Vlogger Synopsis: A shy guy, Mike Mead, breaks his routine and begins vlogging his daily life with his family and younger brother, Carl. He gets diagnosed with testicular cancer but goes about healing in a nonconformist way. We see him fall for Cara Barillo, an Italian girl and the drama of that relationship. Will Mike's tale have a happy end ? ~*~CAST~*~ Mike Mead : Carl Mead: Maria Mead: (Mike/Carl's mom) Adrian Mead: (Mike/Carl's dad) Cara Barillo: Dino Barillo: (Cara's dad) Luca Barillo: (Cara's mom) Samantha ‘Sam’ Mead: (Mike and Cara’s daughter) Addy Maria Mead: (Mike and Carla’s second daughter, a twin) Doctor Reginald Hu: Nurse Stella Velvet: Scene 1--Hitting The Small, Global Screen Carl: (watching a hockey game with Mike) Oh come on. COME ON ! It’s the Red Wings. You’ve got this, Blue Shirts ! Mike: (cheering with him, narrat...