Quanta's Tale

Synopsis:   Introducing my latest STOC, Quanta.   She comes from Q’s royal lineage but is extremely helpful.   She loves being mischievous and playing pranks but loathes seeing others get hurt.   She is fiercely loyal to the Q, the Empire, and the Continuum.   She is an avenging angel and can seduce with her eyes, voice and looks.   

‘Friends don’t leave one another when they’re scared.  That’s when they need each other the most.’—Wolf to Margot, Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts, S3, E3, A Wolf in Wolf’s Clohting 

Chapter 1—Meeting Her Father 

Quanta wasn’t born in the typical way the Q normally are.   She resulted from the passionate explosion of a supernova going rogue.   There was death and life coinciding that day, which marked her first cry of life into the Universe.    She was blue haired and had the clearest blue eyes.    They twinkled with mercurial glee when she was found by none other than Q, whom she was related to.    Q tended to ‘get around’ as the rumors held.    He wasn’t ashamed of this, being polyamorous.    He had never seduced a galaxy successfully, but now, his royal daughter, Quanta, was born and floating into his arms.   

‘Quite the entrance, but I expected nothing less from you, Princess.’, he said, gently nuzzling his daughter’s nose with his.   What had once been tears streaming down her face and a barrage of wailing turned into delighted cooing.   

Q had been a father before, and seeing his new daughter was nothing out of the ordinary.   Like with every baby brought into the Continuum, she kept the ‘Balance’ of everything.   She was a Force to be reckoned with, but she wasn’t completely sardonic.   

Chapter 2—Mischievous Angel 

From the moment Quanta learned how to snap, she knew she could get into all sorts of trouble.   It was never malicious, but it always taught the recipient a lesson.    She soon came to realize that her gifts and talents bore intense responsibilities and reflected upon the Continuum and ‘Empire’.     Q already had a reputation, but Quanta represented the more malleable side of the Q.     

Quanta wasn’t above helping those who needed it, and a dark part of her savored punishing she deemed ‘amoebas deserving of burning in an acid lake’.     She could be cruel when it came to torture, but she didn’t prolong suffering.    She did exhibit mercy and when it came to death, she hated the whole process.     Unlike other beings, she was immortal.   She knew she would have the comfort of the Royals among her, but with humans it was different.   They typically went to Paradise or Hell.    They could come to the Contiuum if they wished, but in all actuality, the Continuum was a bit unusual and boring.    Quanta tended to venture outside of the ‘cornfield of the galaxy’ as often as she could.     

Chapter 3—The Wiles of the Siren 

Having God tier ability makes immortality bearable and with a family by your side, it certainly helps, particularly when there are days it feels that the negative outweighs the positive.   In the case of the Q, there are some that hector others, but Quanta is more so an agent of playfulness.   She’s never meanspirited in pranking others.   It’s all because she loves to have fun and never harm others in the pursuit of it.    

Quanta has been called the ‘Siren of the Universe’ or ‘Seductress’.   Oftentimes, she can get whatever she wants.   She may seem a bit haughty, lofty, or spoiled.    She’s competitive, loathes losing, but takes a loss with dignity and respect.   It is uncommon for her to lose at games of chance, fortune, or a roll of the dice because odds are forever in her favor.   When it comes to the wellbeing of the Galaxy, though, it is in good hands.   One day, she will reign the Continuum as ‘Supreme Empress’.   For now, she simply lavishes the responsibility of being a Princess and ‘Daddy’s favorite’.    


Quanta forever has stealth and strategy in her favor.   She is radiant, confident, poised and refined.   She is a connoiseur of ‘la vivre bon’ as the French so poetically say it.    It is unknown what she is currently doing in her vast immortality.   Maybe she has a pet tardigrade named Tully that goes with her wherever she goes ?   Who knows ?   Her pathway is not always a straight line and she tends to take the roads less travelled simply to see what possibilities open up to her.   


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