Fandom Queen
Synopsis: Coming from the planet Fanatica, Queen Fiona and King
Feldspar rule in search of all things dweeby, geeky, obscure,
couture, and downright nerdy.
‘I’d like to
have a mango.’--Victoria to Abdul
‘Your Majesty,
they are from India.’, Abdul to Victoria
‘Well, since I
am Empress of India, I shall have one sent.’--Victoria, ‘Victoria
and Abdul’
1—Tis Good to Be Queen
Fanatica was a jewel of a planet in the Q77 sector of Axul Galaxy.
They were highly advanced, knew magic and all sorts of knowledge from
other planets. They lived nearly forever and had no trace of
diseases. Amongst them coexisted such unusual creatures as the
selkie, dragons, unicorns, alicorns, pegasi and the like. Technolgy
and magic often co-mingled to create unusual hybrids like the
sharkadon, which was basically a wooly shark with tusks. It was a
gentle giant comingling with pilot and angel fish, and nothing to be
feared. Even the predators were polite on Fanatica, which says
quite a bit about their etiquitte.
D’Fan and her husband Feldspar ruled Fanatica and had ever since
their marriage and coronation. Fiona had been handfasted to
Feldspar, but this was royal rote. She knew Feldspar since her
youth and the two were well matched. They had begun their lives
playing video games they had hacked from the Interwebs from an
obscure mote called Earth. Their superior technology could download
and number of things, even from alternate timelines and universes.
adored everything about Earth but had only traveled to the adjoining
planets in the Axul Galaxy. The Milky Way was quite a distance from
her home planet but she wanted to attend a convention for the first
time with Feldspar. He was all too eager and exciteable, very much
like their alicorn, Precious.
2—Descent to Earth
the alicorn was left in the care of her loving handmaid and
maidservant Bianca, who had cared for the creature since she was a
foal. Precious was incredibly smart and she also tended to be
mischevious, so she had to be watched like a proverbial hawk that had
a chokehold on a field mouse.
and Feldspar took their Zinger out from the dock hanger. It had
been using Solarium to charge, which was an indigenous crystal that
integrated seemlessly and sans emissions into all their tech.
Quickly Feldspar set a course and switched the controls to
about to make the jump into Milky Way space.’, he announced.
Fiona had been training in the Interstellar Academy along with
Feldspar to prepare but nothing could have braced her for the beauty
of travelling at light speed. Everything moved so quickly that
keeping up was useless.
here. Only a few clicks away from Earth. We should be there in a
matter of minutes.’, Feldspar stated, avidly. The blue, round
planet welcomed them. It seemed so quiet, so still from such a
distance, but upon closer observation it was a hustling, bustling
world full of opportunities.
3—Gadzooks ! A Ren-Fair ! Huzzah !
and everything was different. Magical creatures didn’t really
seem to exist here. If they did, however, they were probably
camofladged so they could live their lives without interfering with
humans. Fiona and Feldspar got the impression that magic had
existed but something happened to break the symbiosis the magical
elements had shared with their human counterparts.
was alive and well, it was just extremely well hidden.
and Fiona, though dressed regally, immediately fit in.
Coincidentally, there was a Renaissance fair (or Ren-Fair in nerd
speak) happening not too far to where they had left their Zinger
this ticks off another task on our bucket list !’, she nearly
crowed. She wondered if she had mastered the English language as of
yet, since it seemed to be the most commonly spoken form of
communication on Earth.
can’t wait ! I’ve read so much about these things ! It’s so
curious. Moving toward their future, yet always trying to learn
from the past. These Terrans are fascinating.’, Feldspar
complimented. Some humans were kind and curteous while others were
rude. Neither of them let impropriety or profanity get to them.
spent a day hobnobbing among humans, learning about archery, eating
fried chicken and basically doing human things until they needed to
recouperate in their chambers. Returning to the Zinger, they
recharged for the night.
