Forest Forces: The Green Warfare

Synopsis:  A series introducing different factions of forest creatures.  Green Warfare introduces us to a gang of badass squirrels that team up with a mice and rat squad in order to battle against predators in the area.  The second part will focus on scavanger raccoons that invent their own vehicles out of scrap from the junkyard in human territory.  Only they have been brave enough to see the faces of the 'bipeds'.   A third part will focus on marsupials in Australia when the squirrels are stranded in Australia by an awful turn of fortune brought about by having their paths cross with the bipeds.  

Melody: (bluebird)
Tempo: (bluebird)
Song: (goldfinch)
Staccato: (goldfinch)
Ruby: (cardinal)
Scarlet: (cardinal)
Debussy: (swan)
Odette: (swan)  
Douglass: (duck/mallard)
Thalia: (duck/hen)
Fennel (Stag King):
Lily: (Doe Queen):
Daisy (Princess):
Sage (Prince):
Daffodil (Princess): 
Corriander ('Cory'):

Scene 1--Taking What is Hers
Bridget:  (narrating)  Welcome to Oakenridge, where all animals do their utmost to live in peace and harmony.   Of course, with rival factions in every group, there are scuffles here and there but we put aside our differences and coexist as best we can.   There is always the danger of predators gobbling us up, but as squirrels, we can outrun any dangers that face us, or fight back with handmade weaponry.   It wasn't until recently that weapons were made until Meledasia took the throne unrightfully from Persephone, her sister.    She was the eldest and should've gotten all the rites that came with the Twiggenthrone.   Such things are unheard of and unusual but Meldasia rules with force, conceit, arrogance and recalcitrance.   The other squirrels would respect her if she wasn't such a tyrant, but as far as she sees it, it's her way, or nothing at all. 
Maladasia:  (spreading out a hand drawn map of Oakenridge)  This, so far is my kingdom.   I would like to expand our reign further.  
Kit:  Highness, how are we supposed to do that ?   Scout, a chipmunk showed me just how far we can grow.  Even into Emiteville.  
Persephone:  Emiteville is no-animals land !   That's close to where the bipeds live. 
Maladasia:  I am aware of that, sister.   Weakness never got us anywhere.  Look at how far we have come !   We will never flourish if we don't branch out.  
Sinclair:  Highness, I suggest we use the mice, rats and chipmunks to scout the area.  Determine exactly what we're up against.  
Maladasia:  Are you suggesting we join forces with them as well ?   They will be expecting some sort of incentive to work with us.  
Kit:  M'Lady, that may be true but father is right.    You too, have an exquisite point. 
Agnes:  We need to be stronger.  The more of us that are gathered together, the tougher our bonds are to break.  
Maladasia:  Straight from the mouths of babes.   Emry, I want you to send this petition to our friends, the songbirds, Song and Staccato.  
Emry:  Yes, M'Lady.  It shall be done, promptly.  
Persephone:  (narrating)  I had nary a clue as to what had led my husband to be swayed by my little sister's charisma and bombastic speech.   There was a lot of vitriol rushing through what used to be genteel veins.   Once she had lost her beloved husband, Marcus to the eagle Fury, she became bitter,  and cruel.   I feared my beautiful sister would never be the same, since she had become so bent on conquering the land.   No one, however, would even have the backbone to stand up to her but someday, I knew I had to have the resolve to make her see the error of her despotic ways.  
(A sequence is shown of the song birds getting their information from Emry and likewise, another chipmunk returns with news on the bipeds and how many there are of them spotting the land in Emiteville.   Also, they list their terms and conditions of working alongside the squirrels.)
Emry:  Your Grace, I believe this discusses everything we need.  The mice, rats and chipmunks have their stipulations.   With a harsh winter coming, we all want to prepare as best we can.  
Hamish:  I will gather the strongest in our clan to start harvest.  We begin tomorrow and then we start our movement westward.   
Persephone:  (narrating)  Hamish, one of our most stalwart members began gleaning in earnest.   We all knew that a very long, harsh and gelid winter was heading our way.   All the while, the rest of us lent a hand whenever asked and my sister began discipling herself for the soujorn ahead.  
(The mice, rats and squirrels all 'get along' even though it is only for the incentive of survival.   Before they begin to move out, Persephone checks on her sister to see how preparations are going.  She is packed and ready to go but she is training on a small punching bag she has created out of objects found from the dump not far from Oakenridge.)  
Persephone:  You're really having it out with that punching bag, Daisy.
Maladasia: (patronizingly, scolding) Persephone, I told you. (with a bit of ire in her tone) Never call me that.  Only Jared had that opportunity. 
Persephone:   Forgive me.   I was just seeing how everything was carrying on.  
Maladasia:   Good.   (turns around and begins to spar with her)  Remember the old times when we used to spar like this ?
Persephone:  (dodging)  No !  Not at all.  You've gone mad !  
(An epic fight between elder and younger sister ensues, one straight out of homage to kung fu flicks and spaghetti westerns a la Tarantino.)  
