Hot Spots

Synopsis:  Robert 'Bob' Gates works in his own restaurant and is a pretty normal guy until one day he falls into a 'hot spot' that transports him to another dimension.   Here he encounters higher beings that explain hot spots to him and how they move from place to place in our planet and are magnetic in nature.   He queries them on their technology (especially their USOs) and comes to learn the lights we see in the night sky as UFOs are actually reflections off of USOs that are massive in size.  Only trouble now is, Robert has no real method of getting home, until he convinces one of the scientists to invent a time machine rather than wait for another hot spot to appear that'll lead him home (and even then the probability of him landing back on Earth in his own time is 1 in 1,000,000).    

Robert 'Bob' Gates:
Lila Gates: (his wife)
Doreen 'Dory' Gates: (eldest daughter)
Nadia Gates: (newborn) 
Jack Gates: (Bob's father)
Natalie 'Nat':
Shakira 'Kira': 
Franklin 'Frank':
Wesley 'Wes': 
Regina Sessitina Mach: (cameo)
Doctor: (cameo)
Dr. Aki Yolo: 

Scene 1--Natural Becomes Supernatural
Robert:  (opening up his restaurant 'Bob's Diner' for the day, and singing along with Takin' Care of Business as he makes certain everything is up and running)  Good morning, servers. 
All servers: (in unison, perkily) Good morning, Bob ! 
Rob:  Smell that ? 
(They take a deep breath) 
Rob: That is the smell of success and good eatin ! 
Wes:  Absolutely, Bob.  
Frank:  Do we have inspection today ? 
Bob:  No.  But that doesn't mean I don't intend this place to be spotless by the end of the day. 
Frank: Of course not ! 
(they all chuckle a bit) 
Bob:  So, are we all going to do our best for our customers today ?
All servers: Yes ! 
Bob:  No matter what happens, remember...
All servers: The customer is always right ! 
Bob:  Great !  Excellent !  I want you to go into the diner and satisfy those customers ! 
All servers:  Will do, Bob. 
Bob: (narrating)  And as always, it was a typical start to the natural order of everything in my little world.   I have my beautiful wife Lila.  Lila's a working woman, a CEO of a medical supply company.   My eldest daughter Doreen is a clarinet player in a local band called the 'Winds', which combined classical, jazz, and hip-hop, which they call Clajazhop.  Sort of hard to say, but fun to roll off the tongue.   Our youngest, Nadia, has only recently been born, but she seems to always manage to get herself into danger due to her insatiable curiosity.  Meanwhile, I have this Diner, the culmination of all my life's dreams.   My mom's pie and dessert recipies are the talk of the town and had she lived to see the Diner's opening, I know she would've been bursting with pride.   There is a plaque with her photo engraved into it.   I know pop is happy the Diner is fairing well even in the crappy economy.   Thing is, the winds of change seem to be picking up and I am not really sure as to where they are leading me.   I get this unusual feeling in the pit of my stomach, the sort of sensation one has when riding a rollercoaster...
(while preparing a meal, he falls through an orange circle in the floor)
Bob:  (yelling)  What is going on ?   Where am I going ?  (looking upward) Wait, I don't want to go, I have a lot of things to do back home.  I'm a father, for Pete's sake !  
(as he falls through the portal, colors change and objects fly at him, like stuffed Nyancats, labbits, skelanimals and various other horrendously cute things coming by him like asteroids.) 
Gina:  (quantum jumping into the present space)  Greetings, fellow traveler !
Bob:  (a bit disoriented)  Um...hello.   I take it you're not from around here.
Gina:  No, I am not.  Very astute !  I'd love to stay and chat, but I have to keep moving.   So many places to travel and so little time.   Farewell, traveler.  
(jumps and disappears out of sight)
Bob:  Wait !  You didn't tell me who you were or where you were going !  (sighs in despair, hanging his head)   She seemed sweet enough, but I wish she could've helped me escape wherever I'm going to.
(The TARDIS appears out of nowhere and the Doctor pops his head out) 
Doctor:  Hello ! 
Bob:  Oh, good.  Another time traveler.  I am traveling through time, right ?
Doctor:  It's as good an assessment as any, I'd suppose !  (chuckles)
Bob:  Do you know where I am going ?  Maybe you could help me return home ? 
Doctor:  Given the right coordinates, I could certainly do so...
(The TARDIS gets knocked off course by some meteorites, which he has to avoid) 
Doctor:  Sorry, old chum...I have to avoid these meteorites or I might just endanger myself, you and my traveling companions ! 
Bob:  (gets knocked out cold by a meteorite)
(blacks out)
(end scene)
Scene 2--Stranger In a Strange Land
Bob:  (awakening on an unusual world, far from home, he sees six armed humanoids in a technologically advanced realm)   Where...or I ?
