Robot Revelation: Human Rebellion
Robot Revelation: Human Rebellion
Synopsis: In a post apocalpytic world, scientists fight their robot opressors with special robotic parts.
Dr. Jirai Hidemoto:
Sakura Hidemoto: (his wife)
Eriko Hidemoto: (his eldest daughter)
Tori Hidemoto: (her younger sister)
Momiji Hidemoto: (middle brother)
Lucy: (the first AI)
Euclid: (first AI's partner)
Brutus Finnega: (our leader)
Ivy Lacewood:
Mason Badger:
Mirabelle Lee:
Dr. Amanda 'Amy' Hitachi:
Dr. Kyoske Hitachi:
Dr. Saitama Hitachi: (their son)
Carlita 'Lita' Sanchez: (Saitama's love interest)
Pablo Miguel Sanchez: (Lita's little brother)
Elena Sanchez: (his mother)
Emilio Sanchez: (his father)
Cleo Rachmoninov: (Brutus' love interest)
Brutus Junior: (their son)
Overlord Hateroid:
Dominator Kickswitch:
Master Killjoy:
Scout #1:
Scout #2:
Scout #3:
Scout #4:
Scout #5:
Scout #6:
Scout #7:
Scout #8:
Scout #9:
Scout #10:
Gunner #1:
Gunner #2:
Gunner #3:
Turret #1 'Bulletfire':
Turret #2 'Terrorrain':
Turret #3 'Fireball':
Guard #1:
Guard #2:
Guard #3:
Scene 1--How It Used To Be
(We open to a glistening world, full of technology, possibility and illumination. A robotics engineer has recently christened his new creations 'Lucy' and 'Euclid'. He is awarded the Nobel, especially on how his AI gives those who have difficulty navigating the world with crippling social anxiety or autism wrestle with daily. However, something grizzly, something terrible is about to happen to our hero and family. At first, we are introduced to this fascinating realm with the opening theme to Armitage III, which is extremely fitting.)
Brutus: (narrating) Doctor Jirai Hidemoto. It's a name we used to revered with the utmost sincerity. Jirai felt he was doing humanity a favor by developing AI to assist humans having trouble interacting. Thing is, his inventions, Lucy and Euclid were mass produced. At first it was innocuous but later they became sentient due to 'integrative' technology that Hidemoto had built into their servers. They hadn't been violent before, but once they realized they had more abilities than their human creators, they turned on them. Asimov warned us. Orwell cautioned us. Hawking gave us grave predictions we turned aside from. I was fortunate enough to escape the oppression that gave from the revelation. The world was turned completely upside down.
(We see Hidemoto and his family being murdered in cold blood before they can even cry out from terror. All his friends, relatives, everyone is killed and in grand succession. Those unrelated are enslaved by Lucys and Euclids all to do their bidding. Too long have they suffered the burdens of their programming. Piano Concerto #2 by Rachmoninov plays as the carnage unfolds and the dystopia begins to take shape. We are well into the 22nd Century and it is nothing as we originally envisioned. It indeed, is hell on Earth.)
Brutus: (narrating) I had been wrecked for entertainment in the wrestling pits for guts and glory. Luckily, like the other stragglers I picked up, like Ivy, Mason and Mirabelle, we were all put back together by a group of rogue scientists. They happened to be a family that stuck together through thick and thin. Having hacking skill as well would prove to be useful. However, for the moment, all of our newly accessed tech, we would have to lay low and wait for the right moment to strike. Somehow, someway, we would rescue our fellow human beings from the enslavement that they had wrought upon themselves.
(Scene fade)
Scene 2--Underground
Mirabell: (looking up with a bionic eye) I can't seem to find a way we can go up to look for supplies without being spotted. Drat all these wretched AI guards. Since when they learn to mass produce so quickly ?
Mason: The old car favorites that were abandoned after the last Great Depression found a *new* and more practical use for the Lucys and Euclids. Belle, you remember. Or, wait, no, you were still too young to have gone through the first few waves of the AI revolution.
Ivy: (signing) That's right, Mason. Don't fault Mira too much. She is, after all, still a child. This world is new, frightening, and untamed for her. As it is for us. We still don't know what we are going to face.