Maladasia:  (slightly manic laugh)  No, my mind is perfectly sound, Perse.   You're the one who is weak.   If you don't discipline yourself, you're going to die in the wild.  I can't be dragged down by rust in the chain.   A chain is only so good as each individual link ! 
Persephone:  (getting socked hard in the eye, so much so she is knocked down to the ground, but gets up and dusts herself off)  I don't want to spar anymore.   This is foolish !  
Maladasia:  You're tougher than I thought.   Maybe you're not as rusty as I percieved. 
Persephone:  I'll leave you to your training.   I won't get in your way.   (bows slightly)
(narrating)  I had never seen Maladasia that way before.  I had always been able to call her Daisy as well but she had shifted so much in personality, I hardly recognized her.   True, we were all being led by paranoia and fear but maybe it was the only way to 'reclaim what was truly ours', as sister so eloquently put it.    All I could do was sing my prayer every night, hoping that someone heard.   It was the only hope I had. 
('Persephone's Song') 
(Scene fade) 
Scene 2--Facing Down Preadators
(A map can be seen of the squirrels, mice and rats' progress from Oakenridge into a more woodsy area known as the Pines.  Sounds innocent enough, but there are predators lurking in the bushes and winter has only begun.  The worst of the winter is yet to arrive.)  
Persephone: (narrating)  We had arrived in Pines, which was relatively safe territory for us.  There were fellow herbavores that gave us shelter from the cold and from sharp teeth, but they could only accompany us so far.  
Fennel:   You are always under our protection as far as we can gallop.  We won't leave the ring of the Pines though.  Sacred forces keep us shielded from anything that can harm us.  
Nell:  We couldn't be more grateful, Stag King.  
Fennel:  Just helping fellow friends out.  
Lily:  Be careful out there, everyone.   We only go as far as the edge of the forest, but no further.   Where there are lights, there are bound to be hunters.   None of us have been shot for sport or meat...yet.  
Daisy:  Thanks to papa's teachings !  We know what to look out for and how to be alert.  
Quincy:   We're not afraid.   Under our Queen's guidance, we won't fail.  
Sage:   That's all well and good, young squirrel but best not to get too cocky.   As Fennel, our Lord says, having pride can lead toward destruction.  
Persephone:  (narrating)  The deer were exceedingly wise and knew the Pines much better than any of us ever did, even if we did have a very accurate map drawn by our chipmunk friends.   Half of our forces were with us and half of them were back in Oakenridge, guarding the Twiggenthrone.     As the winter became worse, we continued until we met the edge of the Pines.   We were far from the Netherworld, otherwise known as Emriteville, which the bipeds occupied.   Some animals had gone into the Netherworld before but never returned and those that did were never really the same.   There were still others that forwent their animal natures and became domesticated.   None of us wanted to experience any of these fates but Maladasia wouldn't be thwarted or convinced, let alone routed back to our safe, comfortable home.  
(Night falls quickly and all sorts of predators surround them) 
Belquist:   I'm surprised you came this far, rodents.  
Russel:  How dare you !   Using racial slurs is really beneath you, even if you are a wolf. 
Belquist:  (smug scoff)  You know I myself, the foxes and coyotes around me are pretty famished.    Not many things to eat around here.   
Persephone:   We didn't fight back until the wolves, coyotes and foxes started surrounding us.   Before long, rabbits were joining the fight. 
Jack:  We've never met anyone like you lot before.   No one's ever taken upon the predators and gotten them to back off.   We thought adding our assistance would even up the odds for you a bit.   
Agnes:   We owe you, mister rabbit.
Jack:  (bows, kisses Agnes' paw)  Call me Jack.   What shall I call you, fine maiden ?
Agnes:  I'm Agnes.  
(They begin to hear owls since it is so late at night.)
March:  Owls !    We've got to hide.  They won't bother us, but you mice and rats, you're dinner !   Run !  
(They begin to take a detour to the river that is on the other side of the Pines.   It's known as Haven and the birds are deterred.)  
Persephone:  How did you know that they wouldn't like the water ?  
Yvette:   We knew there was a full moon tonight and that would be enough to scare them away.  
You'll have to move again by dawn, though.   The predators don't see Haven as the sanctuary we do.   All of us need water to survive.   
Persephone:   True, but we need to find someplace where we can't be bothered by any malevolent creature.  
River:   It may be off your route, but beyond here is a grand vale called Verdency.   You can stay there for a while.   Eagles and vultures steer clear, though it is said the crows do come by and irritate the dwellers.  They're no threat.  
Maladasia:   Miss amphibian, your advice is much appreciated. 
River:  (bowing)  I am River, and I and my compatriots are on your side.  We have heard of your fame from your avian friends and fellow comrades. 
Wellington:   You are free to lodge here.  Plenty of places to sleep and place your belongings on your journey.  
Persephone:  That morning though, we were attacked by eagles and Maladasia set off against her rival, Fury.  
(Scene shift) 

