Pink Panda Goes to Miseri Ville

Synopsis:  Leaving the comfort and security of Sunnyglen, Cherie Felicity Cerise Panda traipses off to Miseri Ville where everything is doom, gloom, dark, gray and downright dreary.   Her influence in this little village, however, brings the people back to what they once were before depression took hold of them and drained color out of their lives.   The style of the film is animated and will be very Burton-esque.  It is more of a love letter and tribute to Mr. Burton's work as well as injection of my own style and proving that laughter, love, care and friendship are the best methods of coexistence. 

Cherie Felicity Cerise Panda:
Ami Levity Panda: 
Jovial 'Joe' Panda: 
Marco Dolores:
Pablo Dolores:
Juan Dolores:
Lucas Dolores:  
Mayor Leonard Lament:
Obscura Lament:  (his wife)
Hapless Lament: (his son)
Occluda 'Luda' Lament: (his daughter) 

Scene 1--Going on an Adventure
Cherie:  (narrating)  I was now 16 and I wanted to see the world for myself.   Mom and dad thought I had been cooped up in Sunnyglen for far too long and urged me to go out and explore on my own.  It would be my first time outside of Sunnyglen and I didn't know what lay beyond my own comfy burrow.  
Ami:  Cherie, you be careful.  
Jove:   Your mom and I gave you plenty of provisions for your journey, dear. 
(Ami and Jove hug Cherie) 
Ami:  Bon voyage, Cherie !  
Jove:  We love you, come back home soon, alright ?  
Cherie:  I will.   I love you too, mom and dad.   (kisses them goodbye)   (As she's walking along to her next destination, she sings her theme song.  The transition between the two areas is more than overt.   Sunnyglen is pleasant, idyllic, vibrant and colorful.   Miseri Ville by comparison lacks anything and seems very dismal by comparison.  Despite that, Cherie goes onward, compelled to see what lies ahead and if she can spread her joy, kindness, and friendship in the tiny village before her.) 

Scene 2--Meeting the Residents 
Cherie:  (humming and skipping along merrily, not really bothered by the fact of the matter that the denizens of the land seem a bit offput by her merriment)  Oh, hello !
I'm Cherie Cerise, the Panda.   Howdy ! 
(Most residents simply ignore her pleasantries) 
Cherie:  How rude.  
Lacrimose:   (deadpan)  Hey.   I'm Lacrimose.  These are my friends, Lump and Grump.
Lump:  (non-plussed) Meh.
Grump:  (a bit apathetic) What's happenin' ?  
(Lump, Grump and Lacrimose's theme plays) 
Cherie:  (offering her hand to shake it, and vigorously so.  Lump and his cohorts are more like dead fish when they offer greetings and she's a bit disgusted but shakes it off, none worse for wear.)   So, I take it this is Miseri Ville.   Are there more animals here, or is it just you ? 
Lump:  Oh, no.  We're a fairly bustling community. 
Cherie:  It looks like a rather busy place to live.  You've got storefronts of all sorts. 
Lacrimose:  I'm the village barber. 
Grump:  I'll fix your car. 
Lump:  I'm a dentist.  (whispers)  It might be a bone of contention between myself and my brothers, but I make the most out of all of them.  They're all in stable trades though.  Mechanics are neccessary and barbers are always needed.  
Cherie:  There's no color anywhere here.  
Lacrimose:  Very astute.   Ah, yes.  I think there was a time when Miseri Ville wasn't so monocromatic.  
Grump:  None of us can really recall when that was. 
Lump:  Such a long time ago.   Bygones of a simpler time, I guess.  Where do you come from ? 
Cherie:  I'm from Sunnydale.  Your population is so diverse.   Sunnydale's mostly bears and other woodland creatures.   I've never really met any foxes like you before.  Sorry if I stare ! 
Lacrimose:  No worries, Chere.   You're the first interesting thing that's happened in this little berg in decades.  
(Scene fade) 
Scene 3--Turning Villians into Friends
Cherie:  (narrating)  The more I got into the city, the more I liked it.   Sure it lacked color, but not character.   The people here were starting to become more animated the more they came out of themselves.   I had to dig deeper to discover what Miseri Ville had been before everything became so dour.   It wouldn't be until after I bumped into an unfortunate trio, The Triplet Threat, aka (ominous music) Grunt, Groan and Kavetch !
(Similar to the Jets' entry in West Side Story, intimidating Cherie with boss moves and finger snaps.  Their theme soon plays, everyone boards their doors shut with plywood and automatic nailers.) 
Cherie:  Why's everyone running ?   There's nothing significantly odious about you three. 
Kavetch:  (raises an eyebrow, clearly riled, but not to the point of retaliating)  We are the Triplet Threat.   People around these parts respect us. 
Grunt& Groan:  Yeah ! 
Kavetch:   You'd be wise to do the same.  
Cherie:   I respect you, yes, but personally all I see is fear.  As far as I am concerned, that's the opposite of what you really want. 
Grunt:  But the payoff is so good ! 
Groan:  I think the others in the city just don't like our constant complaining. 
Grunt:  You may be on to something there, Groan. 
Kavetch:  Enough !  The panda's right.   People are afraid of us and have been for years.  
If we weren't so coarse and exacting...
Groan:  And demanding of funds just to keep our business running...
Cherie:  That's no way to influence others or gain friendships.  
Grunt:   Could you teach us how to be...what's the word ?
Cherie:  Kind ?  Of course, and many other lessons.   Trust me, it won't always be easy but friendship is far easier than being antagonistic.  
(Narrating)   Unlikely as our blossoming cammeraderie was, I knew it would take patience to teach them everything they needed to know.   They gave me some history of the town and all its surroundings, but only the Laments knew all the answers I sought.  Their mansion was not far from where I was now, and traveling by foot would be easy.   Besides, all around me I could see that things were starting to change, but I couldn't really figure out why.  
(scene fade) 

