Bloodstained Beauty
Synopsis: A sudden outbreak of contagion transforms the populace into zombies. A young, intelligent woman, Sally Silas, was trained at a young age by a spiritual teacher and martial arts master, Ji Tanaka. In this new, unusual, soon-to-be apocolyptic world, Sally must recruit 'hunters' such as herself to destroy those infected, find the source of contagion and seal it before more victims are taken by its evil.
~*~ Cast ~*~
Sally Silas: (fearless leader, sword wielder, shiruken master)
Dr. Brooke Heathrow (created contagion antidote):
Nadia Evanovich: (shotgun specialist)
Rei Tanaka: (weaponry, mainly a mace)
Gloria Lopez: (holy incantations, exorcist)
Amanda Louzon: (hatchet master)
Ji Tanaka: (Father of Rei, spritual and martial arts teacher)
Mindless Zombies/Random people:
Geoffrey 'Geoff' Angelo: (Sally's boyfriend)
Scene 1—Survival of the Fittest
(On the screen, we have a helicopter shot of some cities that have become desolate. Not every city is like this, but some houses have been barricaded. It seems that hardly anyone is on the move. A sudden zombie appears on screen, followed by a hoard of others, groaning as they scuttle about, looking for food and recruits for their 'army'. We see computer type on the screen. It reads, 'Sometime in the near future. A contagion has accidentally broken out among the United States. Thus far, it hasn't spread very far or very fast. There are only a few undead due to the virus, but the infected are ruthless. Many people have taken to shutting themselves off from the threat of the undead and are living day to day on whatever they can. Fortunately, there is a team of hunters that can erradicate the threat of these undead. Each one has their own skill and weapon of choice in this battle against pure, unrivaled, unbridled evil. Though they come from different walks of life, they have each been trained by Master Ji Tanaka. All of them foolishly brave enough to stare evil in the face and say, “Is that the best you've got ?”)
Sally: Brooke, how many are there ?
Brooke: By my calculations, Sally, 31. I am hopeful we can get to the lab stat.
Nadia: (clicking gun and shooting an approaching zombie through the head)
Why ? Have you completed the anticontagion ?
Brooke: Yes, but I was only able to make a limited supply.
Sally: Figures.
Brooke: I did all I could, gals.
Amanda: We know you did, and continue to do. Let's keep moving. We need to find the source of the contagion...(subdues a zombie before it bites her, decapitating it) But only after we get that serum !
Gloria: (chanting something in Spanish and a golden aura emenates from her, knocking down a slew of zombies) I just bought us some time, girls.
Run !
Amanda: Thanks, Glo.
Gloria: De nada, Amy.
Rei: (rushing out in front of them to open the door telepathically)
Sally: Woah...when did you learn how to do that ?
Rei: You forget, I'm the daughter of our trainer. I inherited some abilities.
Brooke: Indeed. Come, let us gather all that we can carry.
Rei: Good thing we have these coolers. The serum will be safe.
Amanda: How long is that incantation of yours going to hold, Glo ?
Gloria: Not really sure, Amy. That's the first time I ever used it.
(Zombies start awakening)
Nadia: (cocking gun) That answer your question, Aims ?
Brooke: There's still a car left in the garage...
Amy: What are we waiting for then ?
(They each hop into the car, Sally puts the car in gear and with Metallica blaring on the radio, they mow through the zombies that are left standing. The blood from those that were run over create the title sequence.)
Sally: (narrating) And even though we had left our master behind, we knew he was safe in his dojo, away from the amassing evil. Only trouble we had now was seeing where this virus led us and surviving in the wake of unspeakable horrors.
We had only seen the beginning of it, and the worse was yet to come. The undead definitely don't descriminate when it comes to their next dinner and incoming recruits.
