The Royal Rescue

Synopsis:   A Sonic Underground AU fanfic.    King Sonic and his court travel to Celes Island on Mobius to rescue the former King and Queen, Jules and Aleena who were captured on the island trying to uncover the origins of the super speed granted to the paternal half of the royal bloodline, the Celeritas Royal Family.   

‘If we keep our eyes open, nature shows us the way to go.’—Fortune Teller, Ep. 8, Season 1: Katla 

Chapter 1—How Can It Be ?

Technology had changed on Mobius since the aftermath of Simone Robotnik’s defeat.   There was a mesh network of sorts, but it was more organic than it was technological.   Plant and technology had created a sort of ‘overlay’ and worked symbiotically.     There was no possible fashion anyone or anything could hack into it.    Besides, their friend and royal scribe and historian, Cecil Robotnick, worked tirelessly for there to be peace on Mobius in whatever fashion it existed.    Thanks to him and his family, despite their surname, they had achieved it.   He had married another lone human, Tabitha Haynes.    The two had a family of three, Basil, Sage, and Rosemary.    All three kept the Robotnick named untainted and reverted to the Haynes name.   Any trace of Robotnick was dead and gone, and so far as that was concerned, none of the citizens knew who he had been, except in the archives.   

Cecil’s search for Jules and Aleena had been tireless after the Revolution had broken out.   No trace of the former King and Queen had been found until he tracked down a recording of their captor.    He was a mole that lived with a small faction and was going by the name King Don.   Don hated the revolution and was vying for an uprising of his own.  

‘The King will have to grant me an audience now that his precious parents are in my clutches.   All these years I have waited to gain his ear.’, the recording played.    It was taken on an old fashioned tape recorder.   Batteries for those devices were long since obsolete and the player itself was worn down, barely working.   The drone Cecil had sent to retrieve it barely made it out alive without being pelted by rock launchers Don and his army had created.   Granted it was archaic defensive tactics that Don and his crew were using, but very effective against modern-day robotics.    Rocks always dented metal no matter what era of time they were being used in.     

‘How can it be ?  I thought they were dead !’, Sonia said, nearly crying.   None of the siblings had given up hope.   They had entertained the notion that their parents were alive and well.   They had never thought that King Don had taken them and his motives for doing so were still clouded at best.   Unfortunately a former foe turned friend, Bartleby, had tried to break their bonds by becoming a mole himself.   It didn’t work to his advantage, and Bartleby was imprisoned himself.    He had been the one responsible for the recording.  

‘I still don’t trust him.   He tried to sell us out before and force us to go into hiding before the Revolt took place.’, Manic added.  

‘Bartleby isn’t evil perse, he was trying to survive an uprising.’, Amy chimed in.   None of them really believed that Bartleby was trustworthy but the fact that he was repenting for a grievous wrong spoke volumes.

‘I personally think we should give him another chance.   Yes, he violated our fidelity in the past, but that was the past.’, Sonia stated, wisely.   It had been a shared dream of the Oracle that gave them the clue as to where their parents had been.   Cecil’s recovering of Bartleby’s tape was more than enough to go on, even if they didn’t know Don personally.   It revealed a deeper truth that the speed grid itself was more than met the naked eye.   There was something metaphysical and supernatural about it, and why it only chose the paternal line meant there was a mystery that needed solving.    Without further prompting, the King, Queen, their siblings and a small battalion took an airship to Celes Island and went searching for Don and his lackeys immediately.  

Chapter 2—Who Is King Don ?   

King Sonic, Queen Amy, Sonia, Manic and their respective partners all geared up and boarded Cyril’s airship to head to Celes Island.  

‘I didn’t know you were a dirigible mechanic.’, Shadow complimented. 