4—Cosplayers Welcome
next week, Fiona and Feldspar spent time getting to know the ins,
outs, ups and downs of the somewhat addlepating planet. However,
they were able to find a convention in town during the weekend
despite some of their frustrations. Wearing their typical garb,
they were welcomed but everyone believed they were characters from a
TV, cartoon, book or anime series.
we are from another planet.’, Fiona admitted.
might want to be careful whom you say that to. Some people here are
liable to have you locked away in an asylum. But, you know, you’d
always be welcome at Alien Con. It’s going to happen tomorrow if
you’re interested. I’m one hundred percent positive there are
some UFOlogists who would go bonkers if they knew honest to
goodness aliens were attending Alien Con !’, a young cosplayer
dressed as Lucy from Fairy Tail.
husband and wife gave each other a knowing look. Even though they
wanted to return to Fanatica, it was obvious that they would be
lingering one more day to speak to none other than Erik VonDanican
and Giorgio Tsukalos.
convention was the most fascinating gathering of humanity the two had
ever witnessed. It was one place that held no judgement. They saw
people wearing Pride flags as well as pansexual and transexual flags
in honor of LGBTQ week. The two thought this was absolutely
beautiful. Totally in line with their beliefs and non-predjudical
they had lived on Earth for a while, they had been able to figure out
a method of converting their money, also known as Fannas into
‘dollars’. Fannas were worth more than dollars, so the couple
was more than comfortably well off. No one questioned them about
their money or where it had come from. They simply saw the two
lovebirds as hard working people who wanted to do business quickly,
promptly and easily even if some haggling was involved.
the con began to close down for its last night and the couple had to
will come back, won’t you ? You two have been absolutely
fascinating to chat with.’, one of the vendors said, who was an
ascriber to M-theory amongst many other heady postulations in the
community of quantum physics.
Fiona said, shaking the vendor’s hand. She had bought a
VanGogh-esque painting of the Tardis which would illuminate under
black light. Like her beloved, she found it hilarious that
‘black-light’ was an adjective, a noun and totally oxymoronic.
5—Meeting Erik and Giorgio
next day the two youthful souls went to Alien Con, not really knowing
what to expect. The convention hall was packed to the gills with
attendants, particularly those wanting to speak to Erik and Giorgio.
Although there were tons of interesting things to see and do, Fiona
and Feldspar wished to have a chat with Erik. They didn’t have
to wait in line long, it seemed. More people were in attendance for
Mr. Wild Hair himself.
was so taken and charmed by the alien couple.
should be the one asking you questions ! This is a very queer
role reversal for me !’, he said, laughing. The two were more
than pleased to field any questions about Fanatica and what wisdom
they had to impart to the planet.
don’t let anyone find your writings. From what I heard some
people will bind you in a straightjacket and have you locked up for a
very long time.’, Feldspar said, with a hint of sorrow in his
be careful. We really admire your work. Keep writing the truth
because as the adage goes, ‘Truth will out.’, Fiona concurred.
Erik wanted to continue their conversation but the two had
respectfully declined chatting further.
long last, the lovebirds had come to meet Giorgio. The line was
unbearably long but it had been well worth it to meet Giorgio.
Giorgio was frankly surprised that royalty had come to speak to him,
especially since they were from a distant planet.
knew I was right. I wish I could introduce you to Gregg
Braden. He’s around here somewhere...’, Giorgio began. Fiona
and Feldspar had already met Mr. Braden and his wife and had quickly
befriended them.
they’re taking us out to dinner later before we leave. We figured
we have one more meal before we hit the proverbial road.’, Fiona
said, smiling. Giorgio was flabberghasted. He didn’t know what
to say, let alone what to ask. At last, as though struck by
lightning, inspiration hit. The two of them were asking questions
until the convention released and Gregg usurped them from Giorgio’s
come back. I have so much to ask you.’, he said after hugging
course. We’re big fans of yours. We’re honored to have your
friendship.’, Feldspar stated, almost reverently. In Fanatica,
friendship was sacred and being a friend was one’s highest calling.
As they returned to their Zinger, they went through their handheld
picture books and downloaded their zillions of photos into the cloud.
Having idetic memories made owning cameras sort of a moot point but
since they wanted to fit in among humans, they imitated what humans
did when they were on Earth.
After the convention, Fiona engaged the quantum drive to jump back
to Earth. She and Feldspar shed a few bittersweet tears. It
wasn’t really ‘goodbye’ to their favorite new vacation spot.
It was simply an ‘aloha’ to return someday, which they planned to
do so, repeatedly.
To this day it is said that if you go to a convention and you see a
lady in a dress wearing a purple cowl with a light-blue bob being
followed by a regal man in orange, it’s the Fanatics out and about
for another romp in convention heaven.
The End
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