(scene fade)
Scene 2—Ji Tanaka Reflects
News over the radio: One of our correspondants recently went up to the surface to see how everything was fairing above ground. The virus is still slow moving but the zombie hoards are still growing. Sadly, that correspondant of ours was infected by the contagion and has joined their ranks. Whatever happened to cameraman Joe, well, we'll never know but if we see him again, we will have no choice but to shoot him on sight. There are areas that are still safe and people still walk about to get whatever neccessities they need but these are dark times.
Though they may be uneasy, we must maintain hope. Though there are deserted streets and many of us remain within our homes to preserve our lives, someday we will emerge victorious and reclaim the America we once knew. But until that day, there are those among us, the small voices in the wilderness, letting you know, there is nothing wrong with fear. Yet, eventually, whatever fear we have will be turned to jubilation and joy.
Ji: (meditating next to his coi pool) The America of the past. (sigh)
(contemplative Japanese music in background) It seems almost like yesterday.
(The screen reads 'Sometime in 2011')
Ji: Focus, Sally ! Focus ! You'll never hit the bullseye if you lack it !
Sally: (grumbling as she sees her aim with the shriuken leaves much to be desired) How can I hit the target if I cannot see it, Ji ?
Ji: Use your other senses, as I taught your team. You see, Amanda, she can chop through anything just through feeling the wind the object makes.
Amanda: (slicing through an oncoming wood block as it hurtles toward her from the celing)
Sally: (wide eyed) Impressive.
Ji: And Nadia, even though her hearing is blocked by constant music, she can feel vibrations around her.
Nadia: (sensing targets emerge from the floor and blowing them away with her gun, she blows off the smoke and twirls her gun into her holster)
Sally: Ji...You've trained these women longer than me. We're all young and inexperienced. Why pull us together now ? We're unneccessary.
Ji: (places his hand on her shoulder) Not so, Sally Silas. I have heard that the CDC has unknown diseases that could cause massive extinction if they ever fell into the wrong hands. That is why I have you, and your hunters to contain and destroy any evil before it rears its ugly head.
Sally: (sigh) Maybe you're right. Besides, you have trained us well with our weapons and we should be ready for anything that comes our way.
Ji: (tries to catch her off guard with a sweep kick which she quickly jumps over and a high punch which she ducks, he smiles proudly) These feline reflexes will be of great use to you. Don't worry about me in case the worst should happen.
I can fend for myself.
Sally: I'm certain you can, Tanaka-san.
(flash back to present reality...There are a horde of zombies at Ji's door and many of them are literally clawing their way to gain entry to the dojo. One even has an axe and breaks in, until he is knocked down by Ji.)
Ji: Not today, you undead son of a bitch.
(Zombies are doing their best to bite him and eat him alive, but he defeats and kills every last one of them, showered in blood.)
Ji: (looks at his clothes) Oh, great. Now I am going to have to get this thing dry cleaned...again. (exhales in frustration) I'll have to take care of my own laundry. Who knows if the dry cleaners have been infected ? (shrug)
Ah well...A washing I will go. (quick silloette scene of Ji removing clothing and slipping into something more comfortable, and cleaning his stained clothes)
(scene fade)
Scene 3—Finding the Source of Contagion
Gloria: The trail is getting more vivid. I can see it more clearly.
Amy: Zombies, 12 o clock ! (has hatchet at the ready)
Rei: I see them. (swinging mace and knocking them off the path as they try to claw their way into the car and are killed in the process)
(One Zombie plasters herself over the hood of the car and Sally withdraws her swords. Quickly, Natasha grabs the wheel and nearly steers the car off course.)
Natasha: Are you nuts ? That last stunt could've gotten us all hurt, or killed.
(Zombies are still approaching them)
Brooke: Determined buggers aren't they ?
Glo: We are terribly close to the outbreak site. Sally, you have the anti-infective grenades. Let's hope Brooke's formulas destroy that virus.
Natasha: (shoots many zombies through the head and clears a pathway)
(Sally throws a grenade into an abandoned warehouse where Gloria has guided them. The zombies they haven't killed become normal and hold their heads in pain.)
