The Handyman
Synopsis: Joan has a bit of an issue with her mower as well as keeping things in ship shape around her house. Due to her job, she simply doesn’t have the time for repairs. Then one day, her car breaks down and she gives in. She calls the local handyman, Manuel Morales and something unbelievable happens. Chapter 1--Everything Falls Apart Joan Shapiro felt that she had everything together. In fact, she was the one person her friends would come to if they ever wanted tips on organization. Even in the midst of having everything together, she neglected the most essential items in her life, like her mower and her car. Luckily her car broke down at home during the weekend. Upset, she called the only handyman in town. She had never needed the service of a handyman before. ‘Hello is this Handyman Plus ?’, she said, sitting on her couch, watc...