Le Perfumery
Synopsis: A young chemist sets her sights on Paris to start her own perfumery business but she has quite a lot of competition. Will Madeline Claire ever establish a foothold in the country she's come to love as well as the place where love has found her ?
Madeline Claire:
Chloe DuLonde: (Maddy's best friend)
Charlotte Claire: (Maddy's mom)
Paul Claire: (Maddy's dad)
Amythyst 'Amy' Claire: (Maddy's granny)
Gerard Piaf: (love interest)
Jacques Monarch: (Gerard's best friend)
Scene 1--Venturing Outward
(Madeline is being seen off by her parents who are trying to hold back tears about seeing her off. They don't worry too much though, since Madeline's best friend, Chloe will be her roommate as she adjusts to life in Paris.)
Charlotte: I can't believe the day has finally come, Maddy !
Paul: (They're both hugging her and kissing her goodbye for about the 50th time) We couldn't be more proud.
Charlotte: Our little chemist is off to Paris to create beautiful perfumes !
Madeline: (beaming) I know. It's all I've ever wanted, and not only that, I get to go to Paris, the most romantic city in the world. I do realize it's dangerous, but no more so than anywere else on this planet.
Charlotte: (patting her on the back) We know you'll be successful.
Paul: Go out there and conquer that perfume market ! Make the world a better smelling place.
(They laugh)
Madeline: (trying not to cry herself) I'll call you by Skype as soon as I arrive. Chloe will be waiting for me and all my things have already arrived at our appartment. Can you believe it ? I'll be co-owning my own place !
Paul: (touching the sides of her face and leaning in his forehead to touch her's) Our little girl, grown up to be quite the woman. So quickly, too !
(Announcement comes over PA that Madeline's flight is about to leave.)
Madeline: Well that's my flight ! Gotta jet, literally ! Love you both.
Both parents: We love you too, honeybee.
Madeline: (narrating, and as she does we see her boarding the plane with a spring in her step and oozing confidence and pluck. She's wearing earphones listening to music on an Ipad device and singing quietly to gorgeous French melodies) Though I was filled with a newfound sense of joie de vivre, I had no clue as to what awaited me on the streets of Paris. All I knew was that my friend, Chloe, would help me get through whatever rough patches lay ahead. I knew it wouldn't be simply setting up my storefront, Bloom, but I had to keep plodding on ahead or I would never be successful. Even though times were tough, I had a friend who cleaved closer than a sister. She and I could conquer anything.
(An upbeated mix of La Vie En Rose is played as we see Chloe and Madeline transition into their lives sharing an appartment and Madeline getting a second job as she looks for a building in which to set up her shop. Chole helps her advertise, market and make everything presentable. She has no sponsors, let alone buildings as of late, but she doesn't give up.)
Scene 2--The Call that Changes Everything
Chloe: (excitedly, coming home from the open market with food to celebrate) Maddy ! You'll never believe what I heard today on the phone !
Madeline: By the look of all the food, we're celebrating that very call.
Chloe: You read my mind. (raised brow) How do you do that ?
Madeline: I know you well, Chloe ! Even though we were miles apart, we were always the best of friends. (hugs her close) So, tell me ! Dish !
Chloe: A building manager called. There's a place not far from the famous Eiffel Tower where there's an adorable boutique. There's an empty shoppe front there where your perfumery can open. Look at these pictures he sent me ! (starts swiping the photographs on her phone) All the design work we've done together will make this little shop shine !
Madeline: You're right, it is cute ! I just need extra money for furnishings, hiring workers to make the perfumes I have patented and designed. Do you know how difficult it is to make a mark in this business ? It's hard work !
Chloe: I know. It's hard enough making money as a fashion designer and artist. Both of the jobs alone barely eke us by. But...
Together: (merrily) We manage !
Chloe: (pulls out Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice)
Madeline: Oooo, even the bubbly ! You thought of everything, chere !
Chloe: I can't help it. Once everything is settled, we can get Bloom all ready to go and you can start putting circulars in the local periodicals. People will start flocking to fill your positions !
Madeline: (becoming even more avid) Let's get going then !
