No Strings Attached
Synopsis: A Deltarune fanfiction. Taking place during the ‘string cutting’ route, here we are introduced to a sister that Spamton has all but forgotten until their poignant reunion.
Chapter 1—Mom Tried, but Failed
Spamton was born only minutes before I came into the world. My mom, Gail, had no idea that she was having twins. It was as much of a surprise to her as it was my dad, Michael. Dad often went by ‘Mike’ in the business world. He felt it made him more approachable, and the nickname was more fun and informal, buttoned up and prim. It suited him as much as his next actions did once I wailed into the world.
I was named Spamela Gina. Mom immediately loved me, and I instantly adored my older brother, Spamton. I called him Spammy once I could speak, but Mike made it apparent he wanted only one child. Spamton would be his partner. He wasn’t his son. He was just another method of making big bucks and Mike could already sense the money rolling in.
Gina had to do everything to save me from Mike’s tirades. She kept me hidden from him, but there were times that Mike nearly destroyed me even as a baby. Even though I was young, I was a genius. I always found a way to escape. Mom tried but failed. So many times.
Spamton found where I had been hidden and released me. I thanked him and kissed him goodbye. Currently, I was about 16. I wasn’t an adult yet, but I felt I was due to dodging dad’s drunken rages and fighting back when I needed to. He was the only male I didn’t trust. I knew his true darkness, but I didn’t let it taint my view on him. He was my dad, and I loved him even though he was completely psychotic and overwrought with the lure of the mighty dollar.
Chapter 2—On My Own
I was drawn to the business side of things myself. It ran in the Spamton family and I had a real knack for selling. I was exceptional with fashion and found myself expressing my creativity through song and dance. Broadway became my mode of survival even though acting could be rather difficult. I had side businesses modeling but I ran across a very shady character named Jevil. I didn’t care for him much until he started talking about my brother. From what he said, my dear beloved brother was driven to become a big shot and had begun taking the road to greatness. A deep heaviness set in my heart when I saw a photo of him. He seemed happier than ever but like the sword of Damocles, I feared the moment of its descent.
Chapter 3—O Brother, Where Art Thou ?
I got to Spamton right when he had hit rock bottom. He seemed to remember my voice but he didn’t recognize me.
‘Spammy, it’s Spamela. It’s me.’ , I said, pleadingly. My eyes began to run over with tears as I saw him shaking with sobs. He had lost nearly everything even after becoming incredibly successful. He began talking about Jevil and how his strings had recently been severed.
‘I’m…nothing now. Queen disowned me. She thinks I’m a joke. I was her number one salesman !’, Spamton lamented. I had never seen him so distressed, or so overtaken by depression. He had begun talking of ending his life and it concerned me greatly. I knew who Jevil was, but this Queen character was unfamiliar. I kept him talking. Wrecked by sniveling and quaking with soul shaking sobs, Spamton told me everything. I hugged him, wiping his tears and stroking his hair. It reminded me of the time that mom had taken us to the playground and he had fallen on the concrete when we had been playing tag together. He had scraped his knee pretty badly and it was bleeding copiously. At that time, Spamton’s threshold for pain and embarrassment was low, but I assuaged him just like I was now.
I kissed Spamton’s eyelids and started to sing softly to him.
‘Spamton, it’ll be alright
Close your eyes, brother
I’m with you, by your side
Little sister is here, never to part
United by blood, purest of heart
This too shall pass
The pain will not last
We’re not made of glass
We are strong
Just know that you always belong
You are the melody to my song
And you are a bright star
Always shining strong
The lullaby I had sung made Spamton fall fast asleep. He was so underweight and frail that I knew I had to get him back to my high-rise immediately. I would feed him and help him back into the business world. This would take time, but I wanted to make him partner in my business. Before long, he would rise to the top, just like before.
Chapter 3—A Couple of Big Shots
It frightened me once Spamton said the words ‘big shot’ like Mike, I mean, dad did before I found a way out of that toxic environment. All I knew was Mike had brainwashed my big brother and it was a wonder any remnant of the man I remembered resided within him.
If Mike was alive, we had no idea where he was, and it was likely he had long forgotten about us after his massive success. We did, however, find mom. She had changed her name after marrying a highly successful infomercial guy named Matt O’Matic. O’Matic was incredibly charming and the two of them had even had a couple of O’Matics of their own. There was Lewis, the elder brother and Rachel, the younger sister. Spamton and I weren’t expecting our family to grow but we immediately fell in love with our half siblings. They resembled Mr. O’Matic more than our mom, but they were very charismatic, magnanimous, and funny. They were a lot of fun to be around and quite loving. It took us a while to get used to being hugged like that.
‘I remember Ralsei and Kris embracing me after I was saved from nearly losing track of myself.’, Spamton said, with a tear falling down his cheek. After all he had spoken of Kris, Raisel and all the others who had retrieved him from becoming corrupt, I wanted to meet these heroes and heroines myself.
‘Christmas seems to be a massive celebration to gather together. It would be a perfect time to reconnect.’, mom suggested.
‘That is absolute perfection.’, I said. Our family would do our utmost to reunite with these ‘Lightners’ as Spamton had once called them. Spamton didn’t remember what Christmas was about, but I was going to remind him.
Chapter 4—Merry and Bright
Through it took the miracle of the Internet, we were all gathered at my mom’s new house. Spamton marveled at mom’s tree, which was brilliantly decorated with baubles, tinsel and terrific lights. Soft music played in the background and the air smelled of wassail and brownies. There were rice crispie treats passed out for all with dad’s punch to wash them down. The punch was a mixture of Hawaiian punch, 7 up and rainbow sherbet. If I had any more sweets tonight, I swore I was going to be so hyper that eventually I would pass out from any hyperactivity. Spamton was loving it just as much as I was.
I had nearly forgotten just how much of an angelic voice that Spamton had but I joined him in harmony. We didn’t realize that we had been recorded. Surprisingly, Spamton had given me a gift when I succicintly reminded him I didn’t ask for. It was an eighth note that said, ‘Always with you, Spamton. Love, laughter, long life, prosperity.’ The gift made my eyes brim with joyous tears as I hugged Spamton for the gift.
‘I’ll never take it off.’, I said, parading the silver charm around, feeling the happiest I had ever felt. Spamton’s smile was genuine and the whole family took a photograph to commemorate the moment. By the end of Epiphany we would be back in my high rise beginning life anew. We would forever be Kris and Raisel’s friends. Noelle gave us their contacts so we would always be in touch. Perhaps we would go to the ‘Lightner’ world someday, but for now, we treaded back to Deltarune and returned to the homestead.
Although the lights had been taken down and the tree had been placed in the closet for the next year, Spamton and I had celebrated a new year. He had begun seeing a gentlelady at his place of employment. She was just as talented in the realm of business as he was and the two rocketed to new, blazingly brilliant heights. As for me, I met my equal in HR. Max had stunned my heart and inspired me to take calculated risks. I wasn’t certain where this new relationship would lead, but I prayed it would become as strong as Spamton’s was with Samantha. The Spamton family was burgeoning again and together, we would shoot for the stars.
From the digital journals of Spamela G. Spamton
Younger Sister and Business partner of Spamton G. Spamton
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