Girl #1: What happened ? Where am I ?
Man #1: Did anyone get the number of that frieght train that ran me over ?
Rei: You were all transformed by a contagion.
Man #2: Preposterous.
(The people see the infected and note their apperance)
Woman #1: A virus did all this ?
Brooke: Yes, it did. Hard to believe. You all need to sequester yourselves safely back into your homes though. The virus spread rather far, and we don't know how much distance it has covered.
Little boy: (holding onto his mother) Mommy, I'm scared.
Woman #1: Don't be, Sean. It'll be alright. Mommy will help you get through this.
Man #3: As will daddy. (hugs his little boy close) We have to take care of all of us, especially the little one that's coming.
Little boy: Don't worry, brother. I've got your back.
Sally: You'll all be fine. I'm sure each of you will find a way to survive in this new world. We will be able to rebuild, even though there are so few of us left.
After all, it's the American way, isn't it ?
Crowd: Yeah ! We can do anything ! We're Americans ! God bless the USA !
(The main theme from Cowboys and Aliens plays in the background. As the car rolls away, Sally begins narrating again.)
Sally: (narrating) It had been a long, hard road to find and locate the contagion, but Gloria's psychic ability had led us straight to it. I wasn't sure how many people we could save with the grenades we had left. After all, the contagion was limited to the US and was rather, pardon the pun, slow moving. My boyfriend, strong and capable as he was, had to lock himself away in his house. According to the underground radio stations, there were some hoards of zombies moving his way. That meant only one course of action for the Hunters...(close up of Sally, looking steely eyed and focused) Let's go hunting, girls.
(scene fade)
Scene 4—Not In My Backyard
(Ji Tanaka is still in his dojo, surviving off of rations and has cleaned up all the mess, cremated the bodies and given them proper burials. In his attic he sits in lotus position and breathes deeply.)
Ji: (thinking) I wonder how my students are fairing. (sigh) If only I had a radio, I would know what's going on in the outside world. It's far too quiet.
(elsewhere, Geoffrey has barricaded himself in his house and has a shotgun on his person at all times.)
Geoff: (dialing his cell phone, kind of aggrivated) Ever since she's gotten this assignment she hasn't picked up her cell. (grumble) Why do I get the feeling she's in some kind of danger. (slaps self) Geoff ! Get a hold of yourself.
Sally is a perfectly capable young woman able to care for herself. She was taught well by Master Tanaka, so there is nothing to worry about. So why is it I get the sudden condemning feeling that she's in trouble ?
(Down the street from him is a parade of zombies looking for food, and the houses that look deserted, they don't bother, but those that seem to have life emenating from them, they gravitate toward.)
Zombie #1: Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... (points toward Geoffrey's house)
Congregation: Uhhhhhhhh..... (following mindlessly)
Zombie #2: (knocking down Geoff's door) Nuhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
Geoff: (shrieks like a girl, and even Tanaka hears it from a distance)
Sally: (close up) Geoff's in trouble. (floors the acellerator, and all the other hunters get whiplash. She arrives at the scene before Geoff is overrun, but Geoff has done fairly well for himself against the zombie betallion. She looks in her utility belt) Shoot. I'm low on shirukens. I'll have to get more if I am to keep zombies at bay.
Geoff: Sally, you were awesome. I mean, honey, you were so badass !
That's damned sexy, babe. (draws her close for a passionate kiss)
Sally: Gee, I missed you too, sugarcane. (her arms linger around his waist, she runs her fingers through his hair and kisses him) I wish this wasn't such a short visit. I'd like to stay, but I have to run. I only have so many grenades left to return society back to normal. I'm sorry I couldn't save these people, but...
Geoff: (hugging her tightly) I know, love. You were protecting me. I always thought I'd be the one protecting you.
Sal: (laughing) Yes, that is ironic. I don't think you'll be bothered by zombies any longer.