('It's Wonderful, Marvelous', the French version starts to play in the background as Madeline and Chloe set up Bloom with sweat and determination, giving it its distinctive charm and vivid colors of the shop. There's even a gift shop with handmade items Chloe provides with help from her artisan friends.)
Scene 3--Opening Shop
Chloe: (wiping the last bit of sweat from her brow) I think we can call it a day at last !
Madeline: I've been getting calls out the wazoo for help, even from your artisian friends who gave me all the trinkets for my gift shop.
Chloe: That was your brilliant scheme, Maddy ! It's genius, really. It'll get tourists into your doors and support our local creative talent. Charity is reward enough, I think.
Madeline: (hugging her and dancing on her tiptoes in excitement) You couldn't be more right. I guess I'm a little too eager to open Bloom's doors. The competition here is rough. Hopefully our colorful store will draw in potential customers.
Chloe: I actually got permission from the mayor to do a ribbon cutting. A little PR never hurts, and his stamp of approval should give us a boost.
Madeline: It's only due to your persuasive manner, darling. I can't wait to give mom and dad the good news.
(Scene shift, back at home in her studio, Skyping her parents, Chloe right by her side, hugging her happily.)
Paul: Hi, honey ! How long has it been ? It seems like ages since we Skyped.
Madeline: A few months have gone by. I know writing emails isn't nearly enough and I've been good enough to send the occasional letter.
Charlotte: Yes, but this is so much better. How are you and Chloe doing ?
Chloe: We're spectacular. Bloom has had its doors open and everyone is staffed and ready to begin working. Nothing has been sold, yet.
Madeline: Tomorrow is the official opening day. (shivers in anticipation and makes a giddy squeal-like shriek) One small step for chemist, one giant leap for perfume kind.
Paul: Good on ya, sweetie !
Charlotte: Congratulations ! I know this is a poor substitute for real hugs and kisses, but someday we hope to travel to France and give them to you soon !
Madeline: I know you will. You always keep your promises. How's everything at home ?
Charlotte: We bought a new puppy. He's a golden lab named Duke. We think the name suits him.
Paul: Duke's sleeping right now though. We've met other dog enthusiasts and we all like to walk at the same time. Duke's made a plethora of new canine friends.
Madeline: Over Christmas, I'll come and visit. That way I can meet Duke for myself.
Charlotte: I'm sure he'll adore you. You've got such a way with animals.
Madeline: (yawning) Oh, pardon me. All the excitement of the day must've overwhelmed me. I'll see you later. I love you ! Aviento !
Parents: Au revoir, aviento !
Chloe: Je vous aimes beaucoup !
(scene shift)
Scene 4--Struck by Cupid's Arrow
Madeline: (narrating) I slept fitfully that entire night but despite that, I was still ready and rarin' to go that morning. I had so many customers I couldn't keep count but my workers helped me keep track of physical and virtual purchases. I was starting to really come into my own. Then he entered in through the front door. He was suave, debonaire and devilishly good looking. I had never believed in love at first sight, but Paris can have a hypnotic effect. No one is immune !
Gerard: (in French) Are you Madeline Claire, the owner of this fine facility ?
Madeline: (responding) Yes, that's me.
Gerard: I'm Gerard Piaf, editor of Le Monde. I was wondering if I could do a piece on your perfumery. You see, it isn't often that a foreigner comes in and does so incredibly well and I have to admit, I'm impressed.
Madeline: (smitten) As am I. I would be honored. (narrating) I got to know Gerry quite a bit over the next few months as we dated after our initial interview. I was starting to feel more and more like a natural Parisian. My love for Gerry grew stronger and stronger and I knew we were serious. One day, with the prodding of his best friend, Jacques, he proposed to me under the gorgeous lights of Le Tour Eiffel.
(Sings Viva La France)
Madeline: (narrating) The only thing now was to inform my parents. I had left out the small detail that I had been dating Gerry for 9 months now and we were going to be married.
Chloe: (seeing Madeline arrive home, but in a bit of a slump, puts her arm around her) Why so glum, chum ? I thought you'd be euphoric since Gerry asked for your hand ! You and he are meant to be.
Madeline: And you're a poet and don't know it ! I'm aware of that. The only problem is, mom and dad don't know ! Somehow I lost track of time, planning out everything in the future that I have to rethink everything.
