The Misunderstood Kaiju

Synopsis:   King Sonic’s life energy is accidentally drained away by a kaiju, a pangolin named Bronto just as another concert and ball is being planned.    He is sent to bed to recover.   Bronto, however, doesn’t understand his abilities.   He doesn’t mean to take out power grids or drain the life force of living creatures.   

Chapter 1—The Massive Thunderstorm 

It was a relatively quiet April evening.   The rains were constant, and the climate was a bit chilly.   Flowers were starting to awaken from their winter slumbers and to commemorate the joining of Big Cat and Honey to the every-burgeoning royal brigade, King Sonic had begun planning a concert with his band and a festive ball to celebrate.   

‘The air seems a bit colder than usual today.   Hopefully, snow isn’t in the forecast.  We’re just coming into spring, after all.’, Amy said, astutely.  

‘Cecil and Rotor are our royal weathermen and their prognostications have never been wrong.   So far as I’ve seen, there’s no inclimate weather on the horizon.’, Sonic reassured her, gathering her close by her side and holding her tightly.    Amy giggled and nuzzled Sonic’s neck rather affectionately.  

A ripple of lightning caressed the underbelly of the clouds.    Suddenly, a crack of lightning struck not too far from the couple in the front yard.   A gangly, tall pangolin dressed in runic robes stood before them, looking dazed and perhaps hurt.  

‘I feel so weak.   I need nourishment.’, the kaiju said, barely able to stand.  Sonic, not thinking of anything but helping the stranger who had literally come from a bolt in the blue, rushed to help the Pangolin to his feet.    Instantly, he felt his energy sapped from him.

‘What did you do ?  How can my beloved be so weak now ?’, Amy demanded.   

‘I-I-I don’t know !   I didn’t mean to !’, Bronto said, feeling terrible for his actions.   The energy he had drained only made him taller in size, which made him more intimidating.   He towered over the pink hedgehog and any attempt he tried at convincing her fell flat.    Angered but composed, she took Sonic back into the castle while Bronto began to run from his own truth. 

Chapter 2—Agnes the Sage 

Agnes was a badger that lived in the woods.   Some considered her a recluse, but she was extremely wise in her ways.   She didn’t rely on technology but lived by her ancestors’ understanding of herbs and the ways of Mobius itself.     When she could hear the rumbling steps of Bronto’s running, she met him half-way.  

Already sensing that this alternate universe kaiju was an energy vampire, she cast powerful runic magic to shield herself from being drained of power.    All the while, the electric grid that Mobodoon and surrounding provinces experienced was catastrophic.     Bronto became more powerful the further he went.    However, he was now in the forest, where only natural energy surrounded him.    He couldn’t comprehend its ways, but his energy was bursting at the seams.    He had no idea how to control it or contain it.   He felt afraid and hated that he was hurting others around him without even touching them.   His ability was too powerful.   

‘Kaiju, I know your plight, and I can help.   Tell me your name and I can guide you.  I am Agnes, the Sage.  Healer.   Friend to all.’, Agnes said, in a gentle tone.   Despite the fact she was a badger, the shaman was exceptionally hospitable and kind.    

‘I’m Bronto.   One moment I was practicing magic, the next, I’m here in this strange place…’, Bronto explained.    

‘You aren’t at fault.  You simply don’t understand your gift.’, Agnes stated, wisely.   Although Bronto didn’t understand the full weight of her words, he knew that she was going to guide him and he would begin to use his ability for good rather than for ill.  

Chapter 3—Sonic Rests 

The hedgehoglets were more active than was usual and talk had begun circulating about the kaiju himself.   Amy had a feeling that the kaiju was ignorant of his true power. 

‘I really don’t think he meant to harm anyone.   The grid’s down and the tech repairmen are work getting everything running again.   Crystal synergy never breaks down, so thank Gods for generators.’, Amy said.  

‘I’m liable to agree.  With what we know about the mysterious kaiju, he ran not soon after the encounter he had with Sonic.’ Rouge chimed in.    Sonia nodded.   Wherever this kaiju was now, obviously, was where he needed to be.   Being the gentleman the wizard was, though, he was going to make his apology once Sonic healed and held the grand ball for Honey and Big. 

Chapter 4—Restored 

Sonic was still regaining his strength.   The sweet chili dogs served with a side of chicken soup and mint tea seemed to help perk him up quite a bit. 

‘Any word on the wandering kaiju ?   Do the scouts know anything ?’, he asked Tails.   Cream had been using her network of forest ninjas and one had come back with a report. 

‘Bamboo tells me that he saw Bronto with Anges the Sage and his size has decreased.  He might have emerged to return to the kingdom.’, she said, while adding the proper Your Highness to her statement. 

