing with glee.)
Stella: Congrats !
Reginald: You’re having twins.
Mike: (narrating) I nearly fainted when Reggie said that but I couldn’t have been more blissful at that exact moment. Our lives were about to change but they would only become better in time. After the girls were born, even more subscribers to our site. We had become one of the most popular channels on Youtube but we didn’t let it affect our lives too much. Life pretty well went in any direction it chose !
Sam: (in an adorable rhotacism, still learning how to speak correctly) Thank you for the lunch, mom and dad. I’m off to kindergarten ! I’m a big girl now !
Addy Marie: Me too.
Cara: Sam, Addie, you both be careful, ok ? (she ruffles their hair and kisses them. the two girls kiss their mom and dad goodbye and amble up to the school bus with alacrity.) (getting verklempt) It seems like only yesterday, Stella and Reg were handing them to us, so tiny, vulnerable and pink.
Mike: Now look at them. (trying not to tear up himself) I know understand how mom and dad felt when I got my degree. This is a million times better than that.
Cara: (holding up a glass of water) I think this calls for a toast.
Mike: Out of nowhere ? I adore your spontaneity.
Cara: One of the reasons you married me, my heart. (gets a glass of water for him) To Sammy and Addy, our marriage, our parents, families, our homes and TO LIFE !
Mike: Alexa, play Cake by The Ocean !
(Laughs as they dance to ‘Cake by the Ocean’, followed by a montage of outstanding, memorable moments from the moment they actually met to where they are now. We see Carl growing up to, and his first girlfriend. ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ plays as the montage files by. Bloopers are shown and collabs between actual Youtube celebrities are showcased. True inspiration for this script comes from true people just wanting to get their content expressed to the world in the only way they know how. Mike and Cara are fictional but their line of work is very real. The proceeds of this film go to St. Jude’s, Riley Hospital and other charitable organizations that help children survive and thrive dread diseases and give families hope.)
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