Search for the Lost Crown

Synopsis: Sonic and his siblings find themselves lost in a jungle while searching for the golden crown that belong to their mother. Along the way, they bump into and meet a nice guy named Kirk Fogg, who helps the three hedgehogs find exactly what they are looking for, which is hidden inside the temple of Olmec.

Chapter 1—Suddenly, Excitement ! 

It was a relaxed rainy day when Cecil Tinker came to King Sonic with surreal news.  

‘You’ll never believe what I’ve discovered !’, he said, showing them a map that he had uncovered during his research.   After the events of the Revolution and growth of the Hedgehog line, everything had become lost in the shuffle, but since there was a quiet, zen moment, Cecil couldn’t help but display what he had gotten back to work on.   He always kept his word, and in his way, he was redeeming his whole family for the mistakes his father and sister had made in times past.   

‘Let me see !  No WAY !  We’ve been looking for mom’s crown for eons !’, Sonic gasped.  

The Queen Mother herself was taken aback.   Since going into hiding and seeking shelter from SWAT Bots, she had lost the crown somewhere in the jungle. 

‘Looks like we’re going on an exhibition, sibs.’, Sonic said, eagerly. 

‘Ooh, I can’t wait !   Exploration abounds !’, Manic chimed in. 

‘This is gonna be tres magnifique !’, Sonia agreed, the spirit of adventure seizing her and bolstering her, her brothers, and her family onward to begin their search.    Little did they know that a creeping darkness by the name of Stygian was quietly lurking, searching for power wherever it could be found.    Stygian would soon possess a body but for the present, it was a vampire, feasting on whatever could be used to fuel it. 

Chapter 2—In the Jungle 

Out of all the siblings, Sonia was the most prepared.   Of course, Amy, Rouge, Tikal, Blaze, Julie Su, Sally, Bunnie and Sticks were ready for anything, as was typical.   Along the way, they came across an old Olmec temple, which was very unusual, especially for Mobius. 

‘This has been here longer than any of us.’, Rotor noted, aloud.   No one, not even the scholars, had known that the temple was even used, but it seemed now that the new academics had their work cut out for them.   Blaze was keeping audio notes on her portable computer, Miri.    

‘I don’t know, guys.   No one said there was a temple, and we don’t know if the natives still use it for their everyday living.’, Sticks stated, with some trepidation.   

‘Oh, come on !  Haven’t we always wanted to do a temple run ?’, Julie Su questioned, eagerly.  Among all of them, she was the most excited to enter the temple, making certain not to set off any traps as they all took steady steps inside the entrance.  

‘It’s ok !  We can go inside !’, she said, leading the others after her.   

The friends and siblings gasped with surprise when they met Kirk Fogg, who welcomed them to what seemed to be a very inventive game-show like environment.   It was true that the temple had been a home to the natives for years, but for a while, it had been used for entertainment.  

‘We had permission to use it as such, and it seems that you are in such a predicament now.   I know where your mother’s crown is hidden !’, he said, knowingly. 

Manic led his siblings aside, dubiously, keeping hawk eyes on Kirk at all times.

‘This is way too suspicious !   I like Kirk but how does he know about our mom’s crown ?  You have to admit, having all that knowledge is far too convenient and only until now our whole lot was aware this is where it’s being kept !’, he said, getting more upset by the moment.   

‘Firstly, I understand where you’re coming from, but Kirk isn’t our enemy.   If anything, he’s helping us recover what’s ours.   He said he only had ‘clues’, not an actual destination.   That means our knowledge base is equal.   End of story, conclusion reached.’, Sonic said, diplomatically. 

‘Let’s do whatever needs to be done and then go home.   I get the feeling that something else is out there just watching and waiting, lurking in the distance.’, Sonia mentioned. 

‘Same here, but I don’t know why.   I suppose we have to do what’s necessary and take care of the rest as we’re approached with it.’, Amy agreed. 

