Power Rangers: Infinity War

Synopsis: Two months after Conky's birthday party, Hypnodyne and Low Key return to Earth to collect the Dreamwarp Stones for a gauntlet that will allow them to bend reality to their will. The Rangers must pool all of their power to stop them before his onslaught of destruction puts an end to the multiverse.

Chapter 1--Fragmentary Evil

Shrunken to the non-malicious form of an axolotl, Hypnodyne swam around in a dark pool lamenting the fact that his hat no longer existed.   He heard a sinister snicker right next to him. It was an orb of incomprensible evil, fathomless and infinite. It had taken what power it had and fashioned fragments of the hat it had found from across the Negaverse to reform his source of power.  Bit by bit, piece by piece he was good as new. He helped his friend restore himself to his former glory.
‘How is that, Low Key ?’, the new, improved Hypnodyne said, stretching his arms and popping his back into alignment.   
‘Ah, yes, this is SO much better.  I must say, the sequined cape is definitely fetch !’, Low Key said in his new magician’s robe, boots and cowl.    Hypnodyne didn’t look half bad either. He was dapper in sequins himself. Though they looked like a Vegas dinner theatre act but they weren’t in the business of entertaining.   Both of them were ready, willing and able to cause chaos, disorder and mayhem on earth. All they needed to do was escape the Negaverse and start their search for the 9 Dreamwarp Stones.    

Chapter 2--The Dreamwarp Stones

Meanwhile, the Rangers, Conky, Herman and the others were also wanting to locate more information on the Dreamwarp Stones.
'If Hypnodyne and Low Key acquire the Stones, it could mean the very death of the Multiverse.', Conky said gravely.   They all knew the implications. Dreams would always be nightmares, people would be either stuck in astral catalepsy or worse, confined to their deepest, darkest fears forever.   The negative energy that would come from that would keep sinister forces ostracizing normal human beings for eons to come.
‘We have to follow the clues.  I know exactly where to look !’, Pepper said, pointing out energy trails of each stone.  They were scattered all around the planet.
‘No time to waste.’, Jason said.   They all got their nose to the grindstone and split up, each having a small search team to look for the specific energy signature of the stone.   The stones each had a harmonic vibrancy that they responded to. Being musical themselves, the Rangers would easily find the stones, or so they hoped.    

Chapter 3--The First of Many

Hypnodyne was singing a very jazzy version of Fever.   There was a glow underwater not far from where he and Low Key had broken out of their embryonic stage in the Negaverse.   
‘That place was egg-crutiangly annoying.’, Low Key chortled.
‘Good one.  So incredible with your puns.  Gotta love that rapier wit.’, Hypnodyne said.   The siren and the trickster were exceptional pals from the time they had helped each other and only continued to grow closer as cohorts in evil.  
The topaz glowed deeply underwater in the Bahamas.   The water was so clear they could see to the fathoms below.   Swiping his hand, Hypnodyne transformed into a stunning swimsuit and fetched the glistening trinket.  
‘Gods, that was easy.  I didn’t even have to break a sweat.’, he said.  
‘The next one, I fear is in a volcano in Kauai, but nothing guys like us can’t handle.’, Low Key smirked, his smart aleck, devilish grin getting a laugh out of Hypnodyne.   They certainly were making unheard of time in their quest. If they were fortunate, and they prayed they were, they would be the first to gather the other 8 stones and bring the mortal population of Earth to its knees.   First Earth and then the entire Universe along with all the multiverses within it, toppling, crumbling and submitting to the iron grasp of these despicable rascals.   

Chapter 4--Kauai, Hawaii

The hematite was buried in the rock on the side of the volcano.   The heat was nearly unbearable, especially for Hypnodyne.
‘Man, this place is too hot to handle.   Low Key, could you do the honors ?’, he asked, bowing out for a bit.  Low Key didn’t mind. In fact he understood a siren tended to overheat in such conditions.    Snapping his finger, he materialized scuba gear and went deep volcano diving for the hematite.   It would take him a while to chisel it out of the walls of the volcano but the dog was proving to be more of a challenge than necessary but with a bit of finegeling, the hematite popped out of the volcano and into Low Key’s hands.    Blowing on the newly formed stone it cooled down and its sheen dazzled Low Key’s eyes momentarily.
‘2 obtained, 7 more to go.’, Hypnodyne said.    
‘The next is in Siberia.’, Low Key stated.  
‘Aw, come on.   Seriously ? We were just starting to enjoy the mood here in Kauai !  It’s going to be colder than a yeti’s drawers in Siberia !’, Low Key kvetch.
‘Yeah, yeah.  No one said this was going to be all buttercups and ice cream.’, Hypnodyne griped.    
‘We’d best make the most out of the trip then.’, Low Key said as he and his scaly friend walked along the beach, gawking at the scantily clad women that passed them by, some of them giving them flirtatious glances.  

