Synopsis: Given up to a friend of the notorious Yakuza ‘Shinobi’ Kuro Tanaka, Himetsu lands at Ferris Barlow’s home. Taken in by Ferris, his wife Yoko and doted upon by her elder sister, Sakura. One fateful day at the tender age of 13, she bumps into her biological brother, Tenshi, and realizes they have tons in common, but she can’t figure out why he doesn’t want her tailing him.
Kuro Tanaka : (biological dad)
Hotaru Tanaka: (step mom)
Ryoko Sato : (real mom)
Yoko Barlow: (adopted mom)
Sakura Barlow: (adopted sister)
Tenshi Tanaka: (biological brother)
Akio the Akita (belongs to Kuro)
Erina Suzuka: (Pinky of The Random Trio)
Danni Honda: (Sexpot of The Random Trio)
Lita Mitsubishi: (Charm of The Random Trio)
Armando Tripoli: (Sniper, next in line of the Tripoli Overlords)
Sicily Tripoli: (his mom)
Cesar Tripoli: (his dad)
Rome Tripoli: (his brother/protector)
Canis Majoris: (another protector)
Semper Fi: (another protector)
‘Violence doesn’t burn away the clouds. It only causes more smoke.’—Yennen, The Legend of Vox Machina, S1: Ep 6, Spark of Rebellion
Scene 1—An Unusual Rainy Day
Ryoko: (she is running with a bundle under her arms, carrying an umbrella and crying heavy tears. She wipes her eyes to keep her vision clear) Himetsu, I’m so sorry I have to do this. I hope you can forgive me. (Himetsu is only a baby, but she is wailing loudly, and Ryoko sings ‘Sakura’ to calm her. It even plays in the background as she runs. It indeed, is Sakura season and the trees are heavy with blooms. She comes to Ferris’ door and collects herself.) Kuro often said you were a friend to him even though you were never involved in his business.
(she kisses Himetsu’s forehead, and she’s stopped crying. She rings Ferris’ doorbell and runs, leaving behind a note with contact information.)
Yoko: Someone’s at the door, Ferris !
Sakura: Mom, I’ll get it ! (she rushes to the door and sees there’s a baby in a blanket, drenched from the rain) Oh my God, it’s a baby ! Mom, come look ! She has a note attached to her blanket !
Yoko: Oh dear…Oh heavens…why would anyone leave a little bundle like this behind ? She can’t be more than a few hours old ! (she picks her up) There there, little one.
Sakura: (reading note) I know what I am doing may seem horrible. My name is Ryoko Sato. I had to leave her, knowing all too well her father would never take responsibility for her. I was just as irresponsible getting pregnant by him. I must leave her here. I’m far too young to be taking upon a child at this age. I will be looking after myself and my own family, but should my daughter, Himetsu come looking, you know how to contact me. Her cell number is here too.
Ferris: I guess she doesn’t want Himetsu coming after her until she is of age. (tsks) Such a shame. Hmm. Why does that name ring so many bells ?
Yoko: Maybe she was someone you knew ?
Ferris: No, not quite. (sighs in frustration) Ah, I can’t remember. (takes a deep breath) I guess it wasn’t important. What matters is we’re going to take care of Himetsu. All this lovely girl needs is care, a good upbringing and a family that loves her.
Sakura: (lifts her up and down, making her laugh) I love her, even if she’s not my blood sister. It doesn’t matter. She’s family.
Yoko: That’s right, Sakura. That she is. She’s our little girl.
(Scene fades)
Scene 2—Present Day, School’s In Session
Himetsu: (narrating) So, that was how I ended up at the Barlow’s house. I didn’t mind if I wasn’t their baby. Papa and mama were always crowing about something I had done. Sakura was always doting on me and she’d dress me up in cute girly things even if it wasn’t my style. I preferred to be more of a tomboy, rollin’ in the mud and climbing trees. I was always doing something slightly reckless.
(She rides her bike and does some extreme stunts, until she comes across Tenshi. Tenshi seems familiar to her, but she isn’t sure why.)