Scene 4--On the Way to Meet the Mayor
(In the background, we hear and see Los Dolores playing their tragic song.) 
Cherie:  Hey, fellahs.   Why the long faces ? 
Marco:  Ay, chica, if only you knew !  
Pablo:  Marco, I think the song was fairly self explanitory.  
Lucas:   Si, that it was, hermanos. 
Cherie:   If your music was a little bit more upbeat, maybe you'd have a bigger following. 
Juan:  See, Marco !  We've all been suggesting that ! 
Marco:  Juan, I don't really like trying new things.  
Pablo:  We've been pretty set in our ways for longer than we can recall. 
Cherie:  Isn't it time for a change, then, boys ?
Lucas:  Change is frightening, chica.  
Cherie:   Sure, but you won't know until you try.   That's what I've found out in my journey here.   You know what, Miseri Ville isn't so bad, but there are mysteries I have yet to solve.   I have to keep going.  
Marco:  Buena suerte then, dulce.  
Cherie:  Thank you. 
(They play a mariachi song, and oddly enough, it sounds a little bit brighter than the theme song they had played before.   Only hints of sadness can be heard.) 
(Scene shift as Cherie walks up to the Mayor's mansion and rings the doorbell, which strangely sounds off-key.  She winces a bit but shakes her head and resumes smiling gleefully.)  
Scene 5--The Backstory of Miseri Ville
Obscura:  Ah, you must be Cherie Cerise, the panda ! 
Cherie:  Apparently, everyone is hearing more about me. 
Obscura:  (laughs for what passes as a 'laugh' in Miseri Ville, more like a 'meh' or even cough-like noise)  It's hard not to notice someone so colorful in a berg lacking it.  Please, do come in.  Make yourself at home.  
Cherie:  This place is humongous !  
Obscura:  It's just the Lament domicile.   It's our humble abode.   I'm Obscura, the Mayor's wife.   In the foyer, playing chess are Hapless and Luda. 
Luda:  I'm winning this round.  
Hapless:  (a bit forlorn)  As usual.  
Leonard:  I heard you were coming.   What brings you to my home ? 
Cherie:  I was curious about Miseri Ville.   From the other residents, I've learned it wasn't always this dour, sour and downright contemptable.   No offense.  
Luda:  None taken.   Miseri Ville has been called worse adjectives.  
Leonard:  Before the Laments ever became the authorities the land has simply been plagued with a misasma of misery.   The colors were muted but eventually the colors were drained completely.   One reptile, namely a miserly type named Draconis, caused this to come about, but he died long ago.  Some say it was of a broken heart, others say it was due to greed and selfishness.   Either way, it was a terrible way to go.   Not really much is known of Draconis.  He wasn't exactly popular when he was mayor.   He left no heir, either.   The station was left open to us, and we took it.   Fortunately, the ailing city began to flourish once we fixed many of the locale's problems.  
Cherie:   That's a terribly tragic story.  I wish I would've come when Draconis was around.  Maybe I could've given him some much needed cheer. 
Obscura:  It would've taken a lot more than goodwill to transform him.  That bachelor was set in his ways.  
Cherie:   That's awfully sad.   That doesn't mean you can't transform though.  