‘I dabbled in inventions here and there.  Rotor initially helped me build it, but I am an aviator at heart.   Remember, I came to the Revolution in a hovercraft after hacking its mainframe.   No need to hack anymore, but I have the necessary skill if the need arises.’, Cyril added with a cheeky smirk.   He and Sally had a scurry of their own, a crew of 7.   There was Cupile, who looked exactly like his mother, and the eldest, Berry, a shy and short musician and artist, Cedar, her brother, Autumn, the brash and adventurous one, Prairie, the zen one, Marsh and Clover.   Each worked hard with their own agenda and task, keeping the good ship Zephyrs afloat.   The siblings should have been at each other’s throats, but they worked incredibly in tandem, as if each one knew that their purpose assisted their brothers or sisters and made their workload that much easier. 

‘So, who is this mole, this King Don guy ?   I have a mind to introduce his face to my fists !’, Manic said, getting upset.

‘There’s no point in losing your cool, Manic.  All I know is what I recovered from Bartleby’s tape recorder.   We’ve all reviewed the contents ten thousand times by now.  It’s amazing that the obsolete media would even play for us.   Don has been waiting and he’s got tunnels running under Celes.   It’s true that beyond Celes, he has no reach but that doesn’t mean that there are other Mobians that wouldn’t stand with him.   Don is dangerous.’, Cecil said.   The Hayes family had been studing King Don Adger for a while now.   Why he could be interested with the speed grid was also a conundrum.   

‘My daughter, Rosemary has been studying the grid a while now.   It goes beyond conventional science, obviously.   It is well within the quantum reign and she and her siblings are doing their best to piece everything together.’, Cecil relayed.    He mentioned that Basil, Sage and Rosemary had found that the grid itself was sentient.   Apparently, it wanted a spokes hedgehog to gift its abilities to and did so with the first Celeritas.   The royal hedgehogs used the ability for good, and it seemed that it could make its user invincible if circumstances allotted the necessity.   

‘We’re still piecing the puzzle together, obviously.’, Cecil said.   He had brought his scientifically minded children along, knowing they would be helpful in further exploring and understanding how the grid functions and what it means for the Celeritas bloodline.’, Cecil further explained.    They all knew that King Don Adger would not take kindly to them and that he was plotting a revolution of his own.   Hopefully, the two would be able to come to a truce.  Sonic would have to swallow his pride about Bartleby as he needed Bartleby’s assistance to uncover Don’s intentions and why he was setting up a network of underground tunnels.   After all, there was more to this insidious plot.  King Jules and Queen Aleena were only the tip of the iceberg.   

Chapter 3—Prepared for Anything 

On Celes Island, the royal subjects could finally see their parents, maddeningly shut behind iron doors.   Bartleby was there as well, his countenance encapsulated with guilt.  He was living with the results of his impulsive and horribly made choices.    To be fair, the Mobian wanted to make things right and repent of what he had done.    Bartleby himself wasn’t sure if he would be able to follow through with his resolve to be better than he had been.    He had been a master of the sly double cross his entire life.   In fact, he had lived being duplicitous and wasn’t certain there was any other way of being.   However, he wanted to prove that he was worth his weight in MoboCoin and that he could change.    He wouldn’t go seeking for work immediately.   If he was going to conquer this problem, he needed a focus group and therapy and that was all there was to it.   But first, he would have to escape.  

Don Adger smirked smugly at the hedgehogs.   He looked down upon them literally because he towered over everything else.   This was a mole that had height and heft.  

‘I don’t think we wanna make him mad, Sonic.’, Manic whispered in his brother’s ear.

‘What are you whispering about ?’, Don asked, his ire rising.   One could see the blood rushing to his round face, making it appear exactly like a Mobian tomato.   

‘Counsel and brother Manic is just remarking on how sturdy this Kingdom of yours really is.   I’ll give you credit.   It’s quite impressive.’, Sonic said, honestly.    Don brightened.   The more people talked about him and his domain, the more cheerful he became.    Though he loathed the hedgehogs, their royalty, their speed and didn’t understand how to hack the speed grid, he adored having his ego inflated.    

‘Celes Island needs more equality.   As you can see, we’ve built ourselves our own paradise.  But we beseech you, allow us to build our chunnel to expand.’, Don began.    It was a proposal that sounded good had it not been laden with the fact that beyond Celes Island was nothing but ocean.   If they wanted to expand, they needed a treatise with the Aquafarians, and they were rarely seen or heard from.    The ‘Farians, as they were called, lived an unobtrusive peaceful life.   Sonic had spoken with them and gone on underwater negotiations with them before but it seemed this stipulation was a bit much as an exchange for his parent’s freedom.  