Chapter 5--Interception

"Oh no ! They're headed towards Siberia !', Herman exclaimed in a panic. He didn't need Globey to tell him where that was, because Magic Screen gave him a visual on her screen.   
‘Better bundle up, partners.’, NAO said, imitating John Wayne.
‘Why of all places, did it have to be SIBERIA !’, Morpheus whined.  
‘Don’t worry, we’ll be alright.   Billy prepped us all with equipment to handle the gelid temperatures.’, Somnibot reassured her husband.    Zordon didn’t have to brief them on their target or what they were looking for in the deep snow. It was an aquamarine, which made no sense but not every one of the dreamstones had to be logical after all.  

The Power Rangers arrived before their enemies could.  
‘Should’ve known these brats would show up and ruin our little treasure quest.’, Low Key snarled.  
‘Oh yes, they always are the poop at our parties.’, Hypnodyne sneered as he gave them an imposing stare to frighten them.   They knew better not to look into his intimidating eyes directly or they would be fighting amongst themselves like they did the first time they were in combat against him.    Low Key sang Age of Aquarius to bring the aquamarine out of its hiding place, and it hovered above a gauntlet that he and Hypnodyne had found and restored using necromancy.  Before this Dream Gauntlet had been pure and undefiled but now it was corrupted.
‘Oooh boy, that can’t be good.’, Adam shivered.
‘No duh.’, Zack chimed in, feeling the tense atmosphere crackling amongst them.   The tendrils of fear begging for entry to eat away their inhibitions but these interlopers were denied entry.   

‘3 out of 9 simply will not do.   It’s time we gave these intercepting brats a little lesson in etiquette.’, Hypnodyne said, starting to use his stare to upset the focus of the group but there was no stopping them.   Sadly, Low Key and Hypnodyne got away, clearly in the lead.
‘See you losers later, it was fun while it lasted !’, they laughed in unison.  
‘They’ve got 6 more stones to go, too.’, Gizmo frowned.   
‘Honey, don’t fret.   I realized that these fellows are a bit too much for us together, especially with the power the Gauntlet is generating now.’, SICO said, lifting little Gizmo’s head up and pinching his cheek endearingly.    The Rangers knew that this upcoming war was one that they couldn’t face alone, even though they had numbers in their favor. So, without wasting time, they followed the trail of their adversaries straight to China where the jade stone was waiting to be locked into the gauntlet.   

Chapter 6--Like Something out of Kung Fu: The Legend Continues

Of course the jade was lying buried underneath The Forbidden City but it was the replica version rather than the authentic one.   Even gems knew how to be polite when they buried themselves from captors.
Low Key was hot on the trail.  
‘There, in the temple with the prayer wheels !  It’s IN on of the wheels, we just have to find which one.’, he squealed.    Hypnodyne sang a song by ImmaSammi, causing the gem to glow. He broke the wheel and snatched the jewel, preparing to fasten it to the Gauntlet.    There was a rapid flick and crack of the whip. It was none other than Wonder Woman, grabbing the Gauntlet from him. Not only they had come but the Avengers assembled to assist.
‘Hey, we can’t have you hogging all the fun, now can we ?’, Ms. Marvel said.  Captain Marvel grinned.
‘I can see what all the fuss was about.  We know all about you. Iron Man’s tech butler JARVIS informed us.   You’re no joke.’, she said, wryly.
‘The only joke around here is you lot.’, Hypnodyne said, angrily, using a thought wave to push them back.    He didn’t even have to try very hard. That was how forceful his PK was.
‘This is going to be interesting.’, Low Key said, seeing his heroic incarnation.
‘You call this a doppelganger ?  I’m insulted. Brother, let’s make mincemeat out of this charlatan.’, Loki said.    Without Mjolnir, Thor used another godly power to strike the brothers down and retrieve the Gauntlet.   