Luda:  What do you mean by that ?   Father, what is she talking about ? 
Leonard:  What she means, Luda, is that everyone is capable of change.  Even the most so-called stubborn amongst us.   I know we're all witnesses to what is going on even currently in our little city.  
Cherie:  (nodding)   You're right, Mayor.  I've seen hints of rejuvenation here.   Honestly, I can't really tell what's causing it.  
Obscura:   Did you ever think that maybe you're the catalyst ? 
Cherie:  (blushing)  N-no, Mayoress.   I felt every animal was doing so on their own. 
Hapless:  Sometimes it takes a gentle nudge to encourage momentum.  
Cherie:   Then, I think I've come to do what needed to be done.   I hate to say goodbye on such short notice, but I am needed back home.  
Luda:  Can't you stay though ?  You're so much fun ! 
Cherie:  I'm highly flattered, little one.   I wish I could.  
Luda:  (becomes a little teary-eyed)   I'm going to miss you.  (snivels) 
Cherie:  (brings her close and wipes the tears from her eyes)  Oh, now.  Don't cry, sweetie.   You can always come to Sunnyglen.  It's not too far away.  
Hapless:  Could we go someday, father ? 
Luda:  (begging and pouting)  Please, father !  Pretty please ?
Leonard:  Of course we can. 
Hapless/Luda:   Hurray !   Yea !    Yahoo !
Cherie:   (narrating)  I was going to miss Miseri Ville, honestly, especially after all of the friends I had made.   I know we would never be too far from one another thanks to our friendly mailman, Greg.  He would keep the correspondance going.    I hoped to have another adventure someday.   The best thing about this whole journey was what I learned about myself in the process.  I am stronger than what I realized.  I could've allowed the dour, depressing nature of Miseri Ville overcome me, but I didn't.   They were being weighed down by sadness and melancholy but now, color is starting to shine through in their lives.   All because of a little bit of love.   Love indeed, works miracles. 
Scene 6--Welcoming Party
Jove:  Welcome home, daughter dear ! 
Ami:   Huzzah !  You've finally arrived back safely, as we knew you would. 
Cherie:  It's good to be back, especially with all my family and friends.   (Shows them her sketchbook)  I have new ones, too.   They might come visit some day. 
Jove:  They seem interesting.   I can see that their vibrance is returning. 
Ami:  I think I know who infused them with the livlihood they were lacking. 
Cherie:   Guys, cut it out !   I just offered the most rational gift I could; friendship. 
Jove:  Something as simple as that can move mountains, love.  
Ami:  We've taught you well.  
Jove:   (chortling)  Indubitably.   What are we all standing around here for ?   Let's celebrate !  
Cherie:   (Narrating)  Without further ado, the festivities began and we all danced until the stars dotted the night sky in their celestial finery.   It was such a magical night and a tremendous note to end an incredible soujourn on.   I will travel again, someday, but for now, I enjoy the warmth, comfort and joviality my home affords. 

(The End, Roll Credits) 


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