Further Expeditions of Christopher 'Glock' Moltisanti Jr.
Synopsis: A continuation to Christopher ‘Glock’ Moltisanti’s exploits and the tragedy of losing his own mother. Even though this man is a cold-blooded killer, he has an excellent head on his shoulders and is sober, well rounded, and shrewd.
‘I had to lace my shoes for all the blessings I was chasing
If I ever slip I fall into a better situation
So catch up, go put some cheese on it, get out and get your bread up
They always leave when you fall, but you run together
Weight of the world on my shoulders, I kept my head up,
Now baby stand up’—Lyrics from Dababy’s rap in ‘Levitating’
‘Cuz I’m living, in fast forward
A hillbilly Rockstar out of control
I’m living, in fast forward
Now I need to rewind real slow.’—Lyrics from ‘Living in Fast Forward’ as sung by Kenny Chesney
‘What you’re gonna do, cuz I’m gonna get you
Nowhere to run, no way to hide
All the things you’ve said, all the things you’ve done to me
You can no longer make me cry.’—Lyrics to ‘Blue Gangsta’ as sung by Michael Jackson
‘Aston Martin, push motor (yeah)
Migos on the ice (yeah) anti-sober
Go, oh, oh, don’t get hurt
Turn around and throw it in reverse (whoop)’—Lyrics to ‘Reverse’ as sung by Vic Mensa
‘Oh, ‘cause they will run you down, down ‘til the dark
Yes and they will run you down, down ‘til you fall
And they will run you down, down ‘til you go
Yeah, so you can’t crawl no more.’—lyrics from Kaleo’s ‘Way Down We Go’
‘And I’ma continue to put the rap down
And if you bitches talk shit, I have to put the smack down
Yeah, and you don’t stop
I told ya I’m just like a clock when I tick and I tock.’—Some lyrics from ‘Nuthin But a “G” Thang’ as sung by Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg
‘Cocaine and drinking with your friends
You live in the dark, boy, I cannot pretend
I’m not fazed, only here to sin
If Eve ain’t in your garden you know that you can
Call me when you want, call me when you need
Call me in the morning, I’ll be on the way’—Some lyrics from Montero sung by Lil Nas X
‘You gotta serve somebody.
It may be the Devil or it may be the Lord
But you gotta serve somebody.’—Lyrics to ‘Serve Somebody’
Chapter 1—Remembering My Patron Saints
It was not long ago, that I recalled Saint Huburtus. I had a medallion of him hanging over my heart, just like with Christopher and Elmo. It’s a lot of bling, granted, but every good Catholic boy has that going for him. I recalled that I petitioned all three because it was up to me and my sharpshooting skills on our ‘boating trip’.
‘Glock, you know this asshole. Time to teach this fucker a lesson.’, I remember Furio saying. I had a fucking harpoon. Oddly enough I knew how to shoot the son of a bitch and with deadly accurate precision. The ‘asshole’ on the yacht was some motherfucker that had gotten crossways with the Sopranos crew. This cunt owed us money and wasn’t willing to pay up. I crossed myself and said a prayer.
‘Huburtus, make my aim true. May my harpoon shoot straight through.’, I muttered. Taking aim, I could see my target through the crosshairs. Like so many rabbits and small game in my childhood, I never missed my mark. I was deadly with guns, a modern day marksman that no one fucked with. I remember the oddly grotesque and satisfying ‘squelch’ of flesh and organs, followed by a fresh spray of blood. The boss’s cohorts tried to retaliate, but my boys had already gunned them down. Furio aimed his gun toward the tank of the yacht. With one perfect target lock, the yacht went down in a fireball. It seemed everyone needed confessional after that. I said my peace to a priest I knew but beyond the actual bloodshed and carnage, I seem to have blocked the whole incident out of my mind.
