Legend of the Golden Haired Girl

Synopsis:  Aura Mirastella, miraculously born to middle class workers, displays rare golden hair and immense talent.   Ultimately, she curates a passion for knowledge and healing.   She becomes a Theurge, prepared for many quests.   She is a warrior, poet, scholar, and physician.  

Chapter 1—An Unlikely Birth 

Once upon a time, there was a land known as Emberly.   In Emberly, the divide of classes was obvious, depending on your skill, trade and birthplace.    Xiomara Mirastella and her husband, Thiago, were middle class workers with absolutely zero magical ability.    They were well-liked and close friends of King and Queen Reis.    It was only because the Queen had grown up with Ziomara in school and Zio had fended bullies off from hurting Valencia.    Ziomara had been the youngest of 6 boys and was quite masculine although she was a girl.     She taught Valencia how to fight any further attacks.    From then on out, Valencia looked after Ziomara and promised that she would have her back no matter what.   If she needed anything, she knew how to summon Valencia’s hawk, Courier, to send messages to and fro between them.   

‘I hear you are expecting a child !   I will bring my finest medics to assist with the birth.  No need to head to a hospital.’, Valencia’s recent correspondence read.   

‘She really cares about you.  It’s actually very touching.   I always thought that in Yonlea, the middle class and royalty don’t really mingle.   I suppose that isn’t the case with us.’, Thiago mentioned.    It was true that royals and other castes didn’t mix unless a festival was being held.  The poor and middle class often thought of the Reis line as untouchable, specifically thanks to their unbelievable alchemical abilities.    Normal people in Emberly didn’t possess magic, but sometimes, miracles happened.   

The day came when Xiomara was beginning to have contractions.   As ordered, Valencia and Oberon decreed their finest nurses, doctors, mages, Theurges, healers and magicians to tend to Xiomara.  

‘All of these strangers can see my womanly parts !’, Ziomara exclaimed in embarrassed disdain.  

‘Only momentarily…You’re so close to crowning.  A couple more pushes and…’, Valencia said, holding Ziomara’s hand.   Ziomara clamped down on her friend’s hand hard as Aura came into the world. 

‘She has platinum hair !  What are the odds ?’, Thiago remarked, amused, awed, impressed and full of questions.    It was very unlikely for a middle class couple to bear a child with golden hair and for Aura to have a full head of it was downright bizarre.    

‘We don’t know if she has abilities yet.’, Ziomara stated, straightforwardly.   

‘If she does, I will help you by any means necessary.   Either way, congratulations.’, Valencia said, smiling from ear to ear.   Even Valencia’s husband was at a loss for words.   For so many years, none of them had ever witnessed an event this unusual and they were audience to an ongoing miracle.  

Chapter 2—Aura Attends Theurge Academy 

Aura grew to welcome her brother, Corbin into the world when she had turned 13.   Corbin was as normal as they came but had an adoration for adventures.   Aura had to stay on her toes to keep Corbin out of trouble, but she was the best big sister he could’ve hoped for.   His future would be set in stone in the middle-class realm, most likely as a tour and field guide and resident expert of local flora and fauna, since he already showed an incredible aptitude for it even at a young age.    As for Aura, she had curated an insatiable desire for knowledge.   She already had an innate healing ability and she had made it known that she wished to attend Theurge academy. 

‘I think I’m supposed to do incredible things with my talent.’, she said.   She knew in 5 more years, she would be emancipated from the sleepy, somewhat mundane life of Yonlea.   She savored her life there, but she knew there was more to the world than what Yonlea could offer her.  

5 years came and went, and Aura left her hometown.   She had befriended many peers and even began dating a young wizard `named Emrys.   Emrys was the first coal-haired magician of his kind and dealt in elemental magic.   He could communicate with wild creatures and all manner of fantastical animal found him irresistible.   In fact, he even had his own unicorn, Wyndemere, whom he had raised from the time she was a foal.   

Emrys had a genteel, humorous, and austere nature.   He had become part of the family and someday, hoped to marry Aura when she was old enough.    The two promised never to be promiscuous and only wanted to be intimate once they were wed.   Their relationship was strong and although they were friends, they could be independent as well.    

Theurge Academy was intense and challenging but Aura aced every one of her courses.   Over time, she became the most powerful Theurge in the land.  Through her unique perspective, she brought together all classes and schools of thought.   There were still a bit of a caste system, but it was far less stringent and noticeable now.    Royals didn’t supercede or impose over the middle and lower class.   Lower class people could earn a workable wage and weren’t scraping by.    Everyone had more equality and Emberly was a far happier, healthier place.    People’s wealth of self-care and health improved and longevity was extended.  

Chapter 3—The Necromancer 

Unfortunately, there had been a mage in the Academy that turned to the dark ways.   Such knowledge had been kept under lock and key, but Crowley had been the type that could wend and seduce by using a saucy look or suggestive speech.    His words were weaponry and he wielded them with accuracy.    He had become mad with power and wanted to uproot everything that Aura had worked so hard to establish.    Prophecy had foretold the rising up of a dark force but only a golden-haired child would be able to defeat the warlock.   

Although Emrys wanted to assist Aura, she insisted that she was meant to fight Crowley alone.    Crowley was horribly overpowered, and it seemed that he had the upper hand with darkness surging through him so rampantly.   

Aura connected with everything and all that was around her.  She used love, light, kindness and all positivity from inside the matrix of her pure being and honed it into a singular, immaculate beam of light.   

‘Please !  What’s that supposed to do to me ?!’, Crowley laughed, electricity pulsing through him and shooting from his fingertips.    The dark lightning knocked Aura on her behind, but the Theurge got up, dusted her robes off and redirected the beam of light directly into Crowley’s heart.    Crowley laughed for a second and started to weep.   The light was far too burdensome for his body to tolerate, so it burned him from the inside out.    Nothing was left of the warlock and any evil he had planned on committing was nothing more than a mention and relegated to the annals of history and the lore of Emberly.   


It is told that Aura has been one of the few platinum haired magicians in Emberly.   They bring peace and usher in providence whenever they appear.    They come exactly when they are needed and remind everyone around them that miracles are never in short supply.    This tended to be true for Aura as well since she married and had a family of her own.   Life as a Theurge wasn’t without its challenges, but she remained faithful, loyal and true to her own origins.    She even has a statue in her honor, erected in the very spot where the triumphed over the mad mage Crowley.   If you ever visit, the statue is a testament and tribute to one of the purest souls that ever lived on Emberly.    

Magic comes and goes 

It ebbs and it flows 

Friendship grows 

This we know 

Even though, even so 

Emberly changes through time

We evolve through reason and rhyme 

This is our testament in history 

Whatever will be, most certainly will be. 

The End 


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