The Misunderstood Kaiju
Synopsis: King Sonic’s life energy is accidentally drained away by a kaiju, a pangolin named Bronto just as another concert and ball is being planned. He is sent to bed to recover. Bronto, however, doesn’t understand his abilities. He doesn’t mean to take out power grids or drain the life force of living creatures. Chapter 1—The Massive Thunderstorm It was a relatively quiet April evening. The rains were constant, and the climate was a bit chilly. Flowers were starting to awaken from their winter slumbers and to commemorate the joining of Big Cat and Honey to the every-burgeoning royal brigade, King Sonic had begun planning a concert with his band and a festive ball to celebrate. ‘The air seems a bit colder than usual today. Hopefully, snow isn’t in the forecast. We’re just coming into spring, after all.’, Amy said, astutely. ‘Cecil and Rotor are o...