Embrace Your Cycle

Embrace Your Cycle

Chapter 1—Why So Serious ? 
            Hera’s Curse.   Eve’s burden.   Red people.   Going full on menstrual.   Menses.  Having one’s period.  On the rag.   Riding the crimson tide.   So many euphemisms or derogatory ways of just stating a woman’s natural flow in nature.   I don’t see it as a burden but something to be cherished.   It’s all natural; simply the female body preparing for a possible life if one of her eggs were fertilized by a sperm.   Quite a beautiful thing.   Lately though, I’ve noticed a lot of women that are just so darned serious when it comes to their periods.   They get all bent out of shape, irritable, and just plain bitchy.   In other words, they just aren’t very fun to deal with.   I think that the problem is perspective as well as diet.    So many women see this as something to dread, thinking it will be painful and unpleasant.   Honestly, it doesn’t have to be.   Sure we might experience some discomfort but being open, free and loving about it helps immensely. 
            Whenever I am going through my period I have giggling spells much like a hen laying eggs.  It’s similar when you think about it.   Also, my libido skyrockets (as if my libido isn’t hot enough on any given day) and masturbation is so much more satisfying.   I can achieve climax so much easier and more often.   There are endless benefits.   So, I’m here to remove the veil of negativity and put a positive spin on things. 

Chapter 2—Perspective is Everything
            As many gurus have said, ‘everything is a cycle’.   Each and every thing we know is frequency as well as energy.   We have the ability to make our lives pleasurable or dismal in how we feel.   Basically, we’re putting heart-based emotions into the quantum hologram.   If you’re unfamiliar with this new physics concept, look no further than the research of Michu Kaku, Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Gregg Braden.   It fuses science and religion.   They were once united in the Enlightenment but had become separated due to blindness.   Graciously they are back together where they both belong.  As my idol Albert Einstein said, ‘Science without religion is blind, religion without science is lame.’   Of course, I am paraphrasing so I could’ve stated that a bit backwardly.    
            The basic Law of Attraction is that like energy will attract itself.   Of course, it is significantly more complex but also rudimentary in its simplicity.   One must begin with the root of all things; energy.   It all begins with what one will ingest.   Food is medicine, so the great Hippocrates said.   Herbs were put here for a reason and our ancestors knew that.   They were closer to the source of their well-being and knew that everything around them could be used for their benefit.    Foods that are high in nutrients, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, adaptogens, polyphenols and resveratrol are best.   If something on a food label can’t be read, then don’t put it into your body.   I do realize sometimes this is easier said than done in our world of convenience.  Still, such a thing can be achieved with machines.   One can always make their own healthy concoctions and grow their own food.   
Chapter 3—Move Yourself        
            It is said a body in motion tends to stay in motion.  Bodies in motion tend to be healthier.  Exercise is tremendous and I have found it helps especially in one’s cycle.  Since I have begun a factory-type job, my cycle is like clockwork.   I can set my watch by it and I love every moment of it. 
            Healthy foods make exercising easier, especially when you cook with coconut oil and EVOO.   Just think of that like lubricating the machinery of yourself !   The body is a highly sophisticated machine, but don’t neglect your soul either.  Whatever it is you enjoy doing to pamper yourself, even if it is inexpensive like a bubble bath or soaking up the sun’s rays, do it.  Even meditating for a short amount of time can be highly stress reducing.    I’ve found that being around nature is the greatest way to feel reconnected.   Good vibes are all around us in nature, and green is the color of the heart chakra.   It makes sense that the Great Intellect would create it that way, don’t you think ?  I never tire of the Divine Sparkler’s many manifestations of love for us. 
            Love in whatever form is also helpful too.  It’s perfectly acceptable to have emotions.  Even dealing with anger in positive ways can release you from any burdens you have.  Just don’t keep those emotions all bottled up.  Stress is a killer.  Too much of it and you can plotz; keeling over dead from a heart-attack.   I don’t want that for any of us.  Women take themselves for granted.  We think of ourselves as nurturers and it makes perfect sense.   Don’t fault yourself just because you want to be pampered.   It’s fine to do so and have a respite from everyday life.  Those who depend on you might wonder, ‘What the heck is Suzanna doing, thinking she can run off like this and neglect us ?’   I do realize the question sounds a whole lot more dramatic (and some people can really be needy like that !).  It’s alright to be assertive and allow these individuals to know that you need some R&R.   It’s acceptable.  Take some time, unwind, be kind.   That’ll be my newest mantra.  Catchy, huh ?  

Chapter 4—Sex Life
            I’m a virgin so this might be a bit out of my area of expertise, but I do know menstruation is extremely helpful, at least when I’m masturbating.   I logically believe it would be even more so during penetration.   Certainly if you don’t want any babies, you know what to do.  Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.  Some men might find the idea of getting their penis all coated with bodily fluids a bit disgusting but others may be open to the idea.   If you talk to your man about this, it can be a very engaging conversation.   I am certain there are plenty of men who wouldn’t mind getting their dipping stick lubed.  Heh, I made a bawdy funny there. 
            Communication is the gateway to a meaningful relationship.   If you two know what revs each other’s engines, then by all means, rev away.   I know what buttons to push to take myself to euphoria and float on cloud 11 for a long time.   So long as you are both free with each other you can explore new heights.   It might take time to reach this level of trust, but waiting can be the truest reward.    Just know you love each other and love is the most beautiful constant we have in this galaxy of ours.   It definitely cures all ills.  

Chapter 5—The Change
            All things change with time but like with any other transition, it doesn’t have to be filled with doom and gloom.   There are plenty of things to look forward to after menopause.  I don’t really know that much about it since I haven’t experienced it.   I do, however, have a grand mental picture in mind.   I won’t need all those hormones because I will be eating healthy foods that will reimburse my body for years to come.   If you take care of yourself, your body will reward you.  The logic makes extreme sense.  Just be good to you !   Even when you’re old and gray, know that these certainly are ‘golden years’.   You can be witty, spry and full of life even in to your hundreds.  No artificial preservatives needed !   

            Cycles are everywhere we look, from the rising and setting of the sun to the phases of the moon.   They’re in patterns in a single grain of sand to the intricate layout in a leaf.   From the most minute cell in your body to even the largest building in existence.   Patters reside.  Embrace cycles and patterns.  Life is meant to be lived, not existed.   Embrace it with joy and boldly go forward.   There may be fear and obstacles but they can be overcome.  So long as you know that love and kindness are the only weapons you need to fight back, anything can happen.   One last word of wisdom, live, love and laugh heartily.   Dance even if there is no music and sing your own song.   All in all, be yourself and you’ll be amazed how incredible life can be if you just let it. 


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