Chapter 3—Trivia and Obstacles 

Kirk prompted the group to form a team that would tackle trivia, and one that would handle the ‘sportier' aspects of ‘The Lost Temple Ruins’.   According to him, it would be the last time the temple was used in this facility, but then he realized that he would be out of a job.    Feeling hospitable, Sonic decided to make him the curator of a museum Mobius was about to open and the timing couldn’t have been better.    Kirk told them the story of how he had arrived there and how the ‘tesseract’ had sealed before he could return home.    He had no family here and to be honest, it took all his will simply not to be overcome with grief.    Kirk was oddly optimistic, facing this new chapter of his life with alacrity.     

The challenges and trivia each team faced grew upward in difficulty.   Sonic and his athletic team took upon ‘American Gladiator’ obstacle courses until the trivia team located the crown at the end of a hall.   

‘You guys didn’t even have to exert yourselves !’, he said, his timbre mixed with amazement and jealousy.     Bunnie simply laughed. 

‘Mental exertion, sugar pie.   After this, I think we all need a bit of hearty cookin’ from your’s truly.’, she mentioned.   She would be fixing a massive pot of ‘taco soup’ paired with tamales, guacamole, chips and more southwest flavor than Earth’s New Mexico.  

Chapter 4—Stygian Locates a Proper Host

Kirk found his new home more accommodating that the last he had on earth.   He hadn’t forgotten who he was, but he was able to create something altogether new.    Someday, he planned on having a family, much like Cecil did, but this, too, would take time.   

Tails, his wife and their skulk were geeking out over Kirk’s inclusion to their family.

‘I can’t believe that Dr. Fogg is part of our tribe now !’, he said, getting a little misty eyed.   Granted, the temple would be used by the indigenous animals that lived in the area and it would house untold treasures from the past, present and the future.   Never again would it hold royal jewelry, but even the wild animals of the Olmec would be considered allies if they were called upon since the hedgehogs and their friends took care to respect the hallowed grounds as they searched and retrieved their mother’s crown. 

Stygian found that existing in a writing eel-like body was getting itself absolutely nowhere.   It could exist from energy banks here and there, but when it finally located an energy grid, it knew possessing a proper body would make it even more powerful than before.  

‘Someone has to be susceptible.   Someone weak minded.  Someone completely against this horrid newfound ‘peace’ under hedgehog control.    The undergrounders need a voice of their own.  We have been ignored far long enough.’, it felt in broiling rage.    Stygian located just the ‘undergrounder’ he needed.   It was a vole with a victim mindset.   His name was Fallow.   Fallow had watched his life pass him by on the sidelines and had always been plotting against Sonic and his ‘regime’ but felt alone he could do nothing, until approached by Stygian.   

‘How would you like unamassed power, Fallow ?   You would have the ability to amass a following.’, the tentacle posited.    Fallow had never really had any friends and the offer seemed too good of an opportunity to pass on.   Little did the celebratory hedgehogs and family know that this villain in the making would be their most dastardly foe ever.  


   In a flash, Stygian made an agreement with his new host.   Fallow could no longer think for himself.    Everything he did was an extension of Stygian’s will.    Inwardly, lost in his own thoughts, Fallow cursed himself for the desire of wanting a friend so badly.    He blamed himself for being too trusting and naive.    No one had ever wanted to even hang out with him before and Stygian seemed trustworthy enough.    He didn’t understand that Stygian wasn’t from the material realm, but an entity that only sought to destroy, usurp and dismantle.    With this newfound form, the regret only propelled Stygian forward and little by little, the Undergrounders began to assemble. 

One by one, the silent, unseen ‘dissenters’ had their Savior and they had begun their ‘Cult of Darkness’ against Sonic and his kin, whether related or unrelated.   Every dark trick and deceit Stygian could muster, he used it to hypnotize another Cult member.   The uprising now was over 1,000 and it only continued burgeoning.    Stygian found cryptic knowledge in a hidden vault that his original creator had locked away before succumbing to evil entirely.   

‘Oh, Murk.  You tried stopping yourself, but shadow initially overtakes light at the end of the day.’, Stygian thought to himself.    All he had ever needed had been buried, but now, unearthed, his troop would begin to rise and demand the respect and dignity that they believed (in their twisted minds) they deserved.

To Be Continued…


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