Natasha: Could you hurry it up a bit ? (points at watch) Time is not on our side, Sal.
Sal: (annoyed) I know, Natasha. Bloody hell ! I'm coming, I'm coming !
Sorry, Geoff. (Kisses him playfully) I will be back.
Geoff: I hope that it is soon, my love.
(Scene fade, Derezzed plays in the background as the Hunters re-stock on their ammunition and Tanaka bows low and long to wish them farewell before they depart.)
Scene 5—Not Even A Hint
(The main theme from Kill Bill plays as the Hunters corral a group of zombies.
Sal unhooks the pins from her grenades and lets them go.)
Sal: Eat this, you rampaging vagrants !
(The smoke spreads and covers the entire area. The zombies fall to the ground.
Through the fog, no one can see anything, and sillohettes begin rising from the mist. Soon, the mist clears and everyone starts groaning.)
Grandmother: (moan) What...happened ?
Grandfather: Why are we out here in the street in our nightgowns, Myrtle ?
Grandmother: No clue, Earl.
Robert: Mom ? Dad ?
Grandparents: Son ?
Brooke: Mission, accomplished.
Rei: Thank goodness. Maybe the horror has finally come to an end ?
Amy: We can only hope and pray so.
Glo: At last, we can rebuild.
Sal: (narrating) From that remnant and the others we had saved earlier, I could witness glimmers of hope for a new society. The contagion should never cause the trouble it did. Dr. Heathrow was able to contain it, and destroy it properly.
As for me, Geoff and I are starting our own lives together. Even if there is another outbreak, he knows I'm ready for it. The ladies and I still train just in case something might happen in the future. But for now, we are savoring our time together , living if each moment may be our last.
Geoff: (waiting on his Harley) What are you waiting for, babe ?
Let's go ! Adventure awaits !
Sal: (hopping on the back and wrapping her arms around him) Then, sally forth, my good man !
Geoff: (revving up motorcycle and laughing as they speed off into the sunset)
(Born to Be Wild plays as they vanish)
(The End appears in the screen before an errant zombie appears on the screen for no reason whatsoever, shrugs and waddles off)
(Old Pine Box plays as the credits roll)
~*~ Cast ~*~
Sally Silas: (fearless leader, sword wielder, shiruken master)
Dr. Brooke Heathrow (created contagion antidote):
Nadia Evanovich: (shotgun specialist)
Rei Tanaka: (weaponry, mainly a mace)
Gloria Lopez: (holy incantations, exorcist)
Amanda Louzon: (hatchet master)
Ji Tanaka: (Father of Rei, spritual and martial arts teacher)
Mindless Zombies/Random people:
Geoffrey 'Geoff' Angelo: (Sally's boyfriend)
Scene 1—Survival of the Fittest
(On the screen, we have a helicopter shot of some cities that have become desolate. Not every city is like this, but some houses have been barricaded. It seems that hardly anyone is on the move. A sudden zombie appears on screen, followed by a hoard of others, groaning as they scuttle about, looking for food and recruits for their 'army'. We see computer type on the screen. It reads, 'Sometime in the near future. A contagion has accidentally broken out among the United States. Thus far, it hasn't spread very far or very fast. There are only a few undead due to the virus, but the infected are ruthless. Many people have taken to shutting themselves off from the threat of the undead and are living day to day on whatever they can. Fortunately, there is a team of hunters that can erradicate the threat of these undead. Each one has their own skill and weapon of choice in this battle against pure, unrivaled, unbridled evil. Though they come from different walks of life, they have each been trained by Master Ji Tanaka. All of them foolishly brave enough to stare evil in the face and say, “Is that the best you've got ?”)
Sally: Brooke, how many are there ?
Brooke: By my calculations, Sally, 31. I am hopeful we can get to the lab stat.
Nadia: (clicking gun and shooting an approaching zombie through the head)
Why ? Have you completed the anticontagion ?