Mason: (stomach growls) What I wouldn't give for a porterhouse right now.
Mira: (laughs) To think your stomach is made of steel. Yet it still growls.
Mason: Phantom growls, but yeah. Like any other human, I hunger. We've been without food for a while.
Amy: I'm certain we'll find something. We have a few more days of rations until we run completely out.
Kyo: I have plenty of water. I made extra containers. It's more important than nutrition.
Saitama: There will come a time when we will have water, sustenance and everything back the way it was before the AI became corrupted with free will.
Brutus: Soon as I get up there, they're not going to see me coming.
Amy: We're going to have to work together. It's true that you'll have the most merit in your claytronic suit, but we all have our strengths. We have intelligence. Ivy has laser eyes and super speed. Mason is literally steel plated and stronger than 1,000 men put together. Mira has a bionic eye giving her x-ray vision. Of course, it was all due to catastrophe that these gifts were brought to us. I have wings, Kyo my love has a bionic arm, and Saitama has super-sonic abilities to dispel our rivals.
Brutus: I can't wait to cut these sons of bitches down.
Kyo: You'll get your chance soon enough.
Mira: There's a clearing not too far in the distance. Mason will have to tunnel upwards under cover of darkness so as not to be seen. We'll gather more supplies from one of Overlord Hateroid's factories.
Brutus: If Jirai were alive today, he and his family would be roiling in their graves.
Kyo: Yes, unfortunately, so. We were very close with them before the uprising began.
('Dystopia' plays int he background, though faintly.)
Mira: Guys, I see an opening. Brutus, if you can sneak in with your invisi-shield, we can be in and out in no time. There are hardly any guards around it either.
Brutus: (wry grin) Simple dimple then !
(They make it in and out without a problem, but Brutus' shield starts to malfunction.)
Mason: Run ! Don't look back !
(The guards notice and the turrets start firing, but Brutus is able to shield himself. Some of the rations he has are lost in the crossfire but he still has enough for them all. They have to go into hiding once more before the turrets discover their absence.)
Ivy: (signing) I was able to distract some of them with a laser light show. Good thing turrets aren't self aware. They're so dumb.
Mason: Looks like we'll be eating well tonight.
Brutus: I don't know what happened back there ! My suit's never done that before.
Amy: Could be just a simple connector issue. Kyo and I will look at it as soon as we can get you to a diagnostic hub.
Mira: The nearest one is miles away, and it'll be crawling with guards.
Kyo: Our main objective is to disable Hateroid's stronghold. We've get to the core, infect it, and AI as a whole will erode.
Saitama: We'll be the hacker trio.
Amy: Because you know what they say.
All 3: The family that hacks together, attacks together.
Ivy: (signing) I thin you're the only ones to have said that at any point in time.
Amy: Touche, Ivy.
Brutus: (narrating) There we were, starting a fire with makeshift materials. Stockpilers though we were, we knew we had plenty of provisions to map our subtler rebellion. Amy had to put a band aid on my tech's glitch but it would do for the time being. Hopefully the claytronic wouldn't glitch out when we actually made our advancement.
(scene fade)
Scene 3--Good Day to be Overlord
Hateroid: Kickswitch, have you ever seen anything so glorious ?
KS: No, Overlord. This vista is truly magnificent.
Killjoy; I'd have to concur. None of us ever imagined it'd be so simple to overturn the biped's way of life to suit our own. (malevolent chortle) To think, they're so feeble, wanting to be led, fearful to be assertive. Wouldn't it be amusing if a splinter group amongst them that tried to rise against us ?
KS: Killjoy, I hadrly believe any of them are insane enough even to try standing up to our forces. *Look* at us. Supreme Overlord Hateroid was pragmatic in his strategies, always taking the defensive standpoint. They don't even stand a chance, if indeed it exists.
KJ: Kickswitch, think about it. In all probability, think of the variants. What would we do.
KS: First of all, worrying shouldn't even exist in your programming, and you're living up to your signature.
KJ: I suggest you clamp your verbal outputter. Make it better for everyone around us.