Scene 3--Escaping Fury; Onto Verdency
Fury:   How quaint.   I never thought us to actually meet nose to beak.  Not in such a place. 
Maladasia:  I don't want your pity, and I don't care for your high and mighty attitude.   You killed my husband, Marcus !  
Fury:   Girl's gotta eat, doesn't she ? 
Maladasia:   (tsks)  You have no concern for anyone but yourself. 
Fury: Oh, contraire.   Marcus sacrificed himself for my eaglets.  There were no fish in the Haven to eat last winter because the river was frozen.    It seems that a meal has so considerately presented itself before me.   Thinking of joining your husband ?  (sneers)
Maladasia:  (confident and reassured) You'd love the victory that'd give you.   I have an army behind me.  
Wart:   (coming out of a very clever hiding place)  Attack  ! 
Fury:  (being beaten back by rocks, acorns and the like, she and her eagles flee) 
This won't be our last meeting.   Preferably the next time we meet, it will be the last you ever see of my majestic profile. 
Maladasia:   (out of Fury's earshot)   Humble little squawker that you are.    
Sinclair: (arm aroudn his wife) How did you sleep last night, Perse ?
Persephone:  (stretching and yawning) I slept well enough.  It's not easy bedding in a spot that is so, well, lumpy and unforgiving.   The ground is freezing but we all lumped together for warmth.  The amphibians were strangely comforting as we slept, too.  
Kit:  Are we almost near to Verdency ?  Does that lead into the Netherworld in a roundabout way ? 
Verdinia:  Yes, it does.   It may take you longer to get to where you are going, but you'll get there without much interference from your foes.   
Persephone:  (narrating)  They hadn't mentioned vultures in the area.   They were looming overhead, like gathering clouds of doom.   We couldn't allow them to steal our zeal for heading to Emriteville.  We were already so nearer to our goal, and I was beginning to think my zany sister's plan for conquest was going to work.  
(Scene shift) 
Scene 4--Crow Territory
Bridget:   Mama, we're in Verdency according to the map.   I think the Stag King comes here with his herd for sanctuary as well.   We very may well see them here.  
Persephone:   (sighs a heavy 'whew' of relief)  That's splendid news to hear.   This little map has done us so much good.   Thanks to you rats, mice and chipmunks. 
Uriah:  Terrains' an easy thing to draw, Perse.   We have idetic memories  ! 
(They laugh) 
Esther:   My husband, the earthy cartographer.  
(Suddenly they begin to hear 'caws' coming out of nowhere.)
Tim:  Crows !  No one said this was crow territory !  
('Shadows' is sung by the crows as a chorus.)  
Dioval:  Fancy seeing your lot here.  We don't often get visitors, y'know ? 
Poe:  We all know our reputation preceeds us.  
Maldasia:   You're tricksters.  Not to be trusted.  
(The crows laugh) 
Pilfer:  We're misunderstood is all !   We don't mean you any harm. 
Gem:  In fact, the only reason there aren't any sharp-toothed advisaries around is because of our influence.  
(The crows nod and agree, murmuring amongst each other) 
Momento:  We'll offer you safe passage through here.   So long as we're around, you won't be harmed.  
Persephone:  (narrating)  They weren't so bad as others made them out to be.  They weren't really on a 'side' per se, but they were willing to help us along.   However, we knew once we were at the ridge of Verdency, it was going to be us against whatever brutal beasts were waiting for us.   My sister kept us motivated when winter became harsher, even to the point of turning us all into popsicles.   Thankfully though, our warmth, rations and wits kept us alive as we plotted and schlepped whatever rations would keep us alive and healthy alongside us.  
(Their progress is seen and they stop at Verdency, which is almost close to Emiteville.  The dreaded words 'To Be Continued' appear on screen letting us know that this is only the beginning of our heralding, harrowing tale.)  


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