Return to Themyscira
Synopsis: The Rangers and their other-universe compatriots return to Themyscira to witness the grand opening of the new headquarters on the island, a near-exact copy of their own in Angel Grove. Alpha and Hippolyta have designed it themselves. The other members of the JLA also attend as well.
Chapter 1--Return of the Warriors
Alpha was overly excited, nearly on the edge of tilting. Delta hadn’t seen him this avid since they had gotten married.
‘What’s going on ? You’re awfully ebullient today.’, Delta observed. Alpha waved an old fashioned letter back and forth that had been written on a golden scroll, sealed with Hippolyta's ring.
‘That’s Hippolyta's signet. I wonder what she wrote us for.’, Delta said.
‘Not for certain, I think we should gather everyone together to see what Hippolyta has written to us.’, Alpha retorted. Turning on the console, Zordon awoke, saw Hippolyta's signet in wax, and awakened everyone to HQ’s foyer.
‘Hey ! What’s going’ on ?’, Adam asked. Zordon read the communique from Hippolita and smiled widely.
‘They’re building a headquarters much like ours. It will be able to transport us there when they’re in need of our services.’, Zordon explained.
‘In fact, they’re going to be testing it out today.’, Pepper relayed as soon as she processed preliminary information that had come from her latest downloads off the computer. Before one more word could be uttered, they found themselves inside the Headquarters on Themyscira, unable to tell this version from their own.
Chapter 2--Carbon Copied
‘The only difference I can sense so far is the scent of the sea not far away.’, Aisha said, taking a deep breath. She had missed the smell of the ocean and sand. Zordon could jump from his location to theirs if it was necessary. In a moment’s notice, the Rangers and their robot friends were joined by the Amazons, who were extremely pleased with how accurate their measurements had been only from mathematical data alone.
'So, Power Rangers, are you pleased with the results ?', Hippolyta asked. Alpha walked towards the queen before turning to face the Rangers.
'The Queen and I have been working on this place for months. We apologize for keeping it from you, but we didn't want to worry you unnecessarily.', Alpha added. The fact that he had acted as if he knew nothing of the facility but he was always one who kept a secret locked tight. Besides, it was challenging to read his mood, being that he was a robot after all.
‘This is glorious. Very reminiscent of Byzantine architecture, but it maintains the Grecian style throughout.’, Amy complimented.
‘Where’s Diana ? Is she out riding somewhere with her sisters ?’, Jason asked. Hippolyta chortled. Of course Diana was out, but not with her sisters. It was Valentine’s Day, and she had been on a date with Superman and she had returned, a look of absolute rapture on her beatific face.
Chapter 3--A Welcome Sight
Diana was amazed at how immaculate the replica of Ranger HQ was.
‘Everything is as Alpha ordered. Mother, thank you for this gift ! I’m certain this will be useful in future battles.’, she marveled.
‘You haven’t missed anything. We were going to run some preliminary tests to see if the technology works.’, Delta responded. She flipped a switch and the console lit up, kaleidoscopic colors and sounds rhythmical rattling elicited whooping from everyone.
‘I personally think this calls for the biggest celebration we can think of. I know it is short notice, but I’ll rally some of the girls up to inform the rest of the Justice League. Everyone should know about this latest spectacle of technology.’, Hippolita said. In a flash, a small troop of Amazons rushed out and came thundering back with the whole Justice League just to see the end result of what Alpha had been instrumental in creating.
Chapter 4--An Amazonian Celebration
The Rangers had never been treated to an actual Amazonian festival before but this was something of spectacle. It was all about pomp and circumstance. Alpha and Delta were the true centerpieces of the fete. The two bots didn’t know what to make of all the attention being showered upon them but it felt outstanding being so appreciated. Every day, they had little moments but this one really overshadowed them all.
The crowning moment of the festival dealt with Alpha and Delta on liters through every village, city and town.
‘We’re being treated like royalty !’, Delta said, holding Alpha’s hand. She remembered how clasping his hand had felt and recalled that not long ago, they had consummated being together for 15 earth years. Delta wanted to announce that she and Alpha were about to embark upon the greatest adventure that any person or being could partake. Robots were never too old to become parents since they could always be upgraded and updated. Besides, they had waited long enough and both wanted to experience what it was like to have a little bot or bots of their own, but it was going to be an immense change to their laid-out, organized schedule.
Chapter 5--The Announcement
Alpha later called everyone over. He and Delta had decided that now was the time to announce their parenthood.
'Wait a second, Alpha. Are you sure you're ready for fatherhood like I was ?', Beta-1 asked.
'I agree.', ASIMO stated. Somnibot couldn’t contain her excitement and she hugged Delta from the side.
‘I can’t believe you’re going to be a mother ! I had been hoping you would be. I know you and Alpha are going to be spectacular parents.’, Pepper chirruped merrily.
The Rangers could hear the robots’ rabble from afar and wondered what they were rambling on about.
‘You’re not going to believe this, but Delta’s going to be a mother !’, Pashitea squealed. The ladies practically screamed with excitement over this incredible and fantastic news. Delta had wanted to be a mom for so long but it seemed neither the right time or place to have a family. Alpha knew it would transform their quiet world, but he had longed to become a father forever. Besides, he was hopeful that Edenoi would have an heir to rule it someday, maybe perhaps more than one heir.
Chapter 6--Departure
The Amazons were euphoric that their friends had been so tickled with the replica HQ and Delta’s latest revelation.
‘When are you expecting, then ?’, Hippolita asked. The Justice League had already left for the evening, all dispersed to their home cities, planets and dimensions, resting for another day of battle.
‘Perhaps sometime around April. At least that’s what the doctors are saying. I don’t feel any different yet !’, Delta said, her grin beatific. Alpha couldn’t keep his eyes off her, seeing how gossamer she was in the moonlight above them. It had become late and all of them were needed back home before the workday had begun. Bidding their friends goodnight, they stepped inside the teleporters and were instantly transported home to Angel Grove.
Another night in HQ for the Rangers and yet another night inside the recuperation chambers for the bot of the day, Alpha and his Queen. The two replayed the highlights of the day in their minds as well as the anticipation of the future. Alpha held his lovely wife and sighed.
‘It couldn’t be more perfect than what it is now. I think I finally understand what ‘love’ truly is, as well as ‘pride’ and ‘hope’.’, he mused as he kissed her neck gently before drifting to sleep himself. A watchful Zordon grinned peacefully. He yawned and whispered a hearty goodnight to his friends and companions before falling into a blissful slumber under the light of a new moon rising in the horizon.
The End
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