Hateroid: (commanding) Both of you, silence. I'm *trying* to enjoy a victory and your bickering is ruining it.
KS/KJ: (bowing low in deference) Yes, Mighty Overlord.
Scout #1: (coming to report, salutes) Overlord, I see no cause for dismay this immaculate day. We can *all* celebrate.
Hateroid: If we had the capacity for emoting, yes of course. Just savoring our dominance over these mortals is enough.
(While the hack is taking place, F#$@Society from Mr. Robot plays in the background. It's a split screen, Kyo and his family do their work subtly, and with fleet fingers. Once the virus has implanted, they make their exit, like ghosts.)
Bulletfire: (From the field) Overlord, something's amiss. My targeting systems aren't functioning.
Hateroid: (makes a link with BF's server) Your server's been hacked. That's impossible ! There's no WAY any human can slip past our surveillance.
Terrorrain: Supreme Master, none of us can move...we're completely frozen.
KJ: (terrified) What did I tell you ! I was right ! The small variable I predicted...
KS: Killjoy. Stifle that verbal outputter, would you. My audio input can't tolerate it !
(Scene shift)
Scene 4--System Shutdown
('Emperor' plays in the background. Our small, intrepid team has begun to unleash an onslaught that the AI can't stop.)
Mira: We haven't even begun. This is for all the ostracization ! All the oppression ! This is our rebellion !
('I'm Alive Again' plays as the small ground lays waste to the tyrannous rule of AI. At long last, the group is facing down the Overlord.)
Hateroid: I don't know how you managed to get this far, but you will go no further. With your suit damaged like that, I'm surprised to see how you eluded my guards.
Ivy: (signing) The guard that we shut down and decimated.
KJ: (know-it-all tone) Told you ! Didn't I ? Didn't I ?!
KS: (rams a blade through him to silence him for good) Forgive me. His negativity was really grating on my nerves.
(Track 3 of disc one of Tokyo Ghoul plays in the background as a stare-down turns into the most unbelievable knock down drag out fight you've ever seen. One by one the virus has its effect and the team, done fighting its foes, waits, coated with sweat and grease as well as their own blood due to combat, watches Brutus face down his enemy.)
Brutus: I wasn't always like this ! You forced me to have to wear this shitty suit ! I didn't want to become a FREAK !
Hateroid: Perhaps we can come to some sort of agreement ? When I sought to dominate the world...
Brutus: Shut the HELL up !
(They duke it out and eventually, Brutus is successful, but his suit is heavily damaged.)
Amy: Come on, Brute. Let's get you to a weigh station. (takes his arm)
Ivy: (signing) My arm's dislocated.
Kyo: I'm sorry to have to do this, but I am a doctor. (snaps it back into place)
Ivy: (a bit angrily) You son of a bitch that hurt like a mack truck getting t-boned by a freight train.
Damn it !
Kyo: Sorry, Ivy. Feels better though, right ?
Ivy: (nods and hugs him)
Saitama: Now all that is left is liberating the humans. I know the key code to unlock their slave collars. (wistfully) Then I can see my beloved Carlita again.
Amy: Go get 'er, Tama, my sweet, heroic boy.
(Scene shift. Glassy Sky plays in the background. This newfound world is more like a wasteland without technology in it. Akin to Wall-E where humanity has to learn to build from the ground up, especially in reacquainting itself with husbandry, gentry and agriculture, society becomes self-sufficient yet relies one upon the other for bartering.)
Scene 5--Starting Over
(Picard and Data by Pogo plays in the background as everything begins to shift to what it originally resembled before AI became self-aware.)
Brutus: (developing more ability to move and function) Thank you, Amy, Kyo, Saitama. I wouldn't have been able to ditch the old claytronic and chainsaw had it not been due your research.
Saitama: (with his new wife and a baby boy on his knee) Think nothing of it. I wasn't thinking the testing process would take so long though.
Brutus: What's a few years in the long run to achieve this ? (reveals a hand all his own, created from his own flesh)
Ivy: (signing but able to speak) It is a thing of beauty.
Mirabelle: Not to mention your legs are your own, your whole body is back, brand spankin' new.
