Heir Apparent
Synopsis: Ambrosia ‘Amber’ Nephus learns that her mother had a tryst with Hermes himself, gifting her the uncanny ability of speed. This inevitably lends Amber the unfair advantage on the track, and she finds herself running in the Olympics. Fearing the judges will ban her for use of her demigod power, she tells them the truth and runs as a human. Even without her demigod super-speed, she is able to win second place and ultimately, the love of her entire country.
Ambrosia ‘Amber’ Kore Nephus:
Cordelia Nephus:
Gino Nephus:
Acacia Nephus: (her younger sister)
Evander Nephus: (the ‘baby’ of the family)
Aetios Medea: (Amber’s friend and love interest)
Anthea Baros: (Amber’s best friend)
Coach Yanni Kallis:
Scene 1—A Strange Ability
Ambrosia: (leaning forward Mom, could you tell me the story again about how you two met ? I just love hearing it !
Acasia: Amber, you have them tell the same story every night.
Evander: (huffs in frustration) Yeah, Amber ! I want to hear a tale of (super dramatic) blood, guts and gore !
Acasia: Evander, you’re not old enough for that.
Evander: I so am Acasia. I’m 13 now ! You’re 16, and big sis is 18. I can handle a bit of unsavory, gratuitous violence !
Gino: You’ve heard plenty of those kinds of tales.
Evander: (groans) Why do you have to be such a buzzkill !
Acasia: Mom and dad’s story is the best though.
Evander: Acasia ! Traitor ! (he jumps onto Acasia’s bed and begins tickling her)
Cordelia: Acasia, Evander. Enough. You have a school day tomorrow.
Gino: (sternly) Your mother is right. You all need your rest.
Cordelia: (chuckling) Once upon a time, while I was working at the library and helping out fellow patrons when your dad walked in. He was a student of mythology and history and I sensed an air of mischief and academia around him.
Gino: She was Athena in human form. From the moment I saw her, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Eros, Cupid, Aphrodite, all of them had struck me, and GOOD.
Ambrosia: (talking to her dad) You approached her first, like a knight of the old code. You had never seen anything so beautiful before.
Acasia: (sing-song) Ah, young love.
Evander: Ugh, gag me.
Gino: I started talking to her and I had never felt so relaxed in her presense. We just…
Together: Clicked !
Cordelia: Red threads are so rare in this world, but from that moment onward, I knew I had found mine. We were almost inseparable. From that time, we were together.
(Evander is already asleep. Acasia is out, but Ambrosia is still only slightly awake.)
Ambrosia: I’d like to think I will find my red thread someday.
Cordelia: (kissing Evander’s forehead and covering him, then Acasia, and then her) Oh, you will. You have a lovely golden heart and a remarkable personality.
Gino: And, you are amazing, like your younger siblings. We really have been blessed.
Together: Goodnight, sweethearts.
Gino: (aside out of the room) You know that tale really isn’t the whole truth, Cordelia.
Cordelia: (a bit guiltily) You don’t think I’m not aware of that, Gino ? I’ve hidden the truth for years. When we first married and I got pregnant for the first time, I couldn’t bear to anger you.
Gino: Amber is a very intelligent woman !
Cordelia: (sighs in frustration) I should tell her. I’m afraid it’ll destroy us.
Gino: She’ll forgive you, the kids will forgive you, just like I did those many years ago.
Cordelia: The only problem is how I’m going to break the news to her.
Gino: (holding her from the side gently and stroking her hair) We’ll do it together, just like we have for years. Teamwork makes the dream work.
Cordelia: (kissing him) Gino, still after all these years you’re so understanding. God bless you.
Gino: We’re going to get through this. (pats her back)
(Scene fade)
Scene 2—From the God’s Mouths
Ambrosia: Anthy ! So nice to see you at practice.
Anthy: Looking forward to getting beaten, Amber ?
Ambrosia: You mean me beating you.
Anthy: We’ll see.
Aeteos: Hey, Amber. ‘Sup, Anthy.
Both: Hi, Aeteos.
Anthy: (Nudges him) Say something ! Spring fling is coming up.
Amber: (through gritted teeth) Shut it ! (clears throat) Anthy tells me the fling is coming up, and I was wondering (awkwardly, hand behind her head) um…
Aeteos: Say no more. You already know I’d gladly go with you. Say, where’s Coach Kallis ?
Kallis: Here, just running a little late, if you’ll pardon the pun. Yanni Junior had a ball game I needed to drop him off at. His mom is cheering him on.
Anthy: We’ve heard about Junior. How’s the application to the college going ?
Kallis: Phyllis says that he got in ! That’s my boy. We couldn’t be prouder.
