Lady Prisma of Planet Spectra

Synopsis:  Crystal and Shard Galaxy are expecting their first daughter, the last of seven in her family and the only daughter, Prisma Infinaeta Galaxy, heir to the Galaxy throne.   She uses her power and prestige to help others less fortunate.   She brings color, joy, laughter and friendship wherever she goes.   Her pet is a multicolored lemur named Fringe. 

~*~The Royal Galaxies ~*~
Cynosure Galaxy (eldest)
Synnove Galaxy (twin brother of Cyno) 
Oriano Galaxy
Vespiro Galaxy 
Baddur Galaxy 
Cennet Galaxy 

Chapter 1--Controlled Chaos
                I remember the story my brothers told me about my birth on my beloved planet Spectra so many years ago.   My dear mother, Crystal's water had just broken.  Having had 6 boys before my birth, this was nothing new.   However, my father, Shard, the typical stoic, was becoming unraveled.   It took my mother's gentle, coaxing voice to assuage my father's panic.  
                All my brothers, Cynosure, Synnove, Oriano, Vespiro, Baddur and Cennet surrounded my mom and dad as I came into the world loudly until they sang in harmony to settle me down.   I got to know all my brothers exceedingly well, because they were my favorite playthings growing up.   I loved them all intensely and wanted to grow up to be just like them.    Unlike them though, I had a duty to the throne because I was to be heir.   Only a female could be ascending the throne when she came of age.    At that time though, I was just an infant and exploring Spectra and all its wonders was more important to me than the duties the crown held. 

Chapter 2--Education, At Home and Abroad
                My first real triumph, other than getting my multicolored pet lemur Fringe from the pet shop was buying my first trumpet with money I made as an intern to the music, culture, art and literature shop.   I knew the owner well.   He was a droid named Filter, and I called him 'Phil' out of affection.    Phil became like a surrogate father to me and he directed me toward my path of ambassador as soon as my education had been completed.   My eldest brother led royal duties in the court and taught fencing as a hobby.   He also stargazed and I often joined him with Syn.   Those two were peas in a pod if I ever saw it.    Oriano was the poet of the group and herbalist.   As soon as he was old enough, he wanted to set up a pharmacy and cure unknown intergalactic diseases.    I knew my work in chemistry would help him in his efforts.    As for my brother Baddur, he was commander of the Specrtan Army.  It wasn't that we needed an interstellar armada, we had armaments enough, but we used our mental ability and words over firepower, physical prowess and lasers.    My final brother Cennet, taught me in the academy and even gave me flying lessons in a Kamiwing.   They can easily travel at light speed and enter into other dimensions but I haven't even left Spectra yet.    I know I will someday, but eventually I return home to my royal duties.    I do know I will have to marry someone to continue the family line, but mama and papa support me in whomever I choose.    For the time being, I am fine being independent and strong.  Not only that but I'm still a youngster and don't need to worry about such issues.   All I know is that my whole Universe is about to expand. 

Chapter 3--Spreading Color Wherever I Go
                Exiting Spectra, I had no idea that some places in the galaxy that are horribly dark and the residents have no music.   Some quadrants don't understand the concept of laughter.   As challenging and arduous as many of these issues are, I put my best foot forward and do my best to bring a smile to everyone I meet.    Kindness is an elixir everyone can drink of freely, but you can't force people to drink it.   They have to thirst for it.    I understand that, even from the time I was just a little quasar growing up on Spectra.    I had been naive and uninformed.    Once I had taken my Kamiwing to other quadrants, other galaxies and other times, I realized just how needy others were.   Some didn't want to work hard to earn the needed currency (which on every planet is different: here we use a universal currency called Rhines) and giving to them out of charity would only make them more dependent.    It might've been cruel and harsh but these certain individuals needed an intervention to begin living their lives differently.    Yet, it wasn't up to me.   Some people became inspired.   Oftentimes all it took was a song from my trumpet or some affection from Fringe, my pet ferret.    Other times, all I had to do was wave my hand and create rainbows.   Little children especially adore seeing that act of simple refraction.    I am a photomancer, telekinetic, alchemist, healer and musician.   I suppose I am the 'bard of the galaxy'.   That's what my brothers call me, even though I think Oriano is the one who deserves that title more than I do.    I honestly don't like labels because they limit you so much.   I am more than what I am known as, and my brethren are the same.    They taught me that I'm not defined by categories.    All I know is that I feel the reason I was born is to assist the less fortunate and to bring vibrancy back to otherwise negative parts of this ever expanding Universe.   It may take me a lifetime to accomplish this, but I have all the time in Spectra.   