Brooke: Yes, but I was only able to make a limited supply.
Sally: Figures.
Brooke: I did all I could, gals.
Amanda: We know you did, and continue to do. Let's keep moving. We need to find the source of the contagion...(subdues a zombie before it bites her, decapitating it) But only after we get that serum !
Gloria: (chanting something in Spanish and a golden aura emenates from her, knocking down a slew of zombies) I just bought us some time, girls.
Run !
Amanda: Thanks, Glo.
Gloria: De nada, Amy.
Rei: (rushing out in front of them to open the door telepathically)
Sally: Woah...when did you learn how to do that ?
Rei: You forget, I'm the daughter of our trainer. I inherited some abilities.
Brooke: Indeed. Come, let us gather all that we can carry.
Rei: Good thing we have these coolers. The serum will be safe.
Amanda: How long is that incantation of yours going to hold, Glo ?
Gloria: Not really sure, Amy. That's the first time I ever used it.
(Zombies start awakening)
Nadia: (cocking gun) That answer your question, Aims ?
Brooke: There's still a car left in the garage...
Amy: What are we waiting for then ?
(They each hop into the car, Sally puts the car in gear and with Metallica blaring on the radio, they mow through the zombies that are left standing. The blood from those that were run over create the title sequence.)
Sally: (narrating) And even though we had left our master behind, we knew he was safe in his dojo, away from the amassing evil. Only trouble we had now was seeing where this virus led us and surviving in the wake of unspeakable horrors.
We had only seen the beginning of it, and the worse was yet to come. The undead definitely don't descriminate when it comes to their next dinner and incoming recruits.
(scene fade)
Scene 2—Ji Tanaka Reflects
News over the radio: One of our correspondants recently went up to the surface to see how everything was fairing above ground. The virus is still slow moving but the zombie hoards are still growing. Sadly, that correspondant of ours was infected by the contagion and has joined their ranks. Whatever happened to cameraman Joe, well, we'll never know but if we see him again, we will have no choice but to shoot him on sight. There are areas that are still safe and people still walk about to get whatever neccessities they need but these are dark times.
Though they may be uneasy, we must maintain hope. Though there are deserted streets and many of us remain within our homes to preserve our lives, someday we will emerge victorious and reclaim the America we once knew. But until that day, there are those among us, the small voices in the wilderness, letting you know, there is nothing wrong with fear. Yet, eventually, whatever fear we have will be turned to jubilation and joy.
Ji: (meditating next to his coi pool) The America of the past. (sigh)
(contemplative Japanese music in background) It seems almost like yesterday.
(The screen reads 'Sometime in 2011')
Ji: Focus, Sally ! Focus ! You'll never hit the bullseye if you lack it !
Sally: (grumbling as she sees her aim with the shriuken leaves much to be desired) How can I hit the target if I cannot see it, Ji ?
Ji: Use your other senses, as I taught your team. You see, Amanda, she can chop through anything just through feeling the wind the object makes.
Amanda: (slicing through an oncoming wood block as it hurtles toward her from the celing)
Sally: (wide eyed) Impressive.
Ji: And Nadia, even though her hearing is blocked by constant music, she can feel vibrations around her.
Nadia: (sensing targets emerge from the floor and blowing them away with her gun, she blows off the smoke and twirls her gun into her holster)
Sally: Ji...You've trained these women longer than me. We're all young and inexperienced. Why pull us together now ? We're unneccessary.
Ji: (places his hand on her shoulder) Not so, Sally Silas. I have heard that the CDC has unknown diseases that could cause massive extinction if they ever fell into the wrong hands. That is why I have you, and your hunters to contain and destroy any evil before it rears its ugly head.
Sally: (sigh) Maybe you're right. Besides, you have trained us well with our weapons and we should be ready for anything that comes our way.
Ji: (tries to catch her off guard with a sweep kick which she quickly jumps over and a high punch which she ducks, he smiles proudly) These feline reflexes will be of great use to you. Don't worry about me in case the worst should happen.