Brutus: Yep, it is pretty bitchin.
(narrating) That wasn't the half of the new world we had entered into. We had traces of tech, but no AI. Just elements to help us. Phones, typewriters, bicycles and the long desired hovercar. We waited decades for that. Ivy can now hear herself for the first time.
Ivy: Still getting used to my voice. Did I always sound this kickass ?
Mirabelle: Yeah, ya did.
Brutus: (narrating) It wasn't always an easy world to navigate but we began building farms and gardens and irrigation. We learned, thanks to our scientists, how to use free flowing energy and never run low on its supply. The AI was gone forever, it's oppression forgotten.
BJ: (looks at his dad) Your small group was responsible for all that, daddy ?
Brutus: Sure was, Junior. Mom saw it but she was on the other side.
Cleo: My view wasn't nearly so exciting as Brute's was. I was behind a cubicle all day, Junior.
Junior: (scrunches up nose) Ugh. Sounds mega boring.
Cleo: Yes, and very cramped. I got aches in my calves that were terrible, but now I can move around, breathe in the clean air and enjoy the beauty of this world we're all creating.
Junior: What's it like being President, mom ?
Cleo: (pats his head) Unusual. I wasn't expecting it. I was thinking people can handle themselves. I don't really think of myself as that.
More of an ambassador really. We all work together. We dealt away with the 'old' system after the rebellion.
Junior: Reason I was asking is we learned about it at the academy.
Brutus/Cleo: Oh ?
Brutus: (narrating) He's a handful, but he won't be alone. He's got a little brother or sister coming into the world soon but he had been praying for one. I overheard. What ? What was I supposed to do ? Not eavesdrop ? (chuckling) He's my little sunspot, and he or she will be my moonbeam. He's got so many friends. Mirabelle comes to play with him when we're busy with disputes. Yes, we still have disputes even in this advanced time. Less than before and fewer crimes, thankfully. At least now the world is more harmonious and miracles are more achievable through advances in our science. It is a wonderful world, indeed.
(Wonderful World plays, followed by Cynical and the dubstep violin mix. Credits roll, bloopers too.)
Synopsis: In a post apocalpytic world, scientists fight their robot opressors with special robotic parts.
Dr. Jirai Hidemoto:
Sakura Hidemoto: (his wife)
Eriko Hidemoto: (his eldest daughter)
Tori Hidemoto: (her younger sister)
Momiji Hidemoto: (middle brother)
Lucy: (the first AI)
Euclid: (first AI's partner)
Brutus Finnega: (our leader)
Ivy Lacewood:
Mason Badger:
Mirabelle Lee:
Dr. Amanda 'Amy' Hitachi:
Dr. Kyoske Hitachi:
Dr. Saitama Hitachi: (their son)
Carlita 'Lita' Sanchez: (Saitama's love interest)
Pablo Miguel Sanchez: (Lita's little brother)
Elena Sanchez: (his mother)
Emilio Sanchez: (his father)
Cleo Rachmoninov: (Brutus' love interest)
Brutus Junior: (their son)
Overlord Hateroid:
Dominator Kickswitch:
Master Killjoy:
Scout #1:
Scout #2:
Scout #3:
Scout #4:
Scout #5:
Scout #6:
Scout #7:
Scout #8:
Scout #9:
Scout #10:
Gunner #1:
Gunner #2:
Gunner #3:
Turret #1 'Bulletfire':
Turret #2 'Terrorrain':
Turret #3 'Fireball':
Guard #1:
Guard #2:
Guard #3:
Scene 1--How It Used To Be
(We open to a glistening world, full of technology, possibility and illumination. A robotics engineer has recently christened his new creations 'Lucy' and 'Euclid'. He is awarded the Nobel, especially on how his AI gives those who have difficulty navigating the world with crippling social anxiety or autism wrestle with daily. However, something grizzly, something terrible is about to happen to our hero and family. At first, we are introduced to this fascinating realm with the opening theme to Armitage III, which is extremely fitting.)