‘Ah, then I will be ready just in time to welcome Honey and Big home.  They will be so pleased to join our court.   All they have to do is sign some contracts and its all official.’, Sonic said.   The royal hedgehog simply needed some time to recuperate and he would be more than well enough to emcee the event with his band.  

The ball itself was an impressive event.  Honey and Big were delighted that they were returning to old friends.   They were a little surprised to see Sonia with Shadow and the two had their own prickles running about, laughing and having a blast as kids often did.   Rogue had a beau all her own and their own cauldron playing with Sonia and Shadow's kids.  

‘So, you and Knuckles went your own way, I see.   Big and I are so out of the loop.   The Revolution sent us all on different ways and building back our communication network took so long.   Our province is so archaic.’, she said, lamenting a little.    Rouge explained that Knuckles was with Julie-Su and the two were in their own Kingdom.    They helped and reunited with Sonic from time to time, but they were busy with their own responsibilities.  

‘I’m just happy Knuckles is happy.’, Big said, surprisingly eloquent despite his basic vocabulary.    

Sonic serenaded the crowd with nostalgic songs and shared a new one he had been working on with his band.   

We’re together again 


Stronger than ever before 

Walking in the light 

We’re a tight knit family 

Bond even deeper than blood 

Together again 

And that’s more than enough 

The participants and family cheered at the newfound energy the commemorative song gave them.  

‘Are you guys going to be making an album anytime soon ?’, Amy asked.   Manic twirled his drumsticks and winked. 

‘Oh, you know we’ve been working for a while now, but parenting takes most of our time.   Song writing is our life’s blood, but kids and other responsibilities are just so much more worthwhile.’, Vector added with a knowing wink.   Everyone in the group had their own chores and errands to run, but that was what made life richer.   Tonight was a night to celebrate that and the possibilities that were open to them in the future with Big and Honey joining forces with them.   

Chapter 5—Sticks Enters, Fashionably Late 

Sticks had received the RSVP to the gala and as usual, she was late to attend.    On her way, she noticed a pangolin wizard and wondered if he could simply teleport them there. 

‘I never really tried teleportation.’, Bronto confessed.   They were only a few mintues late to the party, but Bronto knew he had to make his apology public.   After all, he had a feeling he would be returning to his homeworld.  Unless summoned to help Sonic in battle, he didn’t see any forseeable future on Mobodoon.  

‘You are a wizard, pangolin.’, Sticks declaired, obviously.   Bronto laughed, explaining his name and where he was from.   Giving the spell a chance, he shot them from the forest to the palace and they simply walked right in.   Sticks explained herself and started schmoozing with the crowd even though etiquette wasn’t her strong suit.    She threw herself head first into an unknown situation and strangely, glided the unsteady waters of socialization.   

Bronto approached Sonic, thanking him for his kindness.   The kaiju was now only slightly taller than the hedgehog and his touch no longer drained energy from anyone.   His force was contained and Sonic knew that Bronto was incredibly strong.   He formed an alliance with the pangolin.

‘I do realize you have to return to Astra but if I have need of you, what then ?’, Sonic queried. 

‘Oh, simple.  Crystal communication.   Agnes knows how to grow them and we formulated one in her lab.  Much like the celestite growing on Astra, these provide us communication all around the universe.  Wear this and should you summon, I will appear.’, Bronto said.   

‘Thank you.  I’m happy we are friends.  I’d like you to meet everyone else while you’re here.’, Sonic said, showing the lightning elemental around.     


Holographic messages via the crystals would come quite frequently from Bronto.   Bronto was proud of Astra and all it had accomplished.   

‘I’ve become quite the Teacher here.   Others ask for my wisdom and I’m happy to share it.   We live in a fairly simple society, steam and crystal powered though it is.’, Bronto said, using the steamdroid to show Sonic the splendors Astra had to offer.    Sonic dreamt of what it would be like to have lightspeed travel although Astra was lightyears away.    Little did he know that Bronto would be returning sooner rather than later to Mobius to offer aid.   This was neither here nor there since everyone was enjoying the festivities and all were celebrating Big and Honey’s fealty. 

It was spring and the season was still rainy.   For the most part, Mobius had become quiet after the events of the grand gala and concert.   It seemed that all had gone back to a semblance of normalcy.   Sonia, however, had begun having unusual nightmares that had no connection to anyone or anything.    She hadn’t been sleeping well and she feared that perhaps she was being too much of a worry wart, being a new mother and all.  

‘It comes with the territory, love.   Don’t fret so much.’, Shadow reassured her, kissing her forehead.   The Queen sighed, knowing that the terrible vision she had experienced was nothing more than a nightmare to be waved away and forgotten.    Or was it ? 

To Be Continued…


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