I can fend for myself.
Sally: I'm certain you can, Tanaka-san.
(flash back to present reality...There are a horde of zombies at Ji's door and many of them are literally clawing their way to gain entry to the dojo. One even has an axe and breaks in, until he is knocked down by Ji.)
Ji: Not today, you undead son of a bitch.
(Zombies are doing their best to bite him and eat him alive, but he defeats and kills every last one of them, showered in blood.)
Ji: (looks at his clothes) Oh, great. Now I am going to have to get this thing dry cleaned...again. (exhales in frustration) I'll have to take care of my own laundry. Who knows if the dry cleaners have been infected ? (shrug)
Ah well...A washing I will go. (quick silloette scene of Ji removing clothing and slipping into something more comfortable, and cleaning his stained clothes)
(scene fade)
Scene 3—Finding the Source of Contagion
Gloria: The trail is getting more vivid. I can see it more clearly.
Amy: Zombies, 12 o clock ! (has hatchet at the ready)
Rei: I see them. (swinging mace and knocking them off the path as they try to claw their way into the car and are killed in the process)
(One Zombie plasters herself over the hood of the car and Sally withdraws her swords. Quickly, Natasha grabs the wheel and nearly steers the car off course.)
Natasha: Are you nuts ? That last stunt could've gotten us all hurt, or killed.
(Zombies are still approaching them)
Brooke: Determined buggers aren't they ?
Glo: We are terribly close to the outbreak site. Sally, you have the anti-infective grenades. Let's hope Brooke's formulas destroy that virus.
Natasha: (shoots many zombies through the head and clears a pathway)
(Sally throws a grenade into an abandoned warehouse where Gloria has guided them. The zombies they haven't killed become normal and hold their heads in pain.)
Girl #1: What happened ? Where am I ?
Man #1: Did anyone get the number of that frieght train that ran me over ?
Rei: You were all transformed by a contagion.
Man #2: Preposterous.
(The people see the infected and note their apperance)
Woman #1: A virus did all this ?
Brooke: Yes, it did. Hard to believe. You all need to sequester yourselves safely back into your homes though. The virus spread rather far, and we don't know how much distance it has covered.
Little boy: (holding onto his mother) Mommy, I'm scared.
Woman #1: Don't be, Sean. It'll be alright. Mommy will help you get through this.
Man #3: As will daddy. (hugs his little boy close) We have to take care of all of us, especially the little one that's coming.
Little boy: Don't worry, brother. I've got your back.
Sally: You'll all be fine. I'm sure each of you will find a way to survive in this new world. We will be able to rebuild, even though there are so few of us left.
After all, it's the American way, isn't it ?
Crowd: Yeah ! We can do anything ! We're Americans ! God bless the USA !
(The main theme from Cowboys and Aliens plays in the background. As the car rolls away, Sally begins narrating again.)
Sally: (narrating) It had been a long, hard road to find and locate the contagion, but Gloria's psychic ability had led us straight to it. I wasn't sure how many people we could save with the grenades we had left. After all, the contagion was limited to the US and was rather, pardon the pun, slow moving. My boyfriend, strong and capable as he was, had to lock himself away in his house. According to the underground radio stations, there were some hoards of zombies moving his way. That meant only one course of action for the Hunters...(close up of Sally, looking steely eyed and focused) Let's go hunting, girls.
(scene fade)
Scene 4—Not In My Backyard
(Ji Tanaka is still in his dojo, surviving off of rations and has cleaned up all the mess, cremated the bodies and given them proper burials. In his attic he sits in lotus position and breathes deeply.)
Ji: (thinking) I wonder how my students are fairing. (sigh) If only I had a radio, I would know what's going on in the outside world. It's far too quiet.
(elsewhere, Geoffrey has barricaded himself in his house and has a shotgun on his person at all times.)