Nothing will be the same.
Chloe: Isn't that what makes life worthwhile though ?
Madeline: (trying not to cry) I guess I'm a little scared. I was so afraid Gerry would be like all the other frogs I have had to kiss over decades past.
Chloe: You mean Max ? That last jerk that broke your heart ? Girl, please. He wasn't worth your time. He was just a smooth talking, pompadored egotist that paraded you around like some kind of trophy.
Madeline: That's dust in the wind. I guess I'm frightened over nothing. I just hope mom and dad approve. Journalism isn't the safest vocation in the world.
Chloe: We both know that, but we know Gerry has immense faith that has carried him through rough patches in the past. You should have more faith in your family. If they don't like Gerry now, they'll come to later. Trust me !
Madeline: (narrating) That night, I finally caved and called my parents. They were ecstatic for my good fortune and asked about the wedding date. I planned on holding in April. Jacques was going to be Gerry's best man, and Chloe would be my bridesmaid. So far, everything was coming up roses.
(Scene shift)
Scene 5--Expanding Outward
(Old songs like 'You'll Never Find a Love Quite Like Mine', 'Stardust', 'Whispers', 'Ebb Tide' and so on play while our newlywed couple dances.)
Gerry: (sweetly) I was wondering something, my chere.
Madeline: What's that ?
Gerry: Since I am involved in the world of print and quite tech saavy, I was thinking about expanding your business outward.
Madeline: I was pondering the same thing. We can get started right after the honeymoon.
Gerry: (dipping her low and kissing her) I adulate and adore your brilliant mind, beautiful.
Madeline: (tittering)
Paul: I've never seen her so happy before. She and Gerry are a perfect match.
Charlotte: (chuckling) I hear he never would've asked her had it not been for Jacques. He might be the next lucky one.
Chloe: Why are you guys looking at me ? (hands up) Oh no. No no no. This gal wants to stay single a while longer !
Paul: Don't deny it. We saw the way Jacques was looking at you.
Chloe: He is a catch. I have to admit. (sings) He's got penache, he's got grace, with fashion he's first place. He's a winner.
Charlotte: Precisely. Go to him. This might be your last chance, kitten !
Chloe: (reluctantly but confidently) Hey, I'm Chloe. Wanna dance ?
Jacques: (spinning her around with a bit of flourish and flair) I thought you would never ask !
(More upbeat songs play in the background like 'The Great Bank Robbery', 'Come to Me Baby (Dance by the Ocean)', 'Hey Pachuko', 'Let the Good Times Roll' and 'Pleasuredome').
Madeline: Heh ! Chloe is having the time of her life. Haven't seen her smile like that since Bloom opened its doors.
Gerry: (squeezing her tight) I couldn't be more proud of you. You've really made a name for yourself here.
Madeline: Don't be so modest. I don't think Le Monde would be what it is without your influence. I'm eager to see what world we'll create together.
Gerry: As do I, ma cherie amor. (kissing her)
(They dance to 'Ma Cherie Amor' as if on cue.)
Madeline: (narrating) It is as if after the wedding and honeymoon time advanced even quicker. We set out on opening our business to the internet and the sales multipled. I still faced competition from tried and true stores but I was really making endroads for myself. Not only that but before Christmas, we were graced with two glorious surprises, Neil and Nelly, fraternal twins. Nelly was so named after my grandmother, may she rest in peace. Neil was named after Gerry's dad, whom I got to know very well during our family reunions at home and abroad.
(An instrumental version of 'Viva La France' can be heard as Maddy relays all this information to our viewers.)
(A sort of clip show appears on screen of all the important events of Maddy and Gerry's life, and how it is evolving.)
Madeline: (narrating) Neither one of us know where the road will lead, but we couldn't be happier. Life is good, love is sweet. Life in France can't be beat. That's all I have to say. Au revoir, mes amis ! Until we see each other again ! Come visit me at Bloom someday.
(The End is unfurled like little French flags. Upbeat music is played. Viewers are treated to gaffs and bloopers and some behind the scenes footage. Special credits for inspiration due is deliniated, but most of all I dedicate this to my mother, my friend BrightStar, who is a major Francophile, and my beloved, lovely grandmother Nelly, whom I named one of the characters after.)