Chapter 4--A Place to Return To
                After a long campaign of laughter, friendship, music and painting monochromatic quadrants, I often arrive home to large fanfare.   I try to discourage it due to the fact I don't want my ego to become too large.   My parents and brothers say it's necessary for a Princess like myself to know she's loved.    It's amusing really because to be honest, I think it spoils me a great deal.   However, you won't hear me complaining of it too terribly much. 
                Fringe savors his adventures on the Kamiwing and at home.   He has another ferret, named Frisk to play with, but Frisk was a recent acquisition.   She's just a baby compared to Fringe and wants to play with Fringe constantly.    Fringe doesn't mind.  He welcomes the activity and it keeps him out of the doldrums when we aren't traveling at light speed in the Kamiwing. 
                It's always pleasant to come home to Spectra.   I spend a lot of my time back with Phil and I go to the gardens with my closest friends.    I wander the beaches of Umut, which shine in the light of our dual suns.   The heat is never too intolerable and the water is always welcoming.   Even Fringe and Frisk adore paddling around in the emerald waves.  
                Our planet is very fortunate.   We have never been attacked (thank the Artist), but if we ever were, our psidats would easily toss the antagonist aside as if he were a hollow piece of wood.   We have plenty to offer and many will come to learn of our ecological methods and technology.   Our droids are among some of the finest the Universe has seen.    We have even sent droids out to our own moons and observed our rings spinning in the dual suns' light.    I was in the program to create these 'Sojourners' and we are sending them to other worlds to search out for other intelligent life beyond the pockets of the Universe I have recently seen.    There are realms Sojourners can infiltrate that I cannot, not even with my envirosuit.   They are more tolerant.  Thanks to Cennet though.  His mechanical genius was what assisted me in building a better model droid for exploration.    All of us make an unbeatable team, definitely.  

Chapter 5--Hearing an Unknown Symphony
                I had been many places and seen many worlds and times outside of my own.  I don't dare look into the future because I would much rather it be a surprise than to know everything in advance.    That would spoil the fun and the adventure of my travels anyway.   It wouldn't stop me, honestly, because I would still paint monochromatic realms with color and bring laughter to those who desperately needed a smile.   
                One day after working with Phil, I came home to relax to some interstellar tunes on my Nebula player.   It is exactly what it sounds like.   It is a sentient musical cloud that can sense frequencies anywhere in the Universe.    One day as I turned it on and danced with it a bit I heard something I had never heard before.    It was the sound of an angelic chorus that brought euphoric tears to my eyes and caused my heart to soar.    My whole family came into my chambers, not believing what they were hearing. 
                'So the Prophets were right.   You are the only rainbow haired woman to come to Spectra in eons.   Now your Nebula is playing something surreal and ethereal that hasn't been heard of before or since one such as you have come to inherit the Spectral throne...', my father said, almost in reverence.    The Prophets had stated in our digidocs that someone would appear to bring harmony everywhere she went but she would be utterly unique.   She would change countless souls just by being polite, magnanimous and compassionate amongst them.  
                'So, it all falls to me, I guess.   It'll be my destiny to find where this music is coming from and play it wherever I go?   From what I have read in my studies, this symphony is the ultimate harmony reinforcement.   It just enacts goodwill wherever it is played.   It seems almost impossible to play alone though.', I mentioned, a bit sadly.   I felt this would be my next quest since all the others had come at such ease.    I suppose now the Architect was presenting me with a challenge. 
                'This is what is prophesied.   Fate cannot be escaped.', my darling, resplendent and resolute mother reiterated to me.   I knew the cost and I knew I wouldn't be seeing Spectra again for quite some time.    It would help me mature and discover just how much I was needed to make a difference.   I would soon become the Ripple, but that would take patience, practice and time.  