Geoff: (dialing his cell phone, kind of aggrivated) Ever since she's gotten this assignment she hasn't picked up her cell. (grumble) Why do I get the feeling she's in some kind of danger. (slaps self) Geoff ! Get a hold of yourself.
Sally is a perfectly capable young woman able to care for herself. She was taught well by Master Tanaka, so there is nothing to worry about. So why is it I get the sudden condemning feeling that she's in trouble ?
(Down the street from him is a parade of zombies looking for food, and the houses that look deserted, they don't bother, but those that seem to have life emenating from them, they gravitate toward.)
Zombie #1: Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... (points toward Geoffrey's house)
Congregation: Uhhhhhhhh..... (following mindlessly)
Zombie #2: (knocking down Geoff's door) Nuhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
Geoff: (shrieks like a girl, and even Tanaka hears it from a distance)
Sally: (close up) Geoff's in trouble. (floors the acellerator, and all the other hunters get whiplash. She arrives at the scene before Geoff is overrun, but Geoff has done fairly well for himself against the zombie betallion. She looks in her utility belt) Shoot. I'm low on shirukens. I'll have to get more if I am to keep zombies at bay.
Geoff: Sally, you were awesome. I mean, honey, you were so badass !
That's damned sexy, babe. (draws her close for a passionate kiss)
Sally: Gee, I missed you too, sugarcane. (her arms linger around his waist, she runs her fingers through his hair and kisses him) I wish this wasn't such a short visit. I'd like to stay, but I have to run. I only have so many grenades left to return society back to normal. I'm sorry I couldn't save these people, but...
Geoff: (hugging her tightly) I know, love. You were protecting me. I always thought I'd be the one protecting you.
Sal: (laughing) Yes, that is ironic. I don't think you'll be bothered by zombies any longer.
Natasha: Could you hurry it up a bit ? (points at watch) Time is not on our side, Sal.
Sal: (annoyed) I know, Natasha. Bloody hell ! I'm coming, I'm coming !
Sorry, Geoff. (Kisses him playfully) I will be back.
Geoff: I hope that it is soon, my love.
(Scene fade, Derezzed plays in the background as the Hunters re-stock on their ammunition and Tanaka bows low and long to wish them farewell before they depart.)
Scene 5—Not Even A Hint
(The main theme from Kill Bill plays as the Hunters corral a group of zombies.
Sal unhooks the pins from her grenades and lets them go.)
Sal: Eat this, you rampaging vagrants !
(The smoke spreads and covers the entire area. The zombies fall to the ground.
Through the fog, no one can see anything, and sillohettes begin rising from the mist. Soon, the mist clears and everyone starts groaning.)
Grandmother: (moan) What...happened ?
Grandfather: Why are we out here in the street in our nightgowns, Myrtle ?
Grandmother: No clue, Earl.
Robert: Mom ? Dad ?
Grandparents: Son ?
Brooke: Mission, accomplished.
Rei: Thank goodness. Maybe the horror has finally come to an end ?
Amy: We can only hope and pray so.
Glo: At last, we can rebuild.
Sal: (narrating) From that remnant and the others we had saved earlier, I could witness glimmers of hope for a new society. The contagion should never cause the trouble it did. Dr. Heathrow was able to contain it, and destroy it properly.
As for me, Geoff and I are starting our own lives together. Even if there is another outbreak, he knows I'm ready for it. The ladies and I still train just in case something might happen in the future. But for now, we are savoring our time together , living if each moment may be our last.
Geoff: (waiting on his Harley) What are you waiting for, babe ?
Let's go ! Adventure awaits !
Sal: (hopping on the back and wrapping her arms around him) Then, sally forth, my good man !
Geoff: (revving up motorcycle and laughing as they speed off into the sunset)
(Born to Be Wild plays as they vanish)
(The End appears in the screen before an errant zombie appears on the screen for no reason whatsoever, shrugs and waddles off)
(Old Pine Box plays as the credits roll)
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