Madeline Claire:
Chloe DuLonde: (Maddy's best friend)
Charlotte Claire: (Maddy's mom)
Paul Claire: (Maddy's dad)
Amythyst 'Amy' Claire: (Maddy's granny)
Gerard Piaf: (love interest)
Jacques Monarch: (Gerard's best friend)
Scene 1--Venturing Outward
(Madeline is being seen off by her parents who are trying to hold back tears about seeing her off. They don't worry too much though, since Madeline's best friend, Chloe will be her roommate as she adjusts to life in Paris.)
Charlotte: I can't believe the day has finally come, Maddy !
Paul: (They're both hugging her and kissing her goodbye for about the 50th time) We couldn't be more proud.
Charlotte: Our little chemist is off to Paris to create beautiful perfumes !
Madeline: (beaming) I know. It's all I've ever wanted, and not only that, I get to go to Paris, the most romantic city in the world. I do realize it's dangerous, but no more so than anywere else on this planet.
Charlotte: (patting her on the back) We know you'll be successful.
Paul: Go out there and conquer that perfume market ! Make the world a better smelling place.
(They laugh)
Madeline: (trying not to cry herself) I'll call you by Skype as soon as I arrive. Chloe will be waiting for me and all my things have already arrived at our appartment. Can you believe it ? I'll be co-owning my own place !
Paul: (touching the sides of her face and leaning in his forehead to touch her's) Our little girl, grown up to be quite the woman. So quickly, too !
(Announcement comes over PA that Madeline's flight is about to leave.)
Madeline: Well that's my flight ! Gotta jet, literally ! Love you both.
Both parents: We love you too, honeybee.
Madeline: (narrating, and as she does we see her boarding the plane with a spring in her step and oozing confidence and pluck. She's wearing earphones listening to music on an Ipad device and singing quietly to gorgeous French melodies) Though I was filled with a newfound sense of joie de vivre, I had no clue as to what awaited me on the streets of Paris. All I knew was that my friend, Chloe, would help me get through whatever rough patches lay ahead. I knew it wouldn't be simply setting up my storefront, Bloom, but I had to keep plodding on ahead or I would never be successful. Even though times were tough, I had a friend who cleaved closer than a sister. She and I could conquer anything.
(An upbeated mix of La Vie En Rose is played as we see Chloe and Madeline transition into their lives sharing an appartment and Madeline getting a second job as she looks for a building in which to set up her shop. Chole helps her advertise, market and make everything presentable. She has no sponsors, let alone buildings as of late, but she doesn't give up.)
Scene 2--The Call that Changes Everything
Chloe: (excitedly, coming home from the open market with food to celebrate) Maddy ! You'll never believe what I heard today on the phone !
Madeline: By the look of all the food, we're celebrating that very call.
Chloe: You read my mind. (raised brow) How do you do that ?
Madeline: I know you well, Chloe ! Even though we were miles apart, we were always the best of friends. (hugs her close) So, tell me ! Dish !
Chloe: A building manager called. There's a place not far from the famous Eiffel Tower where there's an adorable boutique. There's an empty shoppe front there where your perfumery can open. Look at these pictures he sent me ! (starts swiping the photographs on her phone) All the design work we've done together will make this little shop shine !
Madeline: You're right, it is cute ! I just need extra money for furnishings, hiring workers to make the perfumes I have patented and designed. Do you know how difficult it is to make a mark in this business ? It's hard work !
Chloe: I know. It's hard enough making money as a fashion designer and artist. Both of the jobs alone barely eke us by. But...
Together: (merrily) We manage !
Chloe: (pulls out Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice)
Madeline: Oooo, even the bubbly ! You thought of everything, chere !
Chloe: I can't help it. Once everything is settled, we can get Bloom all ready to go and you can start putting circulars in the local periodicals. People will start flocking to fill your positions !
Madeline: (becoming even more avid) Let's get going then !
('It's Wonderful, Marvelous', the French version starts to play in the background as Madeline and Chloe set up Bloom with sweat and determination, giving it its distinctive charm and vivid colors of the shop. There's even a gift shop with handmade items Chloe provides with help from her artisan friends.)
