A Goofy Musical
Synopsis: Take the movie you know and love growing up that is both criminally underrated but still so iconic that most of know many of the songs even when once hasn’t seen the film in years. Even if the sequel isn’t so good as the original, this one remains a testament of 2D animation and there are plenty of excellent moral takeaways for those of us yearning for the subtle beauty and talent of 2D animation in western media.
Maximillian Goof:
Goofy Goof:
Bobby Zimmeruski:
Bus Driver:
Trekkie Boy:
Twin Boys:
Twin Girls:
Peg: (cameo)
Pistol: (cameo)
Chainsaw: (cameo)
Lester’s Possum Park Emcee:
Principal Mazur:
Hot Rod Biddy:
Skydiving Elvis:
Parasailing Married Couple:
Tow Truck Driver:
Various Jocks:
Cheerleaders/Valley Girls:
Michael Jackson: (cameo)
Back up Singers:
Mickey Mouse: (cameo)
Donald Duck: (cameo)
Roxanne’s Dad:
Little crying boy:
Little Girl:
Ms. Maples:
Scene 1—After Today
(The Musical Begins with the title shot on a screen, ‘falling’ into view followed by Goofy’s signature holler. Max is dreaming about Roxanne in a field full of golden wheat, which blows gently in the wind.)
Max sings ‘Roxanne’ and ‘Nightmare’ until he is awoken by his phone and gets tangled up in the chord…)
Max: (voice cracks) Hello ? (cough) Hello ?
PJ: (on phone) Max ? Where the heck are you man ?
Max: PJ ?
PJ: (on phone) You should’ve been here an hour ago !
Max: What / What are you…Hold on. (He hits his alarm clock, which was showing 4:20 now reads 7:50) Oh, no ! (Max leaps out of bed, while still on the phone)
PJ: (on phone) Look, maybe we should just call the whole thing off !
Max: No way, Peej. It’s now or NEVER. (Max gets caught up in the phone line)
PJ: Get a move on. I’ll meet you at my locker !
Max: Later, Peej.
(Max untangles himself from the phone wire. Goofy comes in with his vacuum cleaner, only dressed in a towel.)
Goofy: (very cheerfully) Mornin, son !
Max: (drops his pants in embarassment) DAD !
Goofy: Oh, oops ! (bashfully, realizing he has been rude, he knocks on the door) Morning, son ! I came to see if you had any dirty…clothes… (looks a little disgusted)
Max: Well, here they are. (still getting dressed)
Goofy: Max, I thought we talked about this.
Max: Yeah, look, I’m sorry, dad. I’ll take care of it later.
Goofy: What’s the big rush, son ?
Max: I’m running late.
Goofy: Well, I could drive you on my way to work (he begins to vacuum)
Max: Uh, no. Thanks. I uh, need the exercise.
Goofy; Aw, come on, Max !
(Goofy allows the vacuum nozzle too close to the cardboard cutout of Powerline, which ultimately gets ruined.)
Max: Aw, dad. Now it’s ruined.
Goofy: Sorry…Who was he anyway ?
Max: It’s only Powerline, dad. Biggest rock star on the planet.
Goofy: No bigger than Xavier Cugat, the Mambo King ! (he mambos with a very unappreciateive Max.)
Max: There’s no time for this, the neighbors will see us…(Max extracts himself from Goofy to dash out the door, Goofy comes behind him, gives him his lunch and kisses his cheek)
Goofy: Almost forgot your lunch, Maxie.
Max: Ugh…(he scowls) Love you too, dad. (sings ‘After Today’)
I just wish that this was the day after today. (He tries to talk to Roxanne, but chokes, and only a ‘ahyuck’ comes out)
Scene 2—Stacy’s Announcement
Max: I can’t believe it. Roxanne says ‘hi’ and what do I do ? Ahyuck. (moans, face in his hands)
PJ: Where have you been, buddy ?
Max: (brightens) Hey, Peej. Got the camera ?
PJ: If my parents knew I had this camera, they’d kill me. More likely dad than anyone else, but…
Max: This is my only chance, Peej. To Roxanne I’m nobody. After today, though.
(Suddenly, Max and PJ are flooded with light)
Max: Bobby !
(Bobby is drinking from a fountain using a drinking straw. PJ and Max examine all the equipment Bobby’s brought.)
Bobby: Mmm. Slurpage !
Max: Oh, this is gonna be rad, Bobby. (He begins to wheel the equipment away)
Bobby: Dude, need fund age, bro.
Max: Oh, yeah ! Right, your fee ! (Max reaches into his backpack and pulls out cheese whiz.)
Bobby: (singing the short song ‘Cheddar !’)
(Cut to school auditorium, the entire school body is there, cheering. Stacy makes her way to the podium to make her announcement.)
(Here the transcript doesn’t change much and we still get the incredible sequence of Max entertaining the students and making his first move on Roxanne until he’s busted.)
