Search for the Lost Crown
Synopsis: Sonic and his siblings find themselves lost in a jungle while searching for the golden crown that belong to their mother. Along the way, they bump into and meet a nice guy named Kirk Fogg, who helps the three hedgehogs find exactly what they are looking for, which is hidden inside the temple of Olmec. Chapter 1—Suddenly, Excitement ! It was a relaxed rainy day when Cecil Tinker came to King Sonic with surreal news. ‘You’ll never believe what I’ve discovered !’, he said, showing them a map that he had uncovered during his research. After the events of the Revolution and growth of the Hedgehog line, everything had become lost in the shuffle, but since there was a quiet, zen moment, Cecil couldn’t help but display what he had gotten back to work on. He always kept his word, and in his way, he was redeeming his whole family for the mistakes his father and sister had made in times past. ‘Let me see ! No WAY ! ...