From the ashes of the lightning strikes, Low Key and Hypnodyne re-emerged.    
‘We’ll be taking that back, if you don’t mind.’, Hypnodyne said, shaking off the dust from the singing lightning he had endured.    Low Key was nonplussed and definitely unamused.
'They've acquired most of the Stones ! We're running out of time ! Reality is doomed !', Alpha bemoaned.  Delta looked at him straight in the visor and said, a little sternly,
‘This isn’t over.   Look at who we have helping us !’, Delta said, taking him aside.   This wasn’t the time to bemoan the fact that they were getting their tucheses handed to them on a silver platter.    They had gotten knocked down but the battle was far from over.
‘Bring it.’, Low Key beckoned cockily.  Hypnodyne cracked his neck, smugly smirking, pompously.   
‘Let the fun commence.’, he agreed, waiting for the battle to begin.   

Chapter 7--The Gauntlet’s Gift

 The other stones were going to be easy pickings since Doctor Strange, Doctor Fate, Zatanna and other magicians were using their abilities to levitate the stones to themselves.   There was zero heavy lifting involved and once the stones had come to them, they magnetically drew themselves into the Gauntlet. The Gauntlet seemed to have a character all its own and wished to be worn.   
‘I realize we worked as a team before, Hypno, but, I worked hard for this moment.   Nice knowing ya.’, Low Key said, grasping it before Hypnodyne could. Hypnodyne whimpered as Low Key used a blast to wipe him out of existence.  
‘TRAITOR !’, were the last words to come out of Hypnodyne mouth.
‘Now...Back to business.’, Low Key said, truly full of malicious energy.   
Low Key raised his hand and cast down his enemies, laughing.   They were nothing more but toys to him.
‘The Gauntlet belongs to me and me only.’, Low Key said, maliciously, wolfishly grinning.    Zordon had been watching from afar for long enough. Even the battalion against Low Key was fierce, Zordon knew it would take an ancient wizard to give him the walloping he deserved.   

Chapter 8--The Ultimate Battle of Ultimate Destiny   

The Rangers’ vitality was starting to wear thin.   The Avengers and the League were starting to become rather enervated, even though all of them kept fighting back until they couldn’t fight any longer.
‘Your team is a JOKE, Zordon.   I won’t stop until I have the Gauntlet back in my hands.   You can simply just hand it over and concede defeat. Just face it.  Entropy is a natural part of life.’, Low Key sinisterly grinned, thinking victory was surely his.    The Gauntlet, however, chose to help Zordon. Immediately, Zordon became infinitely invincible and 1,000,000 times more powerful.   He brought the enervated Rangers back from the brink of completely plotzing from exhaustion.
‘Who’s laughing now ?’, Zordon questioned.   Before Low Key could run away, Zordon raised a finger and pointed it directly at him, zapping him to dust.   The Gauntlet, seemingly content with its task, folded itself up nicely into a neat little envelope and hovered into Thor’s pocket.  
‘It seems that we will be the ones taking this holy relic back home with us.  Nonetheless, it has been pleasurable fighting alongside thee.’, he commented.
‘Oh likewise.’, Kat said, admiring Thor and fangirling over him.   Tommy shook his head.
‘Women.’, he thought, chortling lightly.   


'Yeah, alright ! Reality's back to normal and those two creeps are history !', Herman exclaimed, clicking his heels together in jubilation.
'It certainly was quite the ride !', Conky replied.  SICO hugged him, twirling him around making him slightly dizzy.   Their children were celebrating, relieved that Low Key was no longer a problem for any of them.   The Avengers were gracious for everyone’s assistance but it was Zordon who had easily swept the floor with this villain, so easily in fact that he had made it look like child’s play.   He would have to return to cyndrillical form after fighting so long and hard but at least he had gotten the chance to walk around as a human being for once.

‘Man, I am totally beat.’, Zach complained.
‘No doubt.   I can’t wait to hit the sack.’, Skull agreed.   His best friend and cohort in shenanigans, Bulk, patted him on the back.
‘We’re both going to need a massage tomorrow.  My neck is killing me.’, he winced, rubbing his neck.   All the heroes had gone and went their separate ways. The friends had camped into their sleeping bags for the night after a traditional Lakota lullaby that lulled everyone into a deep, peaceful, restful sleep, which they all needed after getting their butts beaten so badly.    Sore and aching, the lot of them slept well into the night and dreamt of what the future would hold with comic book season and concerts just around the corner with the first breath of summer in the wind.

The End


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