Aeteos: Quite the honor. Good on Junior !
Kallis: Enough of that. Time to run. Have you stretched yet ?
(In embarrassment, the trio explains through gestures alone this isn’t the case.)
Kallis: Alright, we’ll get ready together. I’m ready to record your times. I get a really good feeling one of you’ll break a record today. Not certain as to why.
(As she is running after her initial stretch with her track mates, Ambrosia sees Dionysis and Hermes…)
Hermes: Hey, how are you doing ?
Ambrosia: W-who are you ? And who’s your friend ?
Dionysus: Oh, we’re Gods. Perhaps you’ve heard of us. I’m Dionysis. Heard there’s a birthday party happenin’ and well, I got invited. Plenty of festivities goin’ on around these parts.
Ambrosia: It is true that Anthy’s birthday is today and I was invited, but that doesn’t explain why you are appearing to me while I’m running ! (aggravated) I need to concentrate.
Hermes: That’s just the thing, darling. You are. Right now, you’re in the deepest theta state. Which is how we can contact you directly.
Ambrosia: None of this makes sense. Speak plain Greek !
Hermes: What I’m trying to tell you is you’re a demigod.
Ambrosia: (Crossing the finish line) Not possible. Look, if the others see my mouth moving and notice I’m talking to the air, they’re going to call the guys in white coats to cart me away.
Dionysus: They aren’t. This space isn’t visible to mortals. Right now, you’re in autopilot. You just broke the school record for all time…
Ambrosia: How am I able…
Hermes: (holds her by the shoulders, which she backs away from) You’re a demigoddess.
Ambrosia: (holding herself) That’s not possible.
Hermes: I didn’t want it to come to this, but I’m left with no choice.
Ambrosia: Wait…What…
Scene 3—The Tryst
Hermes: There wasn’t any other way but time travel to show you the truth.
Ambrosia: I still don’t understand.
Hermes: You will, and if you hate me or your mother, I won’t blame you.
Cordelia: (a bit drunken) Gino, I think I’ve had a bit too much ouzo.
Gino: It’s completely fine. It is our big day after all.
Cordelia: (kissing him deeply) Followed by a long, hot night of passion.
Gino: (greedily kissing back) I can hardly wait, Cordelia my love.
(Gino disappears into another room to dance with his family while Cordelia heads out to the garden to get some air)
Hermes: I see Dionysus was invited to your little shindig.
Cordelia: Oh ! Hey, be a bit more careful to mortals like us. We scare easily.
Hermes: Too easily scared, if you ask me.
Cordelia: Why did you come, Hermes ? I didn’t particularly ask for your blessings. Besides, I’m trying to let go of the old ways.
Hermes: Yet, they’re still with us. That is what made Greece what it is today. That’s what made the world, my dear. You are one of the few that truly honor us the way we were meant to be honored.
Cordelia: Hermes, we aren’t an item. Back in high school and college we were always together. You knew it was forbidden. Remember what happened with Aphrodite.
Hermes: (pained) I wish you wouldn’t bring that up.
Cordelia: Hey, it’s etched in mythos history forever. You can’t just pray or wish it away, no matter how hard you try.
Hermes: I suppose even Gods have to live with their indescretions. (getting closer) I was hoping we would have one more night together. Just us, only us.
Cordelia: (getting closer, unable to turn away) I can’t say ‘no’ to you. I’ve always loved you even if we’re from two different realms.
Hermes: I know.
(The two unite in the garden and Hermes leaves her a gift, a necklace to never forget him.)
Hermes: I’ll be seeing you soon.
Cordelia: (raises an eyebrow) What do you mean ?
Hermes: Congrats.
Ambrosia: (it dawns on her of the entire situation) No way. (looks at Hermes, and he smiles with a bit of chagrin)
Hermes: Your mom and dad were going to tell you….
Ambrosia: That explains the unnatural red in my hair and my blue eyes ! No one else in my family has blue eyes except for me ! How ? Why ?
Hermes: I love your mother. By extention, I love you too, daughter.
Ambrosia: My dad is my real dad ! (fuming anger) You have no RIGHT to call yourself my father !
Hermes: (regrettably) I deserve that.
Ambrosia: Why are you only getting involved in my life now ?
Hermes: You don’t understand. I have been involved, you just never saw me.
Ambrosia: (dubious) Explain, trickster.
Hermes: I watched you take your first steps, say your first word, run your first race and slowly fall for your track mate… By the way, good on you asking him out. He’s your red thread.
Ambrosia: Stay out of my life. I don’t want you anywhere near me.
Hermes: No can do, speedster. You have my gift, whether you want it or not.
Ambrosia: (reluctantly) Very well. If it’s meant to be, so it is. I accept it.
