Synopsis: The story of fraternal twins, Miracle and Shane who are found after a violent fundamental Islam raid and raised by different families. Shane (aka Pickpocket) makes a living stealing. Miracle becomes a missionary like her late mom and dad and encounters her brother one fateful day. ~*~CAST~*~ Miracle Lionheart/Bates: John Bates: (husband) Archer Bates: (son) Pastor Frieda Lionheart: Geoff Lionheart: Shane Malone: Patricia Styles/Malone: Edward Malone: (his dad) Talia Malone: (his mom) Barbara Malone: (sister in waiting) Tourist: Security Guard: Police Officer: Chapter 1—Jolted into Life (We see two missionaries running from a terrorist attack due to Al Qaeda and Dash, babies in tow. They’re able to get the babies to safety, but the parents are blown to bits.) Miracle: (narrating) The last thing I remember even at that innocent ...