Chapter 2—Saying Goodbye to Ade
Many don’t know that I had to put my mom in witness protection just to be safe long after dad died. Mom and I were always looking over our shoulders, even in Sicily. We lived in Palermo, for God’s sake. Furio took care of us, but Ade’s mind was failing her even at that stage. You probably recount the time I told you that my own mom came on to me. It was a case of reverse Oedipus if I ever witnessed it. She called me ‘Chrissy’ ! That was what she called pop. She grabbed my pecker and yanked, hard. She begged me to fuck her, which is something I would never do to my own mom. I felt like I was going to puke right then and there. It was at that point I had to put her in a convalescent home. Mama was the youngest there but years of partying had rotted her brain from the inside out. I wondered now, in these last days of her life, how much she remembered me, Velocita and Christopher Junior. Now I found myself pregnant with yet another daughter. We were going to call her Rosalinda Adelaide after mom. Rosalinda was simply a name that Veronica and I had agreed upon and it was very poetic to the lips. She would be called Rosa or Rose as a nickname. I hated to bring another child into the Family, but as with Velocita and CJ, my kids would know everything that was necessary to survive but part of me felt I was cursing my own children to perpetually exist as criminals.
Ade continually deteriorated. She was beginning to have conversations with people in the room who weren’t there. I was aware these were people she knew from the past but at least she wasn’t confusing me with pop. She had been holding on to something for years and had enough strength to present me with it at long last.
‘I thought maybe you could use Saint Michael the most to fight your battles. I’ve seen the darkness in those eyes of yours and figured Michael can slay those awful demons in your heart, Chrissy.’, Ade said, clasping the medallion between my hands with hers. It took every single ounce of strength for her to give me the necklace. Then, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she stopped breathing. Everything went rigid, and I knew she had gone on to the next world. I loved my mom, but she had never really been there for me growing up. I didn’t really have a strong female role model in my life, but I managed to be better than my pop when it came to treating women gently and with respect. I never hit a woman. The only time I nearly clocked mom was when she tried fucking me. She backed off when she realized I wasn’t pop, but it was something that would always haunt my nightmares for many years to come.
Chapter 3—Goodbye and Hello
Ade’s funeral was a quiet, intimate occasion. Only close Family had come to pay their respects. She had been so young when she died. To be honest, I didn’t shed many tears, but plenty of her hot-blooded lovers did. I felt it was so maudlin when they made a massive show of their love, weeping, wailing, spreading themselves on her casket. It made me somewhat sick, but I gave them their time and then the next mourner would come to say their farewells.
We had plenty of help adjusting. In a snap, Ade was forgotten and never mentioned except during holidays here and there. I didn’t really know ma, to be honest. My only real Family were my own kids and Furio. Furio was the only pop that I was familiar with, and honestly, that was all that mattered.
Chapter 4—Sailing Alone
Sometimes, a man must be on the water, close to nature and God to feel fully free. This is the sensation I only have when I am sailing the Regazza del Oro. I know my boat has a very pretentious and austere name, but damn it, I can call it whatever the fuck I like.
I feel no remorse for the people I have capped even though I know I’ll never be able to wash their blood off my hands. Like a good Catholic boy, I make contrition, say my Hail Marys and Our Fathers, but it will never be enough. The water resolves some of my guilt, but it will never cleanse me or transform me into a different man.
I think about little Rosalinda. Fairly soon, she will be coming into the realm of Omerta. Like my other 2 children, they will know everything and be able to defend themselves when the time comes. If they like, the can continue the Moltisanti legacy or live in obscurity. I have known no one in my inner circle who has ever escaped the Life. I take it for what it is and try to live honorably among my tribe.
Chapter 5—Welcoming Rosalinda
Just like with the birth of my other children, seeing that wet, mewling, vulnerable piece of flesh made me realize just how fragile life is. There she was, all pink and perfect. I would have to keep stupid mother fuckers at the door if they wanted their way with her. Like Velocita, she would be taught self defense. Cita knew all the basics and I was aware she’d marry and have her own little Moltisantis but for now, CJ Moltisanti the Second and his big sister would look over little Rosa as she grew. All I had to worry about was cleaning up scum from the pool known as life. None of us knew what tomorrow would bring. I could die at any moment, or my family could be assassinated but someone would always be there to tend to us in any event. I was comfortable with death and welcomed it. Call it a fatalistic view but I deserved punishment for the lives I had taken so unscrupulously. One day, I would be headed toward flames for what I had done, but thus was my lot. I accepted it, knowing that it was my fate.
To this day, I am still being called upon to mop up the filth and muck. I don’t enjoy my lot, but I do it with alacrity (and a sharpshooters eye). I am a killer. I make no bones about that. Its my job and I do so to keep a roof over the Moltisantis’ head and food on the table. Until the day I die, I will do this until I can’t do it any more.
From the annals of Christopher Molistanti Junior’s journal
AKA Glock
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