Hermes: (opens arms) Come ‘ere, then !
Ambrosia: I still don’t accept you, but you are my real dad, so I have no other recourse.
(Flash forward)
Scene 4—Party Central
Anthy: Amber, you ok ? You’ve been kind of out of it for a few moments.
Amber: (shakes head, realizing she’s completely aware) Yeah, just shaken up.
Anthy: Wanna talk about it ?
Amber: (whispers in her ear) During your birthday ? I don’t want to ruin your party.
Anthy: You aren’t going to ruin my party, doll ! I love you no matter what !
Amber: Alright. Get this. I had an encounter with Dionysus and Hermes. Turns out mom had a tryst with him on the night of her wedding reception. 9 months later, BOOM ! Me.
Anthy: God, no ! Seriously ?
Amber: Hand to God, yes.
Anthy: Are you angry ?
Amber: Maybe a little. I mean, yes, mom did keep this from me my whole life but I had this deep understanding I was unique.
Anthy: (nodding) The super speed. I always noticed that, but I was afraid to tell Coach about it or anyone else.
Amber: It always came naturally. I figure I can consciously disallow it. I want to compete naturally, without the help of a godlike ability.
Anthy: That’s fair, and honorable. You’re a true athlete !
Amber: (chuckles) It wouldn’t be a true competition otherwise. Now, come on, let’s get back to celebrating.
Anthy: Thought you’d never ask.
(The ladies return to celebrating while a popular Greek dance track plays. They laugh and have fun, and then she returns home to have dinner with her family.)
Cordelia: How was Anthy’s party, hon ?
Amber: It was outstanding. (hugs her) Just so you know, I don’t hate you or dad.
Evander: What is she talking about, mum ?
Cordelia: It’s time that dad and I told you about your sister.
Acacia: Ooo, juicy ! (leans in)
(As their told the truth, the family isn’t really surprised and they all embrace anyways.)
Gino: What did I tell you ? We should’ve done this earlier, darling.
Cordelia: (sigh) True, though that may be, we cannot undo it now.
Evander: We still love you.
Acacia: We love Ambrosia also. Demigoddess or not, she’s family.
Amber: (getting teary eyed) Guys, stop gettin all mushy on me ! (she wipes her tears away)
That’s not the most impressive news, though. I’ve been accepted into the Olympics this year.
(They all embrace her again and kiss her. There’s a transition, and we see her take her mark. She begins to run and glows a brilliant gold.)
Amber: (inwardly) No. Not this way. Forgive me, dad, but I want to do this honorably. (she stops glowing and crosses the finish line, we see her get second place, get interviewed and her family comes to congratulate her. Anthy, Aetios and Yanni are there.)
Yanni: I always knew you were special. You did the track team proud, Amber.
Amber: (getting emotional) Seeing you in the crowd spurred me on.
Hermes: (waving a bit in the distance and winking at her)
Aetios: That was unreal, Amber. I didn’t know you were that fast ! (hugs her and then kisses her deeply) To the victor go the spoils.
Amber: (giddily) Mmm…Indeed.
(They celebrate at a local Greek restaurant, where there is dancing and plenty of good food and laughter to go around.)
Hermes: I have to give you credit. So many would’ve turned to the God inside to win the gold, but you didn’t. You truly are incredible. I’m really proud of you. I’m blessed you’re my daughter.
Dionysus: Blessed nothin’, this party is fortifying my believer base 10 fold, my man ! (holds hand up) High five, trickster !
Hermes: (high fives him) She gets the credit for that, not me.
Dionysus: (flirty wink) Maybe I can convince you to ditch the mortal…
Amber: My heart belongs to Aeotis.
Dionysus: (shrug) No big deal. Gonna party this night away and just savor this fab shindig !
(They dance into the night and by morning, the Gods are gone. The runners are carried home by the coach and sleepy Amber is taken into her dad’s arms right back home. They kiss her goodnight and tuck their babies in.)
(Scene change.)
Scene 5—The Spring Fling
Amber: (narrating) Even after all of that, the last bit of honey dripping from the baklava was my sweet Aeotis dancing cheek to cheek with me. Even though I was still young, I knew right then and there that we were meant to be together for the rest of our lives. Even now, in college, we’re going separate ways in our studies, but we’re still devoted to each other. Who’s to say where we’ll be when we graduate ? All I know is that he’s running beside me all the way, and we’ll continue our race together.
(We see Aeotis and Amber laughing and kidding around, having the time of their lives in college. They are walking together during spring, sitting together, savoring a picnic. Amber rests her head on Aeotis’ shoulder and he kisses her forehead. A happy ending all around.)
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