Ilyona:  Funny you should ask that, human.
Bob:  (nearly shrieks)  Don't do that !   Before walking in out of the blue, at least warn a guy.
Ilyona:  Forgive me.   I am Ilyona.  I am the wife and assistant of Dr. Aki Yolo.  
Bob:  I'm Bob Gates of Earth.   One moment, I was in my kitchen at my diner, the next I'm here in this...whererever...whenever this place is. 
Ilyona:   Don't be frightened.   You're in another place, and another time.
Bob:  (completely confused and addlepated)  Say what ?
Dr. Yolo:  Ilyona, give him time to process everything.  The man is in shock.  He needs to decompress.
Bob:  (feeling woozy) I think I'm going to puke... No...False alarm.  (Ilyona keeps him from tottering over)  Thank you, Ilyona.  
Ilyona:  You're in Seis, Year 3000.  
Bob:  (almost childlike)  Ooh !  Like Futurama ! 
Dr. Yolo:  (chortling)   I suppose it could be likened to that.   We have all those episodes in our archives. 
Bob:  You can get broadcasts from Earth ? 
Ilyona:  Yes, we can.  
Bob:  (noticing large crafts flying in and out of water, and through portals)  USOs ? 
Aki:  You mean Lacunas.   These crafts are our mode of public transportation.  None of us have any of our own, except emergency craft for healers.   These are rarely used.   We have our own, and they're much smaller than what you are witnessing now.  
Bob:  We've had lots of reports of these back on Earth.  
Ilyona:  These USOs and UFOs you speak of, they actually come through the portal you just fell down.   They can reappear anywhere at any time in realms far beyond even our puny imaginations. 
Bob:   So, multiverse theory is true.
Aki:  Not only that but it exists ad infinateum.   I have no idea how many other worlds there are out there.   You are only the first traveler to literally 'fall' into Seis. 
Bob: Imagine that.  
Ilyona:  That in and of itself happens at a ratio of 1 to 100,000,000.  
Bob:  (disheartened, and concerned) I suppose returning home is just as improbable. 
Aki:  No, not so.  
Bob:  (brightening)  Could you find some leisure time to make a time machine for me, Aki ?
Aki:  Indubitably.   I haven't had to make one in eons, but I would be glad to do so.  After all, it will give me some much needed scientific data. 
Bob:  What do you mean, Doctor ?
Aki:  I want to see if the craft I make is able to safely catapult you back to your dimension.  I'll rig it with all the necessary devices for recording the event.  I think we should get to work immediately.   Ilyona, fetch some material from the scrap heap in Habor.   We'll get Bob home as soon as we can.
Bob: (narrating)  I was relieved when Dr. Yolo had said all these reassuring words of comfort to me.   My mind, however, was still whirling with the facts the Seis had just imparted to me.   I was a bit suspicious why they let me know so quickly and how they had trusted me so implicitly.   These questions niggled the back of my mind, but didn't need answering.   It was obvious these people could sense I was no threat.   Besides, I had come into Seis quite unknowingly and very unwillingly.  Not on my own accord, but by forces beyond my control.  
Ilyona:  Why don't I take you on a tour ?   I want you to feel more acclimated, comfortable, if that is possible.
Bob:  (kneading the bridge of his nose)  That may take some time.  We humans are adaptable, but this sort of shock, temporal shock, is it ?  It's one that takes a bit more effort getting used to.   But don't worry, Ilyona, your hospitality is helping immensely and the tour would be a grand idea.   Go ahead, lead the way.  
(scene fade)
Scene 3--Unraveling Mysteries
Ilyona: (coming into the guest bedroom to awaken Bob)  Good morning, Bob. 
Bob: (yawning)  Good morning, Ilyona.  (stretching)  I haven't slept that well in ages.   These anti-gravity beds are superb.   All my tendons, ligaments and bones feel like they did when I was a teenager !  If only I could take this technology with me on my return trip. 
Ilyona:  I don't see why you wouldn't though.  You seem to be a very intellectual man. 
Bob:  Gee.  High praise coming from a technologically advanced alien.  Not really sure what to say to that. 
Ilyona:  (teasingly)  Thank you !  That's what you typically say.   Aki is in the kitchen making breakfast.   You are hungry, aren't you ?
Bob:  Yes, for food and knowledge.  I want to know more about the portal I fell through, if there are more, USOs, UFOs...
Ilyona:  (gently correcting) Lacunas.  
Bob:  Lacunas to you, maybe something different to another race of beings.
Ilyona:  (smiles exhuberantly)  There's something of a poet and philosopher in you, Bob.  
Bob: (smelling deeply) Something smells like bacon, eggs, grapefruit and pina colada.   Unusual combination but I'd eat a horse in this state !
