Pop Con 2019

Pop Con was absolutely INCREDIBLE !   There were more My Hero Academia cosplays than I should shake a proverbial sabre, wand, sword, keyblade (insert weapon/item here) at !   The kid who played Billy Batsen was there.   The voice of Tzu graced us with her presence.  She also voiced MiraJay (one of my friend's favorite characters) on Fairy Tail.   I honestly love Lucy and Levee the most, but MiraJay's pretty awesome too, I'd have to say.    I noticed she plays a lot of white-haired anime girls.  Coincidence ?  I think not.   I even saw a DOCTOR FLUG cosplay and almost lost my freaking mind because I am a HUGE Villanos fan.  If you know me well, you are aware that I love Demencia as well as Quico from Chavo del Ocho.   Yes, I'm a fan.  I'm not Latina but swear to God I relate so well to Quico around stupidity (shut up shut up shut up you're driving me CRAAAAZY !).  I plan on cosplaying as them both as well as Panchito Pistoles (genderbent of course).   I did fan parodies for My Hero Academia, one which I just posted today.   The highlight of my day at con was meeting Nostalgia Critic.   I was shaking so much when I got a selfie with him.  He was SUPER nice and didn't even mind me plugging my channel.  Like him, I also do reviews of older films and I am a uber hipster exactly in the same ilk as he.    Needless to say, it was astronomical.  I got myself some keychains, bookmarks, a triceratops greeting card (triceratops is my favorite dinosaur) and some memorable movie moments drawn by a professional artist.    They were all colored with Prismacolors and I have to admit this illustrator has immense talent !   His work was unbelievable.   Best Con ever.  Oh, and Phil Lamarr as well as Richard Horvitz were there so it was almost a deja vu of the last con I had been to.   Still, one of the best cons I have attended but small scale versus Gen Con, which won't be long away.  I plan to blog about that one in the future, so stay tuned !


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