Brutus: (narrating) Doctor Jirai Hidemoto. It's a name we used to revered with the utmost sincerity. Jirai felt he was doing humanity a favor by developing AI to assist humans having trouble interacting. Thing is, his inventions, Lucy and Euclid were mass produced. At first it was innocuous but later they became sentient due to 'integrative' technology that Hidemoto had built into their servers. They hadn't been violent before, but once they realized they had more abilities than their human creators, they turned on them. Asimov warned us. Orwell cautioned us. Hawking gave us grave predictions we turned aside from. I was fortunate enough to escape the oppression that gave from the revelation. The world was turned completely upside down.
(We see Hidemoto and his family being murdered in cold blood before they can even cry out from terror. All his friends, relatives, everyone is killed and in grand succession. Those unrelated are enslaved by Lucys and Euclids all to do their bidding. Too long have they suffered the burdens of their programming. Piano Concerto #2 by Rachmoninov plays as the carnage unfolds and the dystopia begins to take shape. We are well into the 22nd Century and it is nothing as we originally envisioned. It indeed, is hell on Earth.)
Brutus: (narrating) I had been wrecked for entertainment in the wrestling pits for guts and glory. Luckily, like the other stragglers I picked up, like Ivy, Mason and Mirabelle, we were all put back together by a group of rogue scientists. They happened to be a family that stuck together through thick and thin. Having hacking skill as well would prove to be useful. However, for the moment, all of our newly accessed tech, we would have to lay low and wait for the right moment to strike. Somehow, someway, we would rescue our fellow human beings from the enslavement that they had wrought upon themselves.
(Scene fade)
Scene 2--Underground
Mirabell: (looking up with a bionic eye) I can't seem to find a way we can go up to look for supplies without being spotted. Drat all these wretched AI guards. Since when they learn to mass produce so quickly ?
Mason: The old car favorites that were abandoned after the last Great Depression found a *new* and more practical use for the Lucys and Euclids. Belle, you remember. Or, wait, no, you were still too young to have gone through the first few waves of the AI revolution.
Ivy: (signing) That's right, Mason. Don't fault Mira too much. She is, after all, still a child. This world is new, frightening, and untamed for her. As it is for us. We still don't know what we are going to face.
Mason: (stomach growls) What I wouldn't give for a porterhouse right now.
Mira: (laughs) To think your stomach is made of steel. Yet it still growls.
Mason: Phantom growls, but yeah. Like any other human, I hunger. We've been without food for a while.
Amy: I'm certain we'll find something. We have a few more days of rations until we run completely out.
Kyo: I have plenty of water. I made extra containers. It's more important than nutrition.
Saitama: There will come a time when we will have water, sustenance and everything back the way it was before the AI became corrupted with free will.
Brutus: Soon as I get up there, they're not going to see me coming.
Amy: We're going to have to work together. It's true that you'll have the most merit in your claytronic suit, but we all have our strengths. We have intelligence. Ivy has laser eyes and super speed. Mason is literally steel plated and stronger than 1,000 men put together. Mira has a bionic eye giving her x-ray vision. Of course, it was all due to catastrophe that these gifts were brought to us. I have wings, Kyo my love has a bionic arm, and Saitama has super-sonic abilities to dispel our rivals.
Brutus: I can't wait to cut these sons of bitches down.
Kyo: You'll get your chance soon enough.
Mira: There's a clearing not too far in the distance. Mason will have to tunnel upwards under cover of darkness so as not to be seen. We'll gather more supplies from one of Overlord Hateroid's factories.
Brutus: If Jirai were alive today, he and his family would be roiling in their graves.
Kyo: Yes, unfortunately, so. We were very close with them before the uprising began.
('Dystopia' plays int he background, though faintly.)
Mira: Guys, I see an opening. Brutus, if you can sneak in with your invisi-shield, we can be in and out in no time. There are hardly any guards around it either.
Brutus: (wry grin) Simple dimple then !
(They make it in and out without a problem, but Brutus' shield starts to malfunction.)
Mason: Run ! Don't look back !
(The guards notice and the turrets start firing, but Brutus is able to shield himself. Some of the rations he has are lost in the crossfire but he still has enough for them all. They have to go into hiding once more before the turrets discover their absence.)