Scene 3—It’s That or Prison
(As Goofy gets Kimmy’s photograph, he sings ‘Snapshot’)
Pete: (as Pete uses velcro to help assist with a little girl getting her picture, Goofy comments him on his ‘panache with littles’) Yeah, kids. They just love me ! (pause) You know, Pistol and Peg are off in Paris with Chainsaw, all because they won a fancy dog competition ? (Goofy shakes his head left to right) I thought it was no better time for a father-son camping trip. PJ’s been begging to take me ever since the hens left the chicken coop.
Goofy: Oh, Max would never go for anything like that.
Pete: I don’t know Goof. Something’s wrong when a kid won’t spend time with his parents. For all you know he could be running around with a gang, stealing stuff, causing riots…
Goofy: Max’s a good kid. He’d never get tangled up in something like that.
(Cut to principal Mazur’s office. Ms. Maples is humming the funeral march. Max looks completely distraught and downtrodden.)
Max: I’m a total failure, a loser ! My one chance to impress Roxanne and I blew it.
Bobby: (he reveals something he’s been working on a while) Hey, Max. Check it out, it’s the leaning tower of cheezah. (he stuffs the cheese in his mouth)
(PJ comes out of the principal’s office with a vacant look on his face)
Max: Oh man. My dad is gonna squash me like a bug !
(the transcript here doesn’t change one bit. It’s a very sweet meeting between Roxanne and Max, where we can see their love is blooming even more. However, Max agrees to something he doesn’t even know if he can provide or pull off for that matter.)
Scene 4—Lester’s Possum Park
(there’s a reprise of ‘Stand Out’ as Max marches home, looking cool and confident)
Max: Are we goin’ somewhere, Pop ?
Goofy: Sure are, Pal-a-roony !
(Speaking points don’t change much here, and the script remains unchanged between Roxanne and Max about the concert in LA. We get to ‘The Open Road’ which all cast members sing together after the stint with the radio)
(Also, conversations don’t change much here from the original transcript until PJ and Max bump into each other)
Max: Hey !
PJ: Woah, small wilderness, dude! Didn’t expect to run into you !
Max: Apparently not !
PJ: You’re just jealous cuz you aint got the moves.
Max: Keep the moves. Wouldn’t mind having this RV, though. You’re so lucky !
PJ: (surprised) Me ? Nah, you’re the star !
Max: Wha…what do you…
PJ: Going to the Powerline concert ! Unbelievable, man !
Max: (shocked) Who told you about that ?!
PJ: Everyone in TOWN knows about it. You’re gonna be FAMOUS.
Max: There’s…uh, one person who doesn’t know about it yet. (feeling like a heel and embarrassed the truth is coming out)
PJ: Who ?
Max: My dad.
(The whole ‘Under The Thumb’ conversation doesn’t change much, we get shenanigans with Bigfoot just like in the movie and Bigfoot dancing to ‘Stayin’ Alive’ because it’s hilarious and unexpected and would work incredibly well for the musical too.)
Scene 6—Hi Dad Soup/Downstream
(There’s a sweet moment where the two talk and Max goes to sleep. He sings ‘Hi Dad Soup’)
(PJ/Max have a reunion where Max explains to PJ that he was trying to change the map’s directions to lead them to LA. Pete tries to explain to Goofy that he’s not discipling him well enough.)
Pete: There was a time that Pistol tried sassing me about something I was in the right for. She almost had a temper tantrum, but I told her if she did, I’d take away TV time during her favorite show unless she acted like a good little girl. Gotta keep your kid under your thumb.
Goofy: Max wouldn’t have done that.
Pete: Check the map, Goof.
Goof: But…
Pete: (more fervently) Check…the…map.
(The next scene plays out similarly to the movie. Father and son sing ‘Nobody Else But You’. The whole raging rapid scene will be done similar to the ‘rounded theatre rotating style’ that Les Mis uses with the barricade, POTO with Phantom rowing Christine on the boat, Ariel on the boat with Eric or Aaron Burr shooting Hamilton in Hamilton.)
(Goofy nearly goes over the waterfall until Max casts ‘The Perfect Cast’)
Max: Gosh, this has been one crazy vacation.
Goofy: (the map lands directly on Goofy’s face) And it’s not over yet.
(Goofy tosses the map and we cut to a stage, where Max is let out. He opens a base fiddle case, Goofy falls out.)
Goofy: Come on, let’s get you on stage !
(Cue ‘I2I’. The script here doesn’t really change much until Powerline, his backup singers, Goofy and Max sing ‘Strong’. At the concert, we see Peg and Pistol, who are cheering with the rest of the fans. We cut away from the business of the concert itself and do a quick scan back to our main location in Spoonerville. Max is then taken home after an incredible concert and explains the truth to Roxanne, who reveals she liked him all along.)
(Max sings ‘A Brand New Day’ with the cast. All come out for a reprise of ‘I2I’ and ‘Strong’ as well as for a bow. If this gets a rousing reception, 2 bows are necessary !)
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