Upcoming Projects in 2022

 Currently I and BrightStar are penning a massive fictional multiverse or MFM.    This consists of many properties, both current and past.   It will be quite the undertaking and will include many shows and cartoons that are familiar as well as those that aren't currently well known by the public.   In this current fic, 'Mirrorverse', we will be introduced to 'Dark' versions of beloved characters, putting a twist on the iconic and heroic characters we know and love.    I have henceforth finished the 'Cryptid Crusader' series, but will be writing a 'Field Guide' to my creatures thus far.   This book can be edited and expanded.  

Currently, I have expanded the realm of my verbaenchantri.   My latest Verbaenchantrix is Violetta Pleadies.   She comes into the whole thing reluctantly, but realizes that there is a bigger boogeyman that needs to be taught a lesson in the grand scheme of what we all hold dear (our livilihoods).    I will be returning to the Nocturnals and adding a tongue and cheek motley brigade of superheroes known as the Freedom American Patrol, so sophomorically named by one of its more banal members.    

Himetsu will be written and I plan on recording music to Second Act, Man Alive !, Zombie Rose and penning A Goofy Musical and Upsical.    Of course, I will be recording music from Turf War: Dance Off.  I have no real means of getting to my keyboard at this time, so that makes the whole recording schmele a little more challenging than I'd like but I won't stop making music.   Even if it is just parodies (which I haven't done in a while) or a tribute to my parents, music will be forthcoming. 

Also BOLO for Switch Playthroughs.  That's right.  I said Switch Playthroughs.   I will be using a different user name (one I know but for the general public is TBD).   More creepy tales, more reviews and hopefully in the near future, music, stop motion and hand drawn animation.    

There's so much to cover here, but I will keep you up to date with all the recent happenings in my life like my upcoming trip to The Shamrock in March.   I will be meeting the infamous Roman Rich (a Route 66 historian), who will be turning the lights on at the Shamrock for the first time in a long time.  If that's not cool and monumental I don't know what is.   Luckily, I'll come across Justin Scarred, Adam the Woo and the Carpetbagger in my travels.   

Until then, that's all I have to state for now.  Until next time.  Ciao, tutti !  \\//


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