Scene 3--Opening Shop
Chloe: (wiping the last bit of sweat from her brow) I think we can call it a day at last !
Madeline: I've been getting calls out the wazoo for help, even from your artisian friends who gave me all the trinkets for my gift shop.
Chloe: That was your brilliant scheme, Maddy ! It's genius, really. It'll get tourists into your doors and support our local creative talent. Charity is reward enough, I think.
Madeline: (hugging her and dancing on her tiptoes in excitement) You couldn't be more right. I guess I'm a little too eager to open Bloom's doors. The competition here is rough. Hopefully our colorful store will draw in potential customers.
Chloe: I actually got permission from the mayor to do a ribbon cutting. A little PR never hurts, and his stamp of approval should give us a boost.
Madeline: It's only due to your persuasive manner, darling. I can't wait to give mom and dad the good news.
(Scene shift, back at home in her studio, Skyping her parents, Chloe right by her side, hugging her happily.)
Paul: Hi, honey ! How long has it been ? It seems like ages since we Skyped.
Madeline: A few months have gone by. I know writing emails isn't nearly enough and I've been good enough to send the occasional letter.
Charlotte: Yes, but this is so much better. How are you and Chloe doing ?
Chloe: We're spectacular. Bloom has had its doors open and everyone is staffed and ready to begin working. Nothing has been sold, yet.
Madeline: Tomorrow is the official opening day. (shivers in anticipation and makes a giddy squeal-like shriek) One small step for chemist, one giant leap for perfume kind.
Paul: Good on ya, sweetie !
Charlotte: Congratulations ! I know this is a poor substitute for real hugs and kisses, but someday we hope to travel to France and give them to you soon !
Madeline: I know you will. You always keep your promises. How's everything at home ?
Charlotte: We bought a new puppy. He's a golden lab named Duke. We think the name suits him.
Paul: Duke's sleeping right now though. We've met other dog enthusiasts and we all like to walk at the same time. Duke's made a plethora of new canine friends.
Madeline: Over Christmas, I'll come and visit. That way I can meet Duke for myself.
Charlotte: I'm sure he'll adore you. You've got such a way with animals.
Madeline: (yawning) Oh, pardon me. All the excitement of the day must've overwhelmed me. I'll see you later. I love you ! Aviento !
Parents: Au revoir, aviento !
Chloe: Je vous aimes beaucoup !
(scene shift)
Scene 4--Struck by Cupid's Arrow
Madeline: (narrating) I slept fitfully that entire night but despite that, I was still ready and rarin' to go that morning. I had so many customers I couldn't keep count but my workers helped me keep track of physical and virtual purchases. I was starting to really come into my own. Then he entered in through the front door. He was suave, debonaire and devilishly good looking. I had never believed in love at first sight, but Paris can have a hypnotic effect. No one is immune !
Gerard: (in French) Are you Madeline Claire, the owner of this fine facility ?
Madeline: (responding) Yes, that's me.
Gerard: I'm Gerard Piaf, editor of Le Monde. I was wondering if I could do a piece on your perfumery. You see, it isn't often that a foreigner comes in and does so incredibly well and I have to admit, I'm impressed.
Madeline: (smitten) As am I. I would be honored. (narrating) I got to know Gerry quite a bit over the next few months as we dated after our initial interview. I was starting to feel more and more like a natural Parisian. My love for Gerry grew stronger and stronger and I knew we were serious. One day, with the prodding of his best friend, Jacques, he proposed to me under the gorgeous lights of Le Tour Eiffel.
(Sings Viva La France)
Madeline: (narrating) The only thing now was to inform my parents. I had left out the small detail that I had been dating Gerry for 9 months now and we were going to be married.
Chloe: (seeing Madeline arrive home, but in a bit of a slump, puts her arm around her) Why so glum, chum ? I thought you'd be euphoric since Gerry asked for your hand ! You and he are meant to be.
Madeline: And you're a poet and don't know it ! I'm aware of that. The only problem is, mom and dad don't know ! Somehow I lost track of time, planning out everything in the future that I have to rethink everything.
Nothing will be the same.
