Xylem, Squelcher of Joy
Continuing where Screen Slaves left off. The Rangers and team
thought summer would be fun filled and fancy free but sadly, it isn’t
anymore. One by one, all the ideas, concepts and simple enjoyments
found at convenience stores, Cracker Barrels and so on start simply
disappearing with the snap of a slender finger. ‘Let’s see
them try to invent new things to do without their little toys,
or their gadgetry !’, the evil overlord muses sardonically,
nearly able to taste victory.
people like to watch the world burn.’--Joker, Batman, The Dark
to the dark side. We have cookies.’--Anonymous, Meme on the
Internet, message on various items such as T-shirts and mugs
Chapter 1—Awaken,
Villainous Sleeper
Xylem hovered over
the dark abyss of Lacrimal Galaxy, looking for more despair, discord,
malaise and depression to cause. It was his sole existence to sap
joy, entertainment and energy from technology to fuel his desire to
rule the Universe with an iron fist. Thus far, many Universes had
fallen prey to his gloomy pallor. Like the famed ‘Ghostly Rider’
of the Apocalypse, he had no fans
and everyone hated him. Truth being, he lived for
hatred and grew all the more powerful because of it.
had no other purpose in the Galaxy but to usurp everyone’s
enjoyment. It gave him amusement. It was the only thing that gave
him the purest exhilaration
or happiness. Pain gave him life.
his throne, only illuminated by the passing supernovae in the
Lacrimal Galaxy, he looked into another realm on Earth. There there
was a villain named Nergal and his wife, Eris. They hadn’t caused
any trouble for years, but he knew that
they would be extremely instrumental in bringing Earth down. It was
to be the jewel in his proverbial crown.
quickly, he appeared to Nergal in a mass of tentacles, darkness and a
disembodied voice. Nergal wasn’t the type to
be intimidated or scared but Xylem had him shaking in terror.
require your services. This puny planet of yours, why are people so
happy ?’, he began. Nergal started to tell him the tale of exactly
what made most humans so darned joyful all the time.
can help you eradicate many of those little playthings that keep them
occupied.’, Eris suggested.
I like her.’, Xylem
stated, resting a slimy tentacle on her shoulder. Nergal batted it
away with a tentacle of his own.
may find you terrifying but don’t lay another sucker on my wife or
I will blast a tentacle off !’, he threatened.
I like your moxy, kid. Something tells me this is the beginning of
a beautifully devastating friendship.’, he said, as the three of
them started to plot their eventual erasure of all happiness and
technology in the world.
2—Disappearances Worldwide
beginnings of technology
vanishing were so minuscule at first that no one really took credence
of them. It started with tiny elements going ‘missing’ but then
people started to become a bit panicky and twitchy once cell
phones went away. The world
was very connected to their devices, even the Rangers. It had
become Defcon 4, but luckily, Zordon, the voice of reason briefed
them on the source of the disappearance of technology.
is all Xylem's doing.'
'Who's that, Zordon ?', Helen asked.
'And how can we stop him ?', Chuck E. added.
'Who's that, Zordon ?', Helen asked.
'And how can we stop him ?', Chuck E. added.
comes from a dismal Quadrant known as the Lacrimal Galaxy. Granted,
yes, it is light
years from
here, but given his insurmountable dark power, he is able to travel
the Universe at speeds exceeding anything known in the physical
realm.’, Zordon replied, unusually calm. He knew that he was in a
precarious place, being an old soul ‘confined’ but not trapped by
technology but it seemed that Xylem was going after items that
brought joy, happiness, laughter and diversion into the owner’s
was a scream from one of the quarters. One of the Rangers' kids,
Kim and Tommy's daughter Katie, couldn’t believe what just
happened. Her beloved Heelies had just vanished, poof,
GONE ! Into thin air, as if they never existed.
Things only became worse from there. Another child, Zack
and Angela's son Zachary Taylor Jr. (or "ZJ" for ease of
recall) was playing with a Switch when it disappeared.
Yet another, Billy and Cestria's daughter Aquaria, was playing with a
jump rope and was shocked and appalled when the rope poofed out of
existence. One by one, basketballs, baseball bats,
shuttlecocks, ping pong sets, fooseball tables, arcade cabinets, air
hockey tables, skee-ball machines, darts, moon shoes, roller skates,
pogo sticks and even bicycles were all vanishing.
‘This is the lowest of the low ! How am I supposed to enjoy summer when I can’t even READ about octopi !’, one of the kids complained. He wanted to be a marine biologist someday and he was well on his way, but his whole collection had been stolen from him. Needless to say, he was a bit miffed.
‘Xylem needs to be stopped, now.’, Jason said, saying aloud what everyone else was thinking. Since the last battle, they had gotten enough sleep and were well prepared for anything that Xylem could toss their way, whatever it was.
Chapter 3—I Don’t Think You’re Miserable Enough
Xylem was one of those villains who liked to make a grand entrance. Unlike some villains who employed the use of a theme song or accompaniment Xylem needed no additional ‘mood enhancers’. He was forceful, dark, ominous, evil and dangerous. His toothy grin nearly engulfed his whole face, looking even creepier than Korotsusensei on Assassination Classroom.
‘Are we having fun yet ? Or better question yet, are we not having fun yet ?’, the bony spectre questioned. He revealed his ragged looking face and body, totally emaciated and ancient. This rogue had been existing off hatred for eons and now he had come here to refuel and regain the youth that had been his millennia ago.