Ilyona:  I hope you are speaking figuratively.  (she chortles lightly)
Bob:  Yes, that I am.   (looks at the spread on the table, noting that he sees floating eyeballs in goo and what looks like mucus, the gelatin substance is reminiscent of urine, etc.)   I think I may have lost my appetite, though.
Aki:   I've seen what you Earthlings eat, and by far it is more disgusting than what we live off of on a daily basis. 
Bob:  Perhaps if you blindfold me, I can eat this (trying not to gag) feast you have so willingly prepared for me.   I don't wish to be rude.   (narrating)  It was my first time eating alien cuisine !   What was I supposed to do ?   Thankfully I was able to wolf it all down in one sitting and I was still in one piece.  
Aki:  So glad you enjoyed your breakfast.   I will be working in the laboratory today.  I spent some time outside of stasis to draw the preliminary designs for the Lacuna that will be used as your vessel on your entrance back home. 
Bob:   I can't wait to return.  No offense, but I am rather homesick.
Ilyona:  Don't be so apologetic.   If I were in your skin, I would feel similar.  Aki works very quickly, even with new challenges like your time machine. 
Bob:  I am sincerely in your debt. 
Ilyona:  We've decided to take you to work with us today.  We thought maybe we could answer some of those burning questions that you had from yesterday.
Bob:  Wait, how did you know I had more questions ?
Aki:  We surmised, and it was overtly in your eyes.   You are definitely an inquisitive human.   Better to be curious than have no yearning for the workings of the universe, I always say.   Gives life spice and variety. 
Bob:  (narrating)  I had no idea what lay in wait in the Doctor's place of business, but I can safely say I have never gone so fast in all my life, save for the moment I was falling to Seis in the first place  !  
(scene shift)
Scene 4--Inside the Lacuna Hub
Aki:  (extending an arm outward)  Welcome to the laboratory.
Bob:  (amazed, whistles)  This is more like a warehouse than anything else.  So, all scientists work here ?
Ilyona:  Yes, that we do.  You probably find it unusual we all earn the same amount of credit for our work.  But no job is more important than the other. 
Bob:  That's a rather novel idea, but I don't think it would work on earth.  We're still rather judgmental despite our advantages. 
Aki:   If you will step on this hover platform with me, I'll take you to the garage.  
Ilyona:  Watch your step, Bob ! 
Bob:  (taking a cautious step with Ilyona and Aki) Woah...We're so high up. 
Ilyona:  Here are all of our fine, hardworking patrons. 
Bob:  They all seem satisfied.
Ilyona:  I'd like to think they are.  I am, also.  Especially since we are able to demonstrate the main thrust of our business.  
(They reach the garage, where lacunas are made)
Bob:  So about USOs and UFOs ?  Why exactly are they drawn to magnetic areas ?
Aki:  Some races don't possess the metals you do on Earth.  They mine what they can, sparingly.  I don't think any of the aliens that visit you frequently would be greedy.  
Bob: What about aliens that aren't friendly to us ?
Ilyona:  That's where your grey aliens come in.   They live amongst you, incognito.  They can blend right in and no one ever knows.  Be glad they're on your side. 
Bob:  What are they like ?
Aki:  (Shrug)  None have ever come this far.   All we know is what's been stored digitally in the archives.   
Bob: (still snapping photographs with his cell phone)
Ilyona:  Why are you taking photos ?   Afraid you'll forget something ?
Bob: We're funny on Earth about 'proof', and no one will believe me if I simply say, 'I fell through a hole in space/time and landed in an alternate world'.   Many of us don't really take others seriously, even if they are telling the truth.   
Ilyona:  So tragic. 
Aki:  There is hope for you though.  You still have humans in your world that care more for others than themselves, those who are willing to believe in the unbelievable, no matter how unfathomable.  
Bob:  True.  (snickers)  I never really thought of it that way.  Maybe once we learn to be more open minded we can actually move further than we ever have. 
I was also wondering...Did you ever come upon a female pilot...
Both:  Amelia Aireheart ? 
Ilyona:  If I had a credit for every time I have heard that name !
(both of them chuckle)
Bob:  Is she still living ?
Ilyona:  There is a reason certain matters are still called mysteries.  Not even we know.  She may be out there in another universe, living it up.   (shrugs shoulders)  It's still an enigma.
Bob:  That satisfies my curiosity though. 
Aki:  As you can see, our mechanics work tirelessly to make certain the public has lacunas for transport.  They leave no emissions so the air in our environment is pure.
Bob:  I noticed that when I arrived.  It was like mountain air on earth.  Almost too pure if you can fathom it !  
Ilyona:  That is where Aki will be working on your lacuna.  
Aki:  I will make certain everything is done with quality.   There will be no nanite out of place, no kinesobolt missing. 
Bob:  (inhales deeply and exhales)  How long will it take, roughly ?
