Jill of Antiquties II, The Return
Synopsis: Taking place where Tomb Raider Reborn left off, the two are called into New Palestine to search for a relic from the 21st Century containing knowledge thought lost forever. Once found though, the sage advice in this gargantuan digital tome will awaken humanity to their truest of callings. ~*~CAST~*~ Joe Sharma: Jill Bowery: Leah Bowery: (her mom) Lee Bowery: (her dad) Jason Bowery: (her elder brother) Abigail Powers: (Joe's granddaughter) Joey Powers: (Joe's grandson) Dr. Paro Chowdry: Dr. Aadhira 'Hira' Chopra: (the Chopra's son) Dr. Raishi 'Rai' Chopra: (Hira's younger brother) Dr. Julia Abernathy (Jill's professor of archeology) Abigail Powers: (Joe's granddaughter) Joey Powers: (Joe's grandson) Scene 1--Joe's Reconstruction Abigail: Per grandpop's wishes, we did as he asked. Joey: Neither one of us agrees with this, but grandpa would want it this way. Raishi: We've been working on reanimati...