Himetsu: Hey, Tanaka ! Yeah, you ! Tenshi Tanaka !
Tenshi: (swears under his breath) Shit !
Himestu: (sees that he has begun to pedal away on his bike) Wait ! I have a question !
Tenshi: If you know what’s best, young lady, you won’t follow !
HImestu: Why do you say that ? (becoming more inquisitive)
Tenshi: I’m serious, Himetsu ! Go home ! Forget you saw me !
Himestu: How did you know my name ? We’re not even in the same class !
Tenshi: (realizes he really mucked up this time) FUCK !
Himestu: Come on, Tenshi ! Slow down ! Let’s talk like civilized people !
Tenshi: Go home. Please. I don’t want to do anything to harm you ! Not that I would, but if it comes to that…
Himetsu: Wait, what do you mean by that ?
Tenshi: Damn it…I’m making this worse. (Sighs, and slows down, pulls over by the side of the road, Himestu stops beside him) Barlow, right ?
Himetsu: (raises eyebrow) Yeah. That’s me. Again, how do you know me ?
Tenshi: Eidetic memory when it comes to names. I try to know everyone even if I’ve never encountered them or made their acquaintance formally. I do my best to be polite. That’s how father trained me.
Himetsu: (placing the kickstand of her bike downward so it props the bike up) So, what you were saying earlier…
Tenshi: I spoke out of turn. I don’t harm others unless I’m ordered to do so. (he realizes he just let the cat out of the bag, and covers his mouth) Oh, Jesus. I really need to learn to keep my fucking mouth shut.
Himestu: (knowingly) So, your dad is one of *those* types. Ah. I see. Well, pardon me, it was never my intention to tail you. I will go my own way…
Tenshi: (eyes her closely) You know, you look quite a bit like… Nah.
HImetsu: (eagerly) Who do I look like ! Tell me !
Tenshi: I’ve said too much already. Go home, Hime. Trust me on this, it’s better for us both.
Himetsu: Fine. (bows respectfully) It was good meeting you, Tenshi.
Tenshi: Likewise. You seem pretty damned cool, Hime.
Himetsu: Right back at ya. (she points, snapping her fingers at the same time, pivots around, hops on her bike)
Tenshi: (low whistle) Holy cow…Some day, you gotta teach me how you do that.
Himetsu: I thought you didn’t want me around ? (she laughs)
Tenshi: Forget what I said ! Just…(aggravated grunt) go.
Himetsu: (salutes) Roger, wilco !
(Scene fade)
Scene 3—It All Comes Back to Ferris
Himetsu: (going over the meeting she had with Tenshi) And that’s what went down !
Ferris: Dear Lord. I never thought it would come to that.
Yoko: Come to what, dear heart ?
Ferris: If I tell you, you all must promise this never leaves our house.
Sakura: (resolutely, serenely, devoutly) Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye.
Ferris: Tenshi is your brother. That’s why he made those remarks.
Himetsu: (pounds fist on the table) I KNEW it ! I just KNEW ! After you told me about my mom and I did some digging, I couldn’t figure where the heck she was until only recently. She must’ve moved far from the Yakuza prefecture to lay low. She knew that someone would come checking on her, or he would want a report on me. (shrug) Maybe something else, who knows.
Ferris: Yes, and obviously he remarried.
Yoko: (confused) So, you’ve had a connection to him for how long ? Why all this now ?
Ferris: (feeling like a heel) I knew eventually truth would find me out. I helped Shinobi long ago and saved him from a rival gang’s bullet. It wasn’t even purposeful. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I can only wager when Ryoko had you she wanted no connection to him, so she left only her contact on the paper and used a personal number he couldn’t trace.
Himetsu: My mom was so bloody clever !
Sakura: So it seems, doll. You have a lot of those traits, though its obvious you come from the Light. Maybe Tenshi does too, but he is walking in the Darkness.
Himetsu: I want to meet my father. At least say ‘hi’ or something. I’m 16. It’s the least I can do.