‘This is the lowest of the low ! How am I supposed to enjoy summer when I can’t even READ about octopi !’, one of the kids complained. He wanted to be a marine biologist someday and he was well on his way, but his whole collection had been stolen from him. Needless to say, he was a bit miffed.
‘Xylem needs to be stopped, now.’, Jason said, saying aloud what everyone else was thinking. Since the last battle, they had gotten enough sleep and were well prepared for anything that Xylem could toss their way, whatever it was.
Chapter 3—I Don’t Think You’re Miserable Enough
Xylem was one of those villains who liked to make a grand entrance. Unlike some villains who employed the use of a theme song or accompaniment Xylem needed no additional ‘mood enhancers’. He was forceful, dark, ominous, evil and dangerous. His toothy grin nearly engulfed his whole face, looking even creepier than Korotsusensei on Assassination Classroom.
‘Are we having fun yet ? Or better question yet, are we not having fun yet ?’, the bony spectre questioned. He revealed his ragged looking face and body, totally emaciated and ancient. This rogue had been existing off hatred for eons and now he had come here to refuel and regain the youth that had been his millennia ago.
the Toy Story toys, including Forky, Knifey, Ducky and Bunny, Duke
Caboom and Giggle McDimples had been sucked into Xylem’s massive
toy bag.
us out of here !’, Forky yelled.
those toys actually living ?’, ZJ questioned.
believe they are. That’s really messin’ with my head though,
son.’, Zack said, still racking
his brain over ‘existence’ when it came to inanimate objects in
their everyday world. Of course, he was careful with everything he
owned. All of the Rangers were. There were people, or evil energy
overlords like Xylem who weren’t. It was obvious he was going to
drain all of these poor toys and devices of the creativity, love and
joy that had made them and revert them to their inanimate state.
feeling of hatred, misery, distaste, contempt...these all fuel
and make me stronger and younger. Keep it up !’, Xylem said.
We mustn’t give him
what he wants.’, Kat said.
have just the thing then.’, Somnibot said. She, Pepper, Paprika,
Yvonne and anyone else who had a stunning singing voice began to hum
at first.
isn’t Up With People. I’m not going to become suddenly swayed
because you sang some stupid song together. We’re not in a
Broadway play !’, Xylem spat. He continued to take items away but
the more he took, the closer the families and friends came together.
can take our things, but they are just that, THINGS !’, Kim stated.
Aisha agreed.
only nouns of importance are us !’, Aqua pointed out, astutely.
Billy couldn’t have been happier of how observant his young
daughter was.
4—Kindness Wins
was growing far
annoyed with the lack of fright, dread and outright fear these
Warriors possessed. They acted as if nothing was wrong and like
they didn’t really need
to be sane and happy. All they needed was each other and their
imaginations. The thought was enough to make him want to wretch.
He grew more and more weak. Enraged, he lashed out, beginning to
attack erratically. The others held their ground, not retaliating.
His hits were extremely light
and took little to no damage. The hero’s hum became a full song,
filling the arena.
! STOP SINGING ! I can’t handle it ! The purity of it burns my
heart...’, Zylem hollered. He was in immense pain. The
unconditional love he felt from the song was literally eating away at
him, heart and soul. Rays started to break
through his cloak and he yelled a
blood-curdling howl as he began to turn into soot and ash.
'It's working ! Keep singing!' , Snyde
trumpeted, overjoyed that he could warble on with the best of them
and not tire. Little by little the flames consumed him until there
was nothing left. The bag that had contained all of the technology
and toys the kids had owned returned to their original owners, but
then something unbelievable occurred.
5—This Is Weird, But I Like It !
that maniac gone
now ?’, Woody questioned, enjoying his new found freedom.
that toy just speak ?”, Delta questioned.
aren’t supposed to be moving when humans are alert...’, Paprika
Rubens said, remembering the basic plot devices of Toy Story 1-4.
The 4th
broke the ‘theory’ but she wondered why they were able to walk,
talk and have sentience. It didn’t much matter, but it seemed
that the toys were on their side now.
is weird, but I like it !’, ZJ said, checking out Buzz and noticing
his reaction to the pre-adolescent boy.
this mean that you are going to be helping us ?’, Aqua asked.
could always use the allies.’, Ravena, Synde’s daughter added.
can always lend a hand when needed. We’re just sorry we couldn’t
be more useful.’, Bo lamented.
we were in the hands of a psychopath !’, Mrs. Potato-Head recalled.
She hugged her husband Potato-Head close and the lot of them
started to walk away, but not until Tommy gave them a communicator
to reach them.
in numbers, like Paprika said.’, Tommy stated, astutely. The
toys gave their farewell and vanished into another realm entirely.
It had been a portal that was inadvertently opened and spat them out
in Angel Grove. The Rangers had an odd feeling they’d be seeing
their friends once more, but for the time being, they had gone back
to their own Universe.
encounters the group had experienced had been nothing short of
unusual. It was hard to put a pin or describe anything that had
happened since
it was almost cartoonish and surreal. The friends and bots knew
what had transpired.
have no idea what any of this means, honestly. We have to go with
the flow.’, Adam said, optimistically.
right. I remember when we first became friends with the bots, we
were dubious !’, Aisha recalled. It took time to make certain the
AI could be trusted, but they turned out to be more than mighty to
the Rangers. The family only multiplied and became ever more
powerful. With the fight having come to an end, everyone yawned,
stretched and hit the hay for the evening.
Be Continued…
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