Characters from Fandom Queen

Characters of Fandom Queen

Fiona D’Fan
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio with Aquarius Ascendant
Loves: Most things nerdy, geeky and dweeby
Hates: Dischord, violence, unnessary bloodshed
Physical appearance: Lanky, svelte, poised but curvy, short light blue hair and dark blue eyes, enjoys wearing her crown at a jaunty angle. Doesn’t like to be taken seriously.
Meyers Briggs Personality Type: ENTJ, aka ‘The Commander’. Women who are in this role are very rare, but much like Tony Soprano. In other words, don’t mess with them. She is, however, very jovial and a big kid at heart.
Secret Talent: Can armpit fart the Fanatica National Anthem
Favorite color: Purple

Feldspar D’Fan
Age: 17
Zodiac Sign: Taurus with Gemini Ascendant
Loves: Building mechs, enchanted objects, swords, D&D (especially with Fiona)
Hates: Rudeness, Ignorance (depends on
Physical apperance: Like his wife, he is youthful, tall and muscular. Also wears crown askew. Like Fiona, he loves levity. He has wispy orange hair and soft yellow eyes
Meyers Briggs Personality Type: INTJ, also known as ‘The Architect’
Secret Talent: Yodeling
Favorite Color: Orange

Feldspar’s Parents
Fierbert D’Fan
Age: 35
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius with Pisces Ascendant
Loves: Engineering, building, numbers, music
Hates: Chaos, disorder, and being too serious
Meyers Briggs Personality Type: ENFP, also known as ‘The Campaigner’
Physical appearance: Long, blonde flowing beard. Grey-blue eyes. Rather Viking-esque in appearance. Although he does wield an axe, he never uses it. This is more of a conversation piece and ice breaker as well as opportunity for his fans to take selfies with him.
Secret Talent: Can speak fluent magical languages
Favorite color: Yellow

Florence D’Fan
Age: 36
Zodiac Sign: Gemini with Cancer Ascending
Loves: Magical badmitton, any kind of sport or video game, gardening
Hates: Ennui from monotony
Meyers Briggs Personality Type: INSJ, also known as ‘The Defender’
Physical appearance: A true ginger, rather willowy in appearance. Regal, delicate but powerful even though her voice is similar to that of a siren
Secret talent: Like a mermaid or nyrad, she can hold her breath for near innordinate amounts of time

Fiona’s Parents
Dias Crownworthy
Age: 45
Zodiac Sign: Leo with Virgo Ascendant
Loves: Music, Entertaining, Cooking, Hospitality and Etiquitte
Hates: Rudeness, Impropriety, Hatred, Prejudice
Meyers Briggs Personality Type: ESFP, aka ‘The Entertainer’ (and we’re not talking about the Scott Joplin song, but Dias is known for playing that on his flute from time to time, and it was one he downloaded from the Interwebs concerning Earth culture and ‘ragtime’ music’)
Secret talent: Can get even the grumpiest person to dance and apparently he can release and unclog chakra imbalances this way

Donella Crownworthy
Age: 44
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius with Capricorn Ascendant
Loves: Art, creating stunning paintings using bubble wrap or 3D printing. Makes stunning sculptures, sells homemade soaps in the shape of the flowers of Fanatica. Her Starry shop makes her more money than she knows what to do with.
Hates: Lack of color or joy, seeing anyone hurt, staying in one place too long. She is a star gypsy.
Meyers Briggs Personality Type: ISFP, aka ‘The Adventurer’.
Secret Talent: Like her husband, she can cleanse chakras, but with healing hands. She is known for herbal remedies, particular that of unique and delightful teas.


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