‘This is all well and good, but you do realize that you have no means of going underwater, let alone breathing there.   You would have to speak with the Farians.   It is their territory and despite the fact that they are a rather coy race, their military might is unmatched only in comparison to ours.’, Sonia said.    Don nodded.   He knew the venture itself was a pipe dream (excuse the pun) if nothing else. 

‘Then if not that, we find ourselves content with what we have accomplished underground.   My only other issue here is the Speed Grid.   We’ve been trying to understand it.   I hear it can grant eternal life, invulnerability and such.’, the King sneered.   He wanted to become immortal.   Someday, he and his kingdom would rise and overtake Celes Island.   He would find the means to usurp the Farians once his technicians, engineers could develop transportation and warships.    Sonic, his family, and court knew nothing of what the devious megalomaniac was plotting.   It would be even worse with the secret of the speed grid, but there was no expense that Sonic, Manic and Sonia would pocket to finally reunite with their beloved parents.   

Chapter 4—The Grid Has Free Will 

What Cecil had told them earlier about the grid from his years of studies came into excellent use as Sonic told Don and his posse what Cecil had archived and presented to him not many days ago.

‘Oh, so this ‘grid’ you speak of is actually sentient ?’, the King queried, raising a quizzical eyebrow in bemusement.  

‘Yes, but it has free will.   Speed, invincibility, electricity, all of it was given to the Celeritas line.   It only passes down from father to son.   Until I had prickles of my own, we’re seeing a deviation in the standard.    However, it still only grants these abilities to hedgehogs so far.’, Sonic explained.    

‘You want the royal family back ?   Figure out how to hack this blasted thing.  If it indeed has the source of immortality, that is all I’m looking to unlock.’, Don responded, with delirium in his tone.    The material gathered had postulated immortality was possible but none of the royal physicists knew for certain if this was a probability or possibility.   Saiyan mode or hyper form was something straight out of myth.   There was no real evidence it existed.    

‘I’ll see what I can do.’, Sonic begrudgingly said. 

‘What are you DOING, Sonic ?’, Manic muttered, half incensed, half concerned for his elder brother’s well being.    

‘I’m doing what needs to be done, Manic.   Besides, the grid only responds to Celeritas family.   When it detects Don tapping into it, I think he’ll be in for the rudest awakening he has ever faced.’, Sonic responded. 

‘Yes, and what then ?   We’ve seen his might.’, Sonia added, astutely.  

‘Compared to ours and maybe a little bit of correction here and there, we can come to an agreement with King Don and his people.   I believe that they are moles that can be reasoned with, even if they are overzealous.’, Sonic said, quietly as he had Cecil perform the necessary hack on the grid.    

‘Speed Grid Online.   Enter input.’, a multivocal response emitted from the now visible grid, taking the form of what only could be considered horizontal and vertical lines crisscrossing each other and undulating whenever it ‘spoke’.    Don released the royals and they reunited momentarily.   A larger celebration would be held back at the Celeritas Royal Castle when all was said and done.  

‘I am King Don Adager.  Impart to me your secrets, oh Divine Grid, if you will !’, the massive mole plead with outstretched hands down on bended knee.   It processed only for a millisecond and then began laughing.   

‘Only the Celeritas family can receive my secrets, King.  I am also their protector.   Dare to access me again and I warn you, the punishment will be severe.’, the Grid imparted, reprovingly.    Don grumbled and fumed. 

‘How does one obtain superspeed ?    Can a mole attain Saiyan mode ?   Please ! I beg you, all I want is immortality !’, Don groveled.   

‘I warned you, Don.’, the stern voice said before sending a swarm of bees Don’s way.   Don was deathly allergic and he had to whistle for the paramedics to take him.     The Grid vanished, never to be seen again.    