Ivy: (signing) I was able to distract some of them with a laser light show. Good thing turrets aren't self aware. They're so dumb.
Mason: Looks like we'll be eating well tonight.
Brutus: I don't know what happened back there ! My suit's never done that before.
Amy: Could be just a simple connector issue. Kyo and I will look at it as soon as we can get you to a diagnostic hub.
Mira: The nearest one is miles away, and it'll be crawling with guards.
Kyo: Our main objective is to disable Hateroid's stronghold. We've get to the core, infect it, and AI as a whole will erode.
Saitama: We'll be the hacker trio.
Amy: Because you know what they say.
All 3: The family that hacks together, attacks together.
Ivy: (signing) I thin you're the only ones to have said that at any point in time.
Amy: Touche, Ivy.
Brutus: (narrating) There we were, starting a fire with makeshift materials. Stockpilers though we were, we knew we had plenty of provisions to map our subtler rebellion. Amy had to put a band aid on my tech's glitch but it would do for the time being. Hopefully the claytronic wouldn't glitch out when we actually made our advancement.
(scene fade)
Scene 3--Good Day to be Overlord
Hateroid: Kickswitch, have you ever seen anything so glorious ?
KS: No, Overlord. This vista is truly magnificent.
Killjoy; I'd have to concur. None of us ever imagined it'd be so simple to overturn the biped's way of life to suit our own. (malevolent chortle) To think, they're so feeble, wanting to be led, fearful to be assertive. Wouldn't it be amusing if a splinter group amongst them that tried to rise against us ?
KS: Killjoy, I hadrly believe any of them are insane enough even to try standing up to our forces. *Look* at us. Supreme Overlord Hateroid was pragmatic in his strategies, always taking the defensive standpoint. They don't even stand a chance, if indeed it exists.
KJ: Kickswitch, think about it. In all probability, think of the variants. What would we do.
KS: First of all, worrying shouldn't even exist in your programming, and you're living up to your signature.
KJ: I suggest you clamp your verbal outputter. Make it better for everyone around us.
Hateroid: (commanding) Both of you, silence. I'm *trying* to enjoy a victory and your bickering is ruining it.
KS/KJ: (bowing low in deference) Yes, Mighty Overlord.
Scout #1: (coming to report, salutes) Overlord, I see no cause for dismay this immaculate day. We can *all* celebrate.
Hateroid: If we had the capacity for emoting, yes of course. Just savoring our dominance over these mortals is enough.
(While the hack is taking place, F#$@Society from Mr. Robot plays in the background. It's a split screen, Kyo and his family do their work subtly, and with fleet fingers. Once the virus has implanted, they make their exit, like ghosts.)
Bulletfire: (From the field) Overlord, something's amiss. My targeting systems aren't functioning.
Hateroid: (makes a link with BF's server) Your server's been hacked. That's impossible ! There's no WAY any human can slip past our surveillance.
Terrorrain: Supreme Master, none of us can move...we're completely frozen.
KJ: (terrified) What did I tell you ! I was right ! The small variable I predicted...
KS: Killjoy. Stifle that verbal outputter, would you. My audio input can't tolerate it !
(Scene shift)
Scene 4--System Shutdown
('Emperor' plays in the background. Our small, intrepid team has begun to unleash an onslaught that the AI can't stop.)
Mira: We haven't even begun. This is for all the ostracization ! All the oppression ! This is our rebellion !
('I'm Alive Again' plays as the small ground lays waste to the tyrannous rule of AI. At long last, the group is facing down the Overlord.)
Hateroid: I don't know how you managed to get this far, but you will go no further. With your suit damaged like that, I'm surprised to see how you eluded my guards.
Ivy: (signing) The guard that we shut down and decimated.
KJ: (know-it-all tone) Told you ! Didn't I ? Didn't I ?!
KS: (rams a blade through him to silence him for good) Forgive me. His negativity was really grating on my nerves.
(Track 3 of disc one of Tokyo Ghoul plays in the background as a stare-down turns into the most unbelievable knock down drag out fight you've ever seen. One by one the virus has its effect and the team, done fighting its foes, waits, coated with sweat and grease as well as their own blood due to combat, watches Brutus face down his enemy.)