Chapter 6--Divine Sheet Music from Planet Trebellia
                Multitudinous research was required as to how I would locate and maintain a copy of the Divine sheet music that the Prophets had spoken of through their oracles.    So often, I desired the past where I could just play my trumpet, divert myself with lemur tricks or lounge about on the beach.    The time for leisure, as I knew it was over.   Work called my name and it was the vocation of a higher calling that no one else could fulfill but myself. 
                I plotted a course in the Kamiwing that would take me directly to Trebellia.  In only fractions of nanoseconds, I had arrived, none the worse for wear.   The G-force had shaken me only slightly, but I quickly acclimated to the environment. 
                All around me I heard surreal music of a multitude of voices and instruments I had never even encountered.  Some sounded electronic while others purely tribal, but they all mixed together to form such implausible harmony that I was dumbfounded.   
                Beings dressed in long, flowing robes approached me. 
                ‘We knew you were coming, and you’ve arrived very punctually.  Not that we’re surprised though.’, one of the elders said.   I use the term ‘elder’ loosely.  She didn’t look older than an adolescent and her yellow-ochre skin was blemish less.  
                The hospitable Trebellians led me to their gargantuan library where the sheet music was contained.   I didn’t have much time to look at scenery but the planet itself was a mixture of modern and rustic, new and old, but my eidetic memory recorded the entirety of my trip.  
                I had no real need of the music, since I had committed it to rote after viewing it only once, but the elders gave me a tiny flash drive containing it and all the information about Trebellia if I ever wanted to return and vacation there.   After my short stay, I felt that perhaps a little rest and relaxation later in life would suit me well.   Currently, I wasn’t tired enough for such a respite, but I had a feeling I would be returning to see a friend I had recently made.   He was the curator of the Library where the sheet music was kept.    His name was Mozart Gavalier, and I called him Gav for short.   For some odd reason, coming into contact with him was like meeting an old friend that I had known in a prior life (if such a thing exists).   Like the Spectrans, Trebellians tend to wander and travel searching for Truth and doing their best to bring music to places that have none at all.   It’s a bit of an endeavor making it understandable to those in the galaxy who are deaf, but they have their miraculous ways.   Rhythm bypasses the normative forms and constructs and goes into an even more primal and basic level that our rudimentary minds comprehend.   I suppose it is even more spanning than that.  Even the vibration is key.   As we all know, all life is a form of vibration.  
Chapter 7—Singing for Improvement’s Sake
                Wherever I go, I sing, dance and play the trumpet for the downtrodden, disheartened, disenchanted, and otherwise jaded.   Sometimes it brings them a sense of joy, peace, and even hope when they allow the song to enter their hearts.    Others tend to dismiss it.   It all depends on a listener’s receptiveness.   I cannot force them to enjoy or like whatever I do.    Nonetheless, I tolerate whatever happens, good or bad, well or ill.    No matter what, I keep singing, dancing and playing.   Music does tend to have inexplicable results.  
                When I am not out gallivanting around the galaxy, I’m back home pouring over new books, learning how to rule my own planet and thinking about the wisdom of young Gav.   I speculate that you think I have a fancy for him, and you’d be correct in your deduction.   Being bold, I decided to take a return trip to Trebillia and begin courting Gav in earnest. 

Chapter 8—On the Same Frequency
                This time, I was able to enjoy Trebellia in all of its glory.  It could’ve been a sister planet to Spectra even though it was thousands of lightyears away.   Trebellia looks so much like a gem from far away that it sparkles radiantly and beguiles the eye.   Upon landing, one sees colossal high rising buildings speckled with vegetation.  It is as if the buildings are organic.   There seems to be no fossil fuel use, which is what I suspect has caused the Trebellians to be so healthy and long-lived.  
                Gav meets me in the atrium of the estate where he resides.  I still feel very humbled that he welcomes me here, since communiques are a poor method of contact.  I would much rather see him in person than via video message, hologram or read an email.    I can pick up messages from my Nebula player, but again, it’s a sad substitute for getting a chance to embrace a kindred soul.  
                Gav wasn’t surprised at how bold I was in my intention.   In fact, he questioned as to what took me so long.  I was fearful he would think the worst of me, since I am a lady of high upbringing and genteel by nature.   Yet, the heart wants what it wants and desire often trumps logic and inhibition.  
                Mozart plays many instruments, but his best one is his mellifluous voice.   His range is uncanny.   I have never heard any man hit the notes that he can and it astonishes me no matter how often I have heard him harmonize with himself.   
                Mo takes me to many famous locales, but the most sacred is the ‘Temple of Sound’.   Here, many Trebellians meditate and search for Truth.   Music older than the stars can be heard here.   The feeling is simply divine.   My words fail to express how wondrous all of this truly is and my vocabulary is terribly inept. 
                Mo and I court for what seems to be years until it is he who asks me for my hand.   I get the persistent communiques from Spectra, wondering when I am returning home (and when to plan for a gala to celebrate our matrimony).   I don’t mind them looking out for me.   They’ve met Mo and know that we are hewn from the same cosmic cloth.  
                In a matter of a few months, Mo and I planned on our wedding and it was one for the psilogs.   Many people attended, and it was held by the seaside.   My old friend, Phil was there, woefully stating that if he could cry, he would.   I laughed and told him it wasn’t necessary and that his presence was more than enough.   All my brothers were in attendance, ready to celebrate in the typical Spectran way.
                Everyone gathered together in the traditional circle, waving multicolored light beams in various patterns as the circle spins around, expands and contracts.   The dancing is dizzying, electrifying, pulsating and enjoyable.   After the circle dissipates, bride and groom have their first dance as newlyweds.   The mood is jovial, light and full of levity.   I can also sense hope in the room but some trepidation from myself.   Mo reassures me,
                ‘My dear, you will be a fine Queen.   You’ve already done so much and the music you’re delivering to the oppressed is beginning to have a healing effect.   The Prophets were correct about you.’
He then kisses me deeply and looks into my eyes, giving me the boost of confidence I so desired.   I don’t know where the future will lead but whatever it entails I know it will be happy with Mo by my side.   He’s come to accept Spectra as his new home and we do summer in Trebellia from time to time so there is no homesickness.  Our two worlds are forever linked, and I want the galaxy to know it is interconnected.   It is an arduous ordeal to undertake but I am just such a woman to do so.   I shan’t be doing it alone.   So long as Mo’s there, giving me encouragement, love, friendship and support, that’s all I ask !  
                ~*~from the psilogs of Queen Prisma Infinatea Galaxy


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