Ilyona:  A few days.  
Bob:  (surprised, a bit irritated, huffy)  But, I don't have a few days.  I have to earn an income...
Aki: Calm yourself, Bob.    Back on Earth, you have only been gone a few hours. 
Don't worry.   I've got this under control.
Bob:  (narrating)  Aki was simply incredible.  He was completely cool under pressure and before I could turn around to see the labors of his work, he had begun putting the time machine together.   It would be completed on the weekend and I would have the opportunity to scope out more of Seis, so, like the big kid I was, I wasn't about to let any of this precious time escape my grasp.  
(Scene fade)  

Scene 5--Departure and Return
(On screen it reads, 'Two Days later, outside the Hub') 
Aki:  (wiping his brow of sweat)  At last, it is complete.  Fully running.  I had a few of the mechanics run prelims and no glitches exist.   Now all that remains is for you to go home, Bob.
Bob: (trying not to become overly emotional)  I've come to enjoy it here, even if it is a little unusual.   The food has sort of grown on me. 
Ilyona:  It has been a treat serving you in our home.  
Bob:  Likewise !  Seis has been nothing if not awesome.   I have so many questions and stories to share.   Who knows, I might just have this information published if I am lucky enough.
Aki:  (coming forward to hug him with all six arms)  It has been interesting watching you, observing you observe us.   Sort of a dichotomy when one thinks about it. 
Bob:  I'd rather not ramble my brain with duality !  (laughing heartily)  I have enough trouble with symmetry and string theory, let alone m-verses.  
Ilyona: (coming to hug him as well, and placing two of her thumbs on his forehead)  Be blessed.  
Bob:  I am.   Thank you both.   You will be missed, but I will not forget. 
Aki:  We will never forget you.
Ilyona/Aki:  Farewell, Bob !
Bob:  (narrating)  I entered the lacuna after Aki explained which control did what.  I didn't want either of my hosts to see me cry when leaving them, but even if they did, they would know it was because they had forever touched my lives.   Their knowledge and kindness would resonate within my heart forever.   Before I knew it, I had turned the dials and knobs for my departure and the hotspot tracking device had found my exact portal.   It had been said such a 'coincidence' was unlikely, and improbable.   We were violating improbabilities and all natural laws as we knew them.   
(He hurtles toward the Diner and notices that the Lacuna disintegrates) 
Bob:  (confused, baffled)  He never mentioned it was going to be biodegradable...(a small fire is started on his clothes)  Auuughhh ! (rolls the fire out before the alarm can sound) 
Kira:  Bob, where were you ?  We looked all over the diner and couldn't find you !
Wes:  Yeah !  You were gone for 3 or 4 hours, tops !  You've never done that.
Bob:  (narrating)  I began my story right then and there, and none of them believed me.
Frank:  You sure you haven't been drinking any of the wine from storage ?
Bob:  Frank, you know I don't drink. 
(The workers laugh and josh with him) 
Nat:  Maybe you hit your head, you have a nasty knot there.
Bob: (brushes his temple and sees that there is a bit of a knob there, to himself)  I must've gotten than when the lacuna re-entered the hot spot and disintegrated.  (chuckling) That's definitely it.   Well, back to work, we have a busy day ahead of us !  
All workers: (with vigor and ardor)  Yes, sir ! 
Bob:  (narrating)  When I came home that night, Lila had no clue what had happened but she had heard that I was missing for a few hours.  I was safe, so that was all that was important to her.   Nadia was asleep in her crib and Dory was tucked under the covers with her favorite teddy bear.   I began my tale as I had with my workers and she totally bought every line.  
Lila:  I wish I could've been there.  It's always been my secret desire to travel through time. 
Bob:  It was spectacular, but that description is lacking in how truly extraordinary this trip was.
Lila:  Do you want me to help you write a book about it ?
Bob:  (hugging her, lifting her off the ground and kissing her, passionately)  Do I ever !  Your literary genius may just earn me a best seller, hot lips. 
Lila:  (tittering)  Even if it doesn't become one, I'll be the envy of all other wives with my own dimensional traveler.  
Bob:  I am already envied by many. 
Lila:  (saucily)  Why is that, my darling ?
Bob:  Because I have the sexiest wife and two most beautiful children in the entire universe.  Nothing could be better. 
Lila:  Agreed...(they go to bed together, turning the lights off and cuddling close)
Bob:  (narrating)  It was the truth.   Traveling through space and time, seeing what I did, none of it was actually important.   The present moment, here now in my beloved wife's adoring arms.  Knowing that my kids were safe, well fed and taken care of in a warm, stalwart house.   This is what reality consisted of, and I couldn't imagine a more grounded, earthier life than that. 
(The End, roll credits, bloopers, etc.) 


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