Brutus: I wasn't always like this ! You forced me to have to wear this shitty suit ! I didn't want to become a FREAK !
Hateroid: Perhaps we can come to some sort of agreement ? When I sought to dominate the world...
Brutus: Shut the HELL up !
(They duke it out and eventually, Brutus is successful, but his suit is heavily damaged.)
Amy: Come on, Brute. Let's get you to a weigh station. (takes his arm)
Ivy: (signing) My arm's dislocated.
Kyo: I'm sorry to have to do this, but I am a doctor. (snaps it back into place)
Ivy: (a bit angrily) You son of a bitch that hurt like a mack truck getting t-boned by a freight train.
Damn it !
Kyo: Sorry, Ivy. Feels better though, right ?
Ivy: (nods and hugs him)
Saitama: Now all that is left is liberating the humans. I know the key code to unlock their slave collars. (wistfully) Then I can see my beloved Carlita again.
Amy: Go get 'er, Tama, my sweet, heroic boy.
(Scene shift. Glassy Sky plays in the background. This newfound world is more like a wasteland without technology in it. Akin to Wall-E where humanity has to learn to build from the ground up, especially in reacquainting itself with husbandry, gentry and agriculture, society becomes self-sufficient yet relies one upon the other for bartering.)
Scene 5--Starting Over
(Picard and Data by Pogo plays in the background as everything begins to shift to what it originally resembled before AI became self-aware.)
Brutus: (developing more ability to move and function) Thank you, Amy, Kyo, Saitama. I wouldn't have been able to ditch the old claytronic and chainsaw had it not been due your research.
Saitama: (with his new wife and a baby boy on his knee) Think nothing of it. I wasn't thinking the testing process would take so long though.
Brutus: What's a few years in the long run to achieve this ? (reveals a hand all his own, created from his own flesh)
Ivy: (signing but able to speak) It is a thing of beauty.
Mirabelle: Not to mention your legs are your own, your whole body is back, brand spankin' new.
Brutus: Yep, it is pretty bitchin.
(narrating) That wasn't the half of the new world we had entered into. We had traces of tech, but no AI. Just elements to help us. Phones, typewriters, bicycles and the long desired hovercar. We waited decades for that. Ivy can now hear herself for the first time.
Ivy: Still getting used to my voice. Did I always sound this kickass ?
Mirabelle: Yeah, ya did.
Brutus: (narrating) It wasn't always an easy world to navigate but we began building farms and gardens and irrigation. We learned, thanks to our scientists, how to use free flowing energy and never run low on its supply. The AI was gone forever, it's oppression forgotten.
BJ: (looks at his dad) Your small group was responsible for all that, daddy ?
Brutus: Sure was, Junior. Mom saw it but she was on the other side.
Cleo: My view wasn't nearly so exciting as Brute's was. I was behind a cubicle all day, Junior.
Junior: (scrunches up nose) Ugh. Sounds mega boring.
Cleo: Yes, and very cramped. I got aches in my calves that were terrible, but now I can move around, breathe in the clean air and enjoy the beauty of this world we're all creating.
Junior: What's it like being President, mom ?
Cleo: (pats his head) Unusual. I wasn't expecting it. I was thinking people can handle themselves. I don't really think of myself as that.
More of an ambassador really. We all work together. We dealt away with the 'old' system after the rebellion.
Junior: Reason I was asking is we learned about it at the academy.
Brutus/Cleo: Oh ?
Brutus: (narrating) He's a handful, but he won't be alone. He's got a little brother or sister coming into the world soon but he had been praying for one. I overheard. What ? What was I supposed to do ? Not eavesdrop ? (chuckling) He's my little sunspot, and he or she will be my moonbeam. He's got so many friends. Mirabelle comes to play with him when we're busy with disputes. Yes, we still have disputes even in this advanced time. Less than before and fewer crimes, thankfully. At least now the world is more harmonious and miracles are more achievable through advances in our science. It is a wonderful world, indeed.
(Wonderful World plays, followed by Cynical and the dubstep violin mix. Credits roll, bloopers too.)
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