‘You’ve made your point.   Our city, I suppose, is fine the way it is.   It also appears someone here wants to be of use to you and wants to make amends for his past wrongs.’, Don said, after being revived through the precisely timed prick of an epi pen.    The King had been beaten and he had learned his lesson.   Some in his court had thought that he had gone over his head, but now he knew he should listen and evaluate the voices of his people, for they too, had very practical and helpful solutions to the entirety of Celes Island’s problems.   

Chapter 5—The Reunion Gala 

Back at Castle Celeritas, there was a massive gala held in honor of Jules and Aleena’s return.   Many tears of elation were shed over their triumphant return.   

‘The Castle is as glorious as it was when we departed.’, Jules complimented.   Aleena wiped a few errant tears from her lovely face, hugging her entire family close to her heart.   She had a plethora of grandchildren to get to know and adore.   All of them had their own quirks, talents and personalities.   Being the genius she was, however, Aleena had no trouble discerning between all of the grandkids.   Jules, too, having dealt with the triplets, thought this was a walk in the park.    Besides, he and his beloved Aleena would have all the time they needed to make up for lost years with their family.   After all, they were now back home, permanently.  

‘My only quandary now is that of Bartleby.’, Jules added as an aside.   Bartleby was still being watched vigilantly under the care of Sonic’s best guards, knights, paladins, and a few magicians thrown in here and there for extra measure.    

‘We’ve been deliberating exactly what we should do with him.’, Amy said.   Bartleby was very jovial and loquacious, but his trustworthiness was still in question.    After talking for a minimum of 3 minutes, the council had concluded. 

‘We can’t excuse what you have done, Bartleby.   Punishment is still due.   You are sentenced to 3 months of community service as well as gopher duties in the castle.’, Sonic decreed.   Bartleby found the stipulations acceptable and decided to start repenting for past sins.   He and Sonic might never be allies, but at least now he would be affiliated with the right side of Mobius rather than being ostracized by a dictator. 

Chapter 6—The Reformation of Bartleby 

No further trouble was encountered from Celes Island.   It seemed that the Royals, Aquafarians and Celestian Undergrounders had come to an agreement.   There was plenty of space for the Undergrounders to implement.   Besides, Don was pleased with what he was doing with his Kingdom.   He had figured out what was necessary.   He felt he was meant to simply have only Celes Island and that would make him content.    To have anything beyond that would be too much work and more trouble than it was worth.    

Bartleby knew he would never earn the trust back from Sonic even though Robotnick was nothing more than a footnote in history.   Sometimes the most grievous offenses left more than just the bitter taste of betrayal behind.    Bartleby knew he would have to be satisfied with that and remain on the Mobian side for the rest of his natural life.    He had done what he had meant to do and had served his time.   He was finally a free man and totally reformed.   His new duties were to continue serving the kingdom to the best of his ability and using his talents to maintain the peace within and without Mobian walls.    

Chapter 7—Returning to School 

The summer had been short lived.   It was time for everyone to resume their duties inside the Royal Hedgehog Palace.   Like typical schoolchildren, all the hedgehogs returned to school outside of the palace and interacted with other children their age.    They had been educated publicly before and savored being near others that had unique views as well as interesting hobbies and extracurricular activities.   

Schooling had taken up the brunt of many of the hedgehogs’ activities during the day, but the remainder had been relegated to training.   One could never be certain whether an enemy would appear and start instigating fights or causing trouble.    At the present, everything was calm, cool, and placid.    Nothing much seemed out of the ordinary.  In fact, it was another typical school year, but the gang decided they wanted to travel for their fall break.   They hadn’t really concluded where they wanted to go, but they were delighted that their grandparents were with them and would be living in the Palace full time from here on out. 


At the end of the day, everyone had gone to their own quarters and settled down for a rejuvenating evening.   Sonic was astonished at how quickly his children were growing up.   It seemed like only yesterday they were learning how to walk and talk and now they were forming their own hobbies, had their own talents and personalities.    Each one of the little prickles got a hug, kiss, a tickle, a lullaby and sent to bed.    The parents each said goodnight and snuggled under their covers under a waning crescent moon, eager for what the bright sun of tomorrow would bring.  

The End 


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