Symphony Maker
Synopsis: A conductor, Herr Bruce Reinhold usually has no time for women until one of the bassoonists, Clara Rosetti reveals she has had a crush on him for years. It’s a May-September romance but she takes him out on a date.
“How loud a heart could beat. Until it could take your breath away.”--Reckless, Cornelia Funke
‘I’ve been running through the jungles
I’ve been crying with the wolves to get to you.’--Wolves, Demi Lovato with Marshmallow
‘I, Rahul Savant, promise to love you just short of the point of madness.’--Rahul to Kimi, A Distant Heart, Sonali Dev
Chapter 1--Practicing
Clara Rossetti was a premier bassoonist. So good that all symphonies wanted her to perform for them. She was also multi-talented but the bassoon was her main instrument of choice. She had gotten the opportunity to play with Herr Bruce Reinhold, a world-renowned conductor and composer. She had always kept a crush of him near and dear to her heart. The only other person that was aware of this secret was her own parents, whom she saw from time to time when performing or expressing her talent to students from K-12 and beyond was her best friend, Brianna. Brianna played the flute so she too was in the woodwind section, not far from where Clara sat. The two of them led an active social life outside of the orchestra and dabbled in the jazz scene from time to time. They loved the nightlife but didn’t do anything crazy or dangerous.
‘That last song was tremendous ! Your voice is so clear and soulful. I didn’t know you could hit so many notes so well !’, Briana commented. She had been singing her heart out, sensing that love was close in her life.
‘Was that last number for Bruce ?’, she asked, knowingly. Clara’s face fluoresce and she lowered her gaze.
‘I haven’t told him how I feel but every time I meet his gaze I think he knows how I feel instinctively.’, she said, slightly naively.
‘You can’t just assume that, darling. Take the leap. Who’s to say your intuition is wrong ?’, Briana suggested, poking her friend in the ribcage. Clara had always been the introverted type.
‘Just ask. Nothing will happen unless you do something. Besides, someone else might move into your territory.’, Brianna encouraged her best friend, clapping a tender, soft hand on Clara’s shoulder. Clara smiled. Perhaps it was because she and Clara had just sung a power ballad together that she had felt so empowered but a new, crackling energy had rushed through her veins like a blast of refreshing wind.
‘You’re right. Always so wise, Bri. I’ve got to try.’, she agreed. With that, the two left for their homes, bobbing
Chapter 2--Making Love Without Taking Off Their Clothes
It was a gala night, the opening event for ‘symphony season’ as it was affectionately called. Bri and Clara had been practicing non stop under Bruce’s OCD directing but the end result would be well worth it. Clara took her spot close to near tactile distance between herself and the Maestro, looking dapper, austere, elegant and debonaire as always. His silver hair glistened in the spotlight and his eyes sparkled merrily. He always had the energy of a child when he directed and his passion showed in every piece. It felt like sex, something that Clara had absolutely no real knowledge of, since she never been with a man physically. She could feel the arousal through music, her flesh getting goose pimples. She locked her gaze upon Bruce and felt herself orgasm with the notes flowing from her bassoon. Had it been anywhere but the symphony hall, she would’ve cried out and spoken in tongues not caring that people were watching her experience such intense remarkable bliss.
The songs continued to pour from her lips. Even the way that she wetted the reed on her bassoon was incredibly sensual. She held the instrument to her mouth, looking soulfully into Bruce’s eyes and she swore she could see his face turn deep red. She knew he was having an erection at the moment he coaxed her final note from her. The vibration she sensed was unlike anything she had ever experienced before.
‘If this is what sex is, I must experience it immediately.’, she thought, her arousal through the roof. Bruce never once stopped caressing her with his eyes and flirtatious microexpressions. Even though the standing ovation was deafening, the whooshing of blood in her head was enough to silence a thousand crowds.
Chapter 3--Somewhere More Private
After the concert, Bruce caught Clara by the arm.
‘That was remarkable playing, Clara.’, he said, congratulating her. His touch sent shivers up and down her body and made her knees go slightly weak. She noticed that his fingertips were soft to her skin and she nearly moaned at the contact. They started conversing about their day-to-day lives, discovering they had quite a bit in common.
Bruce was rather light on his feet for someone who was older than Clara. Of course, there was an age difference but it didn’t matter. The two of them walked and talked along the sidewalk, the streetlamps igniting as the sun set for the day. Since it was getting darker, Bruce became bolder.
‘I’ve known this for a while now but I realized it in this very moment. Time is fleeting, we should make the most of these seconds…’, he said as he neared her and touched her hair and face so affectionately. Each caress, each massage sent her into uncontrollable spasms of glee. He was so tender and soft to her that she knew he was only concerned about pleasing her and making her feel comfortable.
He used his trenchcoat as a blanket for the two of them to lay upon. Hungrily, they began to take off each other’s clothes. The flurry of garments thrown by the side, the rumble in their throats, the cries of hot desire, all coming to the point of them nearly erupting and alerting the local authorities if they happened to pass by.
“Have you ever done this before ?”, he asked curiously, admiring her naked frame and touching her leg longingly.