Sakura: Hime, no. It’s dangerous ! (she hugs her)
Himetsu: You may be older than me, but you can’t tell me what to do anymore. Besides, you’ve got to take care of the family aromatherapy business. That sort of thing isn’t my jam, sorry to say.
Yoko: We weren’t expecting it to be.
(They all hug her)
Ferris: We can’t stop you. Just be careful.
Himetsu: I will.
(Scene shift)
Scene 3—Captured by the Enemy
Himetsu: (narrating) I followed my best instincts and intuition and it led me here with the Tripoli Overlords. It all happened so quickly. I was on my way to see if I could find Tenshi and one of the Overlords caught me.
Armando: Look at what we have here !
Himetsu: (with chutzpah) If you must know I’m not afraid of any of you. If I have to, I *will* fight you.
Canis: Ballsy, but ill-advised, girly. I know you came to see your papa, ‘Shinobi’.
Himetsu: (a bit shocked) How does everyone else know who my dad is and I have only bits and pieces to go on ?
Semper: Our boss wants to negotiate with him. It’s all a territorial thing. You’ve never been on the streets, so probably none of this makes sense to you.
Himetsu: Maybe in a tribal way, sure. You want what he’s got. Kind of like the colonials in America ? The indigenous people had the land far before they did, but they wanted to expand their boarders.
Roman: (low whistle) You know your history, little one. Impressive.
Sicily: I’m sure daddy dearest, that is, if he really wants to rescue you, will be willing to come to terms with us concerning you.
Armando: He would be estupido not to. A total mook !
Himetsu: I want no bloodshed…
Armando: We all want to avoid violence, beautiful. I can’t guarantee what my pops won’t do to achieve what he wants.
(scene shift)
Shinobi: You have a lot of nerve, Tripoli. I brought along my Random Trio and the rest of my posse if there’s smoke.
Tenshi: (mouthing) I told you !
Roman: Per our agreement, the girl will go free.
Shinobi: (long, drawn out sigh) None of us will be getting into a turf war. I can count on you ?
Roman: (nodding) I may be your enemy, but I am a man of my word.
Shinobi: (shakes on his word on handing him over more territory. Shinobi takes the young lady into his custody. She’s too dumbfounded to speak)
Himetsu: (narrating) Before I knew it, I was heading home with my biological dad and meeting my step mom ! She was no Yoko, but she proved to me that motherhood knows no boundaries and unconditional love runs deep, even if you're only related by marriage.
(scene shift)
Scene 4—An Unusual Reunion
Shinobi: I do realize this is a very unusual circumstance, Ferris.
Ferris: The bloody hell it is, Kuro !
Shinobi: (a bit annoyed) Ferris ! No calling me by my true name…Oh wait. It’s just family. (laughs) No worries.
Yoko: (whispers) Kinda paranoid, isn’t he ?
Ferris: For good reason.
Sakura: He dresses incredibly well. So posh !
Shinobi: I could outfit you all in designer clothes. Just ask, I’ll deliver.
Sakura: (looks at Ferris) It would be rude to deny him, papa.
Ferris: (begrudgingly) Just don’t go wild on us.
Shinobi: (laughing) Nonsense. You are my FAMILY ! I spoil those nearest and dearest to my heart !
Himetsu: (narrating) I learned that my real mom, Ryoko, was living a lavish life. We soon became acquainted after I had returned to my actual home. We had no real ties to the Yakuza. The packages came to us frequently and there were ‘rendezvous’ at the beach here and there. Ryoko remarried and I found out I was an AUNT ! I had a nephew named Taisho and a niece named Juniper. I had never had a family this large before and my heart was filled to overflowing. I had forgotten my peril and my waters had become smooth again. Once more, I was navigating in a crystal clear sea. I had no idea what course my life would go, but wherever it went, I was a secret no longer. I was found, safe, sound, and home.
(The End, roll credits, bloopers, we see a montage of Himetsu dancing to ‘Candy Girl’ as performed by Parov Stellar followed by some Japanese electro swing and the ‘Greater Days’ JoJo Remix. Cut to a scene of the *entire* family at the beach, having the time of their lives.)
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