Chloe: Isn't that what makes life worthwhile though ?
Madeline: (trying not to cry) I guess I'm a little scared. I was so afraid Gerry would be like all the other frogs I have had to kiss over decades past.
Chloe: You mean Max ? That last jerk that broke your heart ? Girl, please. He wasn't worth your time. He was just a smooth talking, pompadored egotist that paraded you around like some kind of trophy.
Madeline: That's dust in the wind. I guess I'm frightened over nothing. I just hope mom and dad approve. Journalism isn't the safest vocation in the world.
Chloe: We both know that, but we know Gerry has immense faith that has carried him through rough patches in the past. You should have more faith in your family. If they don't like Gerry now, they'll come to later. Trust me !
Madeline: (narrating) That night, I finally caved and called my parents. They were ecstatic for my good fortune and asked about the wedding date. I planned on holding in April. Jacques was going to be Gerry's best man, and Chloe would be my bridesmaid. So far, everything was coming up roses.
(Scene shift)
Scene 5--Expanding Outward
(Old songs like 'You'll Never Find a Love Quite Like Mine', 'Stardust', 'Whispers', 'Ebb Tide' and so on play while our newlywed couple dances.)
Gerry: (sweetly) I was wondering something, my chere.
Madeline: What's that ?
Gerry: Since I am involved in the world of print and quite tech saavy, I was thinking about expanding your business outward.
Madeline: I was pondering the same thing. We can get started right after the honeymoon.
Gerry: (dipping her low and kissing her) I adulate and adore your brilliant mind, beautiful.
Madeline: (tittering)
Paul: I've never seen her so happy before. She and Gerry are a perfect match.
Charlotte: (chuckling) I hear he never would've asked her had it not been for Jacques. He might be the next lucky one.
Chloe: Why are you guys looking at me ? (hands up) Oh no. No no no. This gal wants to stay single a while longer !
Paul: Don't deny it. We saw the way Jacques was looking at you.
Chloe: He is a catch. I have to admit. (sings) He's got penache, he's got grace, with fashion he's first place. He's a winner.
Charlotte: Precisely. Go to him. This might be your last chance, kitten !
Chloe: (reluctantly but confidently) Hey, I'm Chloe. Wanna dance ?
Jacques: (spinning her around with a bit of flourish and flair) I thought you would never ask !
(More upbeat songs play in the background like 'The Great Bank Robbery', 'Come to Me Baby (Dance by the Ocean)', 'Hey Pachuko', 'Let the Good Times Roll' and 'Pleasuredome').
Madeline: Heh ! Chloe is having the time of her life. Haven't seen her smile like that since Bloom opened its doors.
Gerry: (squeezing her tight) I couldn't be more proud of you. You've really made a name for yourself here.
Madeline: Don't be so modest. I don't think Le Monde would be what it is without your influence. I'm eager to see what world we'll create together.
Gerry: As do I, ma cherie amor. (kissing her)
(They dance to 'Ma Cherie Amor' as if on cue.)
Madeline: (narrating) It is as if after the wedding and honeymoon time advanced even quicker. We set out on opening our business to the internet and the sales multipled. I still faced competition from tried and true stores but I was really making endroads for myself. Not only that but before Christmas, we were graced with two glorious surprises, Neil and Nelly, fraternal twins. Nelly was so named after my grandmother, may she rest in peace. Neil was named after Gerry's dad, whom I got to know very well during our family reunions at home and abroad.
(An instrumental version of 'Viva La France' can be heard as Maddy relays all this information to our viewers.)
(A sort of clip show appears on screen of all the important events of Maddy and Gerry's life, and how it is evolving.)
Madeline: (narrating) Neither one of us know where the road will lead, but we couldn't be happier. Life is good, love is sweet. Life in France can't be beat. That's all I have to say. Au revoir, mes amis ! Until we see each other again ! Come visit me at Bloom someday.
(The End is unfurled like little French flags. Upbeat music is played. Viewers are treated to gaffs and bloopers and some behind the scenes footage. Special credits for inspiration due is deliniated, but most of all I dedicate this to my mother, my friend BrightStar, who is a major Francophile, and my beloved, lovely grandmother Nelly, whom I named one of the characters after.)
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