‘No. This is my first time.’, she confessed, her cheeks turning slightly rouge. His penis had awoken, completely erect and hard. He hadn’t seen the beauty of a woman in such a long time but Clara was certainly a sight to behold. He nibbled on her neck gently, whispering her name, like music to hear ears. She was fairly certain that he also had an instrument, the piano. Piano could accompany anything but she felt like she was under some kind of spell.
Chapter 4--Lovemaking Under the Stars
He began by kissing her whole body from stem to stern, leaving no area untouched. He kissed her inner thigh. She quaked with glee and giggled.
‘Oh, you like that, do you ?’, he said, teasing her. He did it more and more, moving up an inch every time until he reached the nub of her clitorus, sucking, kissing and tonguing her, making her beg for him.
‘Bruce….Ohhhh, rapture.’, she nearly swooned. She felt herself climaxing and shuddering, orgasming out of control. She had never felt anything so unbelievable and spectacular in her entire life. He could feel himself throbbing with eagerness and knew how wet she was. Slowly, delicately, he slipped so easily inside her. She instinctively wrapped herself around him, hiding her face in his chest, looking at him. Her heartbeat began to race as he thrust his pelvis, sinking into her. Every time he worked his agile hips, his manhood thwacked against her G-spot, sending shudder after unbelievable shudder of ecstasy through her. She clasped his back, raking her fingers down it in a capricious and loving way, calling out his name. The sweetness of the moment only multiplied as his speed increased.
‘J'adore, mi petite.’, she said, softly into his ear as she brought it into her mouth, nibbling and licking it. She played with it as if it were a delicacy and it drove him nuts, particularly since she knew exactly where the pressure point of his earlobe was located.
Clara gripped the headrest of the bed, easily colliding her hips into Bruce’s. His expression suggested he was edging to climax. She had already come so many times and wanted him to be happy.
‘Oh...I am so, so very close, darling.’, he crooned. His pleasure was unrivaled to anything she had ever felt. She wanted nothing more than to be screwed into insanity by this man. She felt herself melding into him the more she moved. Her moans and his intermingling. Suddenly, she felt him explode, lava erupting from his proverbial volcano. He kissed her without end and held her close.
‘Now that is real music.’, he said, catching his breath. They spent time together, completely speechless, simply watching the clouds pass in front of the moon. She turned to him, smiling, nuzzling his neck.
‘Let’s do it again.’, she chuckled. Bruce laughed. He had never felt so much vitality in his life. The adrenaline in his veins moved rapidly to his wiener to cause it to salute its right to life and existence.
‘I didn’t think I would be ready so quickly.’, Bruce stated, utterly astonished. As far as arousal was concerned, age was only a number. He had plenty hormones and chemicals running through him naturally that he didn’t have to worry about satisfying his gorgeous girlfriend at all. He could keep up with her, especially with his stamina.
Chapter 5--Nearly Getting Arrested
He caught her on all fours and mounted her, caressing her breasts and cupping them very gently in his hands. Tweaking her nipples he licked her ear.
‘You drive me crazy, Clara. I just can’t help myself. Like the song says !’, Bruce said, running his hands all over her. She cried out and moaned in the deepest form of pleasure imaginable. Ever so gingerly, he inserted himself inside her and held her waist, his hips moving like a Latin dancer. Each little pulse made her feel so utterly delirious, she thought she was going to lose her mind. Both of them were crying out in other languages now and howled madly at the moon as they finally climaxed in unison. They heard a rustling in the brush.
‘Oh, crikey.’, Bruce said, grabbing his trenchcoat and hurrying her to his car. The two drove away before the break of dawn, totally starkers. The cop that had heard them copulating had lost their trail and they had made it back to a hotel with their clothing in toe, ready to make love again.
‘That chase was enough to get the blood flowing through me, and it makes me want to take you and bend you over my knee…’, Bruce began, tantalizing her with his touch and his seductive words. If his eyes weren’t enough to entice her, his fingertips were. He knew how to flex, bend and wriggle them enough to make her climax, and her expression, as well as her coming, were his rewards. He adored hearing her moan and shiver as they climaxed together and plotzed into bed, catching their breath.
‘Can you see yourself this way the rest of your life ?’, Bruce asked, almost as if he were intoxicated. Clara, facing him, hid her gaze for a moment, but he lifted it to meet his. They locked eyes and nothing was said but the intent was crystal clear. No obstacle would keep the two of them apart, not now. Not ever.
Neither one of the lovers worried about the age difference they had. In a year’s time they married and had a child of their own, a little girl named Miracle. She had no defects whatsoever and soon welcomed her brother Gabriel into the world 3 years after she was born. The children didn’t slow down the two copulating like wild hares. They’d have quickies before concerts for ‘good luck’ backstage with no one looking or out under the stars in Bruce’s Cadillac. There were moments on the beach that they’d get lost in each other, so much so that they’d almost forget they had Miracle and Gabriel. They knew that they were a family now, however and those two little blessings kept them tied tightly. They would grow and know the love of a mother, father, their friendship and the capriciousness that kept life spicy and interesting. Their music, too, would be their constant bond, for so long as any of them could breathe, music poured out of them like their merry laughter.
The End
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