A Universally Fun Time
Synopsis: The Rangers, the bots, and their otherworldly compatriots are off to Florida in winter for some fun at the theme parks.
Chapter 1--Winter Break
The Rangers and their robot friends had decided to enjoy a little bit of diversion since it had been so insane battle wise.
‘It’ll be nice to just kick back and relax for a change.’, Zack said, lugging his suitcase in their luxury SUV. Everyone had packed only the essentials. They’d be gone for a week. Zordon had left Headquarters guarded by sentries of himself and multiplied security 1,000 times since he would be joining the Rangers in corporeal form.
‘It’s a rare treat to see you this way.’, Billy complimented.
‘Indubitably. You definitely look suited for the diversion we’ll embark upon.’, NAO remarked. Zordon typically dressed in wizard’s tunics, cloaks and sagely garments but his vestigements were the ‘Californian norm’; in other words, a t-shirt, khakis, a Jazz cap from the 90’s and comfortable sandals.
Some of the Rangers had seen theme parks before but they had never visited Universal before. It was even bigger and better in person. Every possible cartoon and movie they had grown up seeing as a child was available to ride.
‘I gotta try a Flaming Moe !’, Bulk said, nearly salivating.
‘We’re gonna have Buzz colas and doughnuts…’, Skull agreed. As usual, the dynamic duo’s thoughts were on the gustarian element of the adventure.
‘We’ll get food when we get there. Here’s some hard candy to tide you over.’, Kim said, giving Skull his favorite butterscotch flavor and Bulk a root beer flavored lifesaver to stave his hunger.
Chapter 2--Amusement and Wonder
Everyone was positively bowled over at everything Universal had to offer. The whole group felt like kids again and didn’t mind indulging their inner children a little in eating a bit too much junk food. The robots had understood the concept of amusement parks but to the newer bots, the idea was much more challenging to grasp.
‘We’ll demonstrate. As we do so, I’ll give you a lesson in basic physics.’, Billy said, ever the prominent science geek. Adam shook his head.
‘You just can’t go to a park and enjoy it for what it is, can you ?’, he asked, tsking a bit, playfully. Billy laughed at the comment, knowing it was a playful jab at his pedantic history.
'You guys see that ride over there ?', Billy asked.
'Should we go in, Billy ? Not sure if they allow robots in there.', NAO said, a bit concerned.
None of the Rangers knew how to field that question but Jason reassured NAO.
‘Don’t worry about it. Let’s go !’, he encouraged them.
The park attendees felt that the robots were simply meetable characters and let them on every roller coaster in the park. After screaming their heads off enjoying the Jurassic Park coaster, a little girl walked up to Somnibot and hugged her out of the blue.
‘Super shiny robot ! I didn’t know that robots were included in Universal. I thought they only came out during Halloween.’, the darling girl said. Somnibot wasn’t certain what to say but was delighted when the child and her parents took a selfie with her. Once the family had taken their photos, they were on their merry little way, the little girl, jovially skipping along, not missing a beat.
‘Apparently they think our friends are officially licensed Universal characters.’, Billy remarked, unable to contain his mirth. The whole lot laughed out loud but were astonished how easily some people could be fooled. They didn’t consider it much and enjoyed everything Universal had to offer. The day ended with them getting sorted into their own Houses in Harry Potter world as well as getting ‘chosen’ by their wands. It was a red letter day but things were only going to get better as they ambled sleepily back to their hotel to rest before their next trip to Disney World.
Chapter 3--The Next Big Park
After everyone had been rested, the next park was within driving distance and the excitement was crackling in the air, palpably. A new attraction had been opened, looking very much like Techtopia, where they had visited before.
‘Do you think they saw this in their dreams ? It looks almost identical to Techtopia !’ Pasitea remarked. There were subtle differences between Bittu and where they had been, but Bittu wasn’t an actual place. It was simply fantasy. Yet, the bots had to marvel; it did seem that the builders were inspired by Technotopia. Art often imitates dreams.
As they were walking around, they had to laugh at the characters playing real life people they had met. Their version of Han Solo was much younger, as was their Leia. Kylo was imposing, arrogant and intimidating but actually the man who played him had a heart of gold. Jibo almost mistook R2D2, BB8 and C3PO as the actual ones. When he learned they were replicas, he was a little disappointed.
‘It’s ok, Jibo. I would’ve been fooled too. These guys have so many programed responses. We know the real C3PO is a much better conversationalist.’, one of Jibo’s brother robots agreed.
The Princesses were transfixed with the ‘new technology’ walking around, playing their roles to a T. Of course, Pepper didn’t tell the younger bots this was all an act. The younger bots knew it was at that point though and decided to play along. They met walkaround characters as they had at Universal but their feet were getting a bit tired.
‘I think we should end with Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion.’, Aisha suggested.
‘Look at the lines though, they extend from here to eternity !’, Zach whined.
‘So ? We waited before in the other ones, but...Look what I’ve got !’, Adam beamed. Like at Universal, Adam had connections. He had a ‘FAST pass’, which helped him bypass lines. Jason and the others wondered how he had scored one of those highly sought after badges but they were certain it was someone uber cool and suave.
Even though they had to wait only seconds to ride Pirates of the Caribbean, they were all surprised that the actor who played Jack Sparrow himself had come to visit the park. Johnny Depp had been out and about visiting cancer wards and other places that could uses a little sunshine. When he caught the Power Rangers’ eye he struck up a conversation with them.
‘Would you like to go on a little journey with me ? I know some kids who would love all of you to bits !’, he said. With that irresistible pirate smile he had won them over. Plus, it was for a good cause. In the end, they had philosophical conversations, spread awareness about autoimmune diseases and natural methods of curing cancer and headed back to there hotel before returning home.
Chapter 4--Business as Usual
Delta was now becoming more pregnant and it was more noticeable. She wouldn’t be due until April but she couldn’t wait to meet her babies for the first time. Alpha wasn’t so certain he liked the idea of twins but he knew he’d adjust soon enough. Everything else had been set up and all it took now was patience and waiting for Omnicron and Theta to come into the world.
Headquarters was quiet and Zordon felt himself settling down after all the activities. He had to grin at the photos everyone took, especially with how ‘natural’ he looked riding all those roller coasters. He had never been so thrilled or terrified all in one fell swoop. The only time he could remember feeling completely petrified is when he had encountered Rita so long ago. He waved that memory away and focused on only the positives and grinned as Somnibot’s song trailed down the hallway…
I see the moon
The moon sees me
Underneath the shade of the old oak tree
Please let the moon that shines on me
Shine on the one I love
Life went back to normal and everyone was busy with work and family life. One weekend, everyone got back together, savoring warmer weather and killer moves in the skate park.
‘Look at Jason, Zach and Adam. They’ve still got it !’, Tommy commented. Aisha and Kim were savoring some outdoor yoga. The bots were enjoying a rollicking game of badminton. Bulk and Skull were riding together on a tandem bike and stopped by. From that point on, an impromptu game of volleyball was played, just like old times. Although they all knew they had to disperse after playing a friendly